To find out the sex or not?


Pregnant with #1
Aug 28, 2013
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Was just wondering what people have decided on the finding out the sex front?

I have always said I wanted to know and hubby is adamant he doesn't. Now I'm pg he's said he'll leave it up to me and I must admit I'm starting to think I want a surprise...

I just keep thinking why do I need to know before baby is here?

Nursery would be decorated in neutral colours even if we knew and I'm not into the whole 'pink for a girl, blue for a boy' thing so its not like I'd be buying 'gender specific' clothing anyway.

And I can't think of a single reason why I NEED to know?

Anyone's thoughts on this? X
I was adamant I didnt want to know and my OH does but Im starting to come round as even though its not all pink/blue things in shops, the unisex clothes are few and far between. Also, even if you have a boy or a girl, chances are people would bring you gender specific clothes and you'll never put the unisex clothes on it!

I just dont want us to know and then call the baby the name before its even here, thats my only stipulation if we find out! xx
We found out with first as we were nosey and wanted to be able to call bump he or she. We do have some gender specific clothing since hes almost a year old and we have kept everything so were also going to try and find out this time so we know exactly which clothes to keep
We've said from before I was pregnant that we wouldn't find out. I always love hearing the news of the sex from other people if they don't find out and I'd love the surprise myself. I know DH is going to find this tough now that it's a reality but he still wants the surpise as well. Only thing is that I want to have a 4D scan and I'm unsure if we can just say don't show us THAT region! DH says we'll get there and curiousity will take over but I'm hoping we'll stay strong. There isn't a lot of choice for gender neutral clothes (mainly white/beige whereas i'd like something a bit more colourful) but I figure we won't buy that much and buy more once the baby has been born, plus we'll get gifts etc.

I agree with the Lilmor that I personally wouldn't like to name the baby before I've met it. I have no idea why I feel like that but I remember my friends didn't name their baby for a few days and I quite liked that they got to know her first. I don't think I'll be like that but think we'll have two choices of each sex so we can decide when we meet him/her.
We've said from before I was pregnant that we wouldn't find out. I always love hearing the news of the sex from other people if they don't find out and I'd love the surprise myself. I know DH is going to find this tough now that it's a reality but he still wants the surpise as well. Only thing is that I want to have a 4D scan and I'm unsure if we can just say don't show us THAT region! DH says we'll get there and curiousity will take over but I'm hoping we'll stay strong. There isn't a lot of choice for gender neutral clothes (mainly white/beige whereas i'd like something a bit more colourful) but I figure we won't buy that much and buy more once the baby has been born, plus we'll get gifts etc.

I agree with the Lilmor that I personally wouldn't like to name the baby before I've met it. I have no idea why I feel like that but I remember my friends didn't name their baby for a few days and I quite liked that they got to know her first. I don't think I'll be like that but think we'll have two choices of each sex so we can decide when we meet him/her.

For our gender neutral colours we hand white, beige, yellow, green, purple and patteren (you know like rainbows or polka dots as a small amount of pink or blue never harmed opposite sex babies)

A family friend gives us clothes for our boy as her boy is just hitting age 2 and she doesn't plan anymore. So if it ends up we have a girl this time we'll keep the denims and joggy bottoms but not the shorts or tops with sayings like 'daddys main man'
1st pregnancy I wanted to find out but hubby didn't and promised we could find out next time. So we didn't find out and I hated it! I hated not knowing for sure. I had a gut feeling we were having a little boy to the point where id say 'oh he just kicked me' etc and sure enough he was a boy. So I don't get that 'surprise it's a boy' feeling.
2nd bub found out and loved finding out and I felt I bonded quicker knowing for sure my baby was a boy :)
At the end of the day it doesn't matter when you find out.
But this time I'm tossing up as to if I'm going to find out or not because its our last bub and we have two little boys already so yeah I'm really not sure, I know it would drive me nuts not finding out but I want to cherish every moment of this pregnancy.
We wanted to know with our first, but even when we found it was a boy we only bought white stuff and he lived in that for like 3 months lol - so new and pure!

I think we'll find out again this time too - the private gender scan was one of my nicest pregnancy experiences and I'd like that again, and we'll take DS along so he can figure out that there is a baby in mummys tummy!
That's a good point about the clothes- I was in Tesco this morning having a little look around the baby clothes and there was just a handful of neutral stuff for newborns!

And I'd like a 4d private scan as my friend had one with both of hers and recommended it, saying it was the best thing she ever did!

