It's great to meet you girls and thanks loads for the great advice
It is good to know I'm not alone in really wanting to get PG before I'm 30, though I do completely agree with
wanabeamama who says we shouldn't really give ourselves big targets, because it might be putting on too much pressure - after all, as she says, it shouldn't matter if we are 29, 30, 31 or even 35 - the reality of it is that regardless of age, we just want to be mummies! Thanks
wanabeamama for putting it so perfectly!
DancingDiva Great news that you're starting Clomid, have heard that a lot of women get their BFPs in the first month after using it so FX'd this happens for you too!
Silverbell - I started to take Vit B6 two months ago as had heard it helps with LP, haven't noticed much of a difference yet but it could be because I'm only taking the 10mg one you can buy at the pharmacy. I have heard to really improve things you need to be taking 100mg...yet am a bit reluctant to 'self-diagnose' and start taking 10 tabs a day rather than just one! Same goes with Agnus Castus...I think I'm just a bit nervous because have read that it can actually delay O, when in fact I want it to be brought forward...think I will wait until we're TTC 6 months then talk to a herbalist or my doctor again (who hasn't been very helpful, just said 'Come back in a year if you're not pregnant!')
Kadan82 Sorry to hear that you're feeling the pressure from people you live and work with hun
That must be horrible. I hate even being asked if we're TTC - it's nobody's business! I do agree though that perhaps it's not helpful to put a self-imposed time limit on things, because you do never know how long it's going to take. FX'd it works out for you and DH
Carine you have a great attitude - PMA! I agree, we are very lucky (if you think about it that way) to be at a point where we're balanced and able to bring a new life into the world. If things had happened when we were teens we might not have been able to cope - much better to bring up a child who will be so truly wanted!
NovemberRayne Good luck hun - really hope you have caught that egg!!
babymaug We're birthday twins!! Good luck to you - so true what you say about it seeming like more than ever I have never wanted anything more in my life...
nuffmac you have read my mind! a) when we were younger 30 felt SO old, didn't it - can't believe it's sneaked up like this! I still feel 21!!! b) the wait to OV day IS worse than the tww...completely! We've been having some nice BD-ing but I want it to *count*, if you know what I mean!
Good luck to us all girls that we get the birthday presents we truly want this year. xx