Their response was what made this feel so real. It was one of the best days of our lives (and hopefully, theirs as well haha). Every time I think about how this will all probably end badly, I try to picture their faces seeing those pink lines and the digi
Steph, I think it's one of the most beautiful things in the world someone can do, donating eggs. Giving someone a chance they otherwise wouldn't have had. I'm also on this IVF abroad forum and lots of women there are on the receiving end of egg donation and are so incredibly thankful for their anonymous donors who could change their lives.
How's AF treating you?
Tb, every day you're getting one step closer. This thyroid thing could have been causing the chemicals and if it can be fixed just by taking some meds, who knows what may happen in just a short bit of time. Will the doctor call you today?
Dream, look at your temp go

Love seeing those crosshairs. Good luck at the doctors' today
Amber, I didn't schedule an appointment. I just feel so down and worried that I can't bring myself to do that yet. I think I'll test again in a day or two and if the test looks promising, I'll give 'em a call. If not, I'll give them a call for a different reason

How did you get over the whole worrying-yourself-to-death part? Tips would be greatly appreciated, feels like I'm losing my mind hehe!