To Any BNB member Who has suffered a Miscarriage at Over 35

That is awful and all I can do is send you cyber hugs...:hugs::hugs: It is so awful when you see from the technician's face that the news is going to be bad, and you have had to go through that several times. Waiting for Monday is going to be so horrible. I do so feel for you.

It is so frustrating that they took so long to find out about the problem before. Of course, at the moment, you can only think of this one, whom you may be about to lose.

I hope you don't think it insensitive of me to say that even if the worst comes to the worst, you still have time to have a couple of babies yet. :dust:

By the way, this is no comfort to you - but you do look beautiful in your wedding photo!

looks like I am back again- M/C #2 within 6 months... :(

got the BFP April 3rd and started spotting Thursday and bleeding yesterday, ultrasound yesterday showed no gestational sac at 7 weeks 2 days.... but what I don't understand is until today- no real BIG clots and I truly haven't passed any big clots---

I would think I would have larger clots and more tissue being passed at 7 weeks.... unless I just wasn't as far along as we thougth I was...

Gotta wait for the blood work to come back

:cry:So sorry. :flower: That is such a disapointment. :hugs::hugs:
It is odd about the sac, I remember passing parts of it with really strong cramps and there was no way that you could miss it...
Thinking of you. I wish there was more that I could say.

LucindaE :hugs: thanks

No I had no real cramping either before I went to the doc's, that is what the WEIRD part was...

like I said I just gotta wait for the blood results.... my first appointment on April 7th the doc did no blood work.... WHY I have no idea- at least we could of known EXACTLY what my levels were and then compared them to the blood work on Friday....

but this being my 1st pregnancy (THAT I KNEW OF- 1st one I didn't know due to irregular periods) I trusted the doctor----next time and THERE WILL BE A NEXT TIME---- blood will be taken right away
That is the spirit. Of course there will be a next time! :flower:
Kelster, I am so sorry for your loss! Didn't they scan you a couple of weeks ago and saw everything? I also had two m/c's in 6 months, along the same time as you! This last one, I passed naturally. They scanned me at 5w4d and everything looked perfect, minus the heartbeat, which they said was too early. They also did not do bloods and, when I asked, he said there was no reason since he saw everything he needed to see in the scan. Three days later, I started spotting. The following day, heavy bleeding with very small clots. And, the day after that, I passed a very large clot that I didn't even feel and honestly would not have noticed if I didn't look for it. It was probably the size of my fist. The only "pain" I felt through this whole process was some pressure on my pelvic bone but it honestly didn't feel much different than normal pregnancy (I had an uneventful pregnancy in 2006, which resulted in a beautiful baby girl.)

They say the third time is a charm. Good luck!
just wanted to let you ladies know that I had three miscarriages, and it was always me who was poked, prodded and tested (I am 35). It turned out to be hubby with low testosterone, high FSH, thick viscosity, and only 3% normal sperm. Make sure your OH's get tested. It is only a simple test! Also, due to age, many doctors will test after your second or even first miscarriage, so check that out...don't wait for your third it you are over 35. After four years, and three m/c's, and finally going to a fertility clinic that got to the bottom of our issues, I am successfully pregnant. Your eggs aren't stamped OLD the day you turn 35 keep your chin up...and get hubby tested!!!
just wanted to let you ladies know that I had three miscarriages, and it was always me who was poked, prodded and tested (I am 35). It turned out to be hubby with low testosterone, high FSH, thick viscosity, and only 3% normal sperm. Make sure your OH's get tested. It is only a simple test! Also, due to age, many doctors will test after your second or even first miscarriage, so check that out...don't wait for your third it you are over 35. After four years, and three m/c's, and finally going to a fertility clinic that got to the bottom of our issues, I am successfully pregnant. Your eggs aren't stamped OLD the day you turn 35 keep your chin up...and get hubby tested!!!

