Ttc #1 baby would love a buddy

Haha it will happen to you when you least expect it ! I'm rooting for you !! Just gotta keep going! Canada that sounds amazing and even increasing it wow. Here in UK we get 39 paid weeks and the additional 3 months has unpaid. I worry as I was only on part time work so money won't go far. I'm planning on breast feeding and expressing by using a pump so dh can help also I hope it goes to plan and I can breast feed. I have fear of the unknown about it hurting me ect. Also looking at getting a baby sling which will.male breastfeeding easier especially through the nights so not holding her takes the weight off my arms abit like a boppy pillow idea
yea that sounds smart :) good luck i hope it goes well for you and breast feeding is easy!! and yes it is nice! and i work full time thankfully so my financial situation shouldnt really change much!
In the US companys only have to give full time employee's 6 weeks of leave. Most are nice and give 12 but that is the max most do ... its stupid and annoys the hell out of me.

Willow - warning (from lots of breast feeding moms) it can really hurt at first, especially after labor because it will cause you to contract (which is what you want to happen) but it hurts lol. Pumping my friend found much easier because then she could let her husband do night feedings and the baby would take a bottle. Her 1st baby they didn't try to use a bottle until baby was 3 months old and she wouldn't take it :( I'm going to try and breast feed/pump but I had a breast reduction a few years ago and they took out a lot, so there is a good chance that I won't be able to. Trying to prepare for that so I'm not disappointed.

Mama - I'm doing cloth diapers. DH isn't super happy about it but it saves money and the environment so I'm all for it. The end of this month I'm picking up a ton of diapers from a mom that is reselling them (friend of a friend) and she has like everything we need. the sprayer, pails, 30+ diapers, and a bunch of night time rubber pants. Silly thing to be excited for but im stoked lol.

Working the next 4 nights in a row soooo sleepy already ughhh
thats so exciting about the diapers swimmy!!! i'd be stoked too! and thats crazy about the mat leave i tested today, BFN :( no sign of AF yet but im definitely feeling out this month :(
Awww sorry about bfn mama you gonna test again tomorrow? Do you test in the mornings? I don't know how I'd cope working full days it's hard enough doing 16 hours a week for me haha I'm so tired fair play to you swimmy. I used to be full time but my work screwed me over basically and now I'm pregnant I can't get another job because nobody will hire a pregnant person so I'm sucks like this for a while.

Swimmy are you talking about the breast feeding after the birth ? That's the most painful ? I've heard it can be my mum said she had awful pain. I really want to give it a go though give it my best shot I've bought some of that Lanolin cream which is recommended just hope I find it okay.
aw willow you're bump is soooo cute!!! and yea i have 3 tests left so i'll prob test a few times more lol, i guess technically the rule is to not test until AF is due which is tomorrow, so i could still be in this! we will see!
Willow - yeah I mean breast feeding right after delivery. I'm definatly gonna give it a shot also. Look at that belly!! You don't even look like you have stretch marks!

Mama - im sorry :( what kind of tests are you gonna be using next cycle? Still gonna be using clomid? Fingers are so crossed!
i ordered wondfos and im going to temp!! although still no was due this morning, ive had cramps and sensitive nipples for 3 or 4 days now but no sign on bleeding what so ever...still BFN this morning, but im not sure whats happening with my body! and yes if AF does show up i'll be using clomid again :)
Awww keep going mama I hope you don't get af!! Thanks no I don't have any stretch marks yet :-) oh so having them feed after birth is the most painful . I don't know how I'll find it I'm worried as they are (TMI) really sensitive anyway and with baby on them I might be a bit like oooh God help me lol. I don't want to shell out on all the breast feeding stuff or bottle feeding stuff until I know if I can actually breast feed.
aw willow itll be tough at first but im sure itll get easier for you!! and yes i hope af stays away and i get my bfp!!! but if i dont get my bfp then i hope af does show so i can move on to round 2 of clomid!
i have just started AF! i want to temp this cycle, which CD should i start temping??? like right away?
Hey mama thanks I'm sure it will it's just everything being new for the first time that's scary who knows how it will turn out just gotta hope lol the same with labour . I have to make my birth plan by next week. I'm glad you can get onto your next cycle !! I'm not too sure about temping as I didn't do that I would assume you start from CD 1 and do it the same time ever day and just record it all down until you come close to your ovulation or if your unsure your temp will spike ? Swimmy might know more about it than me :-)

I had my baby shower the other day it was so much fun ! Was brilliant we played loads for games and had food and drinks lots of balloons. Was really good I'll try send a pic
aw willow that sounds so fun!!! baby showers are the best :) i hope some day soon i can have one for me! lol
I hope so too mama !! Your time will come I hope clomid works for you this month!! Have you started temping?
yes started temping! same temp every day so thats good! will see if it helps me track at all :)
Sorry gals I've been absent for a while life got a little crazy lol.

willow - yay for the shower!!! i'm starting to get nervous for mine. Its in a few weeks and i really don't love being the center of attention. My DH is coming (he loves attention lol), but I went home this weekend and was over whelmed with everyone touching my belly and fussing over me lol.

mama - what app are you using to track your temping? if you have any questions let me know :) your temps during your AF and a few days later can be high and that's ok :) can't wait to see all your wondfo's and everything! my fingers are soooo crossed!

AFM - getting ready for my moms birthday trip. Trying to stay positive that i will have a good time even though everyone will be getting drunk and stupid in Vegas lol. Trying to look forward to the good things like being on the boat, hiking and hopefully getting some time by the pool. Starting to feel very big and uncomfortable but a long way to go. also totally tmi but i think my nipples were leaking today, gonna keep an eye on it. Need to start getting it together and get the baby room on the way it looks like a bomb hit it with all the clutter haha.
im using fertility friend :) af is done as of today, so thats great! still temping and what not :) sadly my wondfos havent come in yet! blah! hopefully they come in in time, but am BDing EOD starting tonight so hoping that no matter what i catch that eggie!

im sure your shower will be tons of fun :) try not to stress too much about all of that! and im sure you will have a blast in vegas :)
I loved FF app, it took me about 2 cycles to get use to it though. It was crazy how much of a pattern change i could see in cycles without clomid and cycles with it.
I hope your shower is fun swimmy I know what you mean I'm not usually the one being center of attention and everyone's eyes on me however my mum this is a different story she loves being the center of attention lol and so kept pointing me out which was embarrassing at times but I just went with it and everyone had a fun night. Glad you've started temping mama how's it going. I've finished my last shift at work now so no going Back for me until next year now which is scary I don't know what to do with my time I've practically done the babies room and got things I've even pretty much done hospital bags for me and baby lol

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