Trying for #1, anyone is welcome!

Feb 4, 2018
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Hi Ladies,

I have been mostly lurking in other 2ww buddy posts to find others on the same boat. Now I am thinking may be I should have started with a introduction, so bear with me,

I am Alice, 29 (DH 34). We are trying for our #1, and this is our 2nd cycle ttc. [ I am also new to all the lingos :blush: ] First time we tried in September 2017. It was more like NTNP type, but after a :bfn: at that time, now I am more stressed in our 2nd cycle. My af is due on 9th Feb. Oh, I should mention me and DH have to live apart due to our work being in different cities. So we can not really try every month. DH is pretty cool headed about this and have 'we will try again next month' type of attitude. I don't know why I am just too stressed, I so want this tww to be the one. All I am doing is symptom spotting, convincing myself this is a sign, then persuade myself that I am definitely overanalyzing.

I don't really know much about what to look for and obviously no experience to compare with. So this is me, looking for buddies, anyone ttc, in their tww, first time mummies, or already a mom. Share your experience, symptoms with me. I am really going crazy with the stress ..

:dust: for everyone who is trying or, not trying but wouldn't mind a surprise!
Hey there, we've been actively trying for 19 cycles now (this being cycle 19#) and trying for baby #1. Bit of background on me at age 15 I had to have extensive surgery on ovaries (cyst removed on right and fallopian tube and partial removal on left side) then got pregnant from due to ex's lie on "protection." Ended in assisted MC due to it being half in the entryway of remaining fallopian tube (was attached to uturus but had started to grow near the opening cause pain/bleeding.) That was back when I was 22/23 and now about to reach 30 in April, have had nothing but a minor CP, so minute I barely caught the hcg hormone before pain and bleeding back in cycle 12. Which could have just been a cyst rupture and "sorting itself out" since they can cause a small trace to be picked up by tests, it is a thing people...

So now I sit and wait for an appointment to see a GYN with so many being each month it's impossible to NOT get pregnant at least once, and yet...nothing.

So GL with your cycles and I hope you have better luck than me and could always be worse if you don't get BFP this cycle.
Hi girls! Thought I would join! I have super irregular cycles.. I mean months without one kinds. According to the professionals lol my ovaries are “remarkable” as well as my uterus and endometrium. So it’s most likely a thyroid or hormonal issue which I have yet to get tested because we decided this was our last year (or half at least) TTC by NTNP! But I will start TTC more actively by temping and trying pre seed and things like that on my own for the next few months before we even try fertility drugs. I will say if it’s a thyroid over or under I fit some of the symptoms besides weight gain.
Hey there, we've been actively trying for 19 cycles now (this being cycle 19#) and trying for baby #1. Bit of background on me at age 15 I had to have extensive surgery on ovaries (cyst removed on right and fallopian tube and partial removal on left side) then got pregnant from due to his lie on "protection." Ended in assisted MC due to it being half in the entryway of remaining fallopian tube (was attached to uturus but had started to grow near the opening cause pain/bleeding.) That was back when I was 22/23 and now about to reach 30 in April, have had nothing but a minor CP, so minute I barely caught the hcg hormone before pain and bleeding back in cycle 12. Which could have just been a cyst rupture and "sorting itself out" since they can cause a small trace to be picked up by tests, it is a thing people...

So now I sit and wait for an appointment to see a GYN with so many being each month it's impossible to NOT get pregnant at least once, and yet...nothing.

So GL with your cycles and I hope you have better luck than me and could always be worse if you don't get BFP this cycle.

Hi!!! I am sorry you had to go through all that. You are right, we can only try and hope for the best, no point stressing on what may or may not happen. This TWW is just driving me crazy, and af is so close.

