Trigger shot today


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2012
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Trigger shot timing

I am excited to trigger today. I took a month off to go on vacation and started back up on gonal F 7/29. I went for my first blood test on Friday 8/2 with an E2 of 172. When I first started my 4 day E2 level was 92 so already I'm feeling good. Today I have an E2 of 567. two follicles on the right (17 and 18) one on the left measuring 21.

My RE said i can trigger today. I definitely read you should have sex the day of trigger and three days after.
I triggered today Tuesday at 130p so ovulation should be 130p Wednesday?
HI! We are in the similar boats!! I took my trigger shot Aug 2 at 1130 am. My dr told me I would ovulate within 72 hrs of shot. I am pretty sure I ovulated Aug 4/5. I got a neg test this morning. I know Ovidrel is out of system. Now I have to wait until end of week to test again...I'm nervous and excited. I had 3 nice size follicles day of trigger shot. :)
How are you feeling today? Any symptoms? I wish my dr was taking blood tests during process. I just have to wait.
HI! We are in the similar boats!! I took my trigger shot Aug 2 at 1130 am. My dr told me I would ovulate within 72 hrs of shot. I am pretty sure I ovulated Aug 4/5. I got a neg test this morning. I know Ovidrel is out of system. Now I have to wait until end of week to test again...I'm nervous and excited. I had 3 nice size follicles day of trigger shot. :)
How are you feeling today? Any symptoms? I wish my dr was taking blood tests during process. I just have to wait.

Good luck to you!!!!!

I just did my P4 testing today. I am hoping for a good progesterone count if not i am taking the inserts. My last two p4 levels were 9 then 8 i know that is too low. i read it should be over 15. I triggered 8/6 and the blood test on 8/9 confirmed ovulation. On saturday 8/10 i felt so much pressure like i had air trapped in my abdomen. every time i moved forward it hurt. now today i only have mild dull cramping on the left. nothing on the right. i always feel AF on the left its so weird. my nipples are midly sore/sensitive but nothing like the very first time i took ovidrel in march my nipple were sore!

I used opk 8/8 8/9 and were positive on 8/10 it was negative. I used a HPT on 8/10 so i know ovidrel is still in my system. i normally takes about 5-6 days to leave. I promised no testing until the day before (8/18) i am due for my blood test. all i want to do is pee on a stick every day.
last time my period came on the day of the blood test i am hoping she stays away for the next 10 months

I'm hoping this is our month please keep me posted!:thumbup:
Good luck to you as well! :baby: Prayers for baby!

I actually experience the begginings of AF on my left side. I usually get pretty sharp pain right before. So far the only difference is my boobs are not sore! My boobs hurt every month...I'm staying hopeful until my AF date (8/18)
I will keep you posted! Please keep me posted as well.
I will. We are definitely right on time :)

I normally have no cramps when i do get AF. it just happens no warning. but then i cramp on the left only. like right now I have a dull pulsating cramp. I just want this week to fly by!

I just got my p4 test back and it was 10.3 last cycle it was 8 and before that 9. the doc gave me the supplements i am hoping this is so positive. i am trying not to get ahead of myself but its so hard. i so want this part over lol.
Yea for a 10!! Congrats :) Saying a prayer for you, if you don't mind.
Excited to read results

GIVE US A :bfp:
Yea for a 10!! Congrats :) Saying a prayer for you, if you don't mind.
Excited to read results

GIVE US A :bfp:

Thank you and please do. I will pray for you also. I cant wait to get the results.

i am praying this is our month!!!
Happy Wednesday! Just wanted to see how you are feeling today? Almost test day!!!
Happy Wednesday! Just wanted to see how you are feeling today? Almost test day!!!

Hey Kiddz1. I am feeling a bit down because all my symptoms went away:cry:

I started progesterone Monday and my boobs did get a little more sore but thats really it. I do have this minor dull cramping pain on the left and a runny nose and sore throat. of course i tested early and got a BFN. I am only 6dpo so i know its too early. I am thinking of trying to wait until Monday with my blood test but I dont think I will last lol. I am already thinking of getting an early result test on saturday.

