Trying Again After a Failed IVF Cycle

I haven't been on here for a while, but glad to come back to some great news from Tella. I remember you from other threads, and am thrilled to hear of your success! I think that I would secretly hate that what everyone says ("just relax") actually know what I mean? Huge congrats!

I've been busy with my little man who is now almost 6 weeks old. He was born a month early (the day after they lifted my bedrest), but big and perfect. He doesn't like to sleep very long and I'm nursing at least every 2 hours, but I am totally in love.

How is everyone else doing?
Hi s08!! CONGRATS on your little boy ;) I didn't know you had him already and wow almost 6 months old!! Glad all is going well. I am starting to get to the point of where I am slowing down a bit. My workouts are now only 3 days a week and I think he is breech again; under my left rib is KILLING me and I had that with DS when he was breech under my right rib and now the kicking is in my lower area again. This LO is moving ALL around, it is crazy.

And the back pain...O.M.G. It hurts; any ideas on how to get any relief?

Hope everyone else is doing good!
Congrats on your bfp Tella!! That is wonderful! What was your infertility diagnosis?

Hi s08! Wow - I can't believe that you had your son! 6 weeks old already! That's great :) 7lbs and 8 ox at 36 weeks? Good thing you didn't have to deliver him at 40 weeks or more.

Michelle - 25 weeks already! Boy, the time sure is flying by. I am uncomfortable a lot too and I have been taking warm baths with epsom salts. I switched from regular workouts to walking and water fit at the ymca after 30 weeks. I heard that belly bands and prenatle cradles can help with back pain, but I found mine too uncomfortable to wear really.

afm - I got put on restriction again last Tuesday because I was 2cm dilated at my last checkup. My cervix is soft and ready and baby is engaged. I heard you can stay for a while like this though, but the Dr. told me to stay off my feet until I am 37 weeks just to be safe.
Thanks all :hug:

Still waiting for the symptoms to kick in. Just have sore boobs and pee alot.

I had endo and didn't ovulated. Had ovarian drilling which sorted the ovulation out but still took us 2y10m to conceive. Also had irregular cycles so battled to catch O without monitoring.
s08 - That should have said 6 weeks ;) not 6 months! Post a picture if you can; would love to see him!!

MissAnnabelle - Thanks for the suggestion; the back pain is something else and also having sciatic issues too. I am going to ask today because I have my check-up and glucose test. And yes you can be dilated for awhile, but everyone is different. Good thing is that you are almost 36 weeks, so even if you had her now, I am sure all would be great. I had DS at 36w6d and he was just fine. Time is definitely flying for all of us!! You will have to keep us updated on how things are going and when you deliver.

Tella - Those are great signs ;) I am truly happy for you; you deserved this and how wonderful that it happened when you least expected it too!
S08 would love to see a picture! I guess it is good your big boy came a little early or he really would have been big! A friend of mine just gave birth vaginally to her daughter who was 9lbs 15oz!! Yikes! Not sure how she managed that, but bless her! Guess it just depended on how your hips spread.

MissAnnabelle, sorry you have to deal with bedrest. But at least it's not too long, and then comes your little one! Hope you have books/magazines to read to help pass the time.

Tella of course I had to pop in here to tell you again how thrilled I am for you!! It is a well deserved and long awaited bfp for you! Symptoms so far are all good!

Michelle, that really stinks you are having back pain, although I guess it's pretty common. You've done great with your workouts and I'm sure it's not going to hurt to slow down some at this point. You're doing better than me, I was too afraid to continue my normal routine of running and lifting. In fact I didn't do anything for the first 10 weeks. But I am walking most nights after work.

So nice to hear updates ladies!!

Afm, things are pretty quiet right now. I'm just impatiently waiting my next OB appt next week so I can hear that precious heartbeat again. :)
Got the news today beta down from 13 to 4. Intended parents want to try again right away. 3 successful ivf transfers already. My first unsuccessful one today. New RE this time. Im feeling like its his fault.
s08 - That should have said 6 weeks ;) not 6 months! Post a picture if you can; would love to see him!!

MissAnnabelle - Thanks for the suggestion; the back pain is something else and also having sciatic issues too. I am going to ask today because I have my check-up and glucose test. And yes you can be dilated for awhile, but everyone is different. Good thing is that you are almost 36 weeks, so even if you had her now, I am sure all would be great. I had DS at 36w6d and he was just fine. Time is definitely flying for all of us!! You will have to keep us updated on how things are going and when you deliver.

Tella - Those are great signs ;) I am truly happy for you; you deserved this and how wonderful that it happened when you least expected it too!

Thanks, i suppose there is more symptoms but i forget about them till they happen like i sneeze alot, strong urine smell, eat alot more and get really hungry just after i have woken up oh yes and in the afternoon im tired.

That is the best part, i didnt have a obsessed 2ww so it was alot more chilled and i just enjoyed the month and voila, a bfp!!!

S08 would love to see a picture! I guess it is good your big boy came a little early or he really would have been big! A friend of mine just gave birth vaginally to her daughter who was 9lbs 15oz!! Yikes! Not sure how she managed that, but bless her! Guess it just depended on how your hips spread.

MissAnnabelle, sorry you have to deal with bedrest. But at least it's not too long, and then comes your little one! Hope you have books/magazines to read to help pass the time.

Tella of course I had to pop in here to tell you again how thrilled I am for you!! It is a well deserved and long awaited bfp for you! Symptoms so far are all good!

Michelle, that really stinks you are having back pain, although I guess it's pretty common. You've done great with your workouts and I'm sure it's not going to hurt to slow down some at this point. You're doing better than me, I was too afraid to continue my normal routine of running and lifting. In fact I didn't do anything for the first 10 weeks. But I am walking most nights after work.

