TTC #1 and over 30

I'm 5 dpo and my temp took a big nosedive down to 97.3, it was 98.1 yesterday and the day before. It had been climbing ever since ovulation. Is this a good sign, could be implanation dip? Oh please, please let it be!!!!

Also, drinking soda makes me burp so bad! It quite embarassing in public. Anyone have any of this?
Grkprn, im chanting for you "Come on BFN... Turn into a BFP"!!!

Bakinbabe, I hope it's erly implantation! When will you start testing?
I'm 5 dpo and my temp took a big nosedive down to 97.3, it was 98.1 yesterday and the day before. It had been climbing ever since ovulation. Is this a good sign, could be implanation dip? Oh please, please let it be!!!!

Also, drinking soda makes me burp so bad! It quite embarassing in public. Anyone have any of this?

Hi there bakingbabe. I experienced a small dip in my BBT as well. Two days in a row (6dpo). I'm also hoping it's implantation. Keeping my fingers crossed for temps above my coverline.

Been trying to decide weather to join this forum for a couple of days. have been ttc for 9 months with no success am nearly 32 and so desperately want a baby, it feels like everyone around me is pregnant except me!! Have read some of the posts on this site and feel like I will get some understanding from people who are going through the same thing. My friends have been very understanding but all have been able to conceive with no problems, feel alone. Sorry for long post but feels good to get it off my chest.

Grkprn, im chanting for you "Come on BFN... Turn into a BFP"!!!

Bakinbabe, I hope it's erly implantation! When will you start testing?

I hope so too! I'm not going to test til sometime next week. Although, I say that and I'm sure I'll cave in some point before. :)
I'm 5 dpo and my temp took a big nosedive down to 97.3, it was 98.1 yesterday and the day before. It had been climbing ever since ovulation. Is this a good sign, could be implanation dip? Oh please, please let it be!!!!

Also, drinking soda makes me burp so bad! It quite embarassing in public. Anyone have any of this?

Hi there bakingbabe. I experienced a small dip in my BBT as well. Two days in a row (6dpo). I'm also hoping it's implantation. Keeping my fingers crossed for temps above my coverline.

Mine went below the coverline today. :( I'm hoping for a rise tomorrow and it keeps going up, up, and up!! Babydust to you, Alisa! I hope we both get our BFPs!!!! fx'ed for both of us. :)
Breezy81 have you tested yet?

I finally grabbed the courage to test today. :bfn: :cry:
I have cramps on and off still and haven't started yet. I'm on CD29 today and I usually have a 31 day cycle. I'm going to call the doctor on Tuesday if the :witch: hasn't shown her face and make an appointment. The bleeding last week has me quite nervous if I don't get a :bfp:
Breezy81 have you tested yet?

I finally grabbed the courage to test today. :bfn: :cry:
I have cramps on and off still and haven't started yet. I'm on CD29 today and I usually have a 31 day cycle. I'm going to call the doctor on Tuesday if the :witch: hasn't shown her face and make an appointment. The bleeding last week has me quite nervous if I don't get a :bfp:

:witch: stay away!!! :hugs:
Grk and breezy-there's still time!

Alisa and Baking-that sounds very promising! I'm hoping for a nice dip this week too...fx'ed...
I'm 5 dpo and my temp took a big nosedive down to 97.3, it was 98.1 yesterday and the day before. It had been climbing ever since ovulation. Is this a good sign, could be implanation dip? Oh please, please let it be!!!!

Also, drinking soda makes me burp so bad! It quite embarassing in public. Anyone have any of this?

Hi there bakingbabe. I experienced a small dip in my BBT as well. Two days in a row (6dpo). I'm also hoping it's implantation. Keeping my fingers crossed for temps above my coverline.

I had a drop in temp at 5dpo also. Some different sxs I had this month--at 2dpo, I had some of the worst cramping, almost like AF cramps. I could hardly move without feeling pain. Then the next day, it was completely gone. I also had my HSG on cd9. I've also had creamy CM for the majority of my luteal phase this month.

Breezy 81--Fx'd for :bfp:'s!
Breezy81 have you tested yet?

I finally grabbed the courage to test today. :bfn: :cry:
I have cramps on and off still and haven't started yet. I'm on CD29 today and I usually have a 31 day cycle. I'm going to call the doctor on Tuesday if the :witch: hasn't shown her face and make an appointment. The bleeding last week has me quite nervous if I don't get a :bfp:

Hi Breezy. Sorry about the BFN. I wanted to chime in because I had an interesting circumstance happen to me in April. I though I had experienced implantation spotting at 7dpo, lasted about 4 days. Kept peeing on sticks, hoping, hoping, hoping, finally got a blood BFN after being a day late for my "expected" AF. I ended up ovulating a few days later!! Whatever bleeding had occured at 7dpo counted as an AF cos I ovulated 2 weeks later. If you're using an OPK be sure to check that as well! Although my BFNs were heartbreaking, I'm counting my lucky stars to get to try again so quickly. Keep your chin up!!
Breezy81 have you tested yet?

