Good Morning everyone.
Amber, Almost there. Praying he turns on his own, there is still a chance. Are we at any day now?
Sunny- 25 weeks??? The time is flying by!
TB- I can't wait to hear if you have felt any movement. Absolutely nothing in this world can replace that feeling. It has been 11 years since I have felt it and it still the most amazing thing ever.
Dream- How are you doing? Any news?
AFM- Work is crazy busy. I didn't get a chance to do OPK's this go round, but I noticed all the signs of O, last week. Hubby and I were hit and miss so we didn't get all the DtD in that I would have liked. Maybe 2 times were good. I'm at 4DPO. So the waiting game begins. Hope everyone had a good weekend and has a Happy Monday.