TTC #1 at 35+

Sorry for the earlier rant girls, I think I am a bit hormonal! :wacko: :oops:

Time to share the details, what we did differently this month:

 I ditched the temping, charting, opks, calendars, checking CP and went on nothing but EWCM and I wasn’t really trying to monitor that but it was kind of obvious.
 We BD’d every day, once a day, from around CD6 though to about CD21! I normally Ov on CD15 but I was still getting EWCM up until CD20 ish so we kept going (little did I know – I’ll come back to this later!)
 I switched back to Pregnacare ‘Conception’ this cycle, I had been on Pregnacare ‘Plus’ for the last few months
 I ate more fruit this month (that’s not difficult as I am not a fruit person, I eat tons of veg), I mainly ate apples, bananas, blueberries, strawberries and grapes
 I did drink some grapefruit juice (supposed to be good for EW) at the first part of the cycle but maybe not enough to make a difference
 After every BD I did put pillows under my bottom and lay there for at least 30 mins, if it was last thing at night it was in there for the night! Sorry tmi :blush:
 I drank more alcohol than usual, not that I am recommending that!....we were away on holidays :D
 I’ve not drunk coffee or black tea for years but I was drinking green tea mainly in the mornings, I stopped the green tea this cycle as I had read that it can interfere with folic acid absorption? I stuck to either peppermint or camomile tea
 Ate everything I wanted to and lots of it, think I put on a pound or two!
 I was definitely more active, not excessive exercise, but plenty of walking, a little running, weights & toning and yoga.
 Oh, and long haul flights to and from the US :haha:

There’s no doubt that I was much more relaxed this month (DH too!) with lots of distractions, and we definitely covered the bases in terms of BDing - we have nearly always missed the odd days here or there on every other cycle, usually the day of O or the day after.

We started TTC in August last year. We never did get around to getting DH’s SA done. I had day21 bloods taken twice, the first time the prolactin was high (just above the upper range) but the second time it was normal, all other tests came back normal including the swabs and smear. I had read TCOYF so was fairly clued up and I had charted for a few cycles so everything appeared to be normal.

I hope this helps lovely ladies! Hoping & praying for you all to get your BFPs very soon!!!

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Just a quick update...AF got me yesterday. I finally made appointments with my OBGYN. I'm off to have blood drawn now, then again on CD10. I'm not sure if this is the same test as what's often referred to here. I'll be taking clomid CD5-9 as part of the test, so who knows...could be THE cycle for me!

I'm also finally having my HSG next Thursday. I'm nervous about it, but it needs to happen. By next week, I'll know if there's a problem. I can't believe it took me 3 years of TTC to schedules these tests. Pray for me!! thanks :)
Just a quick update...AF got me yesterday. I finally made appointments with my OBGYN. I'm off to have blood drawn now, then again on CD10. I'm not sure if this is the same test as what's often referred to here. I'll be taking clomid CD5-9 as part of the test, so who knows...could be THE cycle for me!

I'm also finally having my HSG next Thursday. I'm nervous about it, but it needs to happen. By next week, I'll know if there's a problem. I can't believe it took me 3 years of TTC to schedules these tests. Pray for me!! thanks :)

Aw hun, I'm sorry the witch got you :hugs: Sounds like you have a plan though which is really great. I've heard great things about Clomid. The very best of luck for your tests, Fxd for you and sending :dust: your way!!! xx
Quote from Hope - Sorry for the earlier rant girls, I think I am a bit hormonal!

Hey Hope...I felt the same...see my post before yours.

Well, AF should be on her way tomorrow guys so am going to follow a lot of Hope's tips and see if I can get a BFP!

Got an appointment in today for an Ultrasound Scan so looks like the Muppet Doctor got something right! Scan is on 23rd of this month.

Lola - fx'd for the tests


The ring was picked sept last year deposit paid oh has told me it wouldn't be before we got our house:)

it's been drivinge mad!!!!!! I can't wait to get it:)
In response to Little Aurora,

I'll take you at your word that you didn't intend to offend. I do not intend to offend you either, but I have to be honest. Your question is terribly ignorant and insensitive. Please think before you post.

I met my husband when I was 32. I knew who I was as a person, had established a career and was self-sufficient financially. I lived my life fully before I met a man who was equally responsible and mature. I simply didn't meet the right man when I was younger, and I was never willing to compromise just for the sake of getting married.

When we do conceive, our baby will be born to educated, well-traveled, and financially secure parents who intended, planned & prayed for his/her arrival.

This has been my path, yours has been a different one.
When we do conceive, our baby will be born to educated, well-traveled, and financially secure parents who intended, planned & prayed his/her arrival.

That is exactly as our life is.
Just a quick update...AF got me yesterday. I finally made appointments with my OBGYN. I'm off to have blood drawn now, then again on CD10. I'm not sure if this is the same test as what's often referred to here. I'll be taking clomid CD5-9 as part of the test, so who knows...could be THE cycle for me!

