Tb, did they check your T3 and T4? Curious to hear what your doctor says. I don't know that much about it but know that it can be easily managed with meds, so hopefully it's not gonna be too big of an issue.
When is your next scan? Or did they already give you a date for the trigger?
Steph, congratulations getting AF

I'm so glad your body seems to have listened to you after all, right before being threatened with another visit to the doctor! Will the FET be ~ day 18 of
this cycle or the next? So excited for you!
Amber, I (now) completely understand you not wanting to test. I'm starting to feel the same way. You're not gonna change the outcome so what's the point in stressing out every step of the way. I wanted to ask my doctor for serial hCG blood draws, to see if it was doubling properly, but it's making me nervous even thinking about it. I don't know. Feels like all that stress isn't all that helpful either.
Dream, how are you feeling? Doing any better?
Ct, I agree, we need a pregnancy update!
To all of you, thank you so much for your support. I really can't express how much it warms my heart reading your messages. It felt so great announcing it to our parents yesterday and I wish that all of you (who haven't yet) will experience that very soon. Even if this one doesn't take, the moment was just so special and worth it.
Oh I saw an
interesting IVF documentary/series the other day. There were 4 episodes following patients undergoing IVF in Northern Ireland. It did a great job explaining the whole process. One of the episodes followed this lady who donated her eggs and it reminded me of you Steph. She had to write a Goodwill message etc. It made me wonder if you get to, and more importantly,
want to find out if the lady you donated to got pregnant last month.