She's here!!!
So midwife on Friday morning said after she couldn't give me a sweep that she was sure that nothing would happen any time soon. All day Friday baby was very quiet so came into hospital to be monitored for an hour, and of course she completely livened up and spent the rest of Friday evening beating me up from the inside.
Woke up 1am on Saturday to my waters breaking, and contractions started pretty much straight away, by 5am I was in agony and went into hospital to find out I was 4cm, woohoo! After 9 months of planning a water birth in the birthing centre, I'm afraid that the pain was all too much for me so ended up on the labour ward with an epidural. Baby had turned and was slightly back to back, and was causing all the contractions to be really strong in my back. At 10am I was still 4cm so they started me on a drip, which by 5pm had taken me to 8cm, but this is where the problems started.
Baby had turned back to back and even with the epidural I was in so much pain, because of this she had also moved her head sideways so it wasn't in my cervix fully, and I had constant pain in my left, where she was leaning. At 9pm the doctor said I hadn't dilated any more, and she didn't think anything would happen now due to baby's position, so advised me to have a c-section. I was really really upset at first, but did agree that they were right, there was no point in me trying to labour any more. With the drip I was on I was getting really frequent and strong contractions, but they had just stopped working. I was so tired and drowsy that I doubted if even be able to push effectively.
So at 10.41pm last night, our baby girl was born by c-section, a completely different birth than planned, but we are so over the moon that she's here! I'm really sore and tired, but of course she is 100% worth it. She weighed 8lb 5oz. 18th May 2013, 3 days after her due date.