TTC #1- Looking for buddies!

And thanks for the link Sunny, I will check it out for sure. Yes, we are entitled to find out whether a pregnancy resulted from our donation and then whether that pregnancy resulted in a live birth. We definitely want to find out. We were thrilled when our doctor told us before Christmas that our recipient had a good number of blasts from my eggs :)
Sunny they opened up for my scan yesterday and there was no growth. I think the largest follicle was still between 12-13mm. Doctor hasn’t called yet so I have no idea.

As for TSH it’s the Thyroid stimulating hormone. At a certain point it can diagnose hypothyroidism but I’m not quite THAT high. I’m not entirely sure why there’s a “normal” range and then a separate smaller range for fertility purposes. But it is EASILY treatable so I at least have that going for me. I read that women with endo are much more likely to develop a bit of a thyroid issue (I hate endo!) and also that elevated levels above 2.5 can cause Implantation issues and miscarriages. I have like double whammy’s for those so hopefully getting one straightened out can help? I’m not sure. My body is just not cooperating with me on this lol

Sunny I hope this sticks for you, I really do! I’m sure the family was overjoyed!

Steph I’m excited to hear your timeline!

Dream- you doing ok?
Sunny - how did the video chat go with the parentals? I'm sure they were thrilled.

Cowgirl - Where have you been? Are you doing alright?

Yay for crosshairs today, 3dpo. I'm going to start testing Saturday at 8dpo. FX
I'm still pretty sick. Staying home from work today. My annual physical with my family doctor is this afternoon. Yay paps. not.
Sunny- I bet your parents were thrilled! Have you scheduled your first appointment yet? Yes, I didn't want the extra stress of checking my HCG levels after all. The outcome is out of my control so I am just praying for a healthy heartbeat at my scan, and trying to be patient!

Tb- so sorry to hear that. Thats good that at least a high TSH level is easy to treat!

Dream- Yay for crosshairs! I will be looking forward to seeing tour test on Saturday!

Steph- so glad AF arrived! I think that is so neat that you get to find out if there is a pregnancy from your donation!
Their response was what made this feel so real. It was one of the best days of our lives (and hopefully, theirs as well haha). Every time I think about how this will all probably end badly, I try to picture their faces seeing those pink lines and the digi :)

Steph, I think it's one of the most beautiful things in the world someone can do, donating eggs. Giving someone a chance they otherwise wouldn't have had. I'm also on this IVF abroad forum and lots of women there are on the receiving end of egg donation and are so incredibly thankful for their anonymous donors who could change their lives.

How's AF treating you?

Tb, every day you're getting one step closer. This thyroid thing could have been causing the chemicals and if it can be fixed just by taking some meds, who knows what may happen in just a short bit of time. Will the doctor call you today?

Dream, look at your temp go :D Love seeing those crosshairs. Good luck at the doctors' today :(

Amber, I didn't schedule an appointment. I just feel so down and worried that I can't bring myself to do that yet. I think I'll test again in a day or two and if the test looks promising, I'll give 'em a call. If not, I'll give them a call for a different reason :( How did you get over the whole worrying-yourself-to-death part? Tips would be greatly appreciated, feels like I'm losing my mind hehe!
Sunny- I really struggled with worrying in the beginning. I saw this quote and it really put things into perspective: "worrying won't stop the bad stuff from happening, it just stops you from enjoying the good."
I just take it one day at a time and say today I am pregnant and I will choose to focus on what is instead of what might be. It doesn't take all the worry away, but it does help some. I also try to keep myself busy by focusing on things I do have control over like cleaning/organizing and I like to read to get my mind off things too! Hope that is helpful :)
Well finally yesterday the wicked red witch showed up. I didn't get to go into town for a Dr's visit because of the freezing rain. Then she started. Pretty sure unfortunately my partner and I are going back to WTT anyways as his job down in NY is possibly being extended.
Sorry Cowgirl :(

Sunny and Amber, I think it's totally normal to be worried. We weren't "struggling" but it was still a worry until 13 weeks had passed. Every little cramp or ache freaked me out. The worst was when I looked in the toilet bowl and everything was red - I thought it was over! Then I remembered I'd had a big cup of beetroot juice the day before! Haha. But panic set in for a few minutes until I remembered.

