Transverse Mamas

oh that crazy monkey! I hope he goes head down soon.
If its any consultation, ive heard/read that it's easier to get a breech head down than it is to get a transverse head down (for whatever reason). ...on the bright side at least theres an exit path with a breech...although not ideal....hope he flips soon hon :dust:

how many weeks are you?

I am 33 1/2 weeks. Doctor said he is not going to worry until around 36 weeks but he is already at 5 pounds at 33 weeks so he is a chubby monkey as well. We are watching that as well. If he gets to big the doctor may take him early.
i know a lot of doctors dont worry until later, but man is it ever so stressful for mama! i imagine how you feel bc im feeling slightly distressed and im only 28 weeks. :hugs:

My first baby was breech the entire time and then finally flipped to head down around 33 weeks. I hope yours does the same, but i understand the mental aspect of waiting for it...i mean it really can change plans drastically and , at least for me, thats something i need time to process to feel good about. so i hope that you can come to a place of peace or that sweet little baby just does a nose dive soon.
Hi all, I love this thread! I have a transverse baby too, mine is lying with the butt to the left of my belly button, just like the photo posted earlier!
I am 35+5 and the midwife wants to see me again at 37 weeks to see if it has moved at all.
Just wondering, if it hasn't gone head down by this stage then what are the nex options? Will they try to turn the baby? And what if that doesn't work? What are the timelines will they leave you after 40 weeks to see if it turns naturally?
Hope all of you get a turn v soon!
Hi all, I love this thread! I have a transverse baby too, mine is lying with the butt to the left of my belly button, just like the photo posted earlier!
I am 35+5 and the midwife wants to see me again at 37 weeks to see if it has moved at all.
Just wondering, if it hasn't gone head down by this stage then what are the nex options? Will they try to turn the baby? And what if that doesn't work? What are the timelines will they leave you after 40 weeks to see if it turns naturally?
Hope all of you get a turn v soon!

I was told by my SIL who had the same thing happen that they could do a procedure to turn them but its actually dangerous for the baby and it is really painful for you and the baby could turn back the next day. The doctor basically said that it was up to my SIL but that all that pain and danger may be for nothing. Her other choice was C section which she did. C Sections are not as bad as people like to believe.
Thanks jazzycat, that's really reassuring. Do you know if they would do an early section? It's just I have always known in my head that this baby will be overdue, no reason for this, just a feeling I have, and I have soooo much to do and haven't even finished work yet so a sudden early section would send me into a tailspin!
Thanks jazzycat, that's really reassuring. Do you know if they would do an early section? It's just I have always known in my head that this baby will be overdue, no reason for this, just a feeling I have, and I have soooo much to do and haven't even finished work yet so a sudden early section would send me into a tailspin!

The only reason they would do a early C section is if something was wrong with you or the baby and carrying them anymore would prove dangerous. I know some people actually do a scheduled C Section though.
I think it depends on what you want, and also what your provider prefers. I know w transverse some ladies will do a planned CS bc there is a risk of cord prolapse (bc with a transverse there is nothing blocking the exit, thus the risk of CP if your water breaks). BUT i also know that some ladies just await labor and then when they go into labor they just have an "emergency" CS (not as scary as it sounds, but they just dont wait around, they go directly to the labor ward and let them know and they get the show on the road).