BTW, we are almost same age, I will be 30 in September. :hugs: Lets hope we will get a better luck this year! Fx ..
Hi girls! Thought I would join! I have super irregular cycles.. I mean months without one kinds. I’m 27 and the fiancé is 28. According to the professionals lol my ovaries are “remarkable” as well as my uterus and endometrium. So it’s most likely a thyroid or hormonal issue which I have yet to get tested because we decided this was our last year (or half at least) TTC by NTNP! But I will start TTC more actively by temping and trying pre seed and things like that on my own for the next few months before we even try fertility drugs. I will say if it’s a thyroid over or under I fit some of the symptoms besides weight gain. 5”6 and weigh 110 pounds! I can’t gain weight for the LIFE of me y’all! Anyways we’ve been NTNP for probably 6 years or so. Kind of hard to do with so few AF’s a year :( But my mom and sister were both like that and have had 3 babies each. So maybe it’s just me :( I’m almost positive I ovulate every month though so that’s a good thing! Been feeling like AF is right around the corner (obviously thought I was PG with all the symptoms lol) but BFN’s so I’m just waiting on the witch then I will be actively temping! Good luck girls, hoping our first ones are conceived in 2018! <3 What a blessing that would be!

Hi dear! Thanks for sharing. I don't have a super perfect cycle either, it varies between 29-31 days. I am kind of skinny too, everyone who knows me always goes on about it all the time, like I'll be wanting to gain someday (TTC). So that was kind of my thought too, what you mentioned about your mom and sister, I have seen others like us having healthy babies, so hopefully this won't be too much of a problem. :shrug:

Our first ones conceived in 2018, I could want nothing more! <3 So :dust: for you and CM!
Hi girls! Thought I would join! I have super irregular cycles.. I mean months without one kinds. I’m 27 and the fiancé is 28. According to the professionals lol my ovaries are “remarkable” as well as my uterus and endometrium. So it’s most likely a thyroid or hormonal issue which I have yet to get tested because we decided this was our last year (or half at least) TTC by NTNP! But I will start TTC more actively by temping and trying pre seed and things like that on my own for the next few months before we even try fertility drugs. I will say if it’s a thyroid over or under I fit some of the symptoms besides weight gain. 5”6 and weigh 110 pounds! I can’t gain weight for the LIFE of me y’all! Anyways we’ve been NTNP for probably 6 years or so. Kind of hard to do with so few AF’s a year :( But my mom and sister were both like that and have had 3 babies each. So maybe it’s just me :( I’m almost positive I ovulate every month though so that’s a good thing! Been feeling like AF is right around the corner (obviously thought I was PG with all the symptoms lol) but BFN’s so I’m just waiting on the witch then I will be actively temping! Good luck girls, hoping our first ones are conceived in 2018! <3 What a blessing that would be!

I'm the same way 5'7" and currently 102 lbs, been skinny all my life heaviest been 113 when I was "ripped" at 17 due to sports. I think it just depends on the person and their diet if the "skinniness" affects your fertility. I do hope you all have good luck this year and don't have to go through the pains of fertility aid, that I will probably be going through soon.
Hi ladies, I’ve been on the TTC train since August 17. This is cycle number 6 after coming off of the pill. I’m 34 and he is 32. We also have a rough time with it, my partner suffers from delayed ejactulation, most of the time he doesn’t climax at all. We just try and have sex as much as we can in my fertile window and hope for the best. We are planning to start seeking help and trying alternative methods in July. Until then, it’s just fingers crossed and hope for the best
Best of luck! I am now 32 and DH is 34, but when I was 23 I got pregnant (had a miscarriage around 6-8 weeks and it was w/ my bf at the time) so the only signs I am aware of feeling are super sensitive nipples and sides of my boobs when it was the week AF (aunt flo) was due and constant mild cramping. My AF was due that week on a Friday and I tested that Wednesday cuz I missed a lot of BCP (birth control pills) and it was negative. Tested again 2 days after AF was due and I got a positive. FYI... DOLLAR TREE TESTS WORK cuz I had 1 and when I already knew I was pregnant I tested on that to see if they do work haha and they do. Anyways... those were the 2 symptoms I remember.

