Ttc #1 baby would love a buddy

CD11 and im feeling some light, twingey cramps in my lower abdomen...hoping it means things are working down there?! still doing OPKs twice a day so fingers crossed i ovulate!
mama - im sorry about your job that stinks, glad your not too stressed about it though. Fingers crossed this cycle! How are the opks looking getting any darker yet?

Willow - hey girl!! missed you! exciting about your baby shower! mine isn't until June 10th im having a hard time not buying stuff and getting the room ready lol. Got the crib and dresser set up already room is painted. :) made it feel more real
oh swimmy so exciting!!! and im using digital OPKs so all it says is no! hahaha but its still really early :) i have a good feeling about my ovulation this month! although im using FR digital opks and of course i was reading reviews online today and a lot of them say that they sucked and never gave a positive even when they ovulated so now im worried the tests wont work hahaha this whole TTC thing can be so stressful! however i am bd'ing every second day so thats good :)
Good news mama go get that job !! Your right anything is better than nothing:-) I'm not working many hours atm which sucks but it would be hard work I suppose to do lots now. Learnt to be better with money anyway lol. I hope the twinges are a good sign mama !! Lots of baby dust to you. Any sign of dark opk,?

Swimmy!! Haha thanks yes it's hard buying things isn't it because you want to buy everything but if your having a shower chances are you'll get some stuff for baby and I don't know what to get.. im wanting to buy a nice big hospital bag have been picking up little things for it like deodorant wipes towels ect. We still need a crib haven't looked yet tbh got rockers and playmats ect also tonnes of clothes. Got some nappies and wipes and nappy bags the other day on sale and bought a nice unit to put them all in its all organised lol ... for now :-):-)
yea willow im hoping something
comes up soon! and ive been doing FR digital OPKs...havent had a yes yet, on CD 15, and yesterday i decided to pick up the non-digital ones so i could see if theres any progression, and so far there hasnt even been a second line nevermind have it be darker :/ i dont know whats going on lol but i have definitely had some cramping and then sharp pains in my left side of my lower abdomen, so i am hoping maybe im just having bad luck with OPKs lol, but i've been testing literally every time i pee, so i dont know!😩
mama - i didn't have any luck with the FR digital's they were always negative for me :( wondfo's worked great (and they were cheap lol) also I had the clear blue digital advanced. So it would give me peak and high days. 99% of the time when i got the peak day on that my wondfo would be positive. Have you been temping at all? that was super helpful for me.

Willow - we have a crib and dresser/changing table. lots of cloths and a pack and play, and diaper bag. I hadn't even thought about a hospital bag getting that ready. whoops lol. Are you doing cloth diapers or toss out ones?
were the first response negative even on months you inow you o'ed?, sorry im just so confused! lol ive had cramping and now EWCM but no positive, but its the first day of EWCM so maybe i just havent yet! UGH. lol and i've never tried temping cause i feel like im always a different temp in the morning...i sleep with the window open year round so i worry it would not be accurate you know?
mama - yes even on months I ovulated I wouldn't always get a positive. it freaked me out, so one month I super splurged and used the clear blue's wondfos and FR just to see. FR never gave me a + but the other 2 did.... I was annoyed.
Yeah if you sleep with a window open probably won't work to temp lol. Nights that I had the fan on even vs no fan there would be a little difference sometimes (not always)

ugh not cool that these dumb opk's are messing with you! you can't even watch line progression can you?
nope i cant! super frustrating!!! think im gonna switch to clearblue lol
mama - i still really recommend going on ebay or amazon and buying wondfo's that way you can see the lines getting darker or lighter and know if maybe you missed your peak without ever getting a true positive.
yes i definitely think im going to if this cycle doesnt work out!
Everything seems cheaper on amazon I would recommend getting your pregnancy sticks and hcg tests on there you can get a bulk bag :-) I'm doing great thanks mama having a set of growth scans now because of having to go to another hospital to see a consultant about her bowel ect they want to check on her. I had the first one the other day and I'm 29 weeks and she's 3lbs already so she's right on track even slightly ahead by a tiny bit :-) feeling good just a bit tired need to eat more iron rich foods as my iron is dropping slightly. How are you doing ? I hope you get your bfp soon mama. Swimmy how are you doing? It's been lovely weather here so sunny and been going out for walks with dh we live just above the sea so it's a really nice walk about.
oh willow that sounds great! so glad you are doing well :) im also doing really well! i got a job less than a week after getting fired, so i wont even miss any pay as i was getting severence up until this weekend, thank goodness! no BFP yet, also never got a +OPK, but had some cramping and EWCM right around CD 14 so wondering if i did O and just missed sucks not being sure though, cause im not even sure if clomid did the job! i think if this cycle doesnt work im gonna try temping and get the wondfos off amazon! AF is due around saturday so if she doesnt show up i will test again! heres hoping this is it! i have been quite run down lately, we'll see i guess!
Willow - ive been a little over whelmed realizing i have less and less time before she gets here, and apparently i never renewed my short term disability through work so none of my leave will be paid ... freaking a little about that. But hey that is what savings is for and my DH is going to start working back at his better job in june so we will really be able to save. Trying to tell myself we will be fine lol. started getting big, i have refused to get on the scale i don't even want to know how much I've gained this month haha. Have you had any braxon contractions? i started getting some this week, they don't really hurt just feel uncomfortable. Glad your little girl is measuring right on time :) did you do you glucose test yet? if so does the stuff taste as bad as they say it does?

mama - yay about the job! way to go girl!!! I'm hoping you get the bfp but if not temping and wondfo's were a life saver. I used fertility friend app on my phone to keep track of my temps and stuff. A little confusing app at first but after i got the hang of it totally worth it! Fingers crossed!!!
today i have a wicked headache, am very irritable and my nipples are a little sensitive...however my CM has dried up, not sure whats going on! will probably test saturday with FMU and will see!for some reason im feeling very out this month though...i dont know why
Good luck for testing mama ! :-) I hope all those signs are good news for you ! I got pregnant on my first month of using the popper ovulation sticks I think I used the clear blue ones I bought a pack to try them out. I also bought that month the fertility lubricant I got conceive plus it's meant to help the Sperm on their way and stay up there lol. I'm feeling her move so much more now it's brilliant sometimes catches me off guard lol. I haven't had any braxton hicks yet swimmy although if I have I'm not sure weather that would be it or not are they false contractions ? I've gained far too much I'm craving everything bad :-( it's awful all cake chocolates busicuits ice cream cookies doughnuts you name it along them lines I will want it lol trying to be good and having lots of veg and meats to balance it all out. Money wise were the same trying to save dh has a Good job and we saved lots for baby in our joint account I'm sure everything will work out I also don't get much maternity so might struggle a bit. The drink tastes a bit like sugary lime juice I thought wasn't that bad I didn't think it is very sweet though. Have you thought about feeding breastfeeding or bottle feeding ?
willow im hopeful! but still feeling kinda put i dont know why UGH lol! it must suck to worry about that kinda in canada we automatically get a full year of paid maternity, and they're actually planning on increasing it to 18months. so luckily as long as you dont need fertility treatment, having a baby shouldnt put you too far in debt! lol i always consider myself lucky i live where i do, i dont think id change it for anything. i too am curious if you guys are considering breast or bottle? im definitely going to breastfeed if its possible for me! its such a money saver lol, also going to cloth diaper as a family friend of mine has a business selling them so i'll get them super cheap!

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