Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

Ah faith sorry AF showed.

Mammaspath glad to hear your feeling good.

Camtex it was 4 months of ttc before i got a bfp. Hang in there.
Afm, just kinda hanging here in limbo waiting for these next 10 days to go by.
Ah faith sorry AF showed.

Mammaspath glad to hear your feeling good.

Camtex it was 4 months of ttc before i got a bfp. Hang in there.
Afm, just kinda hanging here in limbo waiting for these next 10 days to go by.

MommaB, good luck this cycle:hugs:

I'm thinking of giving soy isoflavones a try:wacko: sounds crazy, but I don't feel that I have much to lose at this point:thumbup:
Ah faith sorry AF showed.

Mammaspath glad to hear your feeling good.

Camtex it was 4 months of ttc before i got a bfp. Hang in there.
Afm, just kinda hanging here in limbo waiting for these next 10 days to go by.

MommaB, good luck this cycle:hugs:

I'm thinking of giving soy isoflavones a try:wacko: sounds crazy, but I don't feel that I have much to lose at this point:thumbup:

I'm feeling much better this cycle Faith. NO sore bb's no nothing. I feel great. The B6 has really turned out to be a wonderful remedy for all the symptoms that i was feeling every month.

You should try it. It is supposed to be the Natural clomid and help with stimulating Ovulation. I don't really think it could hurt anything. I have thought of doing it but then i talk myself back out of it.
MommaB, I'm so glad the B6 has worked for you! Who knew that something so simple and cheap could do such things:haha: I hope you get your baby this cycle:hugs:

I did go ahead with the Soy Iso ...typically I RUN from soy, but from what I've been reading, the negative effects on fertility come from constant use rather than 5 days out of the cycle. I chose to do days 3-7 - 120mg/120mg/120mg/140mg/140mg. I'll be taking day 6 tonight and the last tomorrow night:thumbup: so far, I'm not experiencing any major side face is breaking out:( and I feel a bit more edgy from time to time, but I try to watch for that and catch myself before responding with a quick temper:haha: other than that..I'm sleeping great! We'll see what happens. I hope it will move my O date forward. I typically O on cd 17 or 18..last month I think was cd19! I have plenty of opks to start testing at cd10, which is what some women have experienced...we'll see!! I will probably try several cycles of soy, if necessary, but take a month off in between as to avoid the possible "cyst" side effect, which I know is common with clomid, too!

Also, if you want to join in a chattier thread, come over to:

This is a GREAT group of ladies:) Two of our gals over there just had their TR babies in the past week:haha: :hugs:
so i have kinda bad news

my 5w3day scan shows a sac but nothing inside.

im so down today.............
does anyone if progesterone may have a huge part of carrying pregnancy for us tr girls?
so i have kinda bad news

my 5w3day scan shows a sac but nothing inside.

im so down today.............
does anyone if progesterone may have a huge part of carrying pregnancy for us tr girls?

