Ttc #1 baby would love a buddy

Mama I got pregnant my second round of clomid so my fingers are super crossed! I needed a higher dose though lol.

Willow I hope everything goes great with your scan! I don't have a scan scheduled yet I see my doc in 2 weeks then we will order my anatomy/gender scan. Promise I will tell ya what we are having (we aren't telling family/friends lol) they think we are going team yellow.

Sad news my grandpa passed away the other night. I'm pretty upset he was such a big part of my life. I still can't picture him not being here. We are doing a memorial on Saturday. I'm going home on Thursday, to see everyone.
oh swimmy i am so sorry😢 you are in my thoughts!
i'm feeling extremely hopeful that the clomid will doing 50 mg for 2 months and if that doesnt work they will bump me to 100 :) im so excited to get started ive never wanted af to come so bad! haha
So sorry swimmy !! I know it's hard loosing someone you are so close too :-( when do you think you'll get your anomaly / gender ? I've got grandma's funeral on Thursday and my anomaly scan tomorrow. I bought her a giant chocolate egg because it's from where I work and she had been talking about it for the past year and a half it's something that stuck in her memory so I thought I'd get her one last egg :'). I'm glad your getting clomid sorted and I hope it works out well for you and you get your BFP mama !! I can't belive I'm 20 weeks pregnant I feel her move evey now and then it's so surreal that I'm actually pregnant still lol.
willow thats so cute you got that for your grandma☺️ and omg im so happy for you! cannot wait to have that surreal feeling! at this point id be happy to get a positive OPK even on the first month even if i dont get preg at least id know it was working! still nothing from sad i wonder where she went
I had my scan today and I am being reffered to a specialist next week so I'm travelling to a different hospital because my baby might have cystic fibrosis. So going to be abit nervous got to be done and we're both getting our bloodwork taken to see of were carriers. I don't know what to think but couldn't be absolutely nothing so feel like time will go really slow. Just hope everything is okay.
Oh willow I hope everything is ok, that's so scary to think something might be wrong. When will you be seeing the specialist? Keeping you guys in my prayers. I know this time will pass so slow
oh no willow thats awful :( i know these days the prognosis for CF is getting much better! but hoping you don't even have to worry about that and your little bean is healthy❤️ my godfather had CF. good luck with the specialist and i will be praying for a good outcome❤️
Willow, I opened some studies here at work and it looks like less than 5% of babies actually have CF when it is suspected during an anatomy scan. Likely hood doesn't increase until further testing. My fingers are very crossed I hope everything turns up fine.

I scheduled my scan today the 30th will be my anatomy scan hope baby lets us get a peak at what we are having. Still feels so far away
oh swimmy thats awesome i sure hope thats the case for willow and her little bean!! and the 30th is so soon! it'll be here before you know it :) im kinda crampy today so really hoping that means af is on her way so i can start this clomid!
We got into an accident the other day so my OB wanted me to get checked out just to be sure. (really it was a small fender bender nothing crazy), but the tech scanning me let it drop that it looks like we are having a girl. From what I saw I think she was right baby was pretty curled up, but we will wait to confirm on the 30th.

Mama - can't wait to see how this cycle turns out. Did af show up yet?

Willow - thinking about you. hope your doing ok
omg swimmy!!! so glad you're okay!!! a girl would be awesome im so jealous of you both!!! and no af yet:( had lots of af symptoms the last few days though so hopefully she shows up!
that stinkts that she still hasn't come around! the one time you want her too lol. Typical. I'm kind of upset. DH hasn't taken the news about it being a girl as well as I thought he would. He's now just saying, well we will see if they were right in 2 weeks during the next scan. But he just doesn't seem as excited to have a girl. I figured with all the crap we went through to get pregnant it wouldn't matter what we are having :(
Aww swimmy mine was duper excited for a girl he's been looking at princess stickers he calls her miracle baby girl. I'm sure he'll come round if you defiantly are you'll start getting / looking at things and I'm sure he will get more into baby girls things :-) I'm very happy for you. I'm craving krispy kreme doughnuts haha I'm sat eating 2 it's my treat haha well I've convinced myself it is. My manager is being an a hole at work and cutting my hours and giving my shifts away not letting it stress me though I'm having a baby that's more important. Other half said I shouldbt worry about money anyway we have enough which is very comforting :')

Have you started your af then yet mama how's your cycle going with thw clomid have you started it ? I wonder where brandy is
swimmy that sucks! but i am
sure his brain will start to comprehend it and he will come around and be excited :) it's like me i always picture myself with a i think itll take a bit of time for me to wrap my brain around it if i end up pregnant with a boy! lol but i know that if it happens i will be over the moon excited no matter what the gender is :)

willow treat yourself!! you deserve it right now haha! nice of your DH to be so supportive and comforting about the work situation, must relieve a lot of the stress :)

afm: no af yet :( really upset about it, thinking maybe she wont be showing up this month...but i have the clomid so as soon as af comes i can move on to this next step in my ttc journey :) im still so excited, just really wishin af would hurry her butt up!
We did some shopping yesterday and he seemed to get a little more excited picking out stuff. Some of the outfits he picked were definatly boy outfits lol (I still have stuck with neutrals) but whatever cloths are cloths.

Willow im sorry about your hours, at least they aren't 100% needed. I've been having to pick up over time but we need the money so it's not a bad thing.

Mama- that is so frustrating! I can't wait for u to start clomid, I hope it works for u in the first few cycles! It's so annoying when u want it to show up and it takes its sweet time :(
Aww thanks guys mama when yiu want af to actually turn up she never does hope she does for you soon and you can crack on with your next cycle ! Swimmy that's good he's warming up to it might just take a little time. I'm glad your ok in the money department it's my biggest concern atm. Ended up having a really big big fight with my manager yesterday about it was nasty and I was so upset and got in a state I was worried for my baby :-( I'm calm now but I'm going to report it because I'm pregnant and that behaviour isn't on. Just don't know how to tackle it yet as don't want more stress not after that bust up. Another manager had to step in. I got my say though I tell you.
willow i think it's great that you voiced your opinion! people think they can take advantage of us girls especially when pregnant! it is so not right that they are making the work place stressful for you, and if they already are just imagine what itll be like closer to the end of your pregnancy! jeez. that gets me so annoyed! lol
Willow - that isn't right, I can't stand when a work place/people you work with make it harder on you because your pregnant. I'm glad you reported them! You should never worry about the safety of your baby while at work that is just wrong. I hope everything works out ok. What was the fight about?
Hey ladies, again it's been forever..I'm terrible at remembering to get on here hehe pregnancy brain.. seeing some sad news and some great news, sorry bout ur grandpa,but know he will b watching over u and ur lil one hematoma is GONE! So laikyn is growing like a bad weed hehe she is still measuring a head and her legs r even bigger ..she will b tall like her mommy.. so fun shopping and setting up her room which we decided to do in purple and daisies hehe we still can't decide on middle name and especially since we changed her first name at 4.5 mo the haha have to have another anatomy scan bc she was too low to get good measurements hehe

As for thinking ur baby has cf..they thought the same thing about me..I got tested and I'm not a carrier..and u have to have both carriers for her to get it so it wasn't that at all,,it was from her swallowing amniotic fluid.I'm sure urs will b similar..
Hope all are doing well! Sending love and baby dust to all

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