Tot M(o/u)ms Buddy Group

Hi hi! Mind if I join you lovely ladies?

I'm Sonal, I'm 23. I have a little boy called Dillan. He has just turned 1. And is a cheeky monkey. I have been with OH nearly 4 years, but have known him since secondary school. We were together at 16, broke up lost contact for 3 or 4 years, and thanks to an email, got back in contact. Its all very soppy. We have a dog, called ruby, or raw raw as LO calls her. I love my little family.

Hope to get to know u all. And make some mummy friends.

Pip pip onk onk (we watch tooooooo much itng here)
A big HI to all the new mummies! :flower:

I still have no washing machine - DH is NOT being pro-active about sorting a new one so it's no doubt left to me as usual! :growlmad:

LO is having a nap, DH is irritating me and SS is being annoying and arguementative........not the best of days!!!!

I hope things are better where you all are! :hugs:
I'm loving the birth stories! obviously don't like reading how difficult it has been for some of you! :nope:
Here's my birth story:

My water satrted leaking at 39+2 while i was cooking dinner and they were a little blood stained so i i called hospital and they asked me to come in, I had an internal (which was really traumatic as i suffer with involuntry muscle spasming so im not great with this kind of thing). I was 1cm dilated so got sent home.
The contractions were getting quite intense after being home for about an hour and i wasn't coping well so i went back to hospital, when 4 hours was up from the last examination i was examined again, the midwife had already asked me what pain relief i wanted and i was adimant i wanted an epidural (Why oh why :dohh:).
So i had got to 5-6 cms dilated and was allowed my epidural, by this point i was making a lot of noise and being sick and panicking so the epidural was such a relief!!
My contractions slowed down and i was on a drip and it took 9 hours to get to 10cms which was fine because i was in no pain. i was told i could start pushing so i did but 2 hours later he just wasn't budging, so i was taken to theatre and told they were going to try forceps and i had 3 pushes to get him out or they would do a c section. it was so scary being surrounded by so many people and my husband looked so worried, but when i was told to push i tried my hardest and he came out in 2 pushes ( baby Leo 12:28pm 18th march 2011) and although i didn't feel the pain i could feel the sensation (if that makes sense) of him coming out and it was so over whelming! he was absolutely gorgeous and me and DH were so emotional it was lovely :cloud9:

Here's where the difficult bit starts, ill try and keep it simple.
later that day he was taken to special care as they were worried about infection, that was horrible, i was in a lot of pain once the epidural wore off and couldn't really move, i was wheeled down to feed him every 3 hours and it was a really difficult time because he wasn't latching well so i pumping and using nipple shields.
I hated my stay in hospital which was 4 days, Leo was fine the results came back as no infection after 2 days. but the nurses were really unsupportive and made me feel stupid if i asked a question.
I cried all the way home from hospital, i guess i was just scared as i had a rough night with him the night before which was the first night he was with me. i had to go back to hospital 2 days later as i had trouble weeing just got told to drink more. the first couple of weeks were hard and breastfeeding was a challenge for about 8 weeks, i continued for 7 months but had to give up as my pelvic floor was really weak and i had a lot of pain when standing (due to some lack of hormone when breastfeeding), i work as a hairdresser and was going back when lo was 9 months so i wouldn't of been able to stand for 2-3 hours let alone all day.
I had problems for about 9 months with my episiotomy scar but had some scar tissue removed so that helped, and also had a lot of problems going for no. 2 :blush: for about 9 months from pushing for 2 hours in labour.

All is well now and Leo is doing really well he's such a cheeky monkey.
just realised i've written a life story instead of birth story :haha:

TySonNMe- just noticed that you're from florida! I love florida, we would move there if we were rich :thumbup:
Hi Sonal! Welcome!!

I still have no names for our group LoL.

Lisa, Yeah, it's nice here. I've lived here since I was 7, but OH and I both want to move to Tampa at some point when the economy gets better.

So how was everyone's weekend? Mine was pretty good. We got some cleaning done, spent some time with Jackson, we were outside a lot because the weather was so nice. Oh, I'm usually on Monday-Friday but the weekends I don't have a lot of time to check in as I'm busy running around with errands and Jackson.
A big HI to all the new mummies! :flower:

I still have no washing machine - DH is NOT being pro-active about sorting a new one so it's no doubt left to me as usual! :growlmad:

LO is having a nap, DH is irritating me and SS is being annoying and arguementative........not the best of days!!!!

