true blood season 4

Just saw episode 6. It was okay. Im not particularly fond of cliffhanger episodes. But there was still enough action to keep me in.:thumbup:

Out of 4 well 5 (this includes the new Eric) guys Sookie twirls around her finger, I think She and Eric(B) have the least chemistry of all.
It was horrid watching the sex scene. If she was due to make it w/ Eric it should have been BAD ASS ERIC. That's how I see it.

I love Bill. I love Sookie and Bill...<cue Journey Music here>lol I will never stop believing that they can overcome their issues.

Marnie/ Antonia whoever the...coupled w/ Lafayette& bf trouble me. Although I must admit the plot makes for wonderful television.

Arlene...she's one of my favorite characters. The baby story's really picking up. I am truly interested in figuring out what's going on.

Honestly, Sam needs the Tommy storyline, but I hate it. I hated the day Sam went to meet his original family. It's been all down hill since then. I can't take Tommy he is wayward. It's hard to see the good in his character.

Tara...Tara...Tara...FINALLY I see where they're taking her storyline...well if what I think is gonna happen actually happens. I guess all the pain strife and heart ache will be for good.

Pam is ugly inside and out. Always has been. Now things have been made worse for her. But I must admit a little bit of me wants her to get better.

Jason is a fool.:haha: Always has been always will be. But I luv 'em! Miss his "praise his light days" ROFL ROFL

Andy is on his way out the door unless the Portia Befleur story turns into something. In general i like Andy, but find little interest in his addiction plots.

Jessica...Hoyt smh. Not liking where it's all going.

I think that's it.:kiss:
Just saw episode 6. It was okay. Im not particularly fond of cliffhanger episodes. But there was still enough action to keep me in.:thumbup:

Out of 4 well 5 (this includes the new Eric) guys Sookie twirls around her finger, I think She and Eric(B) have the least chemistry of all.
It was horrid watching the sex scene. If she was due to make it w/ Eric it should have been BAD ASS ERIC. That's how I see it.

I have to agree with you on this no passion or chemisty at all it was like....ok i like you, you can have me whatever ...they should of made it more passionet or something i dont know....not meaning that he had to be bad eric or anything ... i just didnt feel it like how it was with bill... maybe im wrong...maybe latter on it will be better ....who knows...:shrug:
book readers....

is anyone else looking forward to meeting Quinn? :cloud9:

Ahhh. I forgot about Quinn. Do you think they'll include him??

Does anyone else think Sookie isn't half as involved with Sam as she is in the book?

Agree about the sex too, no passion at all!! I want to see primal animal Eric sex (aka vampire porn) haha ;-) xx
i dunno, i hope so.. although the books are different they are kinda the same if that makes sense?? i agree sook and sam are really tight in the books but there just doesnt seem to be anythin to them in the prog.. :(
I couldnt get on with the books but OH read them all and doesnt compare them to the show as he feels its totally different and unpredictable.

Bitten2 tomorrow, I cant wait !
Okay, have watched Ep5&6 finally and agree that the show is less bizarre and the plot lines are starting to get (somewhat) less loopy.
Other thoughts:
Agree that the Eric-Sookie hook-up was meh. I think Alexander Skarsgard is a good-lookin' guy, but I am more and more convinced that he was not the greatest casting choice for Eric. He's too boyish-looking. And right now, I feel like Sookie just hooked up with a confused teenager, not a man. I don't find it or them very sexy. Bill was way more dangerous and interesting. Plus, the actors had tremendous chemistry.
So, it's a :shrug: from me.
As a friend of mine recently said, "What is up with the Tara/UFC lesbians plotline?" :) Seriously? Why is she even in this show anymore? She's a great actress, but that character is beyond tedious right now.
The witch plotlines are getting way more interesting.
Alcide is a very interesting dark horse in the running.
Arlene and the possessed baby plotline? Again, do we need more strange and complicated events to get our heads around?
And Sam/Tommy/shifters?
Did I say that the plotlines were getting less nuts?
Less nuts compared to Marlene!

I think Sookie and Bill are married in real life so more chemistry there! xx
^ Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer are an adorable couple :blush:

Saw last night's episode - it was great! :happydance: A bit boring, but I feel like it serves more of a backdrop for next week's action!!

If Jessica dies - I was the first one to call it! I doubt she will and hopefully Jason saves her on time, she is great eye candy! :haha: I think they are trying to build a relationship between the two, and I don't know if I like that... Hoyt is such a sweetie.

