TTC 18 months....

keep me posted on tests and anything else hun!!!
Hi girls,
Lisa I keep my old opk to compare as well:shy:. I've got mine stuck to a4 paper with cd and times and pinned to the inside of the bathroom cabinet!:haha:. Definately keep us posted on your visit to the doc.
Sbl, with regards to the vits, my oh takes vit c with zinc, multi vit, omega 3 and royal jelly. I take epo, vit c and zinc, folic acid, royal jelly and omega 3. Plus I drink green tea and grapefruit juice.
Have either of you tried preseed? I'm considering giving it a go but I'm concerned it'll kind of ruin the moment, 'hang on a sec luv while I put my lube in!' :rofl:. But it does appear to be quite successful for a lot of ladies so I guess it's something to consider.
Morning Toots,

I've tried the preseed, obviously with no luck haha but I've only tried it a couple of times, I didn't tell the OH, you can put it in up to half an hour before :sex: so it can be done sneakily haha.

The only thing is it took OH quite a bit longer to errrr... 'finish' if you know what I mean as it obviously takes away some of the friction, but I guess that's not a bad thing either :rofl:

Don't use as much as it says to though or you'll be swiming in it haha!

Good luck if you try it :dust:

Hey girls,
I havent tried preseed either but yesterday i spent quite allot of money on amazon :dohh: and i purchased some!! Must hide credit card statement!!:haha:
I really dont like the feel of lube so i think its gonna be a disaster for me!!!
I do drink green tea but i have a stomach ulcer which stops me from drinking fruit juices etc...
I've still got cramps today dunno whats going on with me!!
Has AF arrived yet lisa??
Not yet sbl, still just a bit of spotting on the tissue when I wipe, although I have had serios :witch: cramps. I just wish she'd hurry up cos I'm off work this week and then I could get my day 3 bloods taken on Friday, if I have to wait till Monday I'll have to tell work about the appt & I'd rather not.

& don't worry, I have hidden many a credit card statement too :rofl:

what is the green tea supposed to do? I don't drink any type of tea.

I'm actually not that sure what the green tea does but i do what i'm told!! lol!
I'm its full of antioxidants and all that!!!
I was told give up coffee which I am failing at, coffee cup in hand as we speak!!!
Also I was told blackberries and blueberries are brill for :spermy:!!
I also just found out that my hubbie is still sneakily smoking :growlmad: I gave up 4 months ago!!
Do u suffer from really bad cramps??? i draining!!
did u go anywhere on your hols this year??
Awww silly hubbie... give him a :ban: & if that doesn't work give him a :grr: and finally a :gun: That'll make him stop!

I went to hong kong earlier this year, I have a friend who lives over there so it was really nice to see her. My Oh is a teacher & so he's been skiing this year already. We hadn't booked anywhere for the summer as we were really hoping to be too pregnant to fly, but I guess thats out of the window lol!

I'm currently studying for a maths degree via the open uni as well as working full time, so any of my days off are generally taken up with that, but I can't concentrate today :dohh:

I'm kind of lucky in that I've never liked the taste of coffee so I didn't have to give it up, & I get the occasional cramps, nothing too bad though, I'm a bit worried cos I have really light periods though, like a max of 2-3 days & I also don't have any underarm hair... weird hey ( I think I must have some hormone defficiency lol)

Are you going on hol this year?
I've given him a month to wean himself off..which i think is fair enough, he agreed to it anyway but we'll see!!!!
Yeah we're just back from 3 weeks in spain, was lovely to get some sunshine as the summer here has been totally crap!:growlmad:
ah very good,:thumbup: how far along are you on your course??
I'm studying to be a general nurse going into my 2nd year after returning as a mature student hoping to do midwifery as post grad!! Working as a nurses aid at the mo, but my shifts have been seriously cut down!!
No underarm hair!! I would count that to be a lucky thing!!! have u always been like that??
Has your AF always been this way?? your AF is regular???
I've had major issues with AF even ended up taking cyklokapron a few times to stop my bleeding it was so heavy!!
Ahhh 3 weeks in Spain, sounds lovely! I'm in the middle of my second year, got some exams in October which I'm really not looking forward to haha!

I am always in awe of people who do nursing, I really couldn't do it... can't stand sick people and bodily fluids :haha:

Yeah I went the docs when I was 17 cos I hadn't grown any & he told me to go back when I was 21 if I still hadn't.. I never went though cos like you said I thought :happydance: but now I'm wondering why??
& yeah Af has always been very light, I generally only need to use tissue too for the most part or a very thin liner... I'm thinking maybe I don't have enough lining to implant??
& usually about every 26-28 days at the moment, It was about 32-34 days when I came off the pill 2 years ago, but it's got shorter after I started on the pregnacare about a year ago.
Sorry yours are the other way round :hugs:
I'm sure you'll do brilliantly in your exams!!:thumbup:
Ah it takes some time to get used to but you do get used to cleaning up bodily fluids after awhile though some mornings i do wretch!!! mainly if i've had a few drinks the night before! :rofl:
Yeah these things dont really bother us when we're not thinking of starting a family anytime soon!!
Have you been tested for endo if you dont mind me asking???
I really hope pregnacare do shorten my cycle as i am very worried about how long it is!!
Have all the reg hormone balances been checked???
I've not been checked for anything yet, I've had day 21 bloods taken & as soon as the :witch: hurries up I can go and get day 3-5 ones done. Was gonna wait for them both before getting the results. The docs appt tomorrow is to get the ball rolling on OH :spermy: analysis, so hopefully we'll be able to get all the results together & then see what the next step is.