DH and I started trying 2 weeks ago and I'm not sure what my cycle is because I took the first week of BCP before we decided to start. No I couldn't wait 3 weeks and finish the pack lol I was too excited cuz we have been married 3 years, together 7 and I have been anxiously awaiting this since we got married. So I took the first week then stopped. I never got withdrawel bleeding, which is odd cuz in the past when I had to stop my pills for a month for any reason I got the bleeding. I have had sore nipples and light cramping since a few days after I stopped taking the pills. I believe that to be the BCP withdrawel symptoms. They mimick pregnancy and ovulation symptoms. So anywho, I'm a weirdo who loves to POAS (pee on a stick) so I have already been testing hahaha and testing on an OPK (ovulation prediction kit) to see if I am ovulating late. I SHOULD have ovulated the week I stopped my pills, but who knows since I screwed my body up. Now I'm rambling sorry haha. I'll be here lurking and following along.

Oh and this will be our first baby. Neither of us have had kids. :cloud9:
thank you! It's just crazy how these symptoms are either pregnancy symptoms, ovulation symptoms (but the OPKs are all negative), or BCP withdrawel. So I think theyre either prego or withdrawel, but where I haven't had withdrawel bleeding I'm leaning towards pregnancy hopefully. I also get nervous tho that my body will confuse my uterus fibroid with pregnancy cuz that happened a couple years ago. I missed a month of pills and discovered the fibroid through an ultrasound (cuz pee sticks and blood test were all negative after skipping AF for a month) and I also had a large ovarian cyst. FX that those don't cause issues.

praying for you as well!! <3
Hi Ladies,

I have been mostly lurking in other 2ww buddy posts to find others on the same boat. Now I am thinking may be I should have started with a introduction, so bear with me,

I am Alice, 29 (DH 34). We are trying for our #1, and this is our 2nd cycle ttc. [ I am also new to all the lingos :blush: ] First time we tried in September 2017. It was more like NTNP type, but after a :bfn: at that time, now I am more stressed in our 2nd cycle. My af is due on 9th Feb. Oh, I should mention me and DH have to live apart due to our work being in different cities. So we can not really try every month. DH is pretty cool headed about this and have 'we will try again next month' type of attitude. I don't know why I am just too stressed, I so want this tww to be the one. All I am doing is symptom spotting, convincing myself this is a sign, then persuade myself that I am definitely overanalyzing.

I don't really know much about what to look for and obviously no experience to compare with. So this is me, looking for buddies, anyone ttc, in their tww, first time mummies, or already a mom. Share your experience, symptoms with me. I am really going crazy with the stress ..

:dust: for everyone who is trying or, not trying but wouldn't mind a surprise!

Hey, Alice! I'm Amanda - ttc #1 @ 29yrs (30 in April wahh) -- this is DH and my second cycle trying as well, had a CP last month but was very early (4wks) so if i hadnt tested early I likely would have just thought i had a crazy heavy period.

Also same boat as the weight, i'm so tired of ppl making comments about needing to gain weight to make babies appear, my momma is the same size as me and had 3 healthy babes!

It is impossible not to stress during the TWW - you are absolutely not alone in that! My AF isnt due until the 17th and i'm already googling every twinge I feel.

how are you feeling today? only two days out from the witch - hoping she doesnt show for you!
Hi ladies, I’ve been on the TTC train since August 17. This is cycle number 6 after coming off of the pill. I’m 34 and he is 32. We also have a rough time with it, my partner suffers from delayed ejactulation, most of the time he doesn’t climax at all. We just try and have sex as much as we can in my fertile window and hope for the best. We are planning to start seeking help and trying alternative methods in July. Until then, it’s just fingers crossed and hope for the best

Hi Nix, I would be stalking your updates girl, gl! As for me, I can't try each month, as either of us literally has to take days off during my ovulation (so frustrating!). I am trying to get a job in the same city as DH is now, lets see how that goes.