AFM, things are going well. 26 weeks today. I've bene putting on so much weight though, I've been putting on 1.5kg (about 3.3lb) each week which really isn't great, but I also can't stop eating sugary things. It's an addiction! We are going for a hospital tour tomorrow which is exciting, and I have my next scan next Tuesday. We put up the cot on Sunday, which without instructions was a comedy of errors. But it was a good bonding experience for me and hubby. The heartburn has started and - oh! - my nipples started leaking! And I have a hemmorhoid. So it's not all beautiful bumps and feeling lovely. There are freaky things happening to my body! But I really can't complain, I've had it so easy compared to other people and I know how lucky I am in more ways than one.

Hope you're feeling better today Dream :hugs:

Aww Sunny, that's so lovely that is was one of the best days of your lives. I love Amber's quote, I think it is spot on. Of course, not worrying is easier said than done, but you so deserve to just be enjoying every moment. It's really nice to hear that you have spoken with recipients of egg donation. It's definitely not the right route for everyone, and some people could drive themselves crazy with thoughts of "it didn't work for me but it worked for my recipient so I must have given them all my best eggs"! But for us it just felt right (who needs 36 eggs from one retrieval anyway!)

CT, so glad to hear things are going well for you, albeit with a few not so fun side effects! Remind me, are you finding out/have you already whether you're having a boy or girl?

CD3 today so starting estrogen tablets three times a day (to be dissolved under the tongue, that's a new one) along with baby aspirin to prevent clots, and still injecting the suprecur. Edging ever closer now!!
Hiiiii 👋🏻
I’m ntnp till the end of the year then will be TTC for #2, although after my first I swore i’d never actively ‘try’ again.
I have a little boy who’s nearly 4. And hubby will soon be going to work away so it won’t be straight forward TTC
Hi Mrsm, welcome!

I think all of us here are TTC#1, but anyone is welcome! Why did you not want to actively "try" again after your first? Was it a difficult period for you?

Best of luck this time!
Hi Mrsm, welcome!

I think all of us here are TTC#1, but anyone is welcome! Why did you not want to actively "try" again after your first? Was it a difficult period for you?

Best of luck this time!

Yes I had a miscarriage the may and ended up over obsessing with it causing a lot of strain on my marriage when sex just became a chore not fun anymore. I gave up and that month I fell pregnant... so i’m kinda hoping the same happens this time 🤞🏻
So at the clinic I go to there are two Nurse practioners. One I love and the other was the wishy washy one. Well the wishy washy one was the one I talked to yesterday. First of all she cancelled this cycles so I’m just left in limbo. Also when I asked her about the thyroid thing she was wishy washy again! She just bounced back and forth on if it’s normal or I need meds.. it was Nuts. I got off the phone unsure what was happening! Anyway, I had already messaged my primary doctor and I’m going to get Free T3 and Free T4 bloods drawn after work today. They said that’s more important overall. Ugh. I also emailed the other doctor that I love so hopefully I hear from her soon too. I don’t like feeling like I’m in limbo.
Ah TB, I'm sorry. The limbo feeling is the worst isn't it. I feel like we can deal with bad news or good news, but no news just leaves you feeling like you don't quite know what to do with yourself. When will you get the results of your blood draw?
I'm back to work. Finally feeling a little better, not great but better. Feels good to get out of the house again. I even managed to get up and go for a workout before work this morning.

5DPO and I feel like this TWW is flying by. That's rare isn't it?

I have acupuncture today but I may need to cancel because after being off work my inbox is insane. I just don't think I'll have the time.

Mrnmrsm - Welcome - we're close in cycle. When will you start testing?

Amber - A friggin Tic Tac. Awwwww adorable!
Thanks for your words of wisdom Amber. I really tried to do just that but I guess it's just not me and I tested anyways. It doesn't look good, lines were maybe even lighter than 14 DPO. Called the Dr yesterday who said not to worry but I already know where this is going. Will get the hCG results later today. Feel like crap tbh.

Dream, happy to hear you're doing better! When will you start testing?

Tb, that sucks! Hope your other doctor can explain things a bit better. Why is your cycle cancelled? They know you usually O a little later right?
Oh Sunny, I still have everything crossed for you. Let us know what your results say :hugs:
Tb- I'm so sorry. I sure wish your NPs could get it together and give you a straight answer or plan so your not stuck in limbo!

Sunny- I am really Hoping that everything is ok. Glad you are able to get hCG levels drawn. I totally understand continuing to test as I took many tests until I was satisfied that the line was darker and that took at least a week!

Dream- so glad you are feeling better! Wow 5 dpo, time is flying!

Mrn- welcome! I hope the ntnp approach works for you!
Thanks girls :( Bloods came back at 7. Doctor still wants to repeat in 48 hours but it's not going to be a viable pregnancy unfortunately. So sad!

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