I hope things are better where you all are! :hugs:

Sorry to hear you still had no washing machine, have you managed to sort one out now or get a new one??? If not, how have you been drying all your clothes? Maiden, line? Either way its still a bit of a ball ache isn't it! :dohh:

I'm loving the birth stories! obviously don't like reading how difficult it has been for some of you! :nope:
Here's my birth story:

My water satrted leaking at 39+2 while i was cooking dinner and they were a little blood stained so i i called hospital and they asked me to come in, I had an internal (which was really traumatic as i suffer with involuntry muscle spasming so im not great with this kind of thing). I was 1cm dilated so got sent home.
The contractions were getting quite intense after being home for about an hour and i wasn't coping well so i went back to hospital, when 4 hours was up from the last examination i was examined again, the midwife had already asked me what pain relief i wanted and i was adimant i wanted an epidural (Why oh why :dohh:).
So i had got to 5-6 cms dilated and was allowed my epidural, by this point i was making a lot of noise and being sick and panicking so the epidural was such a relief!!
My contractions slowed down and i was on a drip and it took 9 hours to get to 10cms which was fine because i was in no pain. i was told i could start pushing so i did but 2 hours later he just wasn't budging, so i was taken to theatre and told they were going to try forceps and i had 3 pushes to get him out or they would do a c section. it was so scary being surrounded by so many people and my husband looked so worried, but when i was told to push i tried my hardest and he came out in 2 pushes ( baby Leo 12:28pm 18th march 2011) and although i didn't feel the pain i could feel the sensation (if that makes sense) of him coming out and it was so over whelming! he was absolutely gorgeous and me and DH were so emotional it was lovely :cloud9:

Here's where the difficult bit starts, ill try and keep it simple.
later that day he was taken to special care as they were worried about infection, that was horrible, i was in a lot of pain once the epidural wore off and couldn't really move, i was wheeled down to feed him every 3 hours and it was a really difficult time because he wasn't latching well so i pumping and using nipple shields.
I hated my stay in hospital which was 4 days, Leo was fine the results came back as no infection after 2 days. but the nurses were really unsupportive and made me feel stupid if i asked a question.
I cried all the way home from hospital, i guess i was just scared as i had a rough night with him the night before which was the first night he was with me. i had to go back to hospital 2 days later as i had trouble weeing just got told to drink more. the first couple of weeks were hard and breastfeeding was a challenge for about 8 weeks, i continued for 7 months but had to give up as my pelvic floor was really weak and i had a lot of pain when standing (due to some lack of hormone when breastfeeding), i work as a hairdresser and was going back when lo was 9 months so i wouldn't of been able to stand for 2-3 hours let alone all day.
I had problems for about 9 months with my episiotomy scar but had some scar tissue removed so that helped, and also had a lot of problems going for no. 2 :blush: for about 9 months from pushing for 2 hours in labour.

All is well now and Leo is doing really well he's such a cheeky monkey.
just realised i've written a life story instead of birth story :haha:

TySonNMe- just noticed that you're from florida! I love florida, we would move there if we were rich :thumbup:

Wow! What a birth story! Thanks for sharing. Im sorry to hear that the nurses were so unsupportive! Thats really no good, as if you aren't already emotional enough after giving birth you have them adding to it in a negative way :( Glad to hear little Leo was infection free too! You are both doing well now I take it? :)

Hi Sonal! Welcome!!

I still have no names for our group LoL.

Lisa, Yeah, it's nice here. I've lived here since I was 7, but OH and I both want to move to Tampa at some point when the economy gets better.

So how was everyone's weekend? Mine was pretty good. We got some cleaning done, spent some time with Jackson, we were outside a lot because the weather was so nice. Oh, I'm usually on Monday-Friday but the weekends I don't have a lot of time to check in as I'm busy running around with errands and Jackson.

Still no ideas here either! :( This is no good haha! We need to brainstorm! :haha:
Where has everyone been anyway! I know I haven't popped in in a while, I've just had a lot on at home and I expected this thread to be booming by now and I had missed loads! Haha! How is everyone and their LO? Any great achievements recently?
Anyway bump, bump, bump! :haha:
All sorted now Amy :thumbup:

All be it £300 lighter for a new washer / dryer!!! :dohh:

Nothing major to report here at the moment, Kind of "interviewing" for people to take my horse on as a part loan, working on my days and attempting to keep my house in order :dohh:

Hope you're all well! :hugs:
Ah glad you got it sorted! :thumbup: Though I bet you could have done without it going on you in the first place!

Yeah we are doing good thanks. Drakes been ill with an infection last week so had him the docs and he was on antibiotics (finished them yesterday) and he's doing much better. Hope its cleared fully as it seems he's still a bit mucussy. :( Been going to lots of parent and toddler groups with him too which is really fun :)

Hope everyone is doing good too! :hugs:
Hey girlies! All good here. I think Jax is getting ready to cut some teeth. He's been a bit whiney and had a low-grade fever yesterday so hopefully we'll have a couple more to add the whopping 4 he's already got LoL! He's a very slow teether! We're pushing off TTC#2 for a while as we're just a bit overwhelmed at the moment. We added a new dog to our family over the weekend. She's a 5.5 month old Cane Corse pup. Also got some of my cloth diapers now...still waiting on the Sunbabies and Sage Dipes. I prepped what I had and all my Thirsties fitteds are repelling so they need to be stripped.

Glad Drake is feeling better Amy! it sucks when LOs are sick and you can only do so much to help!