Thanks, Jasmak. What did they do to correct OH's problem? I suspect he's the problem with us too but I do not know for sure. I turn 35 in two months and he's even younger (31.) I have looked some things up online to improve sperm quality within 72 days so we are trying that. Also, my doctor agreed to order the tests now for me, rather than waiting to m/c a third time. Hopefully, we'll get that sticky BFP by July (and my 35th birthday!)
just wanted to let you ladies know that I had three miscarriages, and it was always me who was poked, prodded and tested (I am 35). It turned out to be hubby with low testosterone, high FSH, thick viscosity, and only 3% normal sperm. Make sure your OH's get tested. It is only a simple test! Also, due to age, many doctors will test after your second or even first miscarriage, so check that out...don't wait for your third it you are over 35. After four years, and three m/c's, and finally going to a fertility clinic that got to the bottom of our issues, I am successfully pregnant. Your eggs aren't stamped OLD the day you turn 35 keep your chin up...and get hubby tested!!!

Thanks, Jasmak. What did they do to correct OH's problem? I suspect he's the problem with us too but I do not know for sure. I turn 35 in two months and he's even younger (31.) I have looked some things up online to improve sperm quality within 72 days so we are trying that. Also, my doctor agreed to order the tests now for me, rather than waiting to m/c a third time. Hopefully, we'll get that sticky BFP by July (and my 35th birthday!)

Well, a number of things, but almost everything you can do on your own right now.

He went on the South Beach diet to make sure that his sugar levels (no, he isn't diabetic) were stable. He was to lose weight...and he did, but I am not sure how much.

Hubby had to switch from tighty whities to boxers. He also had to avoid hot baths, hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms, bicycles etc...anything that affects the groin area. lol

He went on a vitamin supplement (over the counter...not prescription). The FS recommended a Men's specific one and it had to have zinc in it.

He was to ejaculate everyday. :haha: With or without me. Apparently that is good for the little swimmers. Mostly it was without me. :rofl: Hubby was quite pleased that he HAD to do it.

He went on a antibiotic for 6 weeks. He was actually still on these when we got pregnant. I am not sure what kind. It was for his thick viscosity (clumps too soon). Apparently that can be caused my an infection in the prostate.

With the above treatments (at home, which is nice) his sperm count went from 3% normal to 5% normal. 5% is the minimum my fertility clinic would do an IUI (washed and spun sperm injected with or without ovulation induction drugs). Since ultrasound scans revealed that I was already ovulating from both ovaries on my own (common in woman our age), we were going to do an IUI without drugs. Well, the above treatments did the trick because we were looking at a January 2010 IUI date, but got pregnant ON OUR OWN December 2009....after four years of infertility and recurrent miscarriage (three pregnancy losses and one was a set of twins using Clomid). This is why I am trying to inform women to get their OH's tested. Sure, it might not be the issue for you, but I would hate for anyone to go through four long painful years of heartache and losses like I had to, if it's as simple as OH jerking in a cup.

Remember this...40% of infertility or fertility related issues are MALE. Abnormal sperm can cause infertility and recurrent miscarriage.
Thank you so much for sharing. I found an article online that had the same exact suggestions, minus the IUI and antibiotic. My OH was tested about ten years ago (desperate college student, trying to sell his swimmers for money) and he was turned down. We did have our daughter a few years after that but I already know he's had problems in the past and I know that I ovulate from both ovaries because the last two pregnancies implanted on opposite sides. The article that I found gave a lot of great suggestions, including the ones you mentioned. I will post it here for anyone else that may suspect it's their OH:

We've made some changes that include adding a multivitamin with Zinc, cutting out all tobacco/recreational drugs, limiting alcohol and daily ejaculation. We also eliminated lubricants and we only use Preseed, since it's "sperm friendly." I hope that we have a similar outcome to you guys. Congratulations, by the way! The first trimester must have been grueling for you.
Thank you so much for sharing. I found an article online that had the same exact suggestions, minus the IUI and antibiotic. My OH was tested about ten years ago (desperate college student, trying to sell his swimmers for money) and he was turned down. We did have our daughter a few years after that but I already know he's had problems in the past and I know that I ovulate from both ovaries because the last two pregnancies implanted on opposite sides. The article that I found gave a lot of great suggestions, including the ones you mentioned. I will post it here for anyone else that may suspect it's their OH:

We've made some changes that include adding a multivitamin with Zinc, cutting out all tobacco/recreational drugs, limiting alcohol and daily ejaculation. I hope that we have a similar outcome to you guys. Congratulations, by the way! The first trimester must have been grueling for you.

