TTC #1 Looking for a couple constant buddies

Hey Ladies... how are you getting on?

did your temps stay up Lotus or are you waiting to O on the next cycle?

Jess did you test in the end?

I got my first faint OPK yest and then a positive today so Im quite excited again now... we have had a really chilled weekend and have had plenty of time to relax and BD with no distractions ;)

I usually get pos opk's a few days before eggwhite cm so will carry on with the bding until i get my definite temp spike... exciting week!!

Ive also started back at the gym and although very fun and i'm sure good for me, i am super stiff and achey today as I went for a body pump class this morning! what possessed me to do that on a sunday i dont know ha ha... but im sure its all good.... a bit of energy, and weighloss is always welcome!

hope you have a good week ladies!!

still waiting to test af is due on the 16th or 17th so just going to wait lol
yeah i know its so annoying!!! but had a chemical preg last month so id rather wait this time!!
Jess Congratulations :happydance: for your BFP great news.

WEll I think I got a Positive OPK today anyhow lots of BD going on last few days so hoping to catch the EGG
i hope u get your bfp soon!! :) im just trying to stay positive atm coz of having the chemical pregnancy last month :( i have a feeling everything will be ok this time around!!
congratulations jess!!! positive mental attitude!!! I'm sure you'll be fine!! such great news!! keep us posted!

lotus - you and I are in it together... been bding a lot last few days... think I'm going to ov today or tomo.... I usually get my pos opk a few weeks before ov so should be soon as I got pos test over weekend. managed to jump on db this morning before work Haha...

hopefully jess's good luck and baby dust will rub off on us as well...

fingers crossed Xxx
congratulations jess!!! positive mental attitude!!! I'm sure you'll be fine!! such great news!! keep us posted!

lotus - you and I are in it together... been bding a lot last few days... think I'm going to ov today or tomo.... I usually get my pos opk a few weeks before ov so should be soon as I got pos test over weekend. managed to jump on db this morning before work Haha...

hopefully jess's good luck and baby dust will rub off on us as well...

fingers crossed Xxx

i hope so!!! fingers crossed for both of you xx
Hi all, sorry not been posting for a while. Had few things going on which has kinda taken my mind off ttc (but we have been BDing) I am on CD30, AF due anytime, hoping for a 33/34 day cycle if she witch decides to show. (There may be some sort of pattern in my cycles then) No symtoms if I am honest.
Congrats jess_bella, hope this 1 is a sticky 1 :)
Happy BDing to g_and_t and Lotus, hope you get those eggies!
:dust: to you both x
hi es89 hope you're ok... did you get your 33/34 day cycle?

its finally appointment day for us today!!!!! can't wait... 3.50pm ... hope we get some answers and a way forward...

Will update later..... Xx
33 days, so yes looking like a pattern...will see what happens this cycle. I am going back to see my GP on the 6th June...hopefully start getting some answers. GL with your appointment today, update us when you can :) xx
turns out i have a small fibroid on my womb, but its nothing to worry about she thinks... everything else checked out ok... SA was good, uterus good, tubes good.... they think i am ovulating but some of my blood tests were inconclusive which she said is prob due to timing because i have slightly irregular cycles...

so... they gave me 2 options... laparoscopy or clomid.... she did say that she didnt think the clomid would make much difference... as i am ovulating... and that the lap would rule out endo or other abonormalities... but its under general and there are of course risks... so i asked if i could try the clomid for 3 months and then review again and decide about the lap at a later stage and she said fine... so i start clomid with my next cycle...

anyone taken clomid... i dont know what to expect!

Glad you got some answers :) on your first visit to your GP what did she do? Just want to know what to expect? x
Hi ladies,
I am glad you are both getting some answers on your tcc journey.
ATM well I am having a wakadoo cycle I never seen a cycle like it.

Just quick update now FF and I are not sure when I ov I have has 3 diff sets of opks this cycle I was waiting to see what my temps did before I added the data. Either way I am glad they are on the rise so I will wait between end of May and 4th June. If I am not I will be out for a cycle as db and I are travelling at the time but not together so we shall see.
Glad you got some answers :) on your first visit to your GP what did she do? Just want to know what to expect? x

hey es89... well the journey started a while ago... I just went to gp and asked about starting to looking into things and he suggested having the blood tests and db's SA done first... he gave us the forms and told us where to go. our nearest hospital has a walk in blood centre so I just went on day 5 and day 21 as advised. db was told where to take his sample and that was that.
we went back to doc to discuss results and I was lucky to get a lovely gp who empathised with me and said as we'd tried for a while and he couldn't see anything unusual with the blood results or db's sample that it was prob best to start further investigation sooner rather than later. and I'm so glad he did cos the nhs waiting times for appointments at the clinic is ages for each step.
we then had one consult with clinic who then booked the HSG and scan and so on.

I think def pester the doc to refer you if you can as the process can take ages. the doc on weds said if I decided on the laparoscopy in the end then the waiting time for that could be 3-4 months!!!

so I'm really hoping the clomid works and I don't have to go down that route !!

hi ladies... hows everyone doing? its been a while...

es89 how did your doc appointment go on the 06/06? do you have any more answers? Hows things your side Lotus?

I am currently 1 or 2 days DPO... im not sure exactly as I didnt BBT chart this cycle to try take a bit of the pressure off... I used 2 different brands of opk's which in the past have always peaked 3-4 days before i get any ewcm... and this is how the last few days have panned out:

CD 7, 9 & 10: BD
CD13: pos opk, creamy cm, BD
CD14: pos opk, creamy cm, BD
CD15: wet CM, BD (couldnt opk)
CD16: EWCM, BD (couldnt opk)
CD17: creamy cm

So today is CD19 and I am sure I must have ov'd by now. I thought I had finished on CD 17 as I had no more EWCM, but then yesterday I got more... so im not sure... maybe it was just a few left over bits??

Now its just the waiting! I am due to start the clomid on the next cycle anyway so I have a plan B if we havent been lucky this time...

Hope you are all well!!

chat soon xxx
Hi g_and_t :) FX you caught the eggy and you don't need to think about next cycle :) I don't temp either, it would stress me out too much! Appointment went well. Had a smear, she said I looked very healthy down there :blush: I am going back for my bloods next cycle if AF shows. so the ball is rolling. Praying I don't have to though and I get a lovely bfp at the end of this exhausting cycle. I got 7 days of +opk and BD for 6 of them I had the O pains on cd17 and cd23 so I am guessing I tried to O but didn't....? AF can come any day to the next week.
How is things with you lotus womb??
How is everyone doing in here?? X
How is everyone doing in here?? X

heeeey!!! im good thanks! Nice to hear from you!! ive not really been on here much over the last few months... been trying not to dwell on things...

just fnishing my third round of clomid... we had a break for one month last month as we were away, but im finishing this round and then due back to clinic for another review on 18th october.

currently CD10, and not really doing anything specific at this point... although i have ordered some instead softcups to give them a go.... i've read a lot of good things about them. i'm hoping they arrive tomorrow so we can try them this cycle...

how are you? still hanging in there?? what have you been trying over the last few months?

T xx

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