So nice to hear updates ladies!!

Afm, things are pretty quiet right now. I'm just impatiently waiting my next OB appt next week so I can hear that precious heartbeat again. :)

Thanks sweetie :hugs: im glad the symptoms are easy so far but to be honest i wont mind MS just to have peace of mind...LOL

I cant wait for our scan anymore, we going to a baby expo next weekend, so hopefully they will be doing scans then at discounted rates and i can get a sneak peek at Smartie.

Im also to scared to excerise now, phone the FS and they said to wait till after my scan, so now im just gonna go sit in the juice bar and wait for DH to finish.

Got the news today beta down from 13 to 4. Intended parents want to try again right away. 3 successful ivf transfers already. My first unsuccessful one today. New RE this time. Im feeling like its his fault.

Aww so sorry about the dropping Beta :hugs: In a way it was successful as it did take just not continued, so most probably indicates chromosomal abnormalities. Fx'd the next one is a success!

AFM > Just taking it very easy not allowing anything to get to me. Im in a happy place LOL
Annabelle, sorry you have to be off your feet, but you are so close to 37 weeks! And even if the baby arrives now, everything will probably be totally fine (take it from me).

L4, glad things are quiet for you. Quiet is good! Are you showing yet?

Michelle, sorry for the back pain, but it is all for a good reason. I didn't suffer too badly during pregnancy, so don't have any advice to offer.

Tella, feeling any symptoms?

I hope anyone else I missed is doing well.

AFM, I will gladly oblige the picture requests. I'm pretty dang proud of my little munchkin!


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s08 - He is so adorable!!! How old was he when you had the pictures taken? I love the name Jack and I think it really suits him already. You must be so happy :) Maybe tired too, but

Michelle - That sucks, I hope the Dr. can offer you some help at you next appointment. Congrats on having a boy! Do you have any names that you like yet? What is your ds's name? How much warning did you have before you delivered? I'm worried that I am going to miss some kind of sing or something.

Tella - less than 2 weeks until your scan! That is around the time that they start to take shape and move :)

l4hope - thanks :) I'm not stuck in bed - just have to limit my lifting and time on my feet. They said up to 10mins is fine as long as I don't start to cramp up, so it's not so bad. I rented some movies and have been doing some organizing around the house. I can't believe that you are over 15 weeks already! Are you going to find out the sex? I felt great at 15 weeks. For me like 12 to 25 weeks I felt really good. That is when I got all of my big shopping and work in the nursury finished - which was a good thing because then I started to get tired again.
s08 - You have every right to be a proud mommy; he is so stinkin adorable ;)

MissAnnabelle - My DH is sooo stubborn on names, so we do not have a name picked yet. My DS's name is Tyler Jordan :) As for when I delivered DS; I woke up one morning, well it was like 2am and was having HORRIBLE cramping. I knew something wasn't right so I called the hospital and then went there a few hours later. They said I wasn't having contractions, so sent me home. I did have an appt that morning with my OB and he hooked me up to find I was having contractions and was already dialating, so told me they were doing the c-section that afternoon at 2pm. So I had DS at 36w6d that afternoon. By the time I had him my contractions were 2 minutes apart! You will know when something doesn't seem right or it could be that time ;) You are getting sooo close :)
They sent you home!?! That is crazy! I would have been so mad at them. My hospital is 50mins away, so my ob said to go to her first if she is open. I hope I know. Ever watch those shows where the woman has no idea she is pregnant or in labor? Who are those women?
Are you going for names that match? I like Travis. There are a lot of nice boys names. My dh was surprisingly fussy when it came to picking out a name. He never had and suggestions - he just likes to shoot them
Alexandria Rose was born last Tuesday at 1:55am weighing 8lbs 4.6oz and 20.5" long.


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CONGRATS!!! She is beautiful :) What a great weight too!! How are things going and how are you feeling?
I'm feeling better now but things are a little tough with the baby. Easier now that my milk is in but she is very fussy and stays up all night. I am hoping as time goes by it will get easier.
How are you? 30 weeks already?:)
It takes some time to adjust with a newborn baby ;) And I remember DS having his nights/weekends mixed up until about 11 weeks, then it was like a miracle, I slept through an entire night and then wondered if I didn't hear him but he slept through the night :)

I feel like time is going in slow motion for me now. I am exhausted, having some insomnia and ready for it to be time. Did you go naturally or did they induce you?
I went to the hospital at4cm with broken water they gave me two drips of pitosin because I was high risk and they didn't want me to get an infection. Sorry typing with one hand. Baby in the other. Lol
It sounds like I have a couple more months of this to go still. How old is your sin now Michelle? 4? Is he excited about the baby? It though the third tri was the worst. Seems like it drags.
Oh wow, glad things turned out good! It does seem like around 11-12 weeks is when things really get better, but I hear other girls on here that have some good nights/bad nights, so hang in there. Just nap when she naps ;)

Tyler will be 4 July 1 :) He is excited, but I am not sure he really understands at this point. He certainly will soon enough :haha: And yep, I agree, I feel like things are now in slow motion :wacko: Not sure I want it to speed up but I am ready too. I think its gonna be harder cause I cannot just nap when the baby naps if Tyler is awake....UGH!
I bet that will be a challenge with two lo's. fx'd your baby is really mellow:)
What happens to us women after we have our babies that makes it so we don't need as much sleep? I had Allie go to the nursery during the night and I swear I would start raising my bed before the nurse even got to the door with her lol
Got my meds for the FET and I was surprised to see injectable progesterone. I have only used the suppositories and don't understand the need for the injectable. I've heard the horror stories about how painful it is! I go to the RE tomorrow to make sure the stupid cyst has shrunk so I'll ask him then.

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