Some providers will have you go see an OBGYN and have an EVC. However, not all ladies are comfortable with the risk. Its only like 50%-60% successful with turning breech to head down, but they say with transverse it's even less successful. I guess if it works or not cannot be known ahead of time. Some ppl will go for it and feel the risk is worth it. Others wont do it. Im not sure what my MWs think. She did say "we will do whatever it takes to get her head down" So i dont know if she is in favor of EVC or honestly not sure how i feel about it..havn't researched it enough to decide.
I had my MW appt, Macy is indeed transverse, which apparently isn't common at this stage, except that my uterus is massively stretched from being on my 3rd and the fact that i have prolapse just adds to it, so given that it's not unexpected, but it's def uncommon at this point. Breech is not all that rare right now (which i knew), but for some reason transverse is. She says it's harder for a transverse baby to go head down than a breech...i asked her at what point will she be concerned, and she said they want the baby to be at least vertical (so either breech or head down) by 32 weeks. It's one thing to be breech, but she said transverse is a completely different story. She also said if she does flip, she is likely to be breech bc of how my body is from having had previous kids and prolapse- there is just way too much wiggle room. But that they will do everything possible to get her head down. And when/if she goes head down i have to wear a full tummy wrap 24/7 bc she said bc of how stretch things are, it would be really easy for her to go back to breech or transverse, so wrapping is very important to keep it all compact (making harder for her to move). So i have to really be up on her going head down and make sure i get a belly wrap.
Apparently they dont get as concerned so early if she were breech, but with a transverse she really needs to be at least up and down by 32 weeks. Breech is one thing and is okay to take longer but that is not the case with transverse...count down is on haha. i go back in 2 weeks.
I had my MW appt, Macy is indeed transverse, which apparently isn't common at this stage, except that my uterus is massively stretched from being on my 3rd and the fact that i have prolapse just adds to it, so given that it's not unexpected, but it's def uncommon at this point. Breech is not all that rare right now (which i knew), but for some reason transverse is. She says it's harder for a transverse baby to go head down than a breech...i asked her at what point will she be concerned, and she said they want the baby to be at least vertical (so either breech or head down) by 32 weeks. It's one thing to be breech, but she said transverse is a completely different story. She also said if she does flip, she is likely to be breech bc of how my body is from having had previous kids and prolapse- there is just way too much wiggle room. But that they will do everything possible to get her head down. And when/if she goes head down i have to wear a full tummy wrap 24/7 bc she said bc of how stretch things are, it would be really easy for her to go back to breech or transverse, so wrapping is very important to keep it all compact (making harder for her to move). So i have to really be up on her going head down and make sure i get a belly wrap.
Apparently they dont get as concerned so early if she were breech, but with a transverse she really needs to be at least up and down by 32 weeks. Breech is one thing and is okay to take longer but that is not the case with transverse...count down is on haha. i go back in 2 weeks.

Wow that sounds exactly like mine and like said earlier I am 33 weeks now and they did a sonogram yesterday and he is butt down so maybe yours will turn like mine did, except not breech. However, mine is still breech because he isn't head first yet.
I had my MW appt, Macy is indeed transverse, which apparently isn't common at this stage, except that my uterus is massively stretched from being on my 3rd and the fact that i have prolapse just adds to it, so given that it's not unexpected, but it's def uncommon at this point. Breech is not all that rare right now (which i knew), but for some reason transverse is. She says it's harder for a transverse baby to go head down than a breech...i asked her at what point will she be concerned, and she said they want the baby to be at least vertical (so either breech or head down) by 32 weeks. It's one thing to be breech, but she said transverse is a completely different story. She also said if she does flip, she is likely to be breech bc of how my body is from having had previous kids and prolapse- there is just way too much wiggle room. But that they will do everything possible to get her head down. And when/if she goes head down i have to wear a full tummy wrap 24/7 bc she said bc of how stretch things are, it would be really easy for her to go back to breech or transverse, so wrapping is very important to keep it all compact (making harder for her to move). So i have to really be up on her going head down and make sure i get a belly wrap.
Apparently they dont get as concerned so early if she were breech, but with a transverse she really needs to be at least up and down by 32 weeks. Breech is one thing and is okay to take longer but that is not the case with transverse...count down is on haha. i go back in 2 weeks.

Wow that sounds exactly like mine and like said earlier I am 33 weeks now and they did a sonogram yesterday and he is butt down so maybe yours will turn like mine did, except not breech. However, mine is still breech because he isn't head first yet.

very interesting!
Here is my baby hammock for the night lol. I think the bulge is her head. The MW picked up her HB on the other side of my belly button.

Oh wow...I just had my 32 week appointment last week, and my MW didn't even bat an eyelash at my boy being transverse! :( Now I feel like she could be ignoring or missing something... All she said to me regarding it was that she wants him to be head down at 36 weeks. I really hope she knows what is going on or what she is doing... Maybe has some sort of plan... The last thing I want is my baby to be hurt in any way due to negligence! I also want to try to avoid C-section, because I won't have the support I need to heal, due to DHs work schedule... He only has 2 days off for the birth... :( I'm definitely going to express my concern to her next week!
Oh wow...I just had my 32 week appointment last week, and my MW didn't even bat an eyelash at my boy being transverse! :( Now I feel like she could be ignoring or missing something... All she said to me regarding it was that she wants him to be head down at 36 weeks. I really hope she knows what is going on or what she is doing... Maybe has some sort of plan... The last thing I want is my baby to be hurt in any way due to negligence! I also want to try to avoid C-section, because I won't have the support I need to heal, due to DHs work schedule... He only has 2 days off for the birth... :( I'm definitely going to express my concern to her next week!

