TTC #1 Looking for a couple constant buddies

FX for you :) I am having a down day :( x
I believe I'm out for this cycle. CD37 and BFN. Had my first appt with new OBGYN. Really like her! Doing some tests to check for PCOS, including ultrasound and some bloodwork whenever I manage to get to CD3. She will give me meds to bring on AF if I go too much longer. DH also doing SA on Monday. We have only been TTC for a short time but she wanted to check everything since cycles so long.:wacko:
Hi ladies, 7dpo feeling fine. Only been sleepy in the mornings. I have been getting plenty of sleep. Not much else to report.
Hi ladies.... sorry I havent been on in a while.... its been a mad few weeks again.... I had 2 weekends at the end of march where i had to do stock check and worked both weekends.... then we had friends visiting, then my dad was over from south africa.... so its been mad.

I had my HSG on 30th march and thankfully all was ok.... good news on one hand but on the other it doesnt explain why i am not getting my BFP.... so I now have to wait til 23 may to see the specialist again to discuss all our results (had blood test and DB had another SA done) and then I guess they'll tell us what plan B is...

I have been desperately hopeful that this cycle will be our lucky one as some ladies get their BFP's after an HSG.... something to do with 'clearing the cobwebs' so to speak.... and at the mo Im on CD26.... due AF on monday.

it has however been another really stressful cycle so im not overly confident.... as I said my dad was over right at the time i was due to ov so it was a bit 'tricky' getting the timing right..... then the day after they left someone wrote my car off very kindly, while it was parked outside our house.... so we've had all the insurance drama getting that sorted.... and then to top it all off I got flu last week and was bedridden for about 3 days!! really bad, high temps, coughing etc.... I had no idea when i ovd exactly as my temp had been up to about 38.5C a couple of times.... so im feeling much better now but after all that i'll be gobsmacked if i get a BFP! conditions havent been ideal to say the least....

hopefully now everything will calm down a bit and i'll get to caht to you ladies more often again... i've missed you!

chat soon
T xxx
Lovely to hear off you all, our convo had gone quiet for weeks :( GL with tests Penelope :) Hope they go well for you and your OH and you get some answers.
Keep us updated in your tww Lotus Womb, hopefully a bfp is around the corner for you :)
Very pleased to read your tests came back ok g_and_t. Sounds like you have had alot of your plate recently, I do read of alot of women who have "distractions" off ttc and dont expect a bfp and get 1. Stay positive :)
I am CD13, not O yet but BDing every other day till +opk :) FX AND :dust: to you all xx
Ok so official af due date is today... all yesterday I felt nauseous and last night I thought if I check my temp in the am and it hadn't dipped (as it has done every month before af comes) then I'm testing! It hadntt dropped and I tested but got a BFN!!? No faint line, nothing!!! I'm gutted... and confused! Still no sign of af... still feel sick and at 14dpo I woul dve thought something would show by now if I was!

So I'm grumpy and sad and fed up today..... :-(
G_and_T that sounds very promising especially temps staying high. Maybe wait a few days then test. With 18 high temps after O usually means pg. Best of luck don't give up many ladies take a while to build up hcg.
I had a little nausea last night before I made my dinner. I made myself lemon root ginger and honey tea that settled it. I was able to go on and make my dinner. Nothing today. Hoping my temp high on Friday too!
G_and_T that sounds very promising especially temps staying high. Maybe wait a few days then test. With 18 high temps after O usually means pg. Best of luck don't give up many ladies take a while to build up hcg.
I had a little nausea last night before I made my dinner. I made myself lemon root ginger and honey tea that settled it. I was able to go on and make my dinner. Nothing today. Hoping my temp high on Friday too!

Fingers crossed its ur month too!!!
Still nothing to report... going to get an early night and hope tomo I still have high temps and no af...
Hey ladies hows everyone doing?

Still no af!! I'm getting fed up now... I'm 17DPO... cd31... Been getting bad period pains as if I'm in throes of af since Monday but no af! No spotting nothing! In fact hardly any cm at all!!!
I poas using IC and FMU on 14DPO and 16DPO but BFN... so tomo is 18DPO and I've bought 2 different brands of tests just in case! Lol...