I hope Pam get's that curse off of her! Looks like they will start prettying her up again with all the medicinal treatment she's getting, but she's favorite character!

Eric and Sookie are getting boring, I wish he'd go back to his old self! The puppy dog eyes are starting to annoy me.

Anyone else wish Tara would go away? She's been irking me for a while now, and although she has her reasons I am just sick of her stories. Her character is so annoying.

I really want to know what's up with the ghost and the baby! Seems very creepy....Was totally weirded out when Lafayette saw her!

I think Alcide is going to make a huge mistake and fight against the witches for Sookie and the other vamps - just because he secretly wants to be with her...And his girlfriend (Debbie?) is going to try to get Sookie somehow.

Really hope Tommy gets killed off and Sam and Luna have another go. Luna is so gorgeous!
Saw yesterdays Episode...
will Jessica die?

I read somewhere that a major character will be offed this year. Speculation is it's Tara. IMO, I don't like what they do to Tara, but she should not be killed/written off. Even if the person who plays her now leaves they should keep her in a storyline and make it decent for once. I get that she comes from a troubled past but seriously can she get a decent relationship already????:dohh:

Also I agree with the bizarreness of the UFC part....??? I think that was an awesome way to delve into her character more, but they just dropped it to pick up where she left off??? Her, being w/ or experimenting w/ women is plausible in my book based on the confusion that surrounded her before she left. I also see much growth in her character even though I don't like where she's heading.

Meanwhile there are other characters who are soaking up time right now. Sorry to say it but HOYT is the major one. I love HOYT don't want him to leave but w/o Jessica there's no real reason to have him right now. Tommy too. Once again I know he adds to Sam's plot but really Tommy should be done. The parents are gone,
Sam hates him YET again
. They need to tie Sam back into the main storyline. As a shifter there's room for it. However, I now Tommy is not going anywhere now ....
that he skin walked
Also, Andy---unless
he gets w/ Holly
---needs to go. Now that Jason was made a po there's no need for Andy w/ a storyline. Just bring him in when the Sheriff is needed. That's what they did w/ Kenya and the older guy until they wrote them out completely.

I say if the fans cry for gore(someone must die) give them Crystal.
By the way I have a feeling this is not the last we've heard of Jason and this werepanther stuff.
Also IMO Jessica has no real purpose right now w/o HOYT. So she should be up for grabs too.
I'm so mad at how they're trying to destroy that storyline before it fully developed.

Also all of a sudden Bill wants to play attentive maker? NOT BUYING IT!:nope: Ughhh I totally dislike how the writers now try to make them into an BA Eric/Pam relationship. So not the same. It shouldnt be. It's been neglected this far. Just let it go. I almost barfed:sick: at
their silvered down segment of maker-makee possible last words

Seriously...and I am warning Alan, HBO and the rest. Please don't make this Marnie/Antonia stuff a replica of the Maenad. There's enough storyline not to drag this out. Climax it ,get er done...or she gets them done whatever...and then let it segway to what's really go on, please.

Also is it just me or does Sookie have a new accent? Funny how they wait 4 seasons to get the cultural/local flair of the characters right. lol I like it the way it was.

Lastly, less they be careful, Sookie will start to develop a slutty/trashy (for a lack of a better words) flair at the rate she's going. There's still Alcide and maybe Sam...and another. There's a tasteful way for her to connect w/ all the guys of this show. lol But how she's heading for it w/ Eric is just turning me off. I want her to be a little more classy in her approach. And right now it seems like she's taking advantage of Eric's "innocence".:shrug:

I think that's it for now. :haha:
The most likely candidates for the character to be killed off (IMO):

WHY: She's not in the books therefore IS dispensable
WHY NOT: She's a fan favorite, her relationship with Jason is only just developing and her character has tons of potential for interesting storylines.

WHY: It might be the only way for him to get closure (through death) because of all the bad stuff he's done and been through. Don't see him having an epiphany anytime soon and changing....
WHY NOT: :shrug: I don't really see a reason to keep him. How much more can he screw up?

WHY: While she is in the books, her character isn't vital to any particular storyline and her part has been expanded immensely. She's had a lot of growth throughout the seasons but she might be out of material.
WHY NOT: She could possibly take a huge turn with the Wiccan stuff and turning against Sookie - we'll see where next week's episode leads to :D

WHY: Not really a fan favorite, his death would cause sufficient drama and he doesn't have a huge role in the show in the first place.
WHY NOT: I don't see any reason to keep him, except maybe the rivalry with Jason over Jessica might make a good plot.

