Trying Again After a Failed IVF Cycle

Thanks whattheivf. I found Septs new thread so will be following along so us really challenging ladies can support each other. Who knew that IVF would automatically do the trick?
Hey ladies, bad news, baby died today after being fine yesterday. so no baby for us.
Oh Mo!! I'm so sorry! There's nothing worse in this process than thinking you've finally gotten pregnant only to have it taken right back away. There are truly no words. Take care of yourself during this trying time. Please know that we are here! :hugs:
Mobaby - there are no words to describe how sorry I am that you have to go through this :hugs:
Morning ladies!

L4 - So sorry on your bfn. So glad you have a plan for moving forward with FET. :hugs:

Mo - My heart goes out to you and your Family. Thinking of you at this hard time. :hugs:

Hope the rest of you ladies are doing well :kiss:

AFM - Nothing new on the IVF side of things just waiting for 6th Jan to start injecting. Had a really emotional week from one extreme to another found out my sister is pregnant at the end of October and was really happy for her and thought i was being so strong but then she had her 12 week scan on Monday and started to tell people and then people started asking when is it my turn and i just broke down! :cry: cried all night just couldn't control myself. I just kept thinking she isnt even married she has only been with her partner for a year and a half that's not fair! I felt really selfish but i thought that should be me especially since it should have been my 12 week scan on wednesday if the first IVF had of worked! Started to feel better last night then found out this morning that one of our pupils from our dancing school her brother was knocked over by a car and killed! Life is just so unfair!!!!!!!!!! :sadangel:
Mo - I am so sorry. There are truly no words. I hope you're surrounding yourself with people who will support you during this difficult time.
I just cried at my desk reading all this devastating news. L4, Mo, and Sandy, I'm so sorry for what you are going through. Like others, I have no words of comfort, but please know we are all thinking about you, even from miles away.
S08 and MissAnnable, just wondering how you ladies were doing? Can't believe how far along you both are! S08 you really are close to dday!! Hope you doing well :kiss:
omg - you got your bfp!!! :happydance: I'm so happy for you :thumbup:
I am doing great. Things are going smoothly for once. I was just at the doctor on Tuesday and baby is measuring right on time and my glucose and everything is good. I'm back to exercising and feeling really good. I hope you have a happy and healthy 9months, congrats again :)
Thanks miss Annabele, I'm still a little anxious about it but so far so good. I'm glad everything's going well for you!! We lost you and S08 when the new thread started so I just thought about you guys and wondered how you were. You'll be holding your LO in no time!!
Hi MissAnnabelle :) Wow has time been going so fast for you girls! Hope all is good with you; love your new avatar pic ;)

Hi s08 :hi: Hope you are doing well; your due date is almost here!! How are you?

Hope everyone is good!! Thanks for getting this started again Lauren ;)
l4hope - I know it's hard not to be anxious about things, but your beta numbers and heart rate sound great! I bet your dh is thrilled. When will your clinic release you?

Hey Michelle :) 18 weeks already! Wow. Are you going to find out the gender?
I know I just can't help myself! Ill feel better after another good scan on Monday. My clinic will keep me till 12 weeks which is fine by me cuz I get more scans! Oh my gosh dh is sooo excited! He keeps wanting to look at baby stuff online and I still want to wait a little bit.
Hi ladies! Great to hear from you all.

L4hope, huge congratulations! :happydance: I think we all understand your hesitation to be truly excited, but things are looking fabulous for you! I'm so thrilled for you!

MissAnnabelle, I'm glad things are going smoothly with your pregnancy! 28 weeks already...yah!

Hi Michelle! Wow, 18 weeks...are you going to find out sex?

AFM, things have been challenging lately. I was admitted to the hospital at 31 weeks for pre-term labor (I was having contractions every 3 minutes and was dilated 1 cm). I didn't even was found at a routine NST. I was there a week and then sent home on strict bedrest. It's not easy, and DH has to do EVERYTHING! Luckily, I have a job that I can do most of my work from home (lawyer), so I haven't been bored. I go to the dr. twice a week, and so far, baby looks great! According to my dr., our goal is to get to 36 weeks (next Friday!!!), and then they will take me off meds and lift my bed rest. If baby comes then, it should be OK. I'm so excited to be up and around again. We have so much to do for the nursery (although I've been doing some major damage with online shopping Amazon prime :haha:) And I wouldn't be too upset if he comes early since his head is already in the 99th percentile and overall he is over the 90th percentile...and I'm pretty small. Sorry for the novel! Keep in touch, ladies!
Thanks S08! Glad to see you were still subscribed to this thread. :)

Wow that must have been quite a scare going into early labor!!! Glad they were able to stop it and get you stabilized. How are you handling bed rest? I'm sure it helps to be able to do work from home. But still not being able to get up and do things must be maddening after so long. You are in the home stretch now though, one more week! :happydance: ooh big head, I don't blame you for being ok if he comes a little early! My hubby is big and I'm small so I always tell him he better not give me a huge baby to push out!! Definitely keep in touch. :)
Hi ladies!! We have our gender scan next Friday; we weren't gonna find out, but DH wants to know. So we probably will find out.

s08 - WOW! I had that happen with DS, so glad they caught it and you are doing better now.

Time has definitely been flying by for everyone :)
L4, my husband is a pretty big guy too with a big noggin. In fact, he weighed over 11 pounds at birth and had to have ct scans as an infant because his head was so big...I should have known better than to marry him! Speaking of my husband, he was just admitted to the hospital this afternoon to have his appendix removed...we are going to be two invalids now! His mom is on her way over to take care of me, and then him tomorrow when he gets home. We are quite the pair!

Michelle, keep us posted on the gender scan. Do you have a hunch one way or the other?
S08 Oh goodness you two are quite the pair! Thankfully you have his mom to come help out. And dh should be pretty well healed by the time your little one comes. Hope surgery goes smoothly tomorrow!

Big guys are pretty great if you ask me! The 11pound baby thing, yeah that's pushing it to ridiculousness dh!! Don't they say its an average of what you both were? Hopefully you were tiny to help offset it a little bit. Will be anxious to see how that goes for you. :)
Just to give future girls a bit of inspiration. We got our bfp on Wednesday. 2yrs 10 months of ltttc, 4x iui, 2x ivf later and we conceived naturally. Both beta's has been great.

I truly hope you all get there soon! Don't ever give up, but ironically the month I thought it would not be possible and took a chilled month I conceived :happydance:
CONGRATS Tella :happydance: That is amazing and you deserved to get your BFP ;) I will have to stalk your journal ;)

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