Tooth extraction


Mummy to Sophia
May 28, 2010
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My daughter is 7 and having a molar pulled tomorrow we've been battling with it since she cracked it when she hit her chin on a table a couple years ago. She's had it filled 3 times (the filling wont stay in her tooth) the last time it wasnt cleaned out properly before they filled it so it's become infected. Last week we went in as she was in a lot of pain and her gum around it was very swollen and she's been on antibiotics since, dentist said it's very likely to keep getting infected and could affect her adult tooth so it needs to come out. Daughters starting to get a bit nervous, my biggest worry is the injection as she's chosen to have our normal dentist do it instead of going to the hospital. They're goijg to use numbing gel first beforenthe injection but someone told me it doesnt work.

I'm hoping i made the right decision letting her choose and that it doesnt scare her away from the dentist as she's always been so good, never needed injections for her filling being done or anything. A bit worried about after care too.

She has some additional needs that we are in the process of getting diagnosed and gets worried when she can't eat her normal food and i told her she's not allowed to drink from any of her drinks bottles (as they all have straws and it can dislodge the clot) the first few days which she got a bit upset about. But we've made a deal that we'll go for burger king (her favourite takeaway) and will get her a special new cup for at home.

Anyone elses kids had a tooth pulled? How did they do with it? did you do any particular aftercare?

I read about getting her to gargle salt water after a day or so but there's no chance i will be able to get her to do that. So any ideas on foods and things would be great
Awww. I hope she's ok after extraction. Infection is the worst ever and I have made similar decisions myself.

My eldest has a chipped front tooth from school swimming lessons - I was fuming! Thankfully no problems but I found her fillings were being done every couple of months until I changed her dentist to private and it's been in since last summer! Thankfully it's caused no other problems.

Thank you. We very nearly ended up going hospital instead but got it out on the last go.

It was very traumatic and not something i can imagine she'll agree to again. Shes very sensory so the feeling of the tooth being pushed and pulled and the numb face really upset her. Thankfully she is healing well and is happy now it's done.

Though she lost the tooth next to it tonight which caused a meltdown as she cant deal with wobbly teeth but i think it may have been a bit wobbly already and the dentist accidentally helped it along
Aw brave girl <3

Hope she has no more problems x

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