My bbt is wobbling just above coverline... So no real give aways on my chart to go on... surely my temp would have to be quite high if I was preg?

Anyone got any ideas as to why I'm getting such bad cramps without af? Am I going mad? Could it be some after effect of the HSG? Or Could I be in with a chance?

Help pls!!
g_and_t that sounds really promising. When will you test??

AFM - So yesterday had a big temp drop I was real sad. Then around 5p.m started spotting so I was ready for it to be all over. Spotting continued got slightly more I put on a pad by next morning it was only about tea spoon full. Other than that only when I wipe. Then today more of the same only needed one pad and usually by day 2 I need to change every 3 - 4 hours. I really don't want to get my hopes up as it can go heavy at any moment .

Symtoms been sore boobs on and off, cramps. Nausea a few times most noticible was Wednesday night I was frying some onions cooking my lental and patato curry and I did not think I would make it lol. I stepped away had a tangerine. Once all was done and lid was on I was fine. Last night and today frequedntly having to pee. Temp went back up slightly but not enough for me to feel good. Look at my chart and let me know what you think. I wont test till 18dpo if I make it that long. Offically freaking out!!!
Hi all.... im out... literally a few hours after my last post, she arrived!!

been incredibly sad and fed up and frustrated.... had a row with db which made me feel worse (kissed and made up now tho....) its just been a roller coaster of a month.... hopeful after hsg, then being late and then the disappontment.... i dont know how im going to approach this cycle.... i keep saying i wont obsess and then do... so will see how i get on... fertility clinic again on 23rd so hopefully some answers then....

lotus... hope af didnt get you with a vengeance... when are you testing??

Good Luck!!
So sorry g_and_t it is so very hard whe the AF is hear. :hugs:

AFM - woke up at 3a.m felt nausea but other than that nothing. I am still spotting seems to threated to go to a light flow but never quite makes it. Very scary for me. My temp was up very slightly this morning I am still over the cover line which I am never at cd 3 but scared of this bleeding I am just going to wait it out!
Feel in limbo Will test on Wednesday unless she comes with a vegeance!!
So sorry g_and_t it is so very hard whe the AF is hear. :hugs:

AFM - woke up at 3a.m felt nausea but other than that nothing. I am still spotting seems to threated to go to a light flow but never quite makes it. Very scary for me. My temp was up very slightly this morning I am still over the cover line which I am never at cd 3 but scared of this bleeding I am just going to wait it out!
Feel in limbo Will test on Wedesday unless she comes with a vegeance!!

Its so horrible when u feel like that! I know too well.... I kept thinking "if its gonna happen hurry up so I can move on to next cycle dammit"

I hope its not bad news for you! Fingers crossed and let me know if you test!!

hi, i had a chemical preg last month :( ,was the first month of TTC, i think i ovulated on the 1st or the 2nd so waiting now to test!! hoping to get bfp again, i already have a daughter nearly 3 only took me a month to fall preg with her too. good luck too hope you get bfp soon!! :)
Welcome Jess sorry to hear about your Chemical.

AFM- I guessing I just had a really light cycle it was very much the same the whole time spotting to light flow I little more by the 3rd day but as my temps dropped so much I assume I am not pg :cry:.
you could still be pregnant!! im pretty sure i had that with my first and shes almost 3 now and a terror!! lol and thankyou Lotus Womb :) . im hoping i get bfp this month!! not long to wait now till i can test. i hope you get your bfp soon!!

Good luck to all!! :)
Thanks Jess,

Well if I feel symtoms I may test. I too have freinds and know ladies who bleed for days and days they went on with thier pregnancy it quite common especially in the first Trimester. If not I should O next Friday/Saturday! I can try again.

Best of Luck when will you be testing??
in 3 or 4 days i do want to wait till my af is due but its hard to wait!!
Yes wait if you can. I am a hardcore non tester lol unless no AF and temps stay high 18 days. But if we can not test till AF due I think that's long enough!!
Best of luck !!

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