How are you doing this Wednesday?
Happy Wednesday! Just wanted to see how you are feeling today? Almost test day!!!

Hey Kiddz1. I am feeling a bit down because all my symptoms went away:cry:

I started progesterone Monday and my boobs did get a little more sore but thats really it. I do have this minor dull cramping pain on the left and a runny nose and sore throat. of course i tested early and got a BFN. I am only 6dpo so i know its too early. I am thinking of trying to wait until Monday with my blood test but I dont think I will last lol. I am already thinking of getting an early result test on saturday.

How are you doing this Wednesday?

Awe :cry:that makes me sad. Im sorry about your symptoms. Try to keep head up until AF or a neg blood are still in the game!!! Yes, 6dpo is very early to test. Even the most sensitive test, usually reads 20, wont work until on or after 10dpo. I empathize with wanting to test!!! Ugh! I am tired of waiting.
My symptoms changed completely today...bitter sweet! I'm not sure what will happen. I don't want to test today incase I get a false neg. Im going to wait until at least tom or Fri. I want to see what happens with my body. Having a complex medical background I know my body really well. I must WAIT!!!
My breasts are sore and I was severely nauseous this am. I got sick watching my son eat some chocolate. BTW Im 9 or 10dpo today.

sending encouragement your way :hug:
hang in there!!!
Happy Wednesday! Just wanted to see how you are feeling today? Almost test day!!!

Hey Kiddz1. I am feeling a bit down because all my symptoms went away:cry:

I started progesterone Monday and my boobs did get a little more sore but thats really it. I do have this minor dull cramping pain on the left and a runny nose and sore throat. of course i tested early and got a BFN. I am only 6dpo so i know its too early. I am thinking of trying to wait until Monday with my blood test but I dont think I will last lol. I am already thinking of getting an early result test on saturday.

How are you doing this Wednesday?

Awe :cry:that makes me sad. Im sorry about your symptoms. Try to keep head up until AF or a neg blood are still in the game!!! Yes, 6dpo is very early to test. Even the most sensitive test, usually reads 20, wont work until on or after 10dpo. I empathize with wanting to test!!! Ugh! I am tired of waiting.
My symptoms changed completely today...bitter sweet! I'm not sure what will happen. I don't want to test today incase I get a false neg. Im going to wait until at least tom or Fri. I want to see what happens with my body. Having a complex medical background I know my body really well. I must WAIT!!!
My breasts are sore and I was severely nauseous this am. I got sick watching my son eat some chocolate. BTW Im 9 or 10dpo today.

sending encouragement your way :hug:
hang in there!!!

Thanks so much. I keep reminding myself i am not out the game yet and must wait until i am at least 10dpo. I have one more test that I am saving until Sunday morning. the last cycle i felt everything. but this time all i have is this nagging lower back ache and left pelvis side ache. blood test is Monday I might just wait until then so I dont have to sweat while waiting for the test lol. but then I wont be able to concentrate at work in the morning. I might have to take off that day :)

I hope you get your BFP this month. I read that some peoples symptoms change day to day. when you test please let me know I am praying for you!!!:thumbup:
:nope: Sad today

I started spotting. I am trying to keep head up. Hubby and I had sex last night and I know that can sometimes cause spotting. My breasts very sore, tired, bloated, pressure in abdomen and Im really hungry! Ugh! So confusing.
I know God does not cause confusion but I don't know what to think.
BFN today. I will probably test again until I get AF or BFP. Sorry Im not very encouraging today.
Hope you can stay focused at work! Please let me know what you find out :happydance:
Don't give up!! Remember we are not out until AF shows up. If sex causes spotting sometimes i would just keep that in my mind. These signs are so confusing. I gave in this am and tested again BFN but I am only 7 or even 6dpo. i been sick. yesterday i had a sharp shooting pain from my right arm pit to my breast. last night i had cramps on the right and nausea. I dont know what to think anymore:shrug:

I told myself this am that I am not going to test anymore until monday (yea right). I also took my temp last night and it was 97.7 this morning it was 98.8 but i am not sure if that is because i am sick or because i took it after i went to the bathroom and was up for 15 mins.

one thing i did notice is that i dont want chocolate and i always want chocolate when af is coming. plus i really dont have an appetite but that can be from my cold. I hear you get a cold in the 2ww sometimes but my boyfriend was sick last week so that could be it. I just want to fast forward.

