TTC 3 years - general chit chat


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2010
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Hi all,

A little about me, I've been TTC to 3 years now (feels like longer).

My DH suffers with ejaculation problems, which was never a problem until we started TTC. We have finally been referred for fertility treatment and have only just started the process.

We have been told to start self insemination whilst we await bloods and SA. (I tried to get DH to do this for ages, but he wasnt keen. Now a doctor has told him to do it, he's all for it).

This will be our first cycle doing this and I have high Hope's. CD5 currently, and wishing ovulation would just hurry up and arrive... I want to get started \\:D/

Anyone is welcome to this general chit chat, sharing tips, have a moan.... all welcome here :)
Welcome back!!!

Good that he is onboard with insemination now. It is actually more fun and relaxing for the guys. Changes it up a bit for sure. When will you get your results back? Will you be using opks? I am so done with them. I feel like like they all suck anymore. But I need to look at them this cycle because of the meds I'll be on.

I am cd2 so we are right in line with each other. My cd1 actually started a day late this cycle.

We are a few hours away from heading to the clinic for our CD3 tests. I wanted to wait till cd4 so we could both take the rest of the week off but alas the clinic said 'no, today or tomorrow', They will be running FSH, LH, DHEA, T3...goodness a few but I will let you know the results once done. I will also being doing the Clomid Challenge so they can see how my hormones respond to being stimulated. Doctor says the tests he runs will let him know the quality of my eggs, good or bad but not specifics of course.

I will also be doing a mini genetics tests to see if I have any genetic abnormalities. If I do, then my husband will be screened as well because we both can't have the same thing ...and could be the reason for no pregnancies all these years.

Ugh, so tired but need to get up and cook for hubby before we go.

Talk soon.
It feels amazing to he back. I have a fresh wave of excitement kicking in.

We are waiting for the appointments from the hospital for tests.

DH is having another SA (last one was fine, it's just a double check). He is having his hormones checked and standard HIV and Hep C checks.

I am having my ovarian reserve checked, and HIV and Hep C to start with. They may give me some form of hormone treatment as I NEVER get the EWCM, but I have bought some fertility friendly lube for that issue.

We will have these tests over the next couple of weeks, then we have a face to face appt with the consultant to go over it all in a months time. We were referred a while ago, but covid of course held it all up.

I still use OPKS but I had to buy more sensitive ones as I was never getting a real positive on 25miu opks. I now use 10miu and I get positive 2 days running most of the time now.

There's a really good thread on here that I have been reading about self insemination and tips. So I've bought everything I need and am armed to the teeth ready to go :)

Yay to getting all of your tests done. It sounds like we are both at the same point. How exciting. We can go through it all together :) I dont think I'll be offered the genetic tests as our treatment is free. We have to pass certain criteria for funding to be granted.

The world has gone crazy but I'm clinging onto a small sense of normality where I can.

I'm sat eating cold rice pudding, straight from the tin, cold.... because that's how I roll. And that's before I get preggers :headspin::blush:
I have been so tired lately. I started clomid on top of it and am pretty cranky. No longer having AF at cd5 as usual.

Hoping not to ovulate till cd 14.

How are you doing?
Yay to no more AF. I had a painful one this month. All crampy and just plain horrid.

I've not had the joy of clomid yet, does that affect you much? As in do you notice changes in yourself when you take it?

I'm mega tired today as well, only CD7. Started opks today... didnt need to do it today really but doc suggested it. I'm just bored and impatiently waiting for ovulation. I think I may start temping tomorrow... more for something to do... that's how bored I am tee hee.
Hey sorry, my tired carried over far into the weekend.

Just thought to login a moment ago. I am so unmotivated this cycle. Clomid messes with your hormones for sure. I've struggled with hot glashes too. Other than that once you get closer to O, bbs start to hurt, and get a bit bloated . And for me O is much more painful.

I hope it works this time. Havent taken it in over 2 years.

Any sign of O coming for you? Clomid drys me up so cant really judge cm ‍♀️
I've been a bit like that this weekend, no motivation at all. Cant believe its monday already tomorrow.

