Here's my update... Last Thursday hubby and I had applied for the IVF loan, our clinic uses outside companies specific for IVF/medical loans... So we applied, Friday afternoon I got a call... We had been denied for bad credit.... Are you FUCKING kidding me??? We can't have a family because we have bad credit??? Regardless of what my husband brings in annually... We BOTH were beyond furious!!! Because of course this would happen to us yet, joe shmo and his trashy ass gf can have 10 kids and get paid by the tax payers and government.... Maybe rude.. But it's true!
So I seriously Friday night and Saturday was like SOBBING... Like wtf do we do now?? We just save and try to fix our credit, which kind of sounds easy, but really how long is that going to take????? So we talked and I told him that and I said I just don't want to wait anymore, I mean we decided nearly THREE years ago now to start a family... And everything has been a road block... With my medical stuff and then moving to Illinois then the wedding, then we tried and then moving back,.... It's just been every bump we've hit. So I told him
I don't want to wait anymore... And he snapped at me and said "well sometime it's not an option to not wait so deal with it".... Umm no! I was hysterical! Like really!?! Kick me when I'm down! So I seriously stayed in bed for the next few days... Sunday was ok, we went to a friends for a cook out... The rest of this week I've felt better, like it's been pushed to the back, it's really outta my control so what else can I do...
So... His work switched insurance and our new benefits took effect September 1... Yesterday I emailed to clinic and gave the receptionist our new insurance info and asked her to look into it for me, and that we had been denied for financing... Never heard anything so I called her today, she said she never got my email... But that she'd check into our new insurance and give me a call back, probably tomorrow. A few hours later she called me back and first thing she said was... "Did you guys switch insurance just to get IVF coverage?" Inside I'm freaking out, and said no and explained his company had some changes recently and insurance companies was one... She said "well you guys have killer coverage... Insurance covers FOUR IVF cycles A YEAR! IVF prescriptions, oral and injectables, donor coverage, iui coverage... And so on" HOLY FUCK!!! So I asked if she knew exactly what "4 cycles a year" meant, like up to how much do they cover??? She was unsure but said she passed our new info to the finance lady, and she could further investigate and find out for us, and to expect to hear from her tomorrow. If not to call back tomorrow afternoon.... I told her I said "Carla, last week we were denied financial loan for IVF" and she goes "omg no! Are you serious???" I said "yes!" She said "that makes me want to cry! This was just meant to be!" I was like "OMG you totally made my day!"
YOU GUYS!!!!!!!! I CAN NOT EVEN EXPLAIN THE FEELING!!! I was like jumping out of my skin soooooo fucking excited but yet in disbelief... Like is this real??? We do NOT have this kind of luck!!! I called my husband.... HE WAS SO EXCITED!!!!! It's like all we've talked about since he got home! Like "is this real?" "What's the catch?" "Omg we can seriously have a baby"...... OMG!!!! I still can't believe it!!! So... From here we will talk more to the financial lady and get more deets... IF and assuming all goes well there, we can start the cycle on my next cycle day 1.... WHICH IS 15 DAYS AWAY!!!!! Omg!!! WHAAAAT!!?? I am not really one to believe in true miracles but seriously I feel like THIS is!!!!!