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TTC #1 with Letrozole


Feb 4, 2018
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Hi, I'm new on this forum, and relatively new to TTC.

I'm 35, have PCOS, and have been on Metformin for a few years now. DH and I have been actively TTC since last November. This is my first cycle tracking, and first using any kind of medication. I was on BCP until August last year, and since then I've had AF twice, both times induced after very long cycles. Since I don't seem to be ovulating, my doctor has put me on Letrozole - 7.5 mg a day, CD 2-6. I'm currently on CD 4. I'm due to go in for U/S on CD 12 to check follicle growth.

I just wanted to see whether anyone else on the forum had any success with Letrozole, and could give me any pointers on what I should expect in terms of procedures, side effects, that sort of thing.

Thanks in advance, and baby dust to all who are TTC!


My apologies if we're not allowed to bump posts. I'm new to the forum and still learning the ropes.
Hi I am still new to this forum but have taken Letrozole. I am 34 and PCOS too. Unfortunately my body really didn't like its estrogen being blocked. But both time I did 5mg for 8 or 9 days it look like Letrozole kick started my hormones so I went from having a 78 day cycle to going back to normal cycle of 30 days. I have heard a ton people getting pregnant on Letrozole. Especially since it looks like doctors really start strong on your regiment. The 1st time i was on 9 day of 5mg the next month i ovulated by myself and got pregnant but had a early misscarriage. Now I am just hoping my body new I little more push this month I did 3 days of 5 mg of Letrozole. On CD 5 i started doing 75 iu of gonal f.
I hope and pray that your Letrozole treatment works for you.
Hi I am still new to this forum but have taken Letrozole. I am 34 and PCOS too. Unfortunately my body really didn't like its estrogen being blocked. But both time I did 5mg for 8 or 9 days it look like Letrozole kick started my hormones so I went from having a 78 day cycle to going back to normal cycle of 30 days. I have heard a ton people getting pregnant on Letrozole. Especially since it looks like doctors really start strong on your regiment. The 1st time i was on 9 day of 5mg the next month i ovulated by myself and got pregnant but had a early misscarriage. Now I am just hoping my body new I little more push this month I did 3 days of 5 mg of Letrozole. On CD 5 i started doing 75 iu of gonal f.
I hope and pray that your Letrozole treatment works for you.

Thanks for replying.

I didn’t respond to the meds, unfortunately . My CD 12 ultrasound didn’t show any viable follicles. My doctor says that my PCOS is particularly aggressive, so she’s putting my on BCP for the next cycle to regulate my hormones, and if things look good, she’ll start me on injections the cycle after. If that doesn’t work then she recommends we move to IVF, given my age. It’s all pretty overwhelming figuring out what’s best. I’m not sure how I feel about the very aggressive approach she’s taking, only giving letrozole one cycle and then moving on straight away to something different. But fingers crossed something works..
Yea it's no fun when drug don't work. I hope BCP kick your system in line.... I would talk to her maybe try letrozole again after the BCP... it's 1 month. this 10 or 11 medicated cycle for me in the 2+ year I been trying so I was ready for the fsh injections.
Letrozole didn't work for me the first time but did the second. I have PCOS as well, but I also have a unicornuate uterus so if I ever have more than one mature follicle my RE will cancel my cycle (I'm currently in an iui cycle). Anyway, I was on 5mg from days 5-9 the first time and only grew about a 12mm follicle that fizzled out. My doctor put me on 5mg for three more days following that follicle check and they did nothing.

The second time I took letrozole, my RE knew that my body responded better to the drugs earlier on in my cycle, so she put me on 10mg for days 5-9. This time my body did respond and I had a 16mm follicle. They made me wait two more days to trigger ovulation but I just had my first iui procedure yesterday. There is hope. I was devastated after the first failed cycle but my body just needed an extra push. Now I'm in a real tww for the first time (I think ever) and praying for our rainbow after the storm (2017 was a really stormy year for us).

Anyway...fx that the drugs work for you and you get your miracle!
Hi everyone,

I am too part of the PCOS club. I don't ovulate on my own, at all, and am waiting for a Provera CD 1 to be able to start my letrozole (5 mg).

It's reassuring to know I am not alone in this. ** Baby dust to everyone TTC :)
I just finished my first round of provera and letrozole. And I just got my first ever positive ovulation kit! I’m on cd 14 which is crazy because I’ve never gotten a positive on day 14 let alone ever on my own. Not sure if I had any side effects but monster cravings for chocolate which I hate, sour candy which I hate and salty thing which are eh in my book. I have virtually no cm. Not odd but not expected. Nothing else really. I’m hopeful and wishing you lots of baby dust!!

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