After I had my C Section, the surgeon said that I should be able to deliver naturally next time so thats what I'm gonna push for. I'm not sure how it works in the US though, sorry. Fingers crossed though! Xx
Congrats FJ !!
Can't wait to see pictures of your beautiful baby!!!
Thanks for the info on VBaC.
I also heard that if baby doesn't come on their own, then they won't let me actually have vaginal birth since pitocin is hard on the uterus.
I'm praying for a non-breech baby this time!!!!
Next Friday is my first sono! Eeeekkk!
HEATWAVE!!! It's that bad I've got SHORTS on, and I never wear shorts in England. I've had all the blinds & curtains shut and windows open all week to try and keep the house cool (no knock on the door from the neighbours yet lol) What's everyone doing in the glorious weather?i hope you ladies across the pond have nice weather too x
The weather here in New York has been just awful! Super humid, sticky and hot! I'm thanking god I'm not 9 months pregnant through the summer this time. Last time was awful!
Literally slept 10 hours last night, then woke up, after an hour took a nap for 2 hours then after being up for 2 hours took a nap for 3. Ready to sleep again now!
Hi magicwhisperer welcome. I see by your ticker it's O day - good luck & dust to you! Are you using OPKs or temping/charting?
nlk - I heard the same, it's been in the news too. I'm not one of those who complains year after year about our one day of summer, but I'm certainly complaining a lot now lol 29 degrees celcius in our bedroom tonight! Gro egg is angry & red!
His Hot AF!!!!! Lol
And on the floor I work on in the hospital.. All the patients are cold and their rooms are 80 so I'm sweating cleaning butts. That is all.
Oh and I vomited today, but pretty sure that was a smell that I caught a wiff of!!
Oh the joys of 1rst trimester!
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