7DPO. The testing fun begins tomorrow. I got the ultra sensitive IC strips that are supposed to detect 10miu. We'll see if i've got anything worth detecting in there. Had some cramping yesterday and again this morning. Hopefully a good sign.
I have a sushi date with a gf of mine tonight. I'm going with the "drink till it's pink" mentality on this one. I know sushi isn't good for pregnancy but I also feel like you can't pause life for "maybes".
My HEDD for this cycle is October 12, in case you guys were wondering lol. I calculate it every cycle, I can't help myself.
Sunny - of course we are never rooting for AF but I hope she comes soon and this doesn't become a drawn out thing for you.
TB - Looks like its your O day huh? I think you're going to get that rise tomorrow.
Amber - how are you feeling? Any wild symptoms yet?
Steph - It's basically February now, it's almost time right?
Hope you ladies have a wonderful weekend!