TTC #1 and over 30

Things are changing.
I´m 9DPO today.

From 2dpo, I´ve been having symptoms like nausea, cramps, backpain, felt warm right around O time, a pressure in my lower belly, heartburn and headaches, gassy. Sleep much more than usual, always tired. Lots of CM for the last 3-4 days.
Cramps turned into twinges 2 days ago, and this morning, they´re gone.

AF is due in 3 days, which is usually the time that cramps start for me.

Sounds promising, eh? :)

Yes it does! I hope this is your month!:thumbup:
Things are changing.
I´m 9DPO today.

From 2dpo, I´ve been having symptoms like nausea, cramps, backpain, felt warm right around O time, a pressure in my lower belly, heartburn and headaches, gassy. Sleep much more than usual, always tired. Lots of CM for the last 3-4 days.
Cramps turned into twinges 2 days ago, and this morning, they´re gone.

AF is due in 3 days, which is usually the time that cramps start for me.

Sounds promising, eh? :)

FX'd. When are you testing?
Things are changing.
I´m 9DPO today.

From 2dpo, I´ve been having symptoms like nausea, cramps, backpain, felt warm right around O time, a pressure in my lower belly, heartburn and headaches, gassy. Sleep much more than usual, always tired. Lots of CM for the last 3-4 days.
Cramps turned into twinges 2 days ago, and this morning, they´re gone.

AF is due in 3 days, which is usually the time that cramps start for me.

Sounds promising, eh? :)

FX'd. When are you testing?

I´m gonna wait until I´m late, so testing on the 12th...
I'm so excited yet nervous for you girls :hugs:
FX crossed for Breezy, preg_pilot and grkprn!!!!
:dust: :baby: :dust:

I'm doing the ":witch: stay away" dance for each of you!!!!
BREEZY81!!! Can't wait to hear about your test!! Fx for a :bfp:
Oops I just read your post. Don't blame you. Excited to hear some good news soon.
AF is due 12th which is perfect for me because I don't think I could handle being around everyone on mothers day if a got a BFN.

On the other hand if I got a BFP I'd need to retest 20 times before it sinks in so it would be like finding out on mothers day!

Or thats what I'm telling myself to stop from testing early

Good for you! I wish I had your strength ;)
I'm so excited yet nervous for you girls :hugs:
FX crossed for Breezy, preg_pilot and grkprn!!!!
:dust: :baby: :dust:

I'm doing the ":witch: stay away" dance for each of you!!!!

I'll be sure to post either :) or :( on Tuesday!! And keep doing the AF stay away dance!
Welcome alisa! I'm 1 DPO so we'll be testing around the same time! You've come to a great thread.

Hi Veganlily! I am pretty sure I ovulated during the night of 04/30-05/01; FF is telling me I'm 3dpo though.

When do you plan on testing? :winkwink:

My thought is at 11DPO - which is mother's day, and that would be very cool. But I will only do that if my chart is showing positive indications-like implantation dip, sustained temp spike, triphasic pattern, etc. I've learned to ignore most "symptoms" as I get virtually every one right before my af-so they are somewhat meaningless for me at this point! If I don't have good indications I will wait until Tuesday of that week-13 DPO since that would be the first day of my missed period (my literal phase is usually 12-13 days). You are waiting til may 15??

I told myself I wouldn't get addicted to peeing on sticks EVER AGAIN! I was miserable last cycle. It was weird. I ovulated on 04/10, thought I was experiencing implatation bleeding on 04/17, but it turned very dark and I was spotting until 04/20. I started testing everyday at 8dpo, got a BFN blood test at the doc's on the 27th. I was showing signs of ovulation this past weekend and wondered if I experienced a mini miscarriage and checked my LH on Monday, and BOOM! A fat second line. I did it again to make sure. And yes. Did it again that evening, still there. Again on Tuesday morning, started fading, gone by Tuesday evening. If we fertilized this time, I hope it sticks. :af:

Yeah I hear that. This is actually my first month with Internet cheapie sticks so I think the temptation will be greater, but honestly, bfn's are so depressing that I'd rather wait. I also really have to just go by my chart because since I turned 33, af symptoms mirror bfp symptoms in a cruel cruel way-right down to increased veins, thirst and nausea. If I see a dip or a big temp spike, I plan to wait 3 days and test from that point, but no earlier than 11dpo (mother's day). From lurking around here, it seems like by 11-12 DPO people are getting pretty good lines-before that they are often squinters and I'd rather avoid that particular form of torture!

Good luck-I'm so looking forward to seeing the BFP's on this thread start rolling in!

Beware. Some of those ics produce bad evaps, so it's actually better to wait until a little later with them.
Breezy! I really hope this is your month! I will be praying for you and keeping FX'd!

We were doing the pull out method for a while too - always nervous and now trying so hard. It is crazy how things turn around like that.