Yes, the first trimester was difficult, being very nervous of course.

We also have children. We have two. This is the biggest reason they didn't want to test OH. We had two children (together) and I was getting pregnant....they said it couldn't be him. Turns out, there was nothing wrong with me at all. Don't give up!!! Hang in there. I know this road, and it's long and difficult, but the end feels really worth it all. :hugs:
Kelster, I am so sorry for your loss! Didn't they scan you a couple of weeks ago and saw everything? I also had two m/c's in 6 months, along the same time as you! This last one, I passed naturally. They scanned me at 5w4d and everything looked perfect, minus the heartbeat, which they said was too early. They also did not do bloods and, when I asked, he said there was no reason since he saw everything he needed to see in the scan. Three days later, I started spotting. The following day, heavy bleeding with very small clots. And, the day after that, I passed a very large clot that I didn't even feel and honestly would not have noticed if I didn't look for it. It was probably the size of my fist. The only "pain" I felt through this whole process was some pressure on my pelvic bone but it honestly didn't feel much different than normal pregnancy (I had an uneventful pregnancy in 2006, which resulted in a beautiful baby girl.)

They say the third time is a charm. Good luck!

Thanks... :hugs:

nope last Friday was the 1st ultrasound due to the bleeding and I found out today that I was WAY earlier then I though

My BETA levels on Friday were only 98.... I started spotting on Thursday- bled Friday morning but NO CRAMPS til mid afternoon...vled heavy with cramps on Saturday, bled yesterday with a few clots nothing large, and today just bled no clots at all.... my progestrone levels are VERY LOW though... only at 1.. so he prescribed me some pills....

wait a minute you were in the Dec Dreamers thread right???? I only posted in there a few times... LOL couldn't keep up with it... but you mean you too????

if yes I AM SOOOOOOOOOO VERY SORRY and very sorry if I missed your post
Thanks Lucinda for the comments on the photo.. it was from when we renewed our wedding vows after 10 years of marriage in Oct 09.:kiss:

Well, had my scan yesterday and again it wasn't good news. :cry: There had been growth, but not much and still no HB... they are convinced it is a MMC, but have agreed to scan me next Wed, as I am not bleeding or in pain and because I ov late. Really not much hope. They will book me in for surgery if there is nothing on this next scan. More waiting and less and less hope for no 4.:nope:

The sonographer said I wasn't too old to try again, that many women are well into their 40's before they have children. She laughed when I grumped that I was too old to put myself through this anymore and said I was still young and had more years left to try.

OH is already planning what will happen after I lose this one.... this is the way he deals with things... he gets busy doing other things, skims over the bad stuff and concentrates on what we are going to do next. I asked him how he was feeling and he said he was worried about me and has already accepted that we have lost this one. Makes we wonder why I am bothering to wait for Wednesday?...:cry:

That is awful and all I can do is send you cyber hugs...:hugs::hugs: It is so awful when you see from the technician's face that the news is going to be bad, and you have had to go through that several times. Waiting for Monday is going to be so horrible. I do so feel for you.

It is so frustrating that they took so long to find out about the problem before. Of course, at the moment, you can only think of this one, whom you may be about to lose.

I hope you don't think it insensitive of me to say that even if the worst comes to the worst, you still have time to have a couple of babies yet. :dust:

By the way, this is no comfort to you - but you do look beautiful in your wedding photo!

Well, had my scan yesterday and again it wasn't good news. There had been growth, but not much and still no HB... they are convinced it is a MMC, but have agreed to scan me next Wed, as I am not bleeding or in pain and because I ov late. Really not much hope. They will book me in for surgery if there is nothing on this next scan. More waiting and less and less hope for no 4

ohh noooooooooooooo I am so sorry :hugs: ---- just don't get it............... me with 2 and within two months.. and now possibly my sister in law too and we were both so excited because we were only due a week apart.. she has brown spotting and went for the ultrasound yesterday found the sac but nothing in it... like i told her maybe she is just not far along as she thinks she is....