WHY: He was killed off in the second book
WHY NOT: Definitely a huge favorite of the fans, I think a lot of people would be put off by his death. Also, there's a lot of development for him esp ever since he found out he is a medium.

Just my little True Blood analysis :haha:
I totally agree with all the predictions on the plot and who could possibly be killed off

Tara bores me half to death :sleep:

I also don't think Arlene and /or Terry are particularly essential. Maybe something will happen to do with the creepy doll and the ghost that will kill one or both of them off.

Also why does Andy need a storyline? He should just be a side character on the show. His whole v-addiction story is not very interesting.
Tara doesn't bore me but she does annoy the hell outta me. :wacko: I wouldn't think twice about her if they did kick her off the show.

As for Andy, I would have put him up there on the "off-able" characters list, but in the books his part does expand greatly and he is vital to a lot of storylines I think they will put in the show. Same goes for Arlene (she betrays Sookie in a big way) and I really like Terry in the show - he is a good husband/father - so I hope they don't kill him off.
i just caught up with true blood after being on holiday for two weeks ! the latest cliffhanger is too mean! haha least i only have till tomorrow night to wait tho thank god ! x
I thought Id share some things from the Bitten event I attended last weekend.

Tommy, Alcide, Eric, Bill, Sam and Sookie are all in season 5 to the end and Alcide is signed for 6 years of the show!

Rutina Wesley who plays Tara is apparently very fit and buff and is quite like her character in real life.

Ryan Kwanten who plays Jason is a complete health freak. He is nothing like his character and is quietly spoken, very intelligent and does yoga and wears hemp clothing and will not eat anything unnatural.

Anna Paquin likes to protect 'her boys' and is quite fiery. If she gets something into her head, she wont let it drop and can be bossy but shes lovely.

Nelsan Ellis will do a take in his Lafayette outfits and make up then his 4 children race onto set and his voice and persona become Dad and he will tell them off and set them doing their homework in his trailer etc.

They all do impressions of each other very well !

Each episode takes 15-18 hours to film and the actors do this all in one go with small breaks.

They play a lot of pranks on set and all get on very well. Stephen and Anna go out with Joe Manganiello and Grant Bowler (Cooter, who isnt in it anymore) off set too.

Joe Manganiello (Alcide) smelled of musk and was very nice and quite soft spoken. He was there with his fiancee and kept himself to himself at the parties.

Marshall Allman (Tommy) is the size of a hobbit and is quite mad. He talked about some strange things like Unicorns at funerals and did a rap as well for us. He was with his wife Jamie and theyre totally in awe of each other. Hes very pale and looked ill all weekend.

Grant Bowler (cooter) was AMAZING. Hilariously funny, full of energy and wit. Dressed SO casual all weekend and smelled of sweat in the photo shoots lol. He was my favourite guest of BOTH events that Ive been to and I was lucky enough to spend 40 mins in a chat with him having biscuits and tea!

If anyones interested in Bitten 3 next year, no guests announced yet but heres the link for tickets:
Bitten 3 Tickets 2012
lol i was going to that ! till about a week before i realized i had booked a holiday to cornwall for that weekend ! DOH! hahah i was just buying the tickets when it clicked :/! x
I LOVE LOVE LOVE True Blood!!!

Rather than go on and on about who I love and how much I love them, it'll be easier to say who I can't stand!

Tara ... I hope they kill her off. She's soooooooooo annoying!!

And Tommy is such a little prick!! At times I've felt sorry for him, but then I just despise him again!

I LOVE Monday nights when DH and I go to bed and get our True Blood fix!!

Hate that hideous witch lady too. Why did they cast someone with such a nasally, gross voice???
^ I love Marnie! I think it's especially funny how she is a witch in True Blood, but she was the "magic-hating muggle" aunt in Harry Potter! :haha:
Tommy, Alcide, Eric, Bill, Sam and Sookie are all in season 5 to the end and Alcide is signed for 6 years of the show!

:dohh: why Tommy? He needs to go!!! The rest are to be expected in my opinion.
I love Tommy, he is a little sod but his character has been through a lot and theres some interesting things to come for him according to Marshall who plays him.

Theres a storyline with him alongside Alcide coming up where Alcide carries him around a lot!

Marshall Allman was odd in real life though! Very strange little thing.

I also HATE Tara. I hope she dies, shes an arse pain and her character has major issues and has awful, stupid storylines.

Marnie, my jury is out on her. I find the character and the way shes going interesting but I dont like how Fiona Shaw plays her for some reason.

I am hating Lafayettes hair at the moment too ! lol

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