TTC #1 and over 30

Hello Everyone!!

This is my VERY FIRST post and I thought this thread would be an appropriate place to start! I am 32 and TTC my first child. This is our 3rd month trying and I am beginning to take things a little more seriously... Who knew getting knocked up was so difficult.

I have a BBT chart going with FF and I am currently 3dpo and plan to test on 05/15. Waiting is TORTURE!!! I'd love to wait with those on the same page.

I'm Alisa!

Welcome Alisa! You have come to the right place. Glad you are here. It's funny how for so long you prevent then when you want it, it doesn't come nearly as easy.


Hi Breezy! And Thank You for the Welcome!!
It is quite a shift in gears when I have spent my entire life PREVENTING pregnancy. It makes me glad to see other women in their 30s trying to build a family. It means life is good and we are PROSPERING. Good luck to you and everyone here!!! :hugs:
AF is due 12th which is perfect for me because I don't think I could handle being around everyone on mothers day if a got a BFN.

On the other hand if I got a BFP I'd need to retest 20 times before it sinks in so it would be like finding out on mothers day!

Or thats what I'm telling myself to stop from testing early

Good for you! I wish I had your strength ;)

Thank Smimms but to be honest I don't feel to strong just really scared of a negitive result or worse a chemical. I guess ttc is there help to prepare for being a mother. You need to work through fears and all sorts of issues (for me top of the list is being control freak!)

It's a hard process definitely. I don't think our hubbys realize what kind of emotion is involved in waiting and hoping then possibly being let down. I'm trying to stay positive by telling myself I really want a child and I'm doing all I can in the beat way possible. You know if you want a baby this much you will love them even more when it happens. I agree with being scared. I've already purchased my arsenal for next round of TTC.
Kind of off subject but have you ever heard of chasteberry? My nutritionist said it helps with fertility. Just a simple supplement without really any side effects. Thinking about trying it.
It's so good to have a forum like this to support each other and know exactly what the other women are going through. Of all the websites I believe this is the best and most genuine.
Hang in there ZeeZ :hugs:

thanks sara,

I don't blame DH for not understanding but if things go wrong he won't be thinking ''was it that glass of wine'' or ''is it too much stress at work'' or ''can I take this flu medication before I test?'' Logically I know that we might be in it for the long haul so I can't put everything on hold but it still crosses my mind.

still its been a wonderful part of the journey to come across so many kind and supportive people like you. It really does make me feel better trying to bring a child into this world when you see the better side of humanity.:flower:

as for chasteberry I was actually looking for it yesterday! Read some good review about it especially on the PCOS forums but also on normal ones. Shopping for ttc items is how I get through my 2 week wait even though i'm hoping I won't need to use them. Only found one product with chasteberry and it had isoflavones which I don't think will help if taking everday.
Sorry to gate crash the thread!

I am 33, TTC#1

I saw mention of chasteberry and thought I would comment. I am considering taking this if no BFP, but it is not something to be taken lightly. It is also called Vitex or agnus castus. It can really help regulate cycles, but it can also unfortunately mess them up. My cycles were very regular until recently. They have been 34-36 days long my whole life (when not on bc), yet my last two cycles have been 44 days. I am going to go speak to a doc about it this month, but if they will not help yet, I might start the vitex. My only concern is that it might make my cycles longer instead of shorter.

So will see if I take it or not, I bought it already so I can take it once I have spoken to a doctor

FX to you all

Vitex and chasteberry thre my cycle WAAAAY off! And made them extremely heavy. Once I stopped taking them, I was back to normal.
Boo for trying something new and it #1 didnt work for me and #2 jacked me up:wacko:
OMG I am fighting the worst migraine right now. Hopefully that is a good sign lol. I doubt symptoms would show this early.

Lol, well I have my Fx that it is a good sign and your body just reeaally likes being preggie and is overacheiving on the symptoms.

AF is due 12th which is perfect for me because I don't think I could handle being around everyone on mothers day if a got a BFN.

On the other hand if I got a BFP I'd need to retest 20 times before it sinks in so it would be like finding out on mothers day!