I'm also finally having my HSG next Thursday. I'm nervous about it, but it needs to happen. By next week, I'll know if there's a problem. I can't believe it took me 3 years of TTC to schedules these tests. Pray for me!! thanks :)

Sorry to hear that Lola. It's so hard the day AF arrives but I always feel positive the next day. New day cycle. I hope your tests work out ok.:hugs:
Sorry for the earlier rant girls, I think I am a bit hormonal! :wacko: :oops:

Time to share the details, what we did differently this month:

 I ditched the temping, charting, opks, calendars, checking CP and went on nothing but EWCM and I wasn’t really trying to monitor that but it was kind of obvious.
 We BD’d every day, once a day, from around CD6 though to about CD21! I normally Ov on CD15 but I was still getting EWCM up until CD20 ish so we kept going (little did I know – I’ll come back to this later!)
 I switched back to Pregnacare ‘Conception’ this cycle, I had been on Pregnacare ‘Plus’ for the last few months
 I ate more fruit this month (that’s not difficult as I am not a fruit person, I eat tons of veg), I mainly ate apples, bananas, blueberries, strawberries and grapes
 I did drink some grapefruit juice (supposed to be good for EW) at the first part of the cycle but maybe not enough to make a difference
 After every BD I did put pillows under my bottom and lay there for at least 30 mins, if it was last thing at night it was in there for the night! Sorry tmi :blush:
 I drank more alcohol than usual, not that I am recommending that!....we were away on holidays :D
 I’ve not drunk coffee or black tea for years but I was drinking green tea mainly in the mornings, I stopped the green tea this cycle as I had read that it can interfere with folic acid absorption? I stuck to either peppermint or camomile tea
 Ate everything I wanted to and lots of it, think I put on a pound or two!
 I was definitely more active, not excessive exercise, but plenty of walking, a little running, weights & toning and yoga.
 Oh, and long haul flights to and from the US :haha:

There’s no doubt that I was much more relaxed this month (DH too!) with lots of distractions, and we definitely covered the bases in terms of BDing - we have nearly always missed the odd days here or there on every other cycle, usually the day of O or the day after.

We started TTC in August last year. We never did get around to getting DH’s SA done. I had day21 bloods taken twice, the first time the prolactin was high (just above the upper range) but the second time it was normal, all other tests came back normal including the swabs and smear. I had read TCOYF so was fairly clued up and I had charted for a few cycles so everything appeared to be normal.

I hope this helps lovely ladies! Hoping & praying for you all to get your BFPs very soon!!!

:dust: :dust: :dust:


Thanks so much for taking time to write this. Please stay with us and keep us updated.:hugs:
Earlier today I felt I was falling into a funk of doubt. But this thread is meant to be POSITIVE, so in addition to the inspirational women on this thread, here's a list of other fabulous women who had children well above 35.

Heidi Klum 36
Halle Berry 41
Madonna 41
Annette Benning 41
Brooke Shields 37
Courtney Cox 40
Julianne Moore 41
Helen Hunt 40
Marcia Cross 45
Nicole Kidman 41
Gwen Stefani 36 & 39
Selma Hayek 41
Jennifer Lopez 38
Debra Messing 40
Well, AF should be on her way tomorrow guys so am going to follow a lot of Hope's tips and see if I can get a BFP!

Got an appointment in today for an Ultrasound Scan so looks like the Muppet Doctor got something right! Scan is on 23rd of this month.

Lola - fx'd for the tests


Did AF arrive Tracey? I am keeping my fingers crossed for you! :dust: x

The ring was picked sept last year deposit paid oh has told me it wouldn't be before we got our house:)

it's been drivinge mad!!!!!! I can't wait to get it:)

How exciting Lisa!!! :wohoo: Not long to wait now then! ...and the same is true for your BFP! :friends: xx


Thanks so much for taking time to write this. Please stay with us and keep us updated.:hugs:

Thank you and you are so welcome, please feel free to ask anything you want! I did not want to go on too much :winkwink:

hi all!!!

First...good luck to all ttc and congrats to the grads!!

I wanted to ask a question and i hope it doesn't offend Because thats not my intention

I wanted to know why you waited until after 30 to TTC. Knowing that its harder and there are more risks to mother and child.

I wanted my kids young so I was still 'young' when they grew up. I'm pregnant with number 3 and my last at 26.

Hi all

Haven't been on B&B for a little while but I've caught up with the posts. First of all a huge congratulations to Hope - that's wonderful news and I'm sending you lots of luck for the next 9 months. Glad to see the rest of you are all maintaining that PMA! I was a little disconcerted by Little Aurora's post and I just wonder why you felt the need to ask that question and to point out issues we're all aware of as 'older' women (not that I ever think that applies to me). I have chosen to conceive after 35 which has not so far posed any problems. The point about being monitored more closely is a good one. As far as I'm concerned my husband and I have a great solid relationship - we've been together for 14 years this year and have loved our life together - we've travelled, gone out, had fun etc. with no ties but we're now ready and able to give our baby our full commitment. I'm well established in my career which I intend to return to part-time with my husband changing his hours too and both sets of grandparents giving a helping hand.

