Trigger shot today

That is awesome about your uterus! Your RE blows my mind! I truly wish I had one like that where I live. I have one choice. Well 3 drs in one office but I have seen all of them. He is the only one who said "NO more surgeries." I am sorry you suffer with PCOS :cry: Ive been told it sucks! I truly pray this cycle is a BFP for you :)

I have struggled with endometriosis for 16 years now. In 5 1/2 years I had 2 miscarriages and then my beautiful son! I have had 4 surgeries for endo and praying this cycle is it for us :) Im exhausted from trying! We have never prevented pregnancy. Hubby and I celebrate 6 yrs in Sept :wedding:
All to say we are trying medical treatment for the millionth time and hope TI works. If not prego by Jan IUI is our last step. IF IUI doesnt do it then we are going to look at adoption. Sorry lots of info...
I will def talk to dr about P testing and inserts next time I see him, if Im not PG.
Congrats on 6 years!!! and your son. I have a friend that has endo and she has two boys now. The doc told her the same thing about surgeries but went on to have ivf and the second was a surprise. I heard when you stop trying it happens out of no where.

My mom suffered from pcos and i was a complete surprise. It took forever and this RE was the only one to diagnos and treat it. I take a pill twice a week to keep my prolactin level normal but i still am not regular (he doesnt know why). but i think i need t lose about 10-15 pounds :winkwink: but it keeps everything in check until then.

I think also after iui I will look into adoption. I don't know how many more 2ww i cant take:wacko:
Hey I just wanted to give you an update. I broke down of course and poas and it was still no! i did temp this am and its still at 98.8. if i was temping all along it would be promising but then again last month temps were 97 all before O. looking at my calendar i can be 7/8/9dpo which is hard to pin down bec i triggered 8/6. alli know is on 8/10 my opk was -.

this morning i woke up and my upper left teeth were so sensitive like someone punched me then it went away in an hour. it was weird. i dont have any more aches or cramping but my abdomen feels tight like i did sit ups. idk what to believe anymore lol. I feel like my mind is making all of this up.

How are things with you?
Thanks for the update! Hmmm teeth sensitivity? Who knows! Pregnancy can cause weird things to happen :) Haha!! I tested as well this morn...BFN :( It just too difficult and tempting to wait!

I'm not that great today. I woke up to more spotting, heavier than yesterday, and still other symptoms. My boobs are really sore, nipples ache and sensitive, headache, really really tired, heartburn, nausea, and hungry. VERY confusing!!! I just have to wait this one out. I'm trying to keep my mind busy and focus on other things.

With you being 7-9 days anything is possible!!
Thanks for the update! Hmmm teeth sensitivity? Who knows! Pregnancy can cause weird things to happen :) Haha!! I tested as well this morn...BFN :( It just too difficult and tempting to wait!

I'm not that great today. I woke up to more spotting, heavier than yesterday, and still other symptoms. My boobs are really sore, nipples ache and sensitive, headache, really really tired, heartburn, nausea, and hungry. VERY confusing!!! I just have to wait this one out. I'm trying to keep my mind busy and focus on other things.

With you being 7-9 days anything is possible!!

I'm going to do the same. Its crazy that you have all those symptoms and then the spotting. I am with you I am going to just ride it out and wait i know as soon as i stop these inserts (not doing them the next time will choose shots) my period will prob come. I have one more test that will be taunting me but i am going to wait until monday fmu.

We arent out yet. I am going to keep my mind busy this weekend maybe I will spend the day in the movie theater
That sounds like a great idea! I really hope you are able to make it to Mon!! You should hide the test :)
I might have to have my hubby hide mine ;) I have 6 left! Too many to taunt me!
That sounds like a great idea! I really hope you are able to make it to Mon!! You should hide the test :)
I might have to have my hubby hide mine ;) I have 6 left! Too many to taunt me!

Good idea! I am going to leave it at work. but then that defeats my fmu. but by monday I am thinking it wont make a difference:thumbup:
Perfect! If you are going to see Dr on Mon then you won't have to test!! YOU can do it!!!
i agree!! i am just going to keep my fingers crossed for the both of us
I think I'm out. Ill still be waiting to read a BFP from you!!!
Please let me know :) Happy Saturday! Enjoy movies!!!
Oh no. There is next cycle. Thats what I'm thinking about. I have zero symptomsz now not even af. I used that test last night lol bfn. But I was told to not use a digital they aren't as sensitive. But I think I'm out too. I'm going to wait untik monday.