Fx that 18 be the year for all of us!
Best of luck! I am now 32 and DH is 34, but when I was 23 I got pregnant (had a miscarriage around 6-8 weeks and it was w/ my bf at the time) so the only signs I am aware of feeling are super sensitive nipples and sides of my boobs when it was the week AF (aunt flo) was due and constant mild cramping. My AF was due that week on a Friday and I tested that Wednesday cuz I missed a lot of BCP (birth control pills) and it was negative. Tested again 2 days after AF was due and I got a positive. FYI... DOLLAR TREE TESTS WORK cuz I had 1 and when I already knew I was pregnant I tested on that to see if they do work haha and they do. Anyways... those were the 2 symptoms I remember.

DH and I started trying 2 weeks ago and I'm not sure what my cycle is because I took the first week of BCP before we decided to start. No I couldn't wait 3 weeks and finish the pack lol I was too excited cuz we have been married 3 years, together 7 and I have been anxiously awaiting this since we got married. So I took the first week then stopped. I never got withdrawel bleeding, which is odd cuz in the past when I had to stop my pills for a month for any reason I got the bleeding. I have had sore nipples and light cramping since a few days after I stopped taking the pills. I believe that to be the BCP withdrawel symptoms. They mimick pregnancy and ovulation symptoms. So anywho, I'm a weirdo who loves to POAS (pee on a stick) so I have already been testing hahaha and testing on an OPK (ovulation prediction kit) to see if I am ovulating late. I SHOULD have ovulated the week I stopped my pills, but who knows since I screwed my body up. Now I'm rambling sorry haha. I'll be here lurking and following along.

Oh and this will be our first baby. Neither of us have had kids. :cloud9:

Lee- I understand the rambling part, that all I have been doing so far :blush: during this TWW. I never continuously tried pills, but it's usually once in 3 months or so. If I am not active, I don't continue. And I haven't always got the withdrawal bleeding. So not sure about that. But do update what happens. Thanks for mentioning the Dollar Tree tests, I may try as well (after 9th, I may get af before that :cry:).

We have been married for 6+ years, I don't know I have always been focusing on my career. Since, last year I really felt like I want this, hence started TTC. I kind of fear if I started too late, and it would be my fault and I don't know how to cope with that. Also I am trying to keep my stress away from DH, he lost his dad just a little while ago. I so feel this new family member may also help him heal in ways I never can.
Hi Ladies,

I have been mostly lurking in other 2ww buddy posts to find others on the same boat. Now I am thinking may be I should have started with a introduction, so bear with me,

I am Alice, 29 (DH 34). We are trying for our #1, and this is our 2nd cycle ttc. [ I am also new to all the lingos :blush: ] First time we tried in September 2017. It was more like NTNP type, but after a :bfn: at that time, now I am more stressed in our 2nd cycle. My af is due on 9th Feb. Oh, I should mention me and DH have to live apart due to our work being in different cities. So we can not really try every month. DH is pretty cool headed about this and have 'we will try again next month' type of attitude. I don't know why I am just too stressed, I so want this tww to be the one. All I am doing is symptom spotting, convincing myself this is a sign, then persuade myself that I am definitely overanalyzing.

I don't really know much about what to look for and obviously no experience to compare with. So this is me, looking for buddies, anyone ttc, in their tww, first time mummies, or already a mom. Share your experience, symptoms with me. I am really going crazy with the stress ..

:dust: for everyone who is trying or, not trying but wouldn't mind a surprise!

Hey, Alice! I'm Amanda - ttc #1 @ 29yrs (30 in April wahh) -- this is DH and my second cycle trying as well, had a CP last month but was very early (4wks) so if i hadnt tested early I likely would have just thought i had a crazy heavy period.

Also same boat as the weight, i'm so tired of ppl making comments about needing to gain weight to make babies appear, my momma is the same size as me and had 3 healthy babes!

It is impossible not to stress during the TWW - you are absolutely not alone in that! My AF isnt due until the 17th and i'm already googling every twinge I feel.

how are you feeling today? only two days out from the witch - hoping she doesnt show for you!