Is this your first?
My MW could have told *me* that because i have severe pelvic organ prolapse and my uterus/ligaments/tendons/muscles are all very very stretched because ive been pregnant 3x in 3 years. So she could have that requirement for me because there is just all of that extra room for baby to get out of head down, etc and also bc my uterus is penduluous so it creates a hammock and makes it hard for the baby to go to a different position (compared to a mother who doesn't have the hammock uterus going on)

Also, legally my HB MWs are not allowed to assist a breech birth, and for obvious reasons cant do a transverse birth, so it would require my switching care, so that could be another reason for the 32 week cut off.

TBH, im not sure if its a case by case basis or if your MW should be more concerned? IDK

Hopefully yours moves hon :hugs: I know how stressful it is. But im not sure if what my MW told me applies to everyone, or if it was just the situation bc of my body issues.
Does anyone have to belly wrap?
My MWs want me to belly wrap once (and if) baby goes head down.

Im so indecisive! Which pattern of fabric should i go with?

Decisions, decisions!
The color that looks best on me is purple, however, i cant tell if the one listed is more a blueish purple and i dont want blue (i have two boys im ready for some girliness :haha:) If it actually looks like a purple and not a blue, that would be fab! Then of course there is the pink, which is nice. And then the black with the mexican pattern. I like the cultural looks of that...which one should i choose? I cant decide haha
I like the pink one! ;)

And yep, it's my first.. I actually looked it up online after reading and posting here, and found that they say you should start exercises to move baby at 30 weeks.. And that babies have a harder time turning after 34 weeks if they haven't turned yet, due to lack of room... Your MW definitely had good reason to keep an eye on you, but I think mine just doesnt really care whether I need a C-section or not... But I most certainly do, so I'm just gonna ask her what's her plan. I'm not the mean, naggy type of girl at all, so I'm not gonna bitch her out or anything, I just want to express my concern, maybe I'll write up my birth plan this week to show her what I'm hoping for, so she knows what I "expect"... :/

Hope yours turns for you too! This is indeed very stressful... :( and now my boy is mocking me by kicking me really hard in my side and sticking out his "head bulge" lmao...
i can understand that. TBH if i were in your shoes i would feel exactly like you.
I get timid with things, but still have pretty strong feelings one way or another. I would be afraid to be confrontational, but i think in your instance you have pretty good reason to speak up. I totally can see how you would feel that way :hugs:
Are any of you going to get an ECV performed if baby remains sideways?
I know i have quite a while to go, but it's just something im researching now since i have the time and all.

So far i have learned that ECVs are actually less sucessful in transverse lie than they are for breech- go figure. Must have something to do with the fact that in a sideways position, the baby cant do forward/backward rolls to get head down. Anyways, some of the stories i have read are horrific. But then some of the youtube videos ive seen make it look like its a piece of cake and totally worthy of the risk.

I def need to learn more about it, but i was wondering if you girls thought that was something you would ever attempt or not?
Oh wow...I just had my 32 week appointment last week, and my MW didn't even bat an eyelash at my boy being transverse! :( Now I feel like she could be ignoring or missing something... All she said to me regarding it was that she wants him to be head down at 36 weeks. I really hope she knows what is going on or what she is doing... Maybe has some sort of plan... The last thing I want is my baby to be hurt in any way due to negligence! I also want to try to avoid C-section, because I won't have the support I need to heal, due to DHs work schedule... He only has 2 days off for the birth... :( I'm definitely going to express my concern to her next week!

My baby was transverse at 32 weeks. The doctor said he would not worry about it until 36 weeks. He wasn't worried about it too much either.
Are any of you going to get an ECV performed if baby remains sideways?
I know i have quite a while to go, but it's just something im researching now since i have the time and all.

So far i have learned that ECVs are actually less sucessful in transverse lie than they are for breech- go figure. Must have something to do with the fact that in a sideways position, the baby cant do forward/backward rolls to get head down. Anyways, some of the stories i have read are horrific. But then some of the youtube videos ive seen make it look like its a piece of cake and totally worthy of the risk.

I def need to learn more about it, but i was wondering if you girls thought that was something you would ever attempt or not?

I'm going in Monday to have an ecv, my baby is oblique/transverse :( I'm not too keen tho but want to at least give it a try

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