I finally grabbed the courage to test today. :bfn: :cry:
I have cramps on and off still and haven't started yet. I'm on CD29 today and I usually have a 31 day cycle. I'm going to call the doctor on Tuesday if the :witch: hasn't shown her face and make an appointment. The bleeding last week has me quite nervous if I don't get a :bfp:

Hi Breezy. Sorry about the BFN. I wanted to chime in because I had an interesting circumstance happen to me in April. I though I had experienced implantation spotting at 7dpo, lasted about 4 days. Kept peeing on sticks, hoping, hoping, hoping, finally got a blood BFN after being a day late for my "expected" AF. I ended up ovulating a few days later!! Whatever bleeding had occured at 7dpo counted as an AF cos I ovulated 2 weeks later. If you're using an OPK be sure to check that as well! Although my BFNs were heartbreaking, I'm counting my lucky stars to get to try again so quickly. Keep your chin up!!

I used OPK's CD 8-20 never got a positive but went for 21 day testing and had 12.7 prog. The bleeding was only once when I wiped then haven't seen any sense that was Tuesday last week. I have no idea what's going on but being on clomid is starting to make me a little nervous. My body is all out of whack.
I'm trying to stay hopeful
Wow this thread's been busy and I've only been away for one day!!!

gypsygirl - I find doctors in general seem always too busy and too tired to really figure out what is wrong with us. Since about 5 years ago, I took my health into my own hands and before I see a doctor about anything (except for emergencies of course), I do as much research as I can and I go in there with a printed sheet of questions so I am equipped to do a diagnosis WITH them. If you just rely on them, they pick something random and throw some meds at it. It's sad really :( I learned this when I was having a lot of GI issues and went to see a GI specialist. She labelled me as IBS which like 9 out of 10 women get pinned with and gave me some meds to try which I did and they helped. But when I ran out of the samples she gave me and did research on how to get more, it turned out it was some controversial medicine that many articles said no one should take for more than two weeks!!! And she gave me 4 weeks worth. I was done with trusting doctors after that. In the end, they're human…over-educated, overtired and overconfident but in the end, they're people just like you and me :winkwink: So I suggest you go in there and talk about all you've learned from here and other reading and make it clear to them that you are worried it's not PCOS and you want a second, more thorough look. Of course, be nice but stern as poor attitude won't get you anywhere.

- my cycles range from 27-31 days. What are BFP fertility charts???

Welcome goldmember! :hi: This is a great resource for sure! I hope you not only find some answers and comfort here but your :bfp: too!!!! GL

grkprn - did you test with a IC or a FR test? I hope you get that :bfp: in a few days!! Still early :hugs:

FINGERS CROSSED for bakingbabe and Alisa!!!! Hope those are implantation dips indeed :hugs:

Awww Breezy - I hate that you had to see that :bfn: I hope that :witch: stays away though! FX to you over the next few days :hugs:

I'm alright. Kicking of SMEP today with some good old :sex: - excited to try this new plan!! So FX :thumbup:

:dust: to ALL!!!!
Hello Ladies!! Anyone know anything about exercise during the 2WW? I've kept working out like normal, I'm no hardcore athlete or anything. 20-30mins treadmill and crunches. Think it's safe?

Hi Alisa! I'm an ACSM certified exercise physiologist and keeping up with your normal workouts is perfectly fine -- as a matter of fact, I find that it keeps my mind off the 2WW for me!! :)

Here is a link from ACSM regarding exercise and pregnancy - although, it doesn't cover the 2WW period.

Hopefully this helps! I'll see if I can dig up any additional information on my end!


Muchas Gracias Muchacha!! I feel that exercise is a crucial part of being healthy (body & mind), and being healthy means healthy eggs, and healthy eggs means healthy babies!!! Have my fingers crossed for all of us!!! I can't wait to test!!!

I'm sure grkprn knows best but all I was told is that I can keep going as I am now but if I am unsuccessful after several months, I can try decreasing the intensity (no jumping, running, bouncing of any kind) around implantation only. Just to be sure! Exercise is very important indeed! I totally agree :thumbup:
Hello Ladies!! Anyone know anything about exercise during the 2WW? I've kept working out like normal, I'm no hardcore athlete or anything. 20-30mins treadmill and crunches. Think it's safe?

Hi Alisa! I'm an ACSM certified exercise physiologist and keeping up with your normal workouts is perfectly fine -- as a matter of fact, I find that it keeps my mind off the 2WW for me!! :)

Here is a link from ACSM regarding exercise and pregnancy - although, it doesn't cover the 2WW period.

Hopefully this helps! I'll see if I can dig up any additional information on my end!


Muchas Gracias Muchacha!! I feel that exercise is a crucial part of being healthy (body & mind), and being healthy means healthy eggs, and healthy eggs means healthy babies!!! Have my fingers crossed for all of us!!! I can't wait to test!!!