Low, how's the new washer and dryer? Doing a good job?
Hey girlies! All good here. I think Jax is getting ready to cut some teeth. He's been a bit whiney and had a low-grade fever yesterday so hopefully we'll have a couple more to add the whopping 4 he's already got LoL! He's a very slow teether! We're pushing off TTC#2 for a while as we're just a bit overwhelmed at the moment. We added a new dog to our family over the weekend. She's a 5.5 month old Cane Corse pup. Also got some of my cloth diapers now...still waiting on the Sunbabies and Sage Dipes. I prepped what I had and all my Thirsties fitteds are repelling so they need to be stripped.

Glad Drake is feeling better Amy! it sucks when LOs are sick and you can only do so much to help!

Low, how's the new washer and dryer? Doing a good job?

Thank you! I know its such a shame for them isn't it! When you have done all you possibly can for them and they still don't feel much better! :cry:
Hopefully your little man cuts some more teeth soon and they don't take much longer! :)
Ha! At this rate, he'll be graduating high school with a handful of baby teeth!! Luckily though, he's not much of a whiner while teething...a couple of days maybe when they're breaking through but then he's fine. And he's never been a drooler either surprisingly.
Aww thats really good then! :thumbup: Drake was/is the same (touch wood), when he is teething he might have a couple of nangy moments a day with them and thats it. He tends to sleep quite a bit when he is teething though, like he is just sleeping it off when it hurts him! Bless!
Hey girlies! All good here. I think Jax is getting ready to cut some teeth. He's been a bit whiney and had a low-grade fever yesterday so hopefully we'll have a couple more to add the whopping 4 he's already got LoL! He's a very slow teether! We're pushing off TTC#2 for a while as we're just a bit overwhelmed at the moment. We added a new dog to our family over the weekend. She's a 5.5 month old Cane Corse pup. Also got some of my cloth diapers now...still waiting on the Sunbabies and Sage Dipes. I prepped what I had and all my Thirsties fitteds are repelling so they need to be stripped.

Glad Drake is feeling better Amy! it sucks when LOs are sick and you can only do so much to help!

Low, how's the new washer and dryer? Doing a good job?

Washer / dryer's good - although it's true I could have done with it not dying in the 1st place!!! :dohh:

My LO is poorly too now :nope: she's all full of a cold. Runny nose, chesty cough and all rattly. Poor thing. She's gone to bed covered in Vicks tonight so hopefully she'll be feeling better come morning.

Hope Drake and Jax are feeling better! :hugs::hugs:
Yes, hope all the babies are feeling 100% soon...AFM, I have bronchitis :( but got some meds so should clear up soon!
Aww hope she is feeling better soon Lownthwaite! :hugs: And same to you TysonNMe! Sending lots of get well wishes to you! :dust: Seems everyone is coming down with something at the moment!
Thanks girls...feeling a tiny bit better today but still hacking.
OK so first off... B U M P!!!

Now how are you all and where are you all?!
Was just wondering if any of you had started potty training your LO's yet? If so how did you know when to start and how is it going, would love to hear all about it.
Also Drake is really starting to test his boundaries now and has also started occasionally smacking :cry: I think to see what the reaction is. Is anyone else's LO doing this? If so how did you react/handle the situation? Just looking for a chat about these things and some advice please. :flower:
Hi everyone! :flower:

I've had a potty in the living room for a while now - LO asks to use it whenever I change her nappy. Although 99% of the time she just sits there and doesn't do anything. :dohh:

We have had 2 wees and 1 poo but that's about it.

She does get to sit on the toilet every night just before her bath. She tries to poo but we've so far had one wee - she then most of the time goes on to wee in her bath! :dohh:

I've not come across hitting really yet - we are in a "lets eat everything" stage! I'm quite sure she swallowed a penny yesterday and everything is in her mouth - I feel like I need eyes in the back of my head! :nope:
Hi everyone! :flower:

I've had a potty in the living room for a while now - LO asks to use it whenever I change her nappy. Although 99% of the time she just sits there and doesn't do anything. :dohh:

We have had 2 wees and 1 poo but that's about it.

She does get to sit on the toilet every night just before her bath. She tries to poo but we've so far had one wee - she then most of the time goes on to wee in her bath! :dohh:

I've not come across hitting really yet - we are in a "lets eat everything" stage! I'm quite sure she swallowed a penny yesterday and everything is in her mouth - I feel like I need eyes in the back of my head! :nope:

Thanks for your input! :D Much appreciated!
Thing is I don't want to start too soon as I've read that it can hinder the process and drag it out longer. I don't know what to do with it. Has your LO given you any, "I'm ready to use the big toilet" signs yet? If so what were they?
He's not smacking hard really, but this morning he did it again and he repeats it straight after each other and so I waited (because I didn't know how to react straight away and was weighing my options) for him to do it a couple more times and then I screamed like he had really hurt me and covered my face (I later started to really cry, it was all really dramatic!). He went dead silent and then all of a sudden he just burst into tears! I said to him that it was naughty to smack and that he shouldn't smack people and not to smack Mummy because it hurts. I then asked him for an apology and gave him a cuddle because thats what we do when we've apologised. He didn't try it again all day. I think this is definitely the way we are going to handle it, hopefully it wasn't just a fluke. What do you ladies think?

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