MrsChezek - good point about morning opk. I am only home in the morning and later at night. So, I started testing twice a day - a.m. and p.m. I use ICs so testing at work in a cup would be super awkward. Haha. But good news - got my +opk Wednesday night and another yesterday morning. DTD - Saturday, Sunday night, Tues morning, Wed night, Thurs morning and this morning. FX'd!

I really felt Ov this month. My right ovary was SO sore yesterday. I've never had that before. I have had Ov cramps, but not like yesterday's soreness. It was strange.

So, thinking I actually O'd yesterday. Puts me at 1 dpo - 2ww begins! Don't know when I am going to test, though. I might hold out over May 18th weekend and see if AF stays away. Don't know if I will be able to hold out that long though . . .

Alisa - Welcome! I know, right? Defy seemed like it should be easier after trying so hard to prevent. I joined last month after I thought I had my bfp - ended shortly after but glad it brought me on here b/c the support of other women going through the same thing is really helpful and gives me hope! And, it also keeps me happy seeing the bfps!

Zeez - DH thinks I'm crazy obsessed. It's funny because right now the only thing I am doing is OPKs. But he teases me about it all the time. Especially now that I told him I joined bnb - he thinks its funny that we all get on here and talk to each other about POAS, etc.

Talking about DTD when we first started trying, I think DH felt a lot of pressure - he liked NTNP much better. But it has gotten a lot better and I think the mini bfp last month actually got him more excited too. This morning I actually asked if we should "make another deposit." Haha. He was like - yeah, probably. So, we snuck another one in before work.

FX'd for all you ladies testing soon - Preg_Pilot, Grkprn, Breezy and anyone else - :dust: - and for all the Mother's Day testers! :dust: And, the rest of us! :dust:

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Can't wait to hear about new BFPs on Monday!!!
AF is due 12th which is perfect for me because I don't think I could handle being around everyone on mothers day if a got a BFN.

On the other hand if I got a BFP I'd need to retest 20 times before it sinks in so it would be like finding out on mothers day!

Or thats what I'm telling myself to stop from testing early

Good for you! I wish I had your strength ;)

Thank Smimms but to be honest I don't feel to strong just really scared of a negitive result or worse a chemical. I guess ttc is there help to prepare for being a mother. You need to work through fears and all sorts of issues (for me top of the list is being control freak!)
AF is due 12th which is perfect for me because I don't think I could handle being around everyone on mothers day if a got a BFN.

On the other hand if I got a BFP I'd need to retest 20 times before it sinks in so it would be like finding out on mothers day!

Or thats what I'm telling myself to stop from testing early

Good for you! I wish I had your strength ;)

Thank Smimms but to be honest I don't feel to strong just really scared of a negitive result or worse a chemical. I guess ttc is there help to prepare for being a mother. You need to work through fears and all sorts of issues (for me top of the list is being control freak!)

It's a hard process definitely. I don't think our hubbys realize what kind of emotion is involved in waiting and hoping then possibly being let down. I'm trying to stay positive by telling myself I really want a child and I'm doing all I can in the beat way possible. You know if you want a baby this much you will love them even more when it happens. I agree with being scared. I've already purchased my arsenal for next round of TTC.
Kind of off subject but have you ever heard of chasteberry? My nutritionist said it helps with fertility. Just a simple supplement without really any side effects. Thinking about trying it.
It's so good to have a forum like this to support each other and know exactly what the other women are going through. Of all the websites I believe this is the best and most genuine.
Hang in there ZeeZ :hugs:
OMG I am fighting the worst migraine right now. Hopefully that is a good sign lol. I doubt symptoms would show this early.
OMG I am fighting the worst migraine right now. Hopefully that is a good sign lol. I doubt symptoms would show this early.

I hope so too!
I'm so busy at work today and I still can't get my mind off of testing. UGH!
Tomorrow tonight we are going to a cinco party and I know I will want to I'm going to have to suck it up.
(TMI but my cervix feels weird and different then normal) Hope that's a good sign. [-o<
OMG I am fighting the worst migraine right now. Hopefully that is a good sign lol. I doubt symptoms would show this early.

I hope so too!
I'm so busy at work today and I still can't get my mind off of testing. UGH!
Tomorrow tonight we are going to a cinco party and I know I will want to I'm going to have to suck it up.
(TMI but my cervix feels weird and different then normal) Hope that's a good sign. [-o<

I'm a drink until it's pink girl! But in very small amounts - ill have one glass of white wine tonight. If I had stopped enjoying a wine here and there since ntna or ttc well, that would have cut off some nice lingering meals. That said I definitely am careful and it's certainly not every night.
OMG I am fighting the worst migraine right now. Hopefully that is a good sign lol. I doubt symptoms would show this early.