Or thats what I'm telling myself to stop from testing early

Good for you! I wish I had your strength ;)

Thank Smimms but to be honest I don't feel to strong just really scared of a negitive result or worse a chemical. I guess ttc is there help to prepare for being a mother. You need to work through fears and all sorts of issues (for me top of the list is being control freak!)

It's a hard process definitely. I don't think our hubbys realize what kind of emotion is involved in waiting and hoping then possibly being let down. I'm trying to stay positive by telling myself I really want a child and I'm doing all I can in the beat way possible. You know if you want a baby this much you will love them even more when it happens. I agree with being scared. I've already purchased my arsenal for next round of TTC.
Kind of off subject but have you ever heard of chasteberry? My nutritionist said it helps with fertility. Just a simple supplement without really any side effects. Thinking about trying it.
It's so good to have a forum like this to support each other and know exactly what the other women are going through. Of all the websites I believe this is the best and most genuine.
Hang in there ZeeZ :hugs:

thanks sara,

I don't blame DH for not understanding but if things go wrong he won't be thinking ''was it that glass of wine'' or ''is it too much stress at work'' or ''can I take this flu medication before I test?'' Logically I know that we might be in it for the long haul so I can't put everything on hold but it still crosses my mind.

still its been a wonderful part of the journey to come across so many kind and supportive people like you. It really does make me feel better trying to bring a child into this world when you see the better side of humanity.:flower:

as for chasteberry I was actually looking for it yesterday! Read some good review about it especially on the PCOS forums but also on normal ones. Shopping for ttc items is how I get through my 2 week wait even though i'm hoping I won't need to use them. Only found one product with chasteberry and it had isoflavones which I don't think will help if taking everday.
Try swansons vitamins online. Tons of reviews and very good well priced product.
Sorry to gate crash the thread!

I am 33, TTC#1

I saw mention of chasteberry and thought I would comment. I am considering taking this if no BFP, but it is not something to be taken lightly. It is also called Vitex or agnus castus. It can really help regulate cycles, but it can also unfortunately mess them up. My cycles were very regular until recently. They have been 34-36 days long my whole life (when not on bc), yet my last two cycles have been 44 days. I am going to go speak to a doc about it this month, but if they will not help yet, I might start the vitex. My only concern is that it might make my cycles longer instead of shorter.

So will see if I take it or not, I bought it already so I can take it once I have spoken to a doctor

FX to you all

Vitex and chasteberry thre my cycle WAAAAY off! And made them extremely heavy. Once I stopped taking them, I was back to normal.
Boo for trying something new and it #1 didnt work for me and #2 jacked me up:wacko:
Interesting.. Wow it's never done that to me, but good to know.
Sorry to gate crash the thread!

I am 33, TTC#1

I saw mention of chasteberry and thought I would comment. I am considering taking this if no BFP, but it is not something to be taken lightly. It is also called Vitex or agnus castus. It can really help regulate cycles, but it can also unfortunately mess them up. My cycles were very regular until recently. They have been 34-36 days long my whole life (when not on bc), yet my last two cycles have been 44 days. I am going to go speak to a doc about it this month, but if they will not help yet, I might start the vitex. My only concern is that it might make my cycles longer instead of shorter.

So will see if I take it or not, I bought it already so I can take it once I have spoken to a doctor

FX to you all

Welcome-glad to have you-this is a great thread!
So symptom spotting (aka placebo effect) has begun.

yesterday my countdown ticker kindly informed me that at 6 dpo I should be having vivid dreams (which I have often) so ta-da!

last night I dream that my future DD comes and gives me 2 magic silver bullets and that it means I should test in 2 days and i'll get a BFP. Luckily this morning I stumbble into the loo half asleep before contimplating this info because in the shower I start thinking that if I can test in 2 days implantation could have happened already! And if she implanted then she could be affected if I have a drink tonight !

by the end of my showwer it was ''OMG I NEED TO TEST NOW!!!''

luckily I won't have FMU until tomorrow and no point testing early with anything else I argue. I nearly lose the arguement.