But we still are not out!:thumbup:
Don't give up!! Remember we are not out until AF shows up. If sex causes spotting sometimes i would just keep that in my mind. These signs are so confusing. I gave in this am and tested again BFN but I am only 7 or even 6dpo. i been sick. yesterday i had a sharp shooting pain from my right arm pit to my breast. last night i had cramps on the right and nausea. I dont know what to think anymore:shrug:

I told myself this am that I am not going to test anymore until monday (yea right). I also took my temp last night and it was 97.7 this morning it was 98.8 but i am not sure if that is because i am sick or because i took it after i went to the bathroom and was up for 15 mins.

one thing i did notice is that i dont want chocolate and i always want chocolate when af is coming. plus i really dont have an appetite but that can be from my cold. I hear you get a cold in the 2ww sometimes but my boyfriend was sick last week so that could be it. I just want to fast forward.

But we still are not out!:thumbup:

Thanks :hugs:

Hmmm...your symptoms would keep me on my toes too! You are def in the running for BFP. I think its funny how most women can't stand to wait until close to or missed AF to test :haha:

I know with my second pregnancy I couldn't stand certain foods right away. Tomatoes made me very sick. I also read a ton of women who had colds right before BFP!

I guess we both will just have to hold tight :bodyb:
Thanks. These symptoms are def confusing because last cycle i had so many but as soon as i started the progesterone inserts it halted and then started last night and not today nothing well except when i was in the drive thru and i had a gassy pain. its so weird. I am definitely going to fight the urge and wait until Monday for the blood test. Idk what is from progesterone or what is natural:shrug:

I ate macaroni and cheese yesterday and my stomach let me know it was gross. but i love mac n cheese!
:hugs: we are still in it! when do you test?
Im supposed to wait 15 days past trigger. Day 15 is Saturday. See...I couldn't even hold off until then ;)
I am going to try to wait until Sat. My RE won't test blood until a BFP. I would like to call and ask for one, but I know they will say wait.
What is progesterone inserts? Did your RE put you on progesterone to help with pregnancy? My RE has never mentioned progesterone. Im wondering if I should ask him.
My RE schedules my 7 day blood work and then my preg test 7 days after that (so 14dpt). I read that on a medicated cycle your p4 level should be around 15 and mine was only 10.3. even thou thats the highest of all cycles. progesterone is supposed to aid implantation he said it wouldnt hurt to use them. you insert them vaginally twice a day. its messy. they also have a cream. I thinkt hat might have been the issue the last time because my level was only 8.

some women get bfp after their time. its so weird.

if you have to do another cycle, ask about the progesteron inserts. if you start you will have to use them the whole first trimester. My RE hates that I am online but he welcomes my questions lol.

are you doing a medicated cycle? TI or IUI or IVF? I think after a few TI i am going to move to IUI
Thanks for info!
Yes, I this was first round of Clomid 50mg and Ovidrel 250 shot. RE didn't schedule any blood work! SUCKY! I would love to know my levels!!

Your level seems good :) I personally wouldn't know but 10.3 isnt that far off from 15. I hope the inserts work for you!
I can only imagine the dr answering all the questions from other ladies on here :) Make your RE work hard for the $!
Im thinking really positive for you!!!! Let me know if you test before Monday ;)
Thanks. I love him. He is so supportive and knowledgeable and doesnt mind the blood work i think bec my insurance pays for it. When i started clomid he monitored me bec I have pcos. I had a poor response to it only when he switched me to 150mg in the middle of the 100mg cycle did i respond. so we switched to gonal F. the monitoring is more bec the follicle growth but i responded so well to that even this second cycle it only took 8 days to grow 3 good follies.

My OB recommended him bec she used him. two years ago another RE told me that because of my fibroid and scare tissue i would never have kids. turns out he was wrong and my uterus is perfect. :happydance:

I will let you know if i test before monday. I would insist on blood work next time just in case so you know what the p4 level is. this way if you need inserts you can take them.

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