Ttc #1 baby would love a buddy

no swimmy that makes total sense!! its a scary time. i sooo hope everything is ok!!
Thanks :) today I handled leaving her a little better (had to work tonight) my DH is bringing her up to the hospital after I get out of work for her scans. How is your sister feeling? Getting a settled in?
she's doing well! all settled in and back working at her old job as they took her right back so thats good! things are going well :) my mom and grandmother surpised me by buying us a beautiful white crib, which is exactly what i wanted, so i'm very happy :)
Awe! putting the nursery together is so much fun :) please post pictures hehe i love nursery pictures. Our room was pretty small so there wasn't too much i could do with it but I like how ours turned out. :)

Lizzy's scans came back ok. her lab work was still a little off but the drs/staff at this office are amazing. They explained that because shes in the higher % for weight and height even though lab work goes by age groups all babies develop at different rates and not many kids get lab work this little so its not as accurate as adults. We are doing labs again in 1 month and if still abnormal another scan in 2 months. I'm starting to feel better about it all :)

Also my opk's are looking more + today yay! I know I won't get pregnant on my own and not ready to go back to the clinic but I'm really hoping that my LP is longer and going back to normal.
heres the crib and the wall colour! i love it, it's exactly what i always wanted :) its kinda the nursery/my sisters room at the moment, but i cant wait to do more setting up!!


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Hi ladies! Sorry it's been so long, needed a long break from ttc. Had a lot of emotional stuff I needed to get through from all the dissapointments that followed our failed cycles. Buuuut it's a new beginning and ivf is planned for July! Had our first cousultation last week and waiting for af to start testing. How is everyone?!! It's been FOREVER!
brandy! so happy to hear from you! sorry you were having a rough time, but glad to hear things are moving along!! i have basically been told i am not likely to have children so that's a big bummer, but thankfully my little sister found out a couple months ago that she is expecting, and she asked me to adopt the baby!! i am so beyond excited :):):)
mama - yay!! so glad you have a crib :) can't wait to see how the set up keeps coming!

Brandy - so glad to hear from you! yay IVF in july that is going to be here so quickly!

AFM - Got a +opk a few weeks ago, no chance of being pregnant this cycle. (not really trying right now but not preventing) just hoping my LP gets longer my first post baby cycle it was only 7days. Trying to decide when I want to go back to the fertility clinic. My DH wants to go back now but they won't take me if I'm still breast feeding (throws off your hormones/testing i guess). I'm thinking more like a 6-8months from now. idk what to do. I don't want to waste time but i don't feel like i'm emotionally ready to put that much focus into ttc. and i really need to lose weight (still up 20+ lbs ... i could honestly loose like 60-80)
So my LP was only 8 days this time ... i guess is should be happy that its like a day longer than last time but still. I've also decided to start the end of my breast feeding. I feel really selfish about it but I keep bleeding and it hurts like crazy to pump.
Also i'm going to make our appointment at the fertility clinic for september or aug. I know the more time that goes by the lower our chances.

How is everyone else this week?
that sounds like a good plan swimmy! don't feel bad about doing whatever works best for you :)

afm, things are great! my sister is settled in nicely. she's 13.5 weeks right now so in a few more weeks we will find out the gender!! we have seen the midwife, had ultrasounds and heard the heartbeat, and so far all is great! im still just so shocked this is all actually happening lol, it feels like a dream! i'll post some pictures of our announcement and the recent ultrasound!! so excited :) also i am now down a total of 70 pounds since the summer, and still losing! i am determined to get healthy now :)


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omg i love it! what a fun announcement!

So proud of you 70lb weight loss is amazing!!!! I wish i had some of your motivation. What are you doing for weight loss? I need some tips. I'm glad your sister is getting all settled in and things are going well. Can't wait to find out if it's a boy or girl!!!

I ended up emailing my OB tonight asking about feritlity meds to see if I can just go through her for a few cycles when im ready to actually start trying again. Can't hurt to ask.
im just watching what i eat and exercising more! i go for walks and i swim laps, and try to stay under 1500 calories a sday, thats all :)

i cant wait to find out the gender!!! we should be finding out this month i am SO excited!! next midwife appointment is next monday and then we will book the anatomy scan! AH :)

and thats a good idea :) low pressure!

afm, i am now single! crazy right? my boyfriend couldnt handle us not being able to have our own kids, and didn't want to adopt...i've somewhat seen it coming for a while, and honestly if he can't stick with me through this then he's not the kind of guy i want raising my child. so i'm doing this on my own, and i'm beyond excited still! lol i was raised by a single mom so its what i know :)
I have an appointment for next month with my dr. Fingers crossed I started trying to temp again but idk how well that's gonna work.