:cry: I'm so it possible that it's just too early to see anything:shrug: I just don't know enough about progesterone, HOWEVER, I would absolutely have it checked! It does seem to be a huge factor in many, many pregnancies. Lots of women these days are estrogen dominant because of all the estrogens in our FOOD and plastics etc. Low progesterone is probably a factor for so many women:nope: I hope it's just too early to see anything yet and your little sweetie is stilled getting nestled in:hugs:
opk positive lst night and didn't even to any bding...wth...OH and i were just to tired....suxs:nope:
hello ladies long time since i posted after my ectopic in march. i have had two cycles since then the first one was 28 cd and the second one was 23 cd before ectopic i was 32 cd. so far i am on cd 26 today. i always have super sore breast right after o. i do not have the normal super sore breast this month however i got super sensitive and sore and itchy nipple only . dont know if this is just something new or if it could be pregnancy symptom however probably just something new since i just did frer and it is negative. im kinda bummed . i really wanna get preggo and each month is just so depressing. i have had a bad week last week not feeling good i nearly passed out twice i keep getting really hot waves running through my body and nauseated when i get hungry. i just dont feel right my face keeps getting flushed and im so tired i cant even get nothing done around my house on the days i work. i have had cramps for 4 days now like af is coming and on my sides i get preasure cramps that nearly drop me to my knees. i wander if this is just my body healing from ectopic . i also get acne a week before af but my face is so nice right now lol.well i guess i need to just wait this one out. sorry so long ladies thanks for letting me unload on here.
Cd 16 OPK positive again...and im having some mild something is wanting to come out from below.i guess u can say pressure:nope:...just going take it a day at a time....
I am 33 and just had my TR done yesterday at the Cleveland Clinic. I am a little sore, but feel that an opportunity to have another child is well worth the discomfort. I have 3 children and my husband has 2. We were married last 4th of July and both want to have a child together. After making the decision we are now deciding how soon we want to try. Doctor recommended waiting 2 cycles which is fine by us. I think we are not going to actively TTC, just not going to use any BC and see what happens. Anyone have a similar experience with luck?
I am 33 and just had my TR done yesterday at the Cleveland Clinic. I am a little sore, but feel that an opportunity to have another child is well worth the discomfort. I have 3 children and my husband has 2. We were married last 4th of July and both want to have a child together. After making the decision we are now deciding how soon we want to try. Doctor recommended waiting 2 cycles which is fine by us. I think we are not going to actively TTC, just not going to use any BC and see what happens. Anyone have a similar experience with luck?

This is a dead thread, but your welcome to join us over at the TR thread in TTC groups and discussions it's called "tubal reversal ladies, just moved from WTT". There are plenty of women at different stages of their TTC process and many of us who have been successful and have our TR babies already but most of the ones who post frequently are TTC so you would fit right in. We are a great bunch of ladies who welcome anyone. :flower:
Just reading the first few post made me smile and a little teary eyed. I am 30 and just had my reversal surgery this last May. So I am only a couple of months into TTC. I have two beautiful children KP(daughter) is 10 on Sunday and EP(son) is 7. I was so young when I had them and I listened to the doctor a little to well when I was having complications with my son. I had a tubal when my son was born 11 weeks early. Several things have happened since. I instantly regretted not trusting myself in knowing that something was wrong. I found out 3 years after that I had a chronic infection and the surgery was not needed. Their father and I fell apart (there is much more to it then that but this was the last straw) and there was nothing left. He has the children well I am in the Navy. My now husband and I spend as much time as we can with my two little ones but am hoping for some more. I found out well I was on deployment that my hormones were severally out of wake and I was more advanced in menopause then I should have been. When I came back I found out that my request for the reversal had been approved and during the work ups found out that I have what is called Tubal Ligation Syndrome. I was heading to menopause a lot faster then a woman my age should be and if I didn't have the surgery this year might loose any chance of ever having another child.

So here I am and feeling like I am going crazy!!! I conceived my first two without even trying being young and stupid. Now even when I am timing everything just right I'm terrified that it wont happen. I hated myself for the first surgery and it would be a huge heart ache to find out that I might not be able to give the man of dreams and love of my life the children we dream of.

I've been trying to find a place like this just to find moms who have been here and are lucky enough to have succeeded after this surgery. has it been going? I had my TR done in June 2013 after having them clamped for 7 long years. I have 3 healthy children and am TTC #4 with my new husband who doesn't have any children of his own. I too had no trouble getting pregnant the first three times and did so within the first month of trying. This time around, however, I'm on my 3rd cycle of TTC and am beginning to wonder if it will ever happen. I'm currently about 9-12dpo and AF is due on the 21st. I'm trying to hold off on testing til at least the 21st as I don't want to get my hopes up. I hope all is well with you!
Hello Everyone,

I am 36 and DH is 40 had my tubal reversal 3/22/2012. We started ttc 7/2012 and has no success thus far. My GYN had me to a FSH test which came back 6.2 and she said anything under 10 was good. She had me taking prenatal vitamins and now is referring me to a fertility doctor (9/20/13 is the visit dateand our anniversary is on the 21st, 17years married) to see if my tubes are clear. I hope everything is ok. I just don't want my age or the tying of my tubes to hender our blessing of a baby. We are so excited and don't want to be disappointed. Do any of your ladies have any advice or what to expect on this visit? I would like to know what to ask or look forward too. :shrug:
Im 42 and 6 months ago had a Tubal Reversal & just started Clomid!

