TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hey ladies! Hope everyone had a great weekend- i know i did!!!!
While i was relaxing on the beach, i felt calm for the first time in ages, sorta like i knew good things would come my way very soon! I think we should all work on our optimism and everynight share 1 positive thought on this thread!! Life is sweet..
oh yeah and once again
WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO hearty-Yoda !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aww Vicky - you're fab! Bringing optimism just when we need it!
OK - just have to get thinking of a positive thought now.....
Ok so I googled 'positive thoughts when trying to conceive' and found a site which said I should cut out pictures of babies & stick them on the fridge - can you imagine??? I'd never be able to ask people round again! Ha!!
Hey ladies! Hope everyone had a great weekend- i know i did!!!!
While i was relaxing on the beach, i felt calm for the first time in ages, sorta like i knew good things would come my way very soon! I think we should all work on our optimism and everynight share 1 positive thought on this thread!! Life is sweet..
oh yeah and once again
WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO hearty-Yoda !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vicky, you are such a doll. My positive thought is that good things happen all the time and no one is immune to goodness in their life.

LOL at the hearty-Yoda! You are never going to let me live this one down are you?
I'm cd3 I think I don't even want to look at my monitor. I'm so tired of ttc :nope:. I feel like taking some time away from it but I know that I shouldn't give into my emotions and that I should just try. I really just want to pack that monitor away...
Hey Maxiandniko I completely know how you feel, this whole process is so emotionally draining on us. Every month we are hoping and praying for the BFP and then monitoring everything about our body and totally getting our hopes up. Then we get so deflated when the BFP doesn't come our way and instead we get the horrid AF. But we must keep going because the law of averages means that our time for the BFP will come, if you look at some of the people that you made friends with on this forum or other sites see how many of them have hit the jackpot. Our time will come and maybe yours is just around the corner.

Hang in their honey, thinking of you and sending you loads of positive energy and huge :hugs:
Hi Sydneyb. Reading your message I now dont feel so alone. I like you get so frustrated at my oh as sometimes I dont think he realises that I am getting older and my body clock is ticking away fast and with each second I have even less of a chance to conceive. I am even finding it hard to be around my nieces at times as I am so broody, although I love them to bits I cant help mut feel a bit resentful that my sisters have managed it on more than one occassion. Just feel like such a failure.

Hi Doogie, Yes my 2 sisters have had children as well. My oldest has 2 girls and my younger has a 9 month old little girl. They are all absolutely gorgeous and I just LOVE being the perfect Aunty. I don't find it hard being around them but it does remind me of what I don't have and when they are go home I usually feel down, sorry for myself and envious of their "lovely" lives. But if being the best Aunty in the world is all I will ever be then at least I'm lucky I have such beautiful nieces :winkwink:
I'm cd3 I think I don't even want to look at my monitor. I'm so tired of ttc :nope:. I feel like taking some time away from it but I know that I shouldn't give into my emotions and that I should just try. I really just want to pack that monitor away...

Hi maxxiandniko, Don't worry my monitor has nearly been tossed through the window quite a few times. It has certainly been sworn at!! Been using mine for 6 months now and its just making me more paranoid. Maybe we should throw them away......maybe time away from it is what you need.....a month or 2 not using it surely won't harm will it? Obviously keep trying though :hugs:
Hello ladies! I see the positive thought of the day hasn't caught on, but ill carry on anyway!
So im sure AF is right around the corner, and bummed as i may be im thinking that hubby is right in that getting a bfp is July would be cool seeing as we both have bdays in April. We could celebrate a family birthday!!! And thats my positive thought of the day!
I stopped temping for the same reason - it was making me paranoid & stopping me sleeping properly - kept waking up at 4am desperate for a wee but not wanting to get up as that would mean I hadn't been at resting temperature for 3 hours before I took my temp! Stopped temping & stopped needing to get up for a 4am wee - feel much better for it now!
Good morning all. Or I guess it's lunchtime now! :flower:

First things first, Vicky requested a happy thought. My positive thought for the day is that I'm trying to eat healthier this week (well, maybe that is more a positive action, lol!) I'm reading a new book (the O2 Diet) more for its antioxidant and nutrition guidance than dieting, although any extra pounds that melt off in the process would be welcome LOL. So I'm eating tons of fruits and vegetables this week, and drinking gobs of water, which can only help, right!?

Then, I have a general question for all - does anyone know if, during cycles where OV occurs later than it normally does for me (like this month it was day 15, as opposed to normal day 11-12) I should expect a longer cycle? I have read that the luteal phase basically (should) last 14 days from OV, which if that is the case this cycle, means my ticker is off below (wahhhhhhh!! MORE TWW?) :coffee: I'm curious what others have experienced on this. I'm wondering if I should be careful not to get too excited if AF does not show up right on "time" on Day 25-26 since this month I OV'd a fair bit later than usual. I guess if I add 14 days to the Day 15 OV I could be looking at more of a 29-30 day cycle?

Thanks for any thoughts and happy Monday all! :hugs:
Hi Rottpaw -
unless you have a luteal phase defect, AF should arrive almost exactly 14 dpo every time. The variations in most women's cycles comes from when you ov, but the length of time from ov until af should be very consistent.

My positive thought for the day is I get to have dinner with the best man from our wedding and his family - haven't seen them in over 5 years! And fortunately they know all about our losses so we won't even have to go into that topic tonight! There will be no awkward questions and no sad faces - just good times with old friends! :dance:
Thanks HappyAuntie! That's what I was thinking about the luteal phase. The good news there would be that it would explain a lot of my varied cycle lengths. Bad news is it means testing in more like 7 days. Gahh!

And have a wonderful evening out!
Rottpaw - I OV approx day 12/13 of a 25 day cycle. OV'ing late won't necessary make your cycle longer but either way I wouldn't think about testing until you are at least 10 dpo and then only if you can't really can't wait any longer. I got my BFP at 9/10dpo with FRER & with CBD at 10/11dpo but from what I understand this isn't the "norm" and I could easily have tested negative at 10dpo but positive at 15 or 16 dpo x
Thanks Mrs. J! One reason i think I will wait a little while to test is that I am also drinking tons of water, because of this heat (I'm in the South). And I'm one of those people that always has to pee in the middle of the night (and frequently during the day), so I'm betting even if we get pregnant I'll be one of those that don't turn up with a BFP right away (or at least "early"). I'm thinking based on the idea that AF would be due not later than 14 dpo for this cycle (I am never late but sometimes early), I will try to wait till at least next Tuesday (UGH it is hard to even think that! this TWW is driving me nuts!) just so I don't make myself even crazier with a BFN. If no signs of AF appear by next Tuesday and, that would be a full 15 dpo and I think fair game to test then. I'll be climbing the walls in the meantime, but at least there is the long weekend to keep me busy! LOL
I think 15dpo show's a lot of patience and I think you would fine to test then. You probably do this already but when you are testing I really think it's a really good idea to pee into a cup and use first morning urine. That's what I did the first time I tested at 9/10dpo, my line was really faint, but it was there. I don't think I would have had a definitive result if I hadn't done it that way x Good luck x
Do you think I could become American for the weekend - I could really do with a long weekend!
Thanks MrsJ! I have just had so many cycles where I thought I was pregnant and then nasty AF showed up (sigh) so I want to wait a little longer before I test. Thanks for the tip on using a cup! Will definitely do that and makes sense.

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