Anyway I'm nearly 12 weeks now and am due my nuchal scan on Wednesday - just want to get that done and then we can tell everyone! I've told my boss in the last 2 weeks and he was very supportive (as I'd expected). Enjoying the Easter break but counting down the days till Wednesday!
Good to see you Marie - can't believe it's 12 weeks already. Good luck on Wednesday.

Well the :witch: got me this morning :( though not surprised, she was due some time today based on my calculations, so despite being annoying, my body is working to a pretty regular schedule, with a very regular 15 day LP. So we have this cycle and the first 2 weeks of the next before our appointment with the fertility specialist. I think I'll give the soy another try this cycle and then be soy-free for the specialist.

The guy at work with his office closest to mine had fertilty treatment (well more so his wife), so I went to speak to him about the whole fertility thing the other day (a mutual friend told me he'd been to the specialists - so was a bit hesitant about asking him), and he totally raved about the guy they saw and said he was excellent, and they'll defo go and see him again. He said it took 11 months from their first appointment to their BFP, which seems like forever, and he said at times it felt like forever, but their daughter is 1 this month and he says that times has just flown by. I'm really glad that he was happy to talk about it (and he could have talked for hours too), and he told me who at work I should tell and how great they were about needing time off etc. for appointments.
hi all!!!

First...good luck to all ttc and congrats to the grads!!

I wanted to ask a question and i hope it doesn't offend Because thats not my intention

I wanted to know why you waited until after 30 to TTC. Knowing that its harder and there are more risks to mother and child.

I wanted my kids young so I was still 'young' when they grew up. I'm pregnant with number 3 and my last at 26.

Hi all

Haven't been on B&B for a little while but I've caught up with the posts. First of all a huge congratulations to Hope - that's wonderful news and I'm sending you lots of luck for the next 9 months. Glad to see the rest of you are all maintaining that PMA! I was a little disconcerted by Little Aurora's post and I just wonder why you felt the need to ask that question and to point out issues we're all aware of as 'older' women (not that I ever think that applies to me). I have chosen to conceive after 35 which has not so far posed any problems. The point about being monitored more closely is a good one. As far as I'm concerned my husband and I have a great solid relationship - we've been together for 14 years this year and have loved our life together - we've travelled, gone out, had fun etc. with no ties but we're now ready and able to give our baby our full commitment. I'm well established in my career which I intend to return to part-time with my husband changing his hours too and both sets of grandparents giving a helping hand.

Anyway I'm nearly 12 weeks now and am due my nuchal scan on Wednesday - just want to get that done and then we can tell everyone! I've told my boss in the last 2 weeks and he was very supportive (as I'd expected). Enjoying the Easter break but counting down the days till Wednesday!

Lovely to see you back on here Marie :hugs: and thank you for the congrats.

Wow, can't believe that's 12 weeks already! So exciting to see your :baby: I'm not surprised you want to get Easter over and done with :winkwink:
Good to see you Marie - can't believe it's 12 weeks already. Good luck on Wednesday.

Well the :witch: got me this morning :( though not surprised, she was due some time today based on my calculations, so despite being annoying, my body is working to a pretty regular schedule, with a very regular 15 day LP. So we have this cycle and the first 2 weeks of the next before our appointment with the fertility specialist. I think I'll give the soy another try this cycle and then be soy-free for the specialist.

The guy at work with his office closest to mine had fertilty treatment (well more so his wife), so I went to speak to him about the whole fertility thing the other day (a mutual friend told me he'd been to the specialists - so was a bit hesitant about asking him), and he totally raved about the guy they saw and said he was excellent, and they'll defo go and see him again. He said it took 11 months from their first appointment to their BFP, which seems like forever, and he said at times it felt like forever, but their daughter is 1 this month and he says that times has just flown by. I'm really glad that he was happy to talk about it (and he could have talked for hours too), and he told me who at work I should tell and how great they were about needing time off etc. for appointments.

Sorry to hear that hun :hugs: Sounds like you have a great plan of action now, and what a find having someone in your office that has been through the process! :thumbup: Fx'd that you will get your BFP this month and you won't even need to begin with the FS :dust:
bloody :witch: leliani:hugs:

Well this month I am back to PMA as I am going to let nature take it's course and get preggers the good old fashioned way get blocked and shagged lol

Only joking I am hoping this month will be my month as me and my OH are moving into our first home together we are currently living in his apartment. My AF is due the day before we move in and I could think of nothing better to take to our new house:)

So here is hoping this is the start of our family home:)

Thanks Lola for the inspiration and your right I believe it's just a matter of time and plenty of PMA.
Tracey, did AF show? You haven't updated us since your last post.

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