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I wish I had that option! I haven't gotten a vacation this year due to switching things around at work, and our weeks are so hectic and crazy at times. But, hopefully I will get some sort of time off from work sooner rather than later. :wacko:

Just realized we have no green beans, so I am very sad now as dinner wont be as good. :haha:
I hear ya. I was laid off last year and found a great job, but I'm a contractor so no vacation days. I'll just be saving up and trying to bank some comp time as we're going on a vacation in September.

:( for no green beans!
I accumulate 3 weeks of vacation but when I switched things around at work my scheduled vacation wasn't honored. (Would have been 2 weeks in May) I was really mad about it, and haven't been able to schedule a vacation since.

Dinner turned out pretty good, and kids ate it all up so I guess I did not do such a bad job. :haha: My son is in LOVE with polish sausage. Its kind of scary.

This morning I was sleeping and I wake up to Joseph in my face, and he says "Mommy, it is time to get up.". He is forever pulling my covers off of me as well. I work nights so I sleep during the day (or at least attempt lol) but I think it is entirely too cute sometimes.
Aww, nights suck. OH worked nights for a couple of years and it's so hard when you have a family that sleeps at night! I'd be pissed too if they didn't honor my already scheduled vacations! Nothing wrong with a little kielbasa (Polish sausage) I'm 100% Polish hehe
:haha: He ate his serving, had seconds and then proceeded to eat what Madelyn didn't of hers. I have no idea where he puts it ...

Nights can suck, and I really hate when I don't get near enough sleep. But otherwise I am happy with it because it makes my day open for the kids for anything and I spend A LOT of time with them lol.
LoL that's good he's eating though. Jackson is a major snacker. All day he is back and forth to the fridge and the pantry. I keep mostly healthy stuff available so I don't mind it but when it comes to dinner he's not that hungry! :dohh:
Joseph normally does the same thing. He is forever getting in to the fridge for things, and he knows exactly where all the goodies are. (NO MATTER where I put them!)

It is really funny/cute. Lets say I give him a cookie, he will wait with his cookie and he will say adamently "Sissy one!". Unless I tell him matter-of-factly that Madelyn is not getting something he waits to receive hers so he can give it to her. He is always looking out for her, but Madelyn could care less most of the time. :haha: Its very funny how that works out.
Its crazy how soon the instincts of protecting your family develop. They are so used to being together. If Madelyn goes somewhere Joseph will walk around the house, looking in every room, "Maddy? Sissy?". He looks completely lost without her. They fight A LOT, but that is just how it is. No one dares to try and hit his sister. My cousin's daughter is a couple months older than Madelyn and she bites/hits. Joseph stands between them and will push that little girl down and say "Leave my sissy alone!". I know I shouldn't be proud of him for pushing another child, but I am proud of him for protecting Madelyn in the only way he really knows how.

But, he will be fast to try and get her in trouble. He comes to me and will pull my arm and say, "Mommy go, Maddy messing!" :haha:

Madelyn has not started too much, except when Joseph is getting in trouble she will point her little finger at me and yell/boss me in jibber-english. :haha: I call it jibber-english cause she says "Stop! Blahboogahblooh!" :rofl:
That is too cute. I know what you mean about being proud of him for protecting his sister but not pushing other kids LoL I taught LO to say no no to the dogs when they get in his face. It's so cute! He's starting to string two words together now more often. Yesterday we were going upstairs for bathtime and he turns around on the stairs and says "bye bye doggies" and waves to our dogs. I just came across a thread (not on BnB) where mothers were actually saying they hated their kids and their life. I was disgusted!
I hope Madelyn starts talking soon. She is picking up more and more now, so it shouldn't be long. It happened really fast with Joseph, he just started talking one day it seemed.

Wow, that sounds like pure craziness. I mean, I have bad days, but I can't imagine actually feeling like I literally hate my children ... purely ridiculous. :nope:
Yeah, I'm amazed at how quickly he is learning new words and talking so well. Some words are really hard to figure out what he's saying. His friend from down the street has gibberish conversations. He just keeps talking gibberish and moving his hands; it's so funny. That kid has a lot to say about nothing! LoL
Haha, yes. Sometimes Joseph gets to talking so fast it sounds like nothing but pure jibberish.

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