good luck with temping and the appointment!!
thanks!! the weightloss has actually been easy this time to stick to so thats great

now i have a big motivator! yes of course i'll let you know once i register! probably will do that once i know the gender cause then i'll know what i need lol!
i completely agree! he felt really bad and it was sad but i totally understand that he's struggling. he wants his own kids and i think its easier for me because its my sister so at least i am still genetically related to the baby, so maybe its hard for him to feel close!
thats crazy that Lizzy has stopped napping lol so rough for you! definitely a good idea to find a babysitter because you need to get at least some sleep!!
i've decided i'm going to take a full year of maternity leave. i'll only get 36 weeks paid because im adopting, but i'll take the other 16 weeks unpaid and live off savings. i just dont want to put the baby in daycare that young lol. im so happy to be in canada though because even 36 weeks is so much longer than the states! i cant imagine how hard that must be!!
things are going great still

my sister had a tiny bit of spotting and got scared, but the midwife explained that its perfectly normal, and TMI but since she got home from england she's been having sex with her boyfriend lol and she hadn't for the first 10 weeks so the midwife just thinks it was irritation from that! it all stopped now though and we have a midwife appointment later this morning

can't wait to hear the hearbeat again!