TTC #1--Need buddy support


Mar 3, 2015
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Hi ladies,

I'm new to these forums and I need buddies to help me through the process. Raise your hand if TTC causes anxiety! Raise both hands if you are a POAS addict! Stand up if you analyse every possible symptom for Ovulation and early pregnancy! If you're standing up with both hands raised then you are in my boat! I need to countdown this month of TTC with others like me, who feel the need to analyse every symptom, POAS constantly and post about it.

We are on our 3rd month of TTC. Today is cycle day 12 and we have been BDing every other day since CD 9. Due to ovulate tomorrow (if I haven't already)! Will continue to BD every other day until CD 16 (just in case) We are using Pre-seed and FertileCM..anyone used these products before? This is our first month with them, so fingers crossed it will work for us. Baby dust to everyone!
One hand is raised and I'm standing up <--:haha: I'm not stressed so much about TTC, but I am a ss and a poas addict. This is my first month properly TTC after my MC in January. I am on CD 19 and 2 dpo ??? I think. This has been a weird cycle for me as all my normal things changed when I had the MC I also use Pre-seed and used it before when I got my :bfp: in November. Can I be your buddy?:blush:

I'll Start: what are your symptoms so far? Are you check cm to see if you O'd?
I think I have anxiety because I'm home all day (housewife) no kids and no life. I think I'm going to get a dog.

Yes, symptoms--yesterday I felt dull ache in my left ovary. That's why I had thought I may have ovulated---however, I'm not "scheduled" to ovulate until tomorrow. We bd last night just in case though. I am checking my CM--this month it has been weird--CD 9 it seemed like it was EWCM but very, very little. I thought that was strange b/c it's too early to ovulate but we BD anyway. Then yesterday it there wasn't much but it was clear and not too stretchy. This morning, there seemed to be alot but my DH are trying to BD every other day--so that will be tomorrow...but should I bd today? My thought is that he needs time to rebuild his reserve and we bd last night.

What about your symptoms? How are you checking your ovulation? I was going to incorporate cervix checking this month but last month I tried to ck b/c I was super late on my period--it was semi-high, closed and soft (felt mushy like pressing on my lips when they are puckered for a kiss) which is a super early sign of pregnancy. So for sure I thought it was my month, then AF happened! So, I'm confused with that.
I think I have anxiety because I'm home all day (housewife) no kids and no life. I think I'm going to get a dog

I can see how that could be lonesome.

Yes, symptoms--yesterday I felt dull ache in my left ovary. That's why I had thought I may have ovulated---however, I'm not "scheduled" to ovulate until tomorrow. We bd last night just in case though. I am checking my CM--this month it has been weird--CD 9 it seemed like it was EWCM but very, very little. I thought that was strange b/c it's too early to ovulate but we BD anyway. Then yesterday it there wasn't much but it was clear and not too stretchy.

This is my first time getting EWCM. I got a little about a week before suspected o with it coming and going until O. I believe I o'd a few days ago and I still have some EWCM. For what I know, it takes a few days for ewcm to come and go, so you should have it for a few days surrounding O.

This morning, there seemed to be a lot but my DH are trying to BD every other day--so that will be tomorrow...but should I bd today? My thought is that he needs time to rebuild his reserve and we bd last night.
I am on the SMEP, and they say it is best to bd for 3 days straight once O is suspected. Then you are supposed to take a break for one day followed by one last BD. My DH has an injury that effects his ability to preform so we try to just BD every other day as there is no way that he can physically bd that much. To tell the truth, I have 35 day cycles so by day 17 (usually O day) I'm too exhausted to bd every day for three days straight. With that being said. If I know for sure that I am Oing, I usually try to get him to dtd regardless of if it is an on day or not. The egg only lives for about 24 hours and it takes about 12 hours for :spermy: to get there so I want to make sure that they have a chance to swim there before the egg goes poof!

