Hey Bby... I had a situation like that last year remember? The doc had to prescribe me progesterone for a week so my period would be jumpstarted. However, we both knew that I hadn't ovulated yet that cycle because my BBT had been in the 97's for several weeks. Most post-ovulation temps are above 98. Have you tried taking your temp a few mornings in a row to see where you are in your cycle? It would at least help you know if you are pre-ovulation or post-ovulation. Because the post-ovulation part of your cycle (luteal phase) is very, VERY rarely longer than just a couple weeks.
Bby, yeah typically you want to start at the beginning of your cycle but for nearly all women, pre-ovulation temps are in the 97's, and luteal phase temps in the 98's (or higher). It might be worth a shot to see what your temp is a few days in a row. You never know![]()
I've had an endometrial biopsy before, too. But to me it wasn't as painful as it was like really bad period cramps. Bless your heart though, I still don't want to have to do that ever again. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything is ok. So they didn't use the foot-long needles on you?
:shudders: Sorry sweetie! Just keep your eye on the prize! How is your DH handling all of this?
Rosa- I tried writing a reply the other day but my computer was acting up (or maybe it was this website..) - glad you are through the tough tests.. Sorry the hysteroscopy was so awful, but it's all going to help in the end. Hopefully the doctor will also figure out the reason for the dye pooling in the HSG test.. Is the appt tomorrow for that? good luck![]()
Rosa- yeah this seems like a situation where you want them to find something wrong (but fixable) just to explain things.. Good luck today!
Does the cruise go to Quebec City too? And Bar Harbor in Maine? Both great places too..