I'm sure grkprn knows best but all I was told is that I can keep going as I am now but if I am unsuccessful after several months, I can try decreasing the intensity (no jumping, running, bouncing of any kind) around implantation only. Just to be sure! Exercise is very important indeed! I totally agree :thumbup:

I think that no jumping, running, etc. around the time of implantation makes complete sense! :thumbup: Also, I used an IC to test...but I have some FRERs that I can use if :witch: doesn't show soon!
Wow this thread's been busy and I've only been away for one day!!!

gypsygirl - I find doctors in general seem always too busy and too tired to really figure out what is wrong with us. Since about 5 years ago, I took my health into my own hands and before I see a doctor about anything (except for emergencies of course), I do as much research as I can and I go in there with a printed sheet of questions so I am equipped to do a diagnosis WITH them. If you just rely on them, they pick something random and throw some meds at it. It's sad really :( I learned this when I was having a lot of GI issues and went to see a GI specialist. She labelled me as IBS which like 9 out of 10 women get pinned with and gave me some meds to try which I did and they helped. But when I ran out of the samples she gave me and did research on how to get more, it turned out it was some controversial medicine that many articles said no one should take for more than two weeks!!! And she gave me 4 weeks worth. I was done with trusting doctors after that. In the end, they're human…over-educated, overtired and overconfident but in the end, they're people just like you and me :winkwink: So I suggest you go in there and talk about all you've learned from here and other reading and make it clear to them that you are worried it's not PCOS and you want a second, more thorough look. Of course, be nice but stern as poor attitude won't get you anywhere.

- my cycles range from 27-31 days. What are BFP fertility charts???

Welcome goldmember! :hi: This is a great resource for sure! I hope you not only find some answers and comfort here but your :bfp: too!!!! GL

grkprn - did you test with a IC or a FR test? I hope you get that :bfp: in a few days!! Still early :hugs:

FINGERS CROSSED for bakingbabe and Alisa!!!! Hope those are implantation dips indeed :hugs:

Awww Breezy - I hate that you had to see that :bfn: I hope that :witch: stays away though! FX to you over the next few days :hugs:

I'm alright. Kicking of SMEP today with some good old :sex: - excited to try this new plan!! So FX :thumbup:

:dust: to ALL!!!!

They are fertility charts from ladies the month they got their bfp. I thought it would be nice to compare them ;)
Hello Ladies!! Anyone know anything about exercise during the 2WW? I've kept working out like normal, I'm no hardcore athlete or anything. 20-30mins treadmill and crunches. Think it's safe?

Hi Alisa! I'm an ACSM certified exercise physiologist and keeping up with your normal workouts is perfectly fine -- as a matter of fact, I find that it keeps my mind off the 2WW for me!! :)

Here is a link from ACSM regarding exercise and pregnancy - although, it doesn't cover the 2WW period.

Hopefully this helps! I'll see if I can dig up any additional information on my end!


Muchas Gracias Muchacha!! I feel that exercise is a crucial part of being healthy (body & mind), and being healthy means healthy eggs, and healthy eggs means healthy babies!!! Have my fingers crossed for all of us!!! I can't wait to test!!!

I'm sure grkprn knows best but all I was told is that I can keep going as I am now but if I am unsuccessful after several months, I can try decreasing the intensity (no jumping, running, bouncing of any kind) around implantation only. Just to be sure! Exercise is very important indeed! I totally agree :thumbup:

I think that no jumping, running, etc. around the time of implantation makes complete sense! :thumbup: Also, I used an IC to test...but I have some FRERs that I can use if :witch: doesn't show soon!

Hm...this is definitely food for thought!
Wow this thread's been busy and I've only been away for one day!!!

gypsygirl - I find doctors in general seem always too busy and too tired to really figure out what is wrong with us. Since about 5 years ago, I took my health into my own hands and before I see a doctor about anything (except for emergencies of course), I do as much research as I can and I go in there with a printed sheet of questions so I am equipped to do a diagnosis WITH them. If you just rely on them, they pick something random and throw some meds at it. It's sad really :( I learned this when I was having a lot of GI issues and went to see a GI specialist. She labelled me as IBS which like 9 out of 10 women get pinned with and gave me some meds to try which I did and they helped. But when I ran out of the samples she gave me and did research on how to get more, it turned out it was some controversial medicine that many articles said no one should take for more than two weeks!!! And she gave me 4 weeks worth. I was done with trusting doctors after that. In the end, they're human…over-educated, overtired and overconfident but in the end, they're people just like you and me :winkwink: So I suggest you go in there and talk about all you've learned from here and other reading and make it clear to them that you are worried it's not PCOS and you want a second, more thorough look. Of course, be nice but stern as poor attitude won't get you anywhere.

- my cycles range from 27-31 days. What are BFP fertility charts???

Welcome goldmember! :hi: This is a great resource for sure! I hope you not only find some answers and comfort here but your :bfp: too!!!! GL

grkprn - did you test with a IC or a FR test? I hope you get that :bfp: in a few days!! Still early :hugs:

FINGERS CROSSED for bakingbabe and Alisa!!!! Hope those are implantation dips indeed :hugs:

Awww Breezy - I hate that you had to see that :bfn: I hope that :witch: stays away though! FX to you over the next few days :hugs:

I'm alright. Kicking of SMEP today with some good old :sex: - excited to try this new plan!! So FX :thumbup:

:dust: to ALL!!!!

Goodness as someone labeled as having ibs I SO relate to this!!

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