Hi Dreamer! That is exactly what I am doing, googling everything, lol. I was so sure abt af this morning, started to feel mild cramps. But the witch hasn't showed herself yet. Super stressed :cry:
Canadian, I agree! I swear for be longest time I thought I had PCOS. But my doctor did a trans U/S and my ovaries are “perfect” which was great news to hear! But I was concerned because I know you can still have it without the cyst aspect. But I don’t have much of the other symptoms aka weight gain or excess hair. So she kind of ruled that out and had wanted me to follow up with more blood test. The week of that my insurance through work had changed and my doctors no longer took my new insurance. I’ve been waiting months now to get into the new ones. So frustrating but like I said we weren’t even really at THAT point where we wanted to seek out the answers or even fertility specialists. I haven’t done the research but I’ve seen a lot of women saying their doctors won’t even prescribe them things such as Clomid because they are too young. But when you’re 27 and have been with the same guy for years NTNP and it just hasn’t happened, even when my periods are exiting me by being perfectly on time every month for months at a time. But it still doesn’t happen, I mean at what point do they agree with you? “Young” by their opinions or not? I wonder if any of you ladies know the answer to that haha. About what age is considered OK to start fertility treatments? I almost really think I’m pregnant every time AF shows up because it’s always so different for me. The one thing that’s always consistent hours is that my boobs will (both) slowly start aching and swelling and get worse by the day leading up to AF. And this only ever happens a few days before AF and he say before or of AF I would cramp and then bleed almost immediately. Last cycle my boobs started aching for TWO weeks before AF. Definitely thought I had gotten pregnant because like I said it’s usualy a few days and bam the witch flies in. So that was disappointing and definilty different PMS symptoms :( So a few weeks ago I had loads of EWCM which is how I know I ovulate because it happens every month. And even though there’s no way to know for sure without temping if that happens for a few days a month I’m going to possibly be crazy and assume ovulation lol. After that happened and we DTD I notice my right boob only started swelling and getting sore. Got exited over this haha. For the week it was like that and then he leftystarted to finally get in the game too. Now even though they are super big and semi sore (usually hugely swollen and almost painful to crying before AF) I had gotten BFNs all last week and have stopped testing. I had AF cramps two days ago and packed extra tampons in my purse lol. But cramps went away and haven’t returned. But I’ve already come to terms that my pre AF symptoms are not reliable and can be complete 180’s from the last cycle :( So I’m waiting for her ugly face to show up && on to the next cycle(s) where I will be actively temping aka obsessing! I’m a POAS-holic too but after so many BFNS and almost $100 spent off frers every “maybe!” Cycle I only buy a pack of frers after a few cheapie shadows. Always end up with BFNs and it’s so heartbreaking! Wish my skinny a$$ would get pregnant already :( Good luck girls, sorry for the essay but work is BORING this morning! <3

Nix- sorry to hear about your partners man juice :( I bet his swimmers are rockstars though and it only takes one rockstar for you girl! FX and I know what you mean for SURE! My man works himself physically to the bone all day and sometimes he just can’t finish. It sucks but I refuse to put pressure on him and make him not even wanna do it all it make him feel less of a man :( That would hurt me more than not getting pregnant that month! Please keep us updated from your doctor appointment with the specialist! I’m super curious to know how that route goes as I believe I too will be there soon enough.. praying for you girl!

Lee- I don’t know much about coming off of BC but I do know your symptoms could be PG ones too! FX I really hope you get your BFP! Praying for you and your hubby xoxo

And Canadian— yes I’ve never weighed more than 120 but for some reason I’ve been steady 110-113 and for the life of me haven’t gained a pound in almost a year. It definitely fuctuates a few pounds when I’m bloated but always goes back to 110. Can’t gain weight for the life of me and eat like nobody’s business :( I hope it’s not an inner cause to my fertility issues with AF :( FX it’s not!

It is hard but I don’t put any pressure on him at all. It just makes it worse for him. I’ve stopped telling him when I’m ovulating, but I think he still knows when it it, I become a sex pest and won’t leave him alone ha ha. I must start doing it all month so he can’t tell one week from any other. All we can do is give it our best shot.

