Most likely everyone that hasn't had a preemie will say 'every child deserves to be here'...yes they do, everyone deserves a chance at life, and that wasn't the whole point of the programme, it was only part of it...the biggest point for me was' when do we stop intervention?'...and that in my eyes; is when that child is suffering and will continue suffering...would you want to watch your child in constant pain?
NICU & SCBU is such a hard place to be, emotionally and physically, it is bloody soul destroying day after day, you feel helpless, and such immense guilt that your baby is born too early, too small and too sick, even with those babies in there that have a pretty starightforward journey it is still heartbreaking watching them being poked, prodded and subjected to so many things no person that small should ever have to have no way of knowing if your baby is hurting (as an adult it hurts me when they stick needles in me) so a tiny baby it is hurting even more.
There has to be a cut off at some point, yes fight for your child, give them the chance of life...but at what cost?