I seriously am soooo proud of you for all of this weight loss. eating right and exercising is hard work. Can't wait to find out the gender. It sounds silly but I would love to send you a gift if you will let me. I've sent a few of my other b&b moms gifts this year so if you register and are ok with it let me know (or I'll send you cloth diapers hahaha)

I'm sorry to hear that your boyfriend wasn't on board with having children through adoption. I'm glad your handling it so well. It's probably better for him to get out now than after the baby comes, and you for sure want a partner that will stick with you through everything. And now You can better prepare for single momhood instead of leaving last minute. Nothing wrong at all with raising a kid as a single mom you definitely will have enough love for that child.

Sorry typing this at work after less than 3 hours of sleep in 48 hours ... I'm sooooooo tired. Lizzy has decided to stop taking naps and I work night shift. I think I'm going to look for a baby sitter to watch her for 4 hours between shifts so I can get a good block of sleep. It's not safe for me or my patients to be this tired at work.
good luck with temping and the appointment!!

thanks!! the weightloss has actually been easy this time to stick to so thats great :) now i have a big motivator! yes of course i'll let you know once i register! probably will do that once i know the gender cause then i'll know what i need lol!

i completely agree! he felt really bad and it was sad but i totally understand that he's struggling. he wants his own kids and i think its easier for me because its my sister so at least i am still genetically related to the baby, so maybe its hard for him to feel close!

thats crazy that Lizzy has stopped napping lol so rough for you! definitely a good idea to find a babysitter because you need to get at least some sleep!!

i've decided i'm going to take a full year of maternity leave. i'll only get 36 weeks paid because im adopting, but i'll take the other 16 weeks unpaid and live off savings. i just dont want to put the baby in daycare that young lol. im so happy to be in canada though because even 36 weeks is so much longer than the states! i cant imagine how hard that must be!!

things are going great still :) my sister had a tiny bit of spotting and got scared, but the midwife explained that its perfectly normal, and TMI but since she got home from england she's been having sex with her boyfriend lol and she hadn't for the first 10 weeks so the midwife just thinks it was irritation from that! it all stopped now though and we have a midwife appointment later this morning :) can't wait to hear the hearbeat again!
36 weeks sounds like an amazing maternity leave! 12 weeks was really hard (lots and lots of crying) heck i cried leaving her today lol. I don't blame you about daycare. I know its a necessity for a lot of parents at a young age (esp in the states) but there is just sooo many germs and they just aren't watched as well as I would hope for. I'm really glad we haven't had to use day care because I work nights and my DH works days. A sitter every once an a while in my home has been an easy compromise. I do think im going to sign her up for my gyms day care center. She would only be in there while i work out but i REALLY need to get my weight down. heck at this point i would settle for just my pre-pregnant weight lol.

as for your sister lol yeah sex can totally cause spotting and that can be scary. Glad the midwife said nothing was wrong. Have you looked into getting a home doppler? i loved being able to listen to the heart beat at home.

I started on metformin again today I forgot how much that messes with my stomach (yuck). as for my cycle this time I think im gonna ovulate late again :( maybe after some weight loss my cycles will go back to normal.
haha 36 weeks sounds amazing to you but here we get a year so thats what i've always planned for so it sucks! haha

thats great you haven't had to use daycare, but i think its smart to get her in the one at your gym! itll be nice to be able to work out :)

id love to get a home doppler lol maybe i'll look into that!! im obsessed with hearing the heartbeat, i took a video of it and now i watch it all the time lol. we had the midwife on monday and all is good so that was a relief :)
Awe thanks mama! happy 1st mothers day to you too!!!! I still have an ultrasound video of lizzy at like 20 weeks and I like to watch it sometimes lol. You're right it would stink to only get 36 weeks when you had been planning on a year. It doesn't seem fair that adoptive parents don't get the same amount of time. Here they usually only get 6 weeks which is insane to me! technically depending on the state law they don't have to give leave at all. Parents have to request special family medical leave and they can be denied. (USA is sooooo backwards!)

my Opk's are getting a little darker i'm hoping i don't ovulate until at least thursday because i won't see my DH until then. (i don't have much hope because i'm not doing clomid or progesterone but i don't like feeling like its a wasted cycle either).
Dh started on the slew of vitamins today so hopefully that helps again too. idk if we want to do another sperm count so early in the game or not. Sorry my mind is all over the place this morning lol.
hahaha good luck with holding off ovulation! and thank you! i hadnt even thought about it but then people were saying happy mothers day to me and it felt so nice aha, its so awesome after all these years of planning to finally be putting the plans into action! my friend just bought me my chair for the nursery, it should come in this week so on the weekend i'll set it up in the nursery and post an updated picture! i just cant wait :) this all feels so surreal! next weekend we are doing a gender reveal, and nobody will know the gender as we are getting it in an envelope and giving it to a bakery to make a cake either blue or pink!! i am super convinced its a boy, but my sister has had dreams that it's a girl so we will see!!

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