I couldn't imagine having to deal with bodily fluids while hungover :sick:

how long have you been taking the pregnacare?

I've only been taking them 4 months...i was totally in denial for a long time about not getting preg so i wasnt doing much to help it for about a year.
I really hope all your tests go well hun and you and oh can find out whats going on!!
My aunt had endo and she tried everything under the sun to get preg for nearly 10 years, they eventually decided to adopt,they did adopt and the day they signed adoption papers she found she was prego!! and had another after that!!
so i always think of that when i feel down about it all but i really dont want to wait 10 years!!!!
Have you had a scan or anything to see if anything physical can be seen??
I had a misshapen fallopian tube in my teens which miraculously repaired itself over the years!! weird huh??
Is your Oh feeling the pressure?? Mine is, he just rang me from work to tell me his mates gf is preg think i heard a little upset in his voice...:cry:
Awww 10 years... I think I would give up by then lol - but then again I thought I'd give up after 2 :haha:

I've not had any scans or anything yet, I did have cervical cancer when I was 22 and I had to have a bit of my cervix removed, so maybe it's something to do with that? who knows, will have to ask the doc.
& yeah thats weird that it repaired itself... cool though :happydance:

I didn't do much for the first year either, really just thought it would just happen no problem, how wrong could I be haha.

OH is doing ok so far I think, he does get very disappointed each month though, I am always worried about him feeling the pressure to :sex: on the right days but this month he said to me... day 12-15 is the best time isn't it... & I was like well usually yeah but don't worry if we aren't in the mood, I don't want you to feel any pressure, but he managed day 10, 12,13,14 and 15 bless him!

Really thought we would have done it this month! ahhh well! :shrug:

Oh & I think you should get yourself a ticker... so I can keep track where you are up to :thumbup:
Stupid question....ticker???? lol!! i'm totally new to this so i'm a bit of a thicko!!:haha:
ah hun so sorry to hear of your cancer :hugs:
A friend of a friend has cervical cancer. she wasnt diagnosed for quite some time.
yes i think i will give up after another year!! but we'll prob still be :sex: like mad cause i really dont think i could ever give up. my oh has no probs havin :sex: every nite so i guess i'm pretty lucky but then again some nites i'd rather have a bar of chocolate :rofl:
Fair play to your Oh!!! good job!!:thumbup:
It seems your Oh has for sure been listening to u!! He prob knows more about cycles than some women!!! mines the same sometimes he'll even remind me if i've done a 14 hour shift and i'm not really in the mood he just reminds me how much we want a baby, even if i do fall asleep during conception!! :rofl:
:rofl: imagine falling asleep during :sex: I think it'd scar OH for life haha!

& thanks, I'm ok now though, had abnormal tests for about 5 years afterwards, but I've been getting normal ones the last few years so hopefully thats the end of it.

The ticker is the thing at the bottom of my posts that says what CD I'm on, you can click my ticker to take you to the site that does them & you can make your own there.

I know I think if i did fall asleep he wouldnt take it so gud!!!
Glad your doing good now hun!! It must be such a relief!!
Have you tried the pillow under your bum during :sex: ??
Will you go on clomid if they offer it to u?? My friend was trying for 3 years but she wasnt ov and now she's due her twins in 3 weeks after 5 cycles of clomid!!
I am a little underweight so i'm worried that is affecting me, cant seem to put weight on...a stupid complaint i know but they said it could regulate me a bit better!
I think some month i dont ov and i've been pretending to myself that i missed it using opk's!
playing mind games with myself, how sad is that!!!!!
did they say that the cancer would affect your chances of conception???
I probably would take the clomid but I do think I ovulate ok, but maybe the eggies just aren't very good quality. My temperature does seem to rise each month after ov, which is supposed to confirm ov as the progesterone released by the egg increases your temp although I don't always get completely positive opks.
They didn't mention the cancer affecting anything, I didn't need radiotherapy or anything as it was spotted early enough but the nurse did say that my baby might just pop out as there is some cervix missing... I think she was joking, hope so anyway haha.
Ahhh there's your ticker :happydance:
not long till you ovulate then?? Yeah I've tried pillow under the bum, legs in the air.. The lot :rofl: it is possible that you missed your surge some months, do you take your temps to confirm anything?
Good luck this cycle
& how underweight are you? I'm 5'4" and just over 8 stone so I'm a pretty healthy weight apparently
I would def take the clomid if they gave it to me!! i would take it and run!!!!!! :rofl:
yeah i tested this morn cause i've been having those weird ov like pains but then i've had them since AF left but yet hardly any pain during AF.which is so odd for me!! plenty of :sex: for the next few days!! lol!
No i dont do temps, i prob should start really.... i've been so busy with uni and work but now i'm off i will get down to it!!
Has :witch: arrived yet??
I'm 5 2" and 7 stone 6....the smallest i've been since i was about 18 usually around the 8 stone mark!
I'd say you are a little underweight, but not too bad I suppose, my sister is 5'6" and she only weighed about 7 1/2 stone when she got pregnant with her little boy.
How old are you now?
The temping really helped me to see what was going on, especially on those months that I didn't get a clear opk.
Still no :witch: here.... spotting and cramping has stopped too, but I did get a :bfn: yesterday so I'm pretty sure i'm out.

Just gonna pop out for some lunch now woth the OH but I'll keep you posted on the :witch: & you can keep me posted on all the :sex: :rofl:

If you click on the fertility friend link in my sig you can sign up for it to record your temps if you start taking them, it's a pretty good site and it's free :thumbup:


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