Clomid doesnt sound like much fun at all. Hopefully I won't be offered that. Got my fingers crossed for you.

I'm on CD10 so ovulation is due in the next day or two. Normally happens between CD11-14. Opks are lighter today than they were yesterday.

Just did our first AI. In wanted to practice before ovulation day so I dont end up chucking it everywhere :haha:. Its a bit fiddly isn't it?! Hopefully I got it all in the right place. Popped a soft cup in for the night for good measure.

I'm now sat eating sour sweets at 10:30pm because who doesn't need a sugar rush before they go to sleep eh?!

Gummi Bears...haha..right next to my bed in case I need a taste before I turn in.

It can be easier thought about than doing for sure. It took me a bit to perfect the I have got it down enough yet, the soft cups dont like my body so I can't keep it in for long. It cuts into me because of my low sitting uterus. Sucks.

Looking at your chart you will be Oing soon. I will too by this weekend or even Friday. Just hoping for a mature eggy that lets the sperm in. :D

We have to do one more sperm analysis this Wednesday along with more blood tests then I should have an idea of where we even stand. Will be interesting to know if I am a carrier of a genetic abnormalty. But we both have to have the same gene to make it an infertility issue.


Keep me posted on your opks!!!
I love my sweets. I've ordered some to be delivered to my house :shy: a lady started up a sweets delivery business when covid kicked in... it's been a life saver. I'm on late shift this week, so need the sugar rush.... that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

The look of the soft cup scared me, they are HUGE! Once in it was ok, and taking it out was ok. Not sure I'd be able to do it if used them for AF. I'd probably spill it everywhere.

I'm hoping ovulation will be tomorrow or weds, we don't plan to AI again now until I get a positive opk.

W have our bloods on thursday and then DH will do his SA next week. We originally booked it for Thursday but forgot he has to abstain for 3 days prior.... as its O time I've moved the appt.

That gene test really does sound fascinating. Will they tell about all the defective Gene's you carry? I'd love to know what mine are. You'll have to let me know how that goes.

I've been trying to lose weight again.... constant battle of course. When lockdown started and I was working from home, I lost 14lbs in 4 weeks. Now I'm stuck at a pesky weight that I just cant get below..... I guess these sweets deliveries dont help :blush:

Baby dust to you too. This HAS to be our year :dust:
....has to be!!! Gotta show up to the party to play your fav I will post more when my battery is charged.

I should not have had coffee yesterday. I was up all night. And work today has been the pitts. I just want to sleep but I have to a job to do along with caring for the animals and my dd. I am honestly 5 seconds away from passing out. hahaha

So I got my bloods back and it all looks relatively normal. My chem panel said I need to get my blood cholesterol down a smidge but otherwise. I am just neutral. I go in tomorrow to do CD 10 bloods to see what FSH/LH/E2 look like after Clomid, supposedly they are suppose to be back to normal like I never used Clomid IF my egg reserve is holding goodish quality roller coaster. How was work?

CD 2, 3 Testing



E2** 54.10pg

D3 Total**33.3

DHEA S**232.8ug


Free T-3**2.40pg

Free T-4**1.17ng

Hey lovely,

I'm too great with bloods and levels but nothing looks scary there that for sure. Let me know how the next round goes.

I'm going in for some on thursday morning. Mainly ovarian reserve and standard virus checks like HIV and HEP C. DH is having the same bloods except hes having testosterone instead of ovarian reserve :haha:

I am so the same, with working lates I was drinking extra strong tea until 10pm last night, could not drop off to sleep. Felt almost hungover today. Dealing with the puppy all day, I guess it's like having a child. Constantly cleaning up after her. Stopping her from shredding and chewing stuff. She's good practice for having babies that's for sure.

Still no positive opk here, it's getting a little darker so I'm hoping tomorrow. I only have 1 left, I have more on order, so I'm really hoping tomorrow is pos or I could miss this peak. Looks like I'm on for a 26 day cycle this month huff :coffee:
Thank you,

Yes, I did those already and man that was alