Torn - help??

So sorry about my late reply. I unfortunately got high risk results for downs syndrome so we are waiting on some new results of the harmony test so not in the best place at the moment.
We have our gender scan a week on Saturday so I hope I get my results b4 that and I'm praying they come back all good and baby doesn't have it then I can get excited for finding out gender
Sorry to hear that!! Fingers crossed for good news after the next tests!
So I went for my 20 week scan I was feeling 100% about not knowing. Then my friend sent me this saying she thinks it’s the gender and now I’m torn all over again - she said if it is it’s clearly a boy and I just don’t want to get my hopes up ](*,)](*,)](*,)

It's so hard to say. My friend recently had our little group guess what her babies gender was from a side profile scan at 16 weeks and I was the only one who said girl. Most of the others were even pointing out that they could see a scrotum. She is having a girl. I CAN see what your friend might think is the baby boy parts, but purely because of that experience above I wouldn't want to get your hopes up just in case.
It's so hard to say. My friend recently had our little group guess what her babies gender was from a side profile scan at 16 weeks and I was the only one who said girl. Most of the others were even pointing out that they could see a scrotum. She is having a girl. I CAN see what your friend might think is the baby boy parts, but purely because of that experience above I wouldn't want to get your hopes up just in case.
Thanks I was feeling fine and I had grown okay with it but now she’s said that to me it’s made me question all over again
It's such a tough choice when you have such riding on it. I always wish I hadn't found out with my first. I would have been so happy to hear "it's a boy" after he was born, and then I would have had that experience without worrying about my reaction if I wait

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