Hello ladies! I just wanted to share my story. I see you are all new here and though this thread has kind of been abandoned, it still has some followers from before. So I didn't want you all to think that no one was reading. I hope my story can give you some hope!
I had my first child at 16. I got married at 18 and had my next child at 19. My last child (my son) came at age 20. My husband got a vascetomy. My husband had a new found freedom and he decided to use it and we seperated 2 years after the vascetomy. I decided in 1999 that I would get my tubes tied because I thought I was done and BCP just didn't work for me. (I had 2 of my children on BCP) Then in Feb. 2000 I met the best man in the world and we married in April 2001. He is 5 years younger than me and he jumped in with my 3 children as if he was there from day one! He has been the BEST DAD in the world to them. We had discussed having a child but we kinda flip flopped with it for a few years and then we decided in 2005 we wanted to do it. So we started saving for it (as insurance doesn't pay for it and it was $5800) I had my TR on April 12, 2007.
We started TTC immediately. However my life was turned upside down faster than I could blink! My son had a potentionally fatal accident on his ATV and was med flighted to a major hospital here. He was in ICU for 5 days. He has a ruptured spleen, lacerated liver, broken rib, and a broken leg. I was dealing with him and finally in July he was all better and back to normal! Thank GOD! So as soon as we get him well, in August my father had a massive heart attack and died at his home. It was completely unexpected. So I dealt with that for quite a while. Very depressed for a few months and still deal with it every day, but it has got better over time. We had 2 more deaths in my family within 90 days of my dad. So we had a LOT of stress in our family for 6 months! So as soon as the stress let up.... wouldn't you know..... I got my first on Feb 15th!!!!!!!!! WOOO HOOOO!!!!!!!! How exciting!
Well not really...... No sooner was I getting used to the feeling of being pregnant, I get the huge blow!!!!!!!!!!! On March 3rd, I went in for my scan and as I was laying on the table the technician says to me " I don't see a gestional sac" I lost it! I knew something was wrong for a while since I started spotting about 1 week prior to the scan, but I was praying it was implantation. I was wrong. I lost my baby on March 6th 2008. This was the first of 5 losses. The last one being on Christmas Eve 2010. I finally told my husband that I could not do this anymore! We had all the tests done and everything was 100% ok! My tubes (though short) were open and I was ovulating GREAT! Hubbies swimmers were 100% GREAT! So I wrote it off that it just wasn't meant to be. I told him that I wanted to get the ablation done because my cycles were horrible! He asked if we could hold off unit I was 40 and then we would stop. I was 38 and turned 39 2 months later. So I agreed. Our second grandchild was born on March 3, 2011. We found out we were pregnant on March 29, 2011. Our precious miracle baby was born Nov. 29, 2011! After all we went through getting pregnant with her, we decided that we were not going to try for anymore. My hubby had a vascetomy in March 2012. Then my cycles started getting horrible again, but 10 times worse than before! So I talked to my dr about the ablation and he said we could try it, but my cycles were so bad, he didn't know if that would help. We opted for a hysterectomy. I kept my ovaries so I wasn't forced into menopause. Our little girl is so loved by us and our children and our grandchildren too! She is the apple of her Daddy's eye! I am glad he asked me to wait and I am glad I listened! LOL!
Anyway, I am sorry for the long winded post. I just wanted to give you ladies some hope that it can and will happen when you least expect it! Don't give up hope! I started at 35 with short tubes (3 and 2.5) and then at 39 with short tubes, it happened! I wish you all the luck in the world and I hope your journey is short and very sweet!

and TONS of BABY

to you all!