Today my toddler threw a tantrum because...


May 5, 2014
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Some yoghurt landed on his shoe
A dog barked at him
He wanted milk so I got him some milk
I read him a story and he liked it
The house plant fell over (he knocked it over)
His porridge was warm
He chose a blue shirt but then didn't want a blue shirt
He wasn't allowed to paint on his (now non-blue) shirt
He wasn't allowed to play on the neighbours' lawns
I offered him some raisins

Well, my preschooler threw a tantrum today because:

* Her pants weren't all the way flat on her legs.
* She asked me to cut a string on her pants, then wouldn't let me near them with scissors, and then wanted me to cut the string off her pants.

I don't think Leo threw any tantrums this morning before I left for work, but he certainly is starting to throw them. Usually it's over something like not being allowed to get into something he shouldn't be getting into.
Love the image of Violet realising that without scissors she's still left with the dreaded pants string!

You're lucky Leo's haven't reached mammoth proportions yet. Zach's are getting worse and worse. I think it's the transition to nursery, he's still processing it plus he keeps catching horrible colds from there. This morning wasn't quite so bad but he did throw one in the library because he opened a book and it was upside down! Needless to say we left pretty quickly

The first warning sign is his little legs start stomping and seconds after that it's in full-blown meltdown mode and can last up to 50 minutes. All good fun!
because I took the dog out to pee this morning. literally opened the front door and screamed at me across the yard for 5 minutes at 6 am
My preschooler threw tantrums yesterday because:
He wanted to zip up his coat even though I said yes, he can zip up his coat.
One of his fries did not have ketchup on it.
His brother blew him a kiss.
He dropped his humus.
He wanted his milk to be blue not white....

My toddler threw a tantrum yesterday because:
The cat ran away when he was petting(torturing) it.
I wouldn't let him unplug items from outlets.
I gave him dinner.
We had to leave music class when it was over.
A book which he deemed a hat would not stay on his head.
So stressful isn't it. Holly went through a bad stage of tantrums last year. One of her worst was when I told her that she didn't have chicken pox! :wacko:

-Because I wouldn't let him touch a hot oven!
- I told him the cats name is daisy
- his biscuit broke (he broke it on purpose)
Haha kids are so funny.
Today Rio had a complete meltdown in argos because I told him I'd got him a fireman suitcase and he just wanted a fireman CASE. Now he won't accept that what he's got is a fireman case and just keeps telling everyone he can that I got the wrong thing because this is a fireman SUITCASE. Sigh.
Ok mine are in school now but that doesn't mean tantrums are over.

One of my twins threw a screamfest in the car yesterday evening when he realised that the two ham and cheese sandwiches he consumed in A&E (he is fine) were in fact not a snack but his dinner and that no, I was not going to make him chips and nuggets when we got home.
Ok mine are in school now but that doesn't mean tantrums are over.

One of my twins threw a screamfest in the car yesterday evening when he realised that the two ham and cheese sandwiches he consumed in A&E (he is fine) were in fact not a snack but his dinner and that no, I was not going to make him chips and nuggets when we got home.

:haha:Haha, that's so funny, my husband actually threw a similar tantrum today.
Glad he's OK.
We went to pick dh up from work and ds wanted to go in and see daddy's friends to show them his dinosaur but they'd all left already. Poor thing was distraught!

He threw a tantrum because we said he could have a Thomas rail set for his birthday!

He then got upset that he couldn't bump down the stairs as his bottom wasn't working 😂
Where to start lol.

Dd1 had a tantrum as I wouldn't let her play out the back (her friend was coming over)
DD2 has one every five minutes! Terrible twos are here ha ha
We've been up for three hours and so far we've had crying/tantrums for the following,
He couldn't walk properly in his grobag
He didn't want to take his grobag off
He wanted to be carried to the living room
I put his milk in his peppa cup and he wanted his jaff (giraffe) cup
I poured his milk into his giraffe cup (wtf??)
All topped off with a full on meltdown because I wouldn't let him jump and somersault head first off our tall bed onto the hard floor.

It's going to be a long day.

Yesterday was pretty good just mini stamping feet tantrums with minor crying when he realised we were heading back to the car after a walk in the park (morning and afternoon) and a small incident of sitting on the ground screaming No no no when I wanted to leave the park.
Hoping he doesn't get worse when he actually hits the terrible twos, he's only 17 months!
...I won't let her boss me around."

Phrases like "don't talk to daddy" and "no, you do this" or "don't do..." *fill in the blank* are pretty consistent these days. She is a character.
he did wanted to eat the entire bread - not a half of it ! what a drama !

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