Todays mantra is ''I will not POAS, I will not POAS...yet''

I wonder what my ticker is going to say today (still on yesterday because if the time differance). Hopefully it's something fun like most pregnant women at 7dpo win the lotto.

hugs and smiles
Sorry to gate crash the thread!

I am 33, TTC#1

I saw mention of chasteberry and thought I would comment. I am considering taking this if no BFP, but it is not something to be taken lightly. It is also called Vitex or agnus castus. It can really help regulate cycles, but it can also unfortunately mess them up. My cycles were very regular until recently. They have been 34-36 days long my whole life (when not on bc), yet my last two cycles have been 44 days. I am going to go speak to a doc about it this month, but if they will not help yet, I might start the vitex. My only concern is that it might make my cycles longer instead of shorter.

So will see if I take it or not, I bought it already so I can take it once I have spoken to a doctor

FX to you all

Welcome-glad to have you-this is a great thread!

Thanks veganlilly! It is nice to read threads with women your own age and at the same stage of TTC#1. Feels like we are all in the same position!
Hello all!

I am 30 right now and my OH is 25. We will have been ttc for 3 years in August. It's a little more complicated for me because I have pcos, but we are still trying.

I am happy that I found this thread because turning 30 without having my family has really had me down lately, and it is nice to be able to talk to someone who is going through the same thing.

I am dealing with a stubborn :witch: right now because of my pcos, but I started taking soy this cycle to see if I can o, and hopefully in a month get that elusive :bfp: that we all have been waiting for!

:dust: to all of us!
If you can get through the technical jargon, this is a very interesting read on tests about agnus castus

This is the part I hope works for me -

 Oligomenorrhoea
In cases of oligomenorrhoea menstruation occurs at intervals greater than 35 days.
Probst et Roth (1954) report on six of nine patients with oligo- and hypomenorrhoea whose
menstruation recurred in time after the intake of Agnolyt®.
Bleier (1959) describes the cases of 35 women with oligomenorrhoea who took 15 drops of
Agnolyt® three times daily. The menstruation interval changed from 39 days (±2.64) to 31.14
Welcome rmsh1!! I think I've seen you on another thread I'm on :) You'll love it here! The girls are all awesome :hugs:

And welcome gypsy girl!! Sorry to hear your journey has been so long :( Hope your journey with us will be short :winkwink: GL and let us know how the soy works out for you!

:dust: to all!!!
Thanks MrsChezak, and yes I think we are both on the soon to be 34 thread too LOL
Hello ladies - hole you are all doing ok! I am on holiday at the moment so have found it difficult to post! Currently cd10 - started smep cd 8 but struggling a bit with OPK testing at the same time everyday - but hopefully my chart will be helping to pick up ov.

:dust: to you all!!!!
Hello all!

I am 30 right now and my OH is 25. We will have been ttc for 3 years in August. It's a little more complicated for me because I have pcos, but we are still trying.

I am happy that I found this thread because turning 30 without having my family has really had me down lately, and it is nice to be able to talk to someone who is going through the same thing.

I am dealing with a stubborn :witch: right now because of my pcos, but I started taking soy this cycle to see if I can o, and hopefully in a month get that elusive :bfp: that we all have been waiting for!

:dust: to all of us!

Hello and welcome! Hopefully you won't be waiting too much longer for your first bfp! Glad to have you here.
Hello all!

I am 30 right now and my OH is 25. We will have been ttc for 3 years in August. It's a little more complicated for me because I have pcos, but we are still trying.

I am happy that I found this thread because turning 30 without having my family has really had me down lately, and it is nice to be able to talk to someone who is going through the same thing.

I am dealing with a stubborn :witch: right now because of my pcos, but I started taking soy this cycle to see if I can o, and hopefully in a month get that elusive :bfp: that we all have been waiting for!

:dust: to all of us!

hi gypsygirl,

I haven't been ttc that long but I also have PCOS so I started researching what i'm in for about a year before we started trying. As you know it is more difficult with PCOS but there are also plenty of success stories so don't give up.