Hi, Im 42 (will be 43 in December). I have 3 healthy children from a previous marriage 23, 21 and 16.
I of course was in a not so great relationship and decided after my last child to have my tubes tied. That was 16 yrs. ago in Feb. I met the man of my dreams 13 yrs ago. Weve been married for 11 yrs. hes 10 yrs younger than me. We wanted to have a tubal reversal yrs ago but I had a work related issue and after 10 knee/leg surgeries I was finally able to go through with the reversal.
I had that done locally (Im in Ky.) by a very successful doctor about 6 months ago. I ended up having to get a huge incision and not the normal cut(30 staples) because I had alot of fatty tissue and scar tissue around the tubes that he needed to take out. He said my tubes looked great but I would have to wait a full 6 weeks before TTC so everything healed well.
So weve been trying for about 5 months now with no luck. He did tell me with my age he wouldnt let me go very long without trying to speed things up if I didnt conceive quickly.
He just recently started me on 100mg.Clomid I finished that on Thursday so now Im waiting to ovulate and see what happens😉. I have had positive ovulation tests on 4 of the 5 cycles but the doctor said that does not neccesarily mean I did. He said your brain can send signals like you are ovulating and actually produce a positive OPK when in fact you arent. He said it only means a message was sent from your brain (pituatary gland) to the ovary to stimulate the release of an egg. Ive never heard such weird stuff but I guess it makes since. Now I wonder if any of those positive OPK's actually released an agg if any?
I did try IVF about 8 yrs ago and I produced too many follicles so the doctor cancelled and we didnt have that much money to keep doing that so we decided to wait until we could do the reversal. It was 6200 vs. 8500-12000 each IVF cycle.
Now,one of my only concerns is that my doctor put me on the Clomid and hes not doing any scheduled ultrasounds, he just wants me to keep charting, which Ive done this whole time and see what happens. If I produce too many follicles I wonder if it will hurt my chances this way as well and he started me on 100 mg. it looks like most women start out at 50mg. My only side affect so far has been some headaches and one day of bloating in the beginning so I cant say for sure that was even Clomid since it didnt stick with me.
Has anyone else been in a similar situation or know someone of my age that still successfully got pregnant? Im scared, anxious and my brain is just plain worn out over it all but I dont want to give up especially with time not being on my side.
Hello ladies! I just wanted to share my story. I see you are all new here and though this thread has kind of been abandoned, it still has some followers from before. So I didn't want you all to think that no one was reading. I hope my story can give you some hope!
I had my first child at 16. I got married at 18 and had my next child at 19. My last child (my son) came at age 20. My husband got a vascetomy. My husband had a new found freedom and he decided to use it and we seperated 2 years after the vascetomy. I decided in 1999 that I would get my tubes tied because I thought I was done and BCP just didn't work for me. (I had 2 of my children on BCP) Then in Feb. 2000 I met the best man in the world and we married in April 2001. He is 5 years younger than me and he jumped in with my 3 children as if he was there from day one! He has been the BEST DAD in the world to them. We had discussed having a child but we kinda flip flopped with it for a few years and then we decided in 2005 we wanted to do it. So we started saving for it (as insurance doesn't pay for it and it was $5800) I had my TR on April 12, 2007.
We started TTC immediately. However my life was turned upside down faster than I could blink! My son had a potentionally fatal accident on his ATV and was med flighted to a major hospital here. He was in ICU for 5 days. He has a ruptured spleen, lacerated liver, broken rib, and a broken leg. I was dealing with him and finally in July he was all better and back to normal! Thank GOD! So as soon as we get him well, in August my father had a massive heart attack and died at his home. It was completely unexpected. So I dealt with that for quite a while. Very depressed for a few months and still deal with it every day, but it has got better over time. We had 2 more deaths in my family within 90 days of my dad. So we had a LOT of stress in our family for 6 months! So as soon as the stress let up.... wouldn't you know..... I got my first on Feb 15th!!!!!!!!! WOOO HOOOO!!!!!!!! How exciting!
