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Totally devastated ....


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2010
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:cry::cry:Been to hospital for fertility test results today. I am fine but OH has antisperm antibodies further to vas reversal. Nurse told us thats it cant conceive naturally and need to have ICSI treatment for any chance. Thing is we would have to fund ourselves as OH has two children with ex partner and it will cost about 5-6 grand for one try. We just dont have the money.

I dont know what to think - is all hope gone then - can we honestly never expect to conceive naturally.

Hoping someone on here can help pretty please
i dont have the answer to your question but just wanted to give you a :hugs:
:cry::cry:Been to hospital for fertility test results today. I am fine but OH has antisperm antibodies further to vas reversal. Nurse told us thats it cant conceive naturally and need to have ICSI treatment for any chance. Thing is we would have to fund ourselves as OH has two children with ex partner and it will cost about 5-6 grand for one try. We just dont have the money.

I dont know what to think - is all hope gone then - can we honestly never expect to conceive naturally.

Hoping someone on here can help pretty please

Hello Miracle, I feel your extreme sadness in this messege, and just want to hold out my hand and give you some love, think you need a hug, Please first of all, DONT just take one numptys nurses information, that could be totally untrue, regarding not being able to concieve natrually OK, i rememeber looking down every avenue when my OH was having his 3rd SA done in last 2 years, his last b4 this one was awful, his motility was very poor, before hand i read up on everything to do with sperm, and I remember stumberling across antisperm antibodies , and from what I rememebered it can be treated, with steriods i believe, but steriods can give a man other problems, so has to be weighed up, also there are natrual treatments that apperently have had good results too, so dont ever lose hope and faith, its not the end until the fat lady sings:thumbup: get yourself very clued up, by researching this as much as you can, then go back to those doctors, armed with all this info, and ask for the help needed to get it right,and get to some homopaths etc to get advice too.... and oh Good luck, and smile XxX:hugs:
God Bless you :hugs:
I agree wih the other poster who says not to give up hope.
Research it and see what you can find!
:hug: :flower:
Hi miraclewanted

I'm sorry to hear about that. Sounds like really difficult news for you. I don't really know much about it but because I have an inquisitive mind and have become an expert in surfing the net for answers to the many TTC questions then I'm posting a link for you with a little bit of info on - hopefully this might be helpful


Oh hunni, I don't want to read and run.
Don't give up hope xxx
I agree with the above posts hun. If you want to speak to similar people why don't you try to post in LTTC, im sure someone can give you a more detailed picture of what you can do. Also, ok, i know what you;re saying - its a lot of money - but there are places who do it cheaper! Granted you would need to scrimp and save but it aint over yet, hun, trust me!!

All the best and mahoosive huggies coming your way :hugs:

Omi xxx
I'm so sorry you didn't get better news... My hubby went through 2 reversals, so I understand how difficult that whole process can be... especially the waiting. Unfortunately, if he does have the anti-bodies, then it makes things very difficult... BUT... I would go see a fertility specialist JUST to make sure... miracles do happen!!! So if there is any chance there is something he can do... or there is another procedure that may work... then it can't hurt to check it out.

Not sure what ICSI is? Is it similar to IVF? If so- there could be some programs out there that would help foot some of the costs- or- offer you more tries at a lower rate...

Wishing you all the best hun!!!!
I am so sorry, I wish I had some information that would help. I agree with the other ladies, don't give up and get other opininons.
I am sorry to hear that you are feeling so upset at the moment....I had completely different circumstances but was told I couldnt have a second baby due to the fact that I had develpoed an auto immune disease, My endocrinologist did loads of fertility tests and told me and my husband that we had no chance at all of me conceiving another child... I said to him 'no chance at all'...his words were 'sorry but there is zero chance'....
well I thought my world had fallen apart. I insisted on asking further questions and I asked if there was any treatment that we could have he said no, IVF wouldnt even work as my body just would not be able to sustain a pregnancy, I was devastated......anyway to cut a long story short we went away and continued to try and on my next visit for my blood test results I asked again.....he said that I wasnt ovulating and that there were lots of other factors also...another appointment was booked to discuss the matter further (for 3 months time).
Anyway the day before my next appointment I found out I was pregnant at the doctors and was in total shock...I had not been feeling right in myself, the nurse had to re do the test as I didnt believe it..she called my husband into the room and he was as white as a sheet thinking something was wrong seeing me crying, he also couldnt believe it.
i went to my appointment the next day and told my exciting news to the endocrinologist who said , you wont be having this baby , you will miscarry in the next week or so as your hormones are all over the place.
8 and half months later I gave birth naturally to a 10LB baby boy...2 weeks early! The endocrinologist was amazed and called him a 'miracle baby' even said to me Can I borrow him for one moment, I said yes but what you gonna do with him, he said I want to show him off to my collegues (as if he had played some big part in the making of him!!!) :roll:
He took him into a board meeting and it was then that I realised that he really was one in a million! We are now trying again but 6 years has passed and I have also put on weight but if it happened once it can happen again!
Husband has also had cancer but hopefully his fertility is ok
So although different circumstances I too was feeling all my hope had gone and it was impossible so try and stay positive, I am as I did last time and it worked :hugs:
What a lovely story Chocciebutton :thumbup: Just goes to show that these doctors don't know everything!

Miraclewanted, I hope you can get a second opinion and that there is something that can be done. I just want to say what I have said to others before - how I think it is so unfair that you cannot get IVF on the NHS if one partner already has children. It is so not fair on the other partner who does not have children of their own. I have a friend like this. Her partner has two grown-up children. He had a VR that did not work. They are having to pay for IVF because he already has children but she has none. They are about to start their first cycle I believe x
i just wanted to add that my DH has motility issues and as yet we are unsure whether it is associated with antibodies. as far as i can tell, your OH could try steroids to help remove the antibodies, but like another poster has stated this can cause issues for bones, i believe the hip bones are meant to be adversley affected (i'm not really sure how or why though)

with regards to the cost of ICSI you can reduce the costs quite significantly if you are prepared to be an egg doner- maybe worth investigating further?? also some private hospitals work in affiliation with a credit card so you can pay for the treatment up front, then pay off managebale amounts monthly. might that be a possibility??

please don't give up hope, do lots of research and there MUST be another way for you to get your baby.

good luck xx

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