Have you been taking anything else besides the soy? I'd love to hear if you get positive results with anything.

GL and :dust:
When I was first diagnosed with pcos, the first thing that they did was put me on bc. I had to stop taking it though because it made me a crazy person while I was taking it because of the hormones. I have tried 4 different types of bc and every one does the same thing. About 3 years ago when we were first trying my doctor put me on metformin, but it didn't do a thing for me. I took Vitex for a bit recently after researching natural ways to treat my pcos, but that didn't seem to work either.

I wonder at times if I really have pcos or if they just threw that diagnosis at me because they couldn't find a better explaination. The doctor that diagnosed me never really had time to spend with me and she seemed like she didn't really care. I have had a multitude of ultrasounds and every time my ovaries look perfect, and my lining is just as it should be. The doctors have never seen a cyst on my ovaries, and I am not insulin resistant, which is why the metformin didn't do a thing for me. I have had my glucose and insulin checked several times and it always comes back normal. My doctors have looked into my thyroid as well. The odd thing here is every time I had it checked except for one time it has been perfect. This last time that I had it checked it was just a little low, so they put me on thyroid medication.

Aside from not being insulin resistant or having any cycts on my ovaries, I seem to have all of the other inconvenient symptoms of pcos. I have the horrid hair growth, I can't lose weight fro the life of me unless I starve myself, when my hormones were checked they were really out of whack, and my cycles can be anywhere from a month to a year. The fact that I am not insulin resistant and don't get cycts is what really makes me wonder if I was misdiagnosed because those are the two big symptoms that they look for when diagnosing pcos. If I was misdiagnosed and it is something that is simple to correct I am going to feel cheated because of all I have been going through.
When I was first diagnosed with pcos, the first thing that they did was put me on bc. I had to stop taking it though because it made me a crazy person while I was taking it because of the hormones. I have tried 4 different types of bc and every one does the same thing. About 3 years ago when we were first trying my doctor put me on metformin, but it didn't do a thing for me. I took Vitex for a bit recently after researching natural ways to treat my pcos, but that didn't seem to work either.

I wonder at times if I really have pcos or if they just threw that diagnosis at me because they couldn't find a better explaination. The doctor that diagnosed me never really had time to spend with me and she seemed like she didn't really care. I have had a multitude of ultrasounds and every time my ovaries look perfect, and my lining is just as it should be. The doctors have never seen a cyst on my ovaries, and I am not insulin resistant, which is why the metformin didn't do a thing for me. I have had my glucose and insulin checked several times and it always comes back normal. My doctors have looked into my thyroid as well. The odd thing here is every time I had it checked except for one time it has been perfect. This last time that I had it checked it was just a little low, so they put me on thyroid medication.

Aside from not being insulin resistant or having any cycts on my ovaries, I seem to have all of the other inconvenient symptoms of pcos. I have the horrid hair growth, I can't lose weight fro the life of me unless I starve myself, when my hormones were checked they were really out of whack, and my cycles can be anywhere from a month to a year. The fact that I am not insulin resistant and don't get cycts is what really makes me wonder if I was misdiagnosed because those are the two big symptoms that they look for when diagnosing pcos. If I was misdiagnosed and it is something that is simple to correct I am going to feel cheated because of all I have been going through.
Sounds to me like a different issue. Could it be cushings? Have you had your cortisol levels tested? Cushings may affect you blood sugar and cause hair growth. It's a pituitary issue. The symptoms of Cushings are hair growth, possible diabetes, rounded tummy maybe inability to lose weight. It may be a more drastic assumption, but it seems slightly in line with you symptoms.
The next time that I go to the doctor I will ask them about that. It may be a more drastic diagnosis, but all I want to know is what is going on with me so I know how to fix it. I feel like the doctor that I had just told me I had pcos because I was in her office every week looking for an answer to what was going on and she got tired of it. I will talk to my doctor about it and see what he says about it.
Just curious.. How many TTCers have a normal 27-29 day cycle? I've noticed a lot of varying cycles here.

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