Well not really...... No sooner was I getting used to the feeling of being pregnant, I get the huge blow!!!!!!!!!!! On March 3rd, I went in for my scan and as I was laying on the table the technician says to me " I don't see a gestional sac" I lost it! I knew something was wrong for a while since I started spotting about 1 week prior to the scan, but I was praying it was implantation. I was wrong. I lost my baby on March 6th 2008. This was the first of 5 losses. The last one being on Christmas Eve 2010. I finally told my husband that I could not do this anymore! We had all the tests done and everything was 100% ok! My tubes (though short) were open and I was ovulating GREAT! Hubbies swimmers were 100% GREAT! So I wrote it off that it just wasn't meant to be. I told him that I wanted to get the ablation done because my cycles were horrible! He asked if we could hold off unit I was 40 and then we would stop. I was 38 and turned 39 2 months later. So I agreed. Our second grandchild was born on March 3, 2011. We found out we were pregnant on March 29, 2011. Our precious miracle baby was born Nov. 29, 2011! After all we went through getting pregnant with her, we decided that we were not going to try for anymore. My hubby had a vascetomy in March 2012. Then my cycles started getting horrible again, but 10 times worse than before! So I talked to my dr about the ablation and he said we could try it, but my cycles were so bad, he didn't know if that would help. We opted for a hysterectomy. I kept my ovaries so I wasn't forced into menopause. Our little girl is so loved by us and our children and our grandchildren too! She is the apple of her Daddy's eye! I am glad he asked me to wait and I am glad I listened! LOL!
Anyway, I am sorry for the long winded post. I just wanted to give you ladies some hope that it can and will happen when you least expect it! Don't give up hope! I started at 35 with short tubes (3 and 2.5) and then at 39 with short tubes, it happened! I wish you all the luck in the world and I hope your journey is short and very sweet! :hugs: and TONS of BABY :dust: to you all!
:happydance:Ok ladies its been a minute but I have good news I have a BFP!:bfp: My HCG level is 91% and my progesterone is 11.5. I am so excited but have to recheck on Friday! I went to the fertility doctor on last week for initial visit and now this week I am pregnant never got to finish the rest of the visits.:dohh: God is so good! Wish me continue blessings ladies.
I love reading all yours stories it's nice to find people that know what we're all going though. I've been searching for information about women that have had tube reversal surgery. I've recently had my TR surgery 12/11/13 and I'm obsessing over ttc I guess I'm just afraid it won't work since I want another baby badly. I'm 32 and I have 3 children 15,11,9 I had my children when I was very young and didn't have much money my husband and I never planned a pregnancy it always seems to happen when we couldn't really afford much so after my third pregnancy happening 7 months after my second we decided to get a TL. Over the Summer my husband almost died he was involved in a hit and run accident while on he riding his motorcycle he hit the ground while he was driving 60 mph he was on life support and almost didn't make it. After a ton of praying God answered our prayers now our life's have been changed forever my husband gave his life to The Lord and We decided we wanted a bigger family so now were ttc . I would love to get updates about your life's ttc. I'm just going to pray for everyone that their dream of having a baby comes true.
My story isn't typical. I had my tubal reversal September 24, 2013, had my first cycle October 15, 2013, and got pregnant two weeks later. I'll be 13 weeks tomorrow.
I am new I just had my tubal reversal on March 4th and I have one more week until its been a month since the surgery and luckily around that time or about a half a week to a whole week I should be ovulating and have been given the clear by the doctor who did my surgery to ttc as soon as I get a positive opk

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