Amber - YAY for hearing the heartbeat! Did you cry? I'm such a sap. Your donut hole ticker is going to be torture all week lol. My diet has me craving all kinds of magical sugary stuff like that.
TB - I see that line 100%. Today's is clearly even better.
I had to email my doctor because I only have about 4 progesterone suppositories left and now I need more, so I also told her about the the BFP. She said I can get labs at any time because the orders are in. Would you suggest me wait until I am officially late? or just get them in the morning? She will be having me follow up with two other draws regardless.
Tb- I would say go ahead and get them drawn tomorrow, but are you able to get them drawn again in 48 hours- cause that would be Saturday then. Maybe wait until Monday if not.
Dream- thanks, I was thinking the same thing. My cravings are insane right now and those donut holes look spook good!
Then I say go for it Tb!
I have had some nausea on and off but not too bad really. No throwing up so I am thankful for that. The last couple days I just feel constantly hungry!
What kind of things are you craving Amber? Or just anything and everything! Are you and your husband going to find out the gender, or do you want to keep it a surprise?
Amber- that’s great that you haven’t had the full blown MS! My friend who did IVF and is pregnant with twins is 25 weeks and STILL throwing up daily!
T-B! Can you hear me screaming? It's loud. Absolutely gorgeous line!
Yes Yes Yes, get that blood drawn today pleassssse.
3dpo for me, yay for crosshairs. I had a wicked workout this morning as well. Feeling great. Finally hit the big 1-0 too, 10lbs lost since Feb 1. I feel amazing. Hopefully my uterus does also to make a nice cozy bed for my LO. FXXX
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