Happy saturday to you too!! Did some shopping def kept my mind busy :)

We can be cycle buddies next go around
Awe :( There is still some hope for you! No AF symptoms
might be a good thing!
Yea for shopping ��I'm so glad you found a way to stay busy :)
Yes! We can def buddy up for Sept. Are you cont with fertility treatments? I'm a
little nervous after having 3 cysts this cycle. I know Clomid works well with my
ovaries. I'm just not sure. Will have to figure out by Monday. RE does days 3-7 and
trigger on 10 day.
Awe :( There is still some hope for you! No AF symptoms
might be a good thing!
Yea for shopping ��I'm so glad you found a way to stay busy :)
Yes! We can def buddy up for Sept. Are you cont with fertility treatments? I'm a
little nervous after having 3 cysts this cycle. I know Clomid works well with my
ovaries. I'm just not sure. Will have to figure out by Monday. RE does days 3-7 and
trigger on 10 day.

I had a cyst after my first gonal f cycle. It was 40mm. But after a week with my period it was gone. I wouldn't worry as long as they monitor and know which was a cyst vs follicle. But they also will know from your e2 numbers.

I am going to try one next cycle and if nothing happens I will take a break. I have a wedding in may and don't want to be next to due date lol.

Today I didn't take my morning progesterone insert and had af cramps slightly. The body is so messy with its confusion. I am going to take my night one and see if they go away. I still think I'm out. One more day until Monday! I'll will keep you posted
Sorry for cramps :( Hope you can get some rest! Yes only one day left :)

What are e2 numbers? Once again my RE doesn't really monitor unless BIG problem or
positive prego test.

I'm with you. My hubby's deployment conflicts with certain due dates. Makes
trying difficult :/
Congrats on wedding!!
Have a great Sunday! Let me know how you are feeling :)
I have talked myself out of buying one more test lol. I still think I'm out but I am also telling myself this to prep for a possible bfn.

E2 numbers is estrogen count. That let's them know when you should trigger. I read it should be 200 per follicle. When I started gonal f my four bloodwork was 172. Then 4 days later it was 586. At that point my RE said I can trigger. You should ask for your e2 when you do the blood work.

I hear you with the difficult schedules. This month we happened to have the right time and I even used per-seed lubricant to cover all my bases so I'm hoping fx.

I have had no cramps today it my stomach feels so tight and bloated. I look like I'm 4 mos. my stomach is so big
Im so excited to hear your news I can hardly stand it!! How are you today? AF still a no show? Please please let me know what the RE says!!!
Have a great day today!
Thanks Kiddz!! I am anxious but I think because the progesterone inserts AF will not be on time. This morning i had mild cramping on the left and right now i have a dull ache. normally happens around the time AF is due. According the calendar i am 10/11dpo. which can still be too early. I read some women got negative blood test and then a week later a positive. it could still be implanting. I guess thats the hope talking lol.

This morning i got my pregnancy test in the mail for next cycle and i caved and took one still got a BFN but again still could be early. I am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting. I am going to ask the doc what the hcg # is because anything over 5 i read is a confirmed pregnancy.

I'm really hoping this is it i cant take another 2ww:wacko:

how are things with you? Enjoy your day!
I'm doing better today than yesterday. My hubby and I decided to take a break. We won't prevent but we are not going to stress this month. This last year has worn us out!
I am hoping we get prego while "not" trying :)

Yes, 10/11dpo can def be too early to get BFP urine. Blood test should show pregnancy by this point. I'm on the edge with you!!
AF stay away!!!
yes please stay away for 11 months. I am with you on the break. I was thinking of giving it one last try in september and if nothing happens just putting it down and focusing on something else. I keep reminding myself thats what happened with my mom. She tried for me 6 years and then BAM when she wasnt thinking about it. I think thats what happens we give too much focus and then the minute you are not thinking about it something happens.

Thats what I am going to believe if this cycle and maybe the next doesnt work. I am on the fence about the next cycle.
I am officially at a BFN. My doc wants me to try again. So I am going to wait until i get my period and then go in for cycle day 3 blood work. I am going to have to insist on my bf getting checked now because we definitely covered out bases. please keep me posted on your ttc journey.

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