I had a look at your pics but tbh I didn't see anything there myself. FX though, after all you're not due til tomorrow.
I've spent five years now squinting at lines on tests and getting worked up about them, only to have AF arrive days later and leave me crushed. Now I've seen my positive, bright and bold, I feel so, so daft for willing the faintest line into existence all those times lol! When the HCG hormone is there and you're past AF time, the test really does light up and there's no denying the line! If only I'd realised that years ago, would have saved myself much heartache.
Those faint BFPs all tend to come several days before AF: once it's time for the witch to show, even those cheap HPTs are really quite accurate. Give it a try again in a couple of days - as soon as you're late, the test result should be much, much more accurate. FX again, keep us informed!
And do keep in touch with this thread of ladies. Honestly they're wonderful and they've kept me so sane over these past months and years, I would have gone crazy without them but they've kept me positive about TTC, without pushing my hopes up every month like some forum folks do. Plenty of no-nonsense advice and support, bad times and good, about all aspects of life. I love them all dearly