I hope so too!
I'm so busy at work today and I still can't get my mind off of testing. UGH!
Tomorrow tonight we are going to a cinco party and I know I will want to I'm going to have to suck it up.
(TMI but my cervix feels weird and different then normal) Hope that's a good sign. [-o<

It would put your mind at ease to test. If you drink then get a bfp you would feel guilty I'm sure.
OMG I am fighting the worst migraine right now. Hopefully that is a good sign lol. I doubt symptoms would show this early.

I hope so too!
I'm so busy at work today and I still can't get my mind off of testing. UGH!
Tomorrow tonight we are going to a cinco party and I know I will want to I'm going to have to suck it up.
(TMI but my cervix feels weird and different then normal) Hope that's a good sign. [-o<

I'm a drink until it's pink girl! But in very small amounts - ill have one glass of white wine tonight. If I had stopped enjoying a wine here and there since ntna or ttc well, that would have cut off some nice lingering meals. That said I definitely am careful and it's certainly not every night.

Awwwwww wine....that sounds so nice. I think I will have a glass tonight!

Yay for a +OPK MD1223!!!! Sounds like you covered all your bases with the BDing :thumbup: Now onto that dreaded TWW...hope if flies by quickly for you!!!

I'd wait as long as you can hold out. Those negative tests are so disheartening and who needs that kind of pain. GL and FX!!!
Sorry to gate crash the thread!

I am 33, TTC#1

I saw mention of chasteberry and thought I would comment. I am considering taking this if no BFP, but it is not something to be taken lightly. It is also called Vitex or agnus castus. It can really help regulate cycles, but it can also unfortunately mess them up. My cycles were very regular until recently. They have been 34-36 days long my whole life (when not on bc), yet my last two cycles have been 44 days. I am going to go speak to a doc about it this month, but if they will not help yet, I might start the vitex. My only concern is that it might make my cycles longer instead of shorter.

So will see if I take it or not, I bought it already so I can take it once I have spoken to a doctor

FX to you all
OMG I am fighting the worst migraine right now. Hopefully that is a good sign lol. I doubt symptoms would show this early.

I hope so too!
I'm so busy at work today and I still can't get my mind off of testing. UGH!
Tomorrow tonight we are going to a cinco party and I know I will want to I'm going to have to suck it up.
(TMI but my cervix feels weird and different then normal) Hope that's a good sign. [-o<

I'm a drink until it's pink girl! But in very small amounts - ill have one glass of white wine tonight. If I had stopped enjoying a wine here and there since ntna or ttc well, that would have cut off some nice lingering meals. That said I definitely am careful and it's certainly not every night.

Awwwwww wine....that sounds so nice. I think I will have a glass tonight!


Swimms - hope that headache backed off a bit. I hate migraines. I had one at the very end of my second AF was due the next day so I didn't want to take my meds and I thought I was going to die. Kept me up most of the night :wacko:

I'm with Lily in that a small glass of vino can't hurt when the fetus is less than 2 weeks old. I would just stay away from hard alcohol and heavy drinking. I got lucky in that I'm still waiting to ovulate this weekend so I totally plan to celebrate somehow! Don't have any plans yet though...I guess I should coerce some friends into going out! :happydance: But most of them are pretty laid back so it might not happen...anyway.

I feel like this week is taking forever to end. I want to kick off SMEP on Sunday dammit!!!! Hope the next few days go by a bit faster. Happy weekend everyone!!! :hugs:
OMG I am fighting the worst migraine right now. Hopefully that is a good sign lol. I doubt symptoms would show this early.

I hope so too!
I'm so busy at work today and I still can't get my mind off of testing. UGH!
Tomorrow tonight we are going to a cinco party and I know I will want to I'm going to have to suck it up.
(TMI but my cervix feels weird and different then normal) Hope that's a good sign. [-o<

I'm a drink until it's pink girl! But in very small amounts - ill have one glass of white wine tonight. If I had stopped enjoying a wine here and there since ntna or ttc well, that would have cut off some nice lingering meals. That said I definitely am careful and it's certainly not every night.

Awwwwww wine....that sounds so nice. I think I will have a glass tonight!


Swimms - hope that headache backed off a bit. I hate migraines. I had one at the very end of my second AF was due the next day so I didn't want to take my meds and I thought I was going to die. Kept me up most of the night :wacko:

I'm with Lily in that a small glass of vino can't hurt when the fetus is less than 2 weeks old. I would just stay away from hard alcohol and heavy drinking. I got lucky in that I'm still waiting to ovulate this weekend so I totally plan to celebrate somehow! Don't have any plans yet though...I guess I should coerce some friends into going out! :happydance: But most of them are pretty laid back so it might not happen...anyway.

I feel like this week is taking forever to end. I want to kick off SMEP on Sunday dammit!!!! Hope the next few days go by a bit faster. Happy weekend everyone!!! :hugs:

I am def. having 1 tonight. Step daughter is going skating so it's perfect.
Any reason to celebrate is a good 1. :haha:
Happy weekend to you!

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