I reckon we'll find out, we are both naturally nosey people and it'd be nice to say 'he or she'.
However that's a good point about the names- we've got a very set idea of what the name will be for both, but its true that when you meet baby, the name doesn't always suit he/she.

Hmm... It's got me thinking...
That's a good point about the clothes- I was in Tesco this morning having a little look around the baby clothes and there was just a handful of neutral stuff for newborns!

And I'd like a 4d private scan as my friend had one with both of hers and recommended it, saying it was the best thing she ever did!

I reckon we'll find out, we are both naturally nosey people and it'd be nice to say 'he or she'.
However that's a good point about the names- we've got a very set idea of what the name will be for both, but its true that when you meet baby, the name doesn't always suit he/she.

Hmm... It's got me thinking...

My boy was dearran James as a bump and named it at birth too. Baby clothes there's a better range in Primark and it lasts longer x
My boy was dearran James as a bump and named it at birth too. Baby clothes there's a better range in Primark and it lasts longer x

I remember from when I worked in Primark many moons ago, how good their baby clothes range was- so much choice and so cheap!
Totally only sizes are and issue. My boy is 11 months but in Primark hes 18-24months but the clothes are durable and cheap. I love them
I didn't find it out with my first and everyone said throughout I was carrying a boy so a girl was a gorgeous surprise! With second sonographer told me by accident as being scanned regularly and she said 'she is doing well' and again another girl although carried totally different to first girl, third baby was also a girl but to a new partner I didn't want to find out sex as wanted a surprise again but husband wanted to so gave in. I wish I hadn't because I'm ashamed to say I cried at the appointment I think this was partly to do with hormones but I felt like I had let him down and like I couldn't give him a son. I LOVE having three girls and this time round hope that I have another girl. I don't think I would know what to do with a boy! (He totally loves having a daughter) But I know if I hadn't found out with number three in advance I would not have had that reaction after going through labour I would have been thrilled she was healthy and a nice quick labour ;) so this time I don't want to find out! Although i know people are going to be like vultures with thE "are you hoping for a boy" questions.
Yes I imagine we'll get all that if we don't find out. For both sets of parents its the first grandchild so I imagine they'll want to know!

And interestingly enough, girls run in my family (out of 7 cousins on dads side- I boy, and out of 6 on mums side- again 1 boy!) whereas boys are more common in hubby's (he has a sister and that's it on both side of his families- all boy cousins and there's a lot of them!) plus there's the added fact that all my cousins who have babies have had only girls and on hubby's side only boys!

So we should balance each other out, so to speak!

We have other said we don't mind either way, just a healthy baby is enough :) and its the first, so we don't have a preference :)

(Having said that, we'd like 2 kids and I'd love the boy to be first, just cos I believe the boy should be older to protect his younger sister at school etc. silly I know!)
Im staying team yellow. I can't find any justification to find out early and like others have said its nice to have the excitement when they are delivered. We are not revealing our names to anyone neither so both the gender and the name be a lovely surprise for everyone :)

I am big on neutral clothes to start with anyway :)
Lol Hun dearran was the first boy born into my family since 1700's. I know my maternal great gran was 1 of 15 girls. Gran is 1 of 12. Mum 1of 2 girls. My generation myself and 2 sisters. My aunt has 5 girls.... Lol

Surprises are good we just 'wanted' to know
Our first was a surprise (Team Green!) which was amazing!!! OH thought for sure he was a girl, but I just knew he was a boy (mamas instinct lol!). But it was a great surprise finding out at the birth.

With our second (and this one) we will be finding out. I have other kids who we will be telling about the coming baby and I want to talk about the baby as their new brother or sister. I find it helps make it more real for them. Especially since my son is always going on about how he wants a brother and NOT a sister! I want to give him some time to absorb if it turns out to be another girl LOL :haha:
I am for sure finding out!!! I am WAY to impatient to not know haha and I am praying for a girl this time around so OH can have a daddy's girl <3 (since my son is such a mommy's boy haha)
Plus It really helps me prepare for everything. I mean, big things like Crib stuff, nursery stuff etc will be gender nuteral like my sons (owl stuff n I want the new baby to have owl stuff too!) but I want to buy girly cloths lol even if I give birth and it turns out the nurse was wrong thats okay lol OMG I WANT TO KNOW RIGHT NOW! haha
We definitely want to find out the gender! I can't handle suspense :haha:
Ill find out for the simple fact that I probably wouldn't be able to resist at the scan. And I love the pink/blue stuff so if I have a girl this time I think I'll defiantly go pink mad haha x

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