What about your symptoms? How are you checking your ovulation? I was going to incorporate cervix checking this month but last month I tried to ck b/c I was super late on my period--it was semi-high, closed and soft (felt mushy like pressing on my lips when they are puckered for a kiss) which is a super early sign of pregnancy. So for sure I thought it was my month, then AF happened! So, I'm confused with that.

I use opks, but I bought a new brand this cycle and they are complete rubbish (which is why I'm not sure when O was). I have been getting positives for 4 days straight! I do check my cp too, and right now it is high, soft and open. It takes a little practice to know the difference between it all. I know that a high, closed cervix is a sign of pregnancy, so I don't know what happened with you last cycle.

I do not have any symptoms yet as I am so fresh off O. Just wait until 6 dpo, and I will be spilling my guts :haha:
Hi :) I'm also a housewife (with no social life) and I'm the type of person that's anxious about everything particularly this TTC stuff! I'm currently TTC #1 and I'm due to O anyday now. I woke up this morning with left pelvic pain so hopefully dh and I will dtd tonight... When are you due to test?
Hi Aprilwonders,

We are due to test on April 8--so, I'm officially in the TWW phase for this month. I'm not sure when I ovulated exactly as I'm not using the Ovulation tests..just monitoring my CM and using the online ovulation calculators based on my periods & length of cycle. According to the calculators, I was scheduled to ovulate this past Thursday. However, I had EWCM starting last weekend--so, maybe I ovulated early? I think I'm 3 DPO..So, we'll see. This morning, I woke up WAY emotional. I felt like crying really easily. Then, while I was in church my lower back starting hurting a bit and I felt very very mild cramps in my uterus. I was totally convincing myself that I must have ovulated earlier than I thought and then prayed this is my month :)

Keep my posted as to how you are doing---let me know if you have any other symptoms of ovulation.
ahh can I join? Ladies I also stay at home (house(almost)wife) This whole ttc journey is so stressful to me. I try so hard not to ss but to me its impossible! My fiance and I have been ttc for 8 months. I ams poas addict. Take something everyday! Use CBFM, trying to start temping again (I'm horrible at it) and obsess it just about every way possible! Take vitamins try to eat healthy, I think I'm gonna try yoga! My fiance also take vitamins but at our apartment we only have a tub due to slanted ceilings , (I use a stool to "shower" in it cause baths were causing nasty utis) but finace takes baths (that I check every time he does hehe) he agreed to start taking cool baths (I feel bad but gotta do what ya gotta do) We are looking to buy a house so that adds stress too. Sorry I feel like I'm rambling about myself! I am behind you ladies only on CD2 but would love to join!
Hi Everyone,

Well, today I'm 7 DPO and starting to symptom spot today. I have lower back pain, very mild abdominal cramps, bloated, loose BM, and creamy ylw/wht CM (yesterday and today). I just POAS and it was neg (of course) but I can't help it. Okay ladies, it's your turn....who has symptoms, I want to read about them.
That sounds promising lilpeggypants!! ahh I don't know how people wait until they miss their period to test! Today I'm only cd3 getting impenitent waiting for af to leave and hopefully not return for a long long time. I'm really starting to get discouraged. I wish I knew how to forget about it all and enjoy the process. Hopefully everything we do this cycle will be different.
I know the TWW is the worst. That's why I'm thankful for these forums. I don't know why I didn't sign up before--I think it helps..makes me feel like I'm not the only one. Baby Dust to us all!
Hello All!

Hope you are all doing well!! Baby Dust to all of I'm throwing massive amounts around!! :p

AFM: I am still waiting for ov? FF initially guessed I would ov on the 14th....but my temps are still low....and I am def someone who worries and over thinks everything.....I swear it's a curse. I am now worrying that I won't ov. I just got off the pill in Feb. Some people say your cycles are messed up for months and others say you should be good to go the following month. This is only our second month trying and last month was a very relaxed attempt at we are in full force try mode.

I really hope we all get BFPs soon <3

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