BE STRONG PADBRAT!!!!!!!!!!! thinking of you
If you don't mind me asking Bradpat how old are you? I take it from your comments that you are over 40?

My OH wants to try again asap, but I am not so sure...
Oh Kelstar I am trying to be strong, but I just feel so tired and fed up with it all now. This waiting is killing me and there is less and less hope.

I am so sorry that you and your SIL are going through m/c. One thing I am thankful for is that I am now in contact with people like you who know exactly how I feel. Hubby tries to understand, but he never can really. He told me not to be too upset if this is the start of the m/c... I told him that was the most stupid thing he had ever said and did he really understand what was happening? I think it is because he was away both times when I m/c before and so doesn't realise how terrible it is.

Hi Sparky, nope not over 40, but feel like I am over 80 right now... turned 38 in March. Why aren't you sure, if you don't feel ready then wait.
Oh Kelstar I am trying to be strong, but I just feel so tired and fed up with it all now. This waiting is killing me and there is less and less hope.

I am so sorry that you and your SIL are going through m/c. One thing I am thankful for is that I am now in contact with people like you who know exactly how I feel. Hubby tries to understand, but he never can really. He told me not to be too upset if this is the start of the m/c... I told him that was the most stupid thing he had ever said and did he really understand what was happening? I think it is because he was away both times when I m/c before and so doesn't realise how terrible it is.

oh I know I know.. I am tired of it too..:hugs:. I'll be 40 this year and feel like I do not have much time left, which I know is bogus but still.... My hubby just turned 41 and at this point if I do get preggos again, he will be looking at being a 1st time dad at 42.. WOW...

I know that is not a OLD AGE either but :: SIGHS :: I just don't know how to explain it...... :nope:

no unfortunately they really don't understand what we are going thru

but do NOT let this beat you. ....... you just can't.... we'll get thru this
Kelster... I am 38 and I too feel like I am running out of time... when I grumped about this to the sonographer she truly laughed at me (not in a bad way) and told me I have plenty of time... does that reassure you as well? I hope so.:hugs:

The funny thing is until now (and I feel really old and tired now :cry:) I don't feel my age... I sometimes forget it... maybe that is old age creeping up on me!! Am going batty!! LOL:dohh:

You are def right Kelster, we will get through this - we always do, that is why women bear the children and men don't, they couldn't hack it! (said in a caring, I know and love my man way... and not meant to offend any OH's, BF's etc at all) LOL

You cheer me up, thank you! :kiss:
YEPPERS sure does reassure me... my doctor has yet to say to me anything about my age but I am waiting.. :lol:

I don't feel like I wil be 40.. and I sure do not act like it either.... sometimes I think we are still only 25.. me and hubby have been togther since 1990- married since 1994- and up until last year did I ever become pregnant... so I still think that hmmmm we have time... and I guess I gotta keep that thought ALIVE....

oh I told my DH I WISH you could go thru this just once and see.. of course he said, umm nope, nope don't think soooo... I WUV him.. he is to cute

you are most welcome for cheering u up... that is what we are here for, this place has helped me get thru this

(((((((( BIG ASS HUGES ))))))))))
Girls, :hugs::hugs: I feel your pain. :cry:As you know, I was partly there myself -though I only had one m/c that I am sure of - and it is truly horrible, but you mustn't give up on those babies.
I know OH's can't really be much help with mc's - mine had the idea that talking about it made it worse, gave me money to buy new clothes, etc...:dohh:
I can't wait until you come back on here to say that you are suffering from m/s...I had a nice little run in with Hyperemesis with my successful pregnancy, and it goes without saying that I would have chosen the HG over a miscarriage any day...

What do people think of Homeopathy? After my m/c I went and saw one and he gave me something supposedly to help any hormonal imbalance. I did conceive again really quickly, but I have heard rumours that that can happen after a D and C, though I don't see
it should.

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