Hope we all get BFPs soon. I’ve stopped testing now. I won’t test unless AF doesn’t show. It’s too disheartening
Hi ladies, I’ve been on the TTC train since August 17. This is cycle number 6 after coming off of the pill. I’m 34 and he is 32. We also have a rough time with it, my partner suffers from delayed ejactulation, most of the time he doesn’t climax at all. We just try and have sex as much as we can in my fertile window and hope for the best. We are planning to start seeking help and trying alternative methods in July. Until then, it’s just fingers crossed and hope for the best

Hi Nix, I would be stalking your updates girl, gl! As for me, I can't try each month, as either of us literally has to take days off during my ovulation (so frustrating!). I am trying to get a job in the same city as DH is now, lets see how that goes.

Fx that 18 be the year for all of us!

Ha ha thanks. Ah that must be so hard. Hope you find a new job soon. I’ve just moved in with my partner, we were struggling to get time to BD living apart. And we were only 4 miles from each other! Good luck and I hope you get your BFP soon
Lee- I understand the rambling part, that all I have been doing so far :blush: during this TWW. I never continuously tried pills, but it's usually once in 3 months or so. If I am not active, I don't continue. And I haven't always got the withdrawal bleeding. So not sure about that. But do update what happens. Thanks for mentioning the Dollar Tree tests, I may try as well (after 9th, I may get af before that :cry:).

We have been married for 6+ years, I don't know I have always been focusing on my career. Since, last year I really felt like I want this, hence started TTC. I kind of fear if I started too late, and it would be my fault and I don't know how to cope with that. Also I am trying to keep my stress away from DH, he lost his dad just a little while ago. I so feel this new family member may also help him heal in ways I never can.

How old are you? I always fear that we are starting late as well. I'm 32 and he is 34. He doesn't seen nervous though. My mom got pregnant naturally with me at 38 and had me at 39, so there is always hope.

Yes do use the dollar tree ones. They save so much money. I also ordered the Wondfo ones (and OPKs) on amazon and the pregnancy tests should be in today and OPKs tomorrow. I bought 50 test strips for $16! I have read about these from lurking on sites haha.

I will keep you all posted. My OPKs are so light now that I can barely see the test line, so I'm hoping I did ovulate about Feb 1-2 when I should have. I didn't take any OPKs that week tho... didn't think of it till the week after like a dumby.

Still have sore nipples, which have been every day since I possibly ovulated Feb 1-2. High and soft CP.
Well ladies I think I&#8217;m about to be officially CD1 again since I&#8217;ve had brown pink spotting/CM this morning. Probably right on time since I woke up and my boobs were torture :( No usual first day of AF bloating or cramps but I won&#8217;t be surprised if they show up mid day today and the witch comes full force. Really just goes to show me that I honestly can&#8217;t rely on my PMS symptoms being the same leading up to her and wondering if they&#8217;re actually PG symptoms! THAT is frustrating! Good luck ladies, I&#8217;m actually exited about starting over this cycle and REALLY TTC! We are STILL going to get our little ones this year, I just know it! <3
Well ladies I think I’m about to be officially CD1 again since I’ve had brown pink spotting/CM this morning. Probably right on time since I woke up and my boobs were torture :( No usual first day of AF bloating or cramps but I won’t be surprised if they show up mid day today and the witch comes full force. Really just goes to show me that I honestly can’t rely on my PMS symptoms being the same leading up to her and wondering if they’re actually PG symptoms! THAT is frustrating! Good luck ladies, I’m actually exited about starting over this cycle and REALLY TTC! We are STILL going to get our little ones this year, I just know it! <3

Awww no. I hope full blow AF doesn’t come.

Symptoms are so annoying as PMS really does mimic it. It’s almost cruel to us women
Me either! I wanna smack her right in the face! Oops .. PMS talking haha! I think his thread especially will really help me while TTC because I know there&#8217;s so many women on here doing just that & have been so blessed to already have conceived. My heart goes out to any who have had losses at any stage though. It just weighs SO heavy on me that I may not ever be able to even conceive on my own :( Going to be paying super close attention to ovulation this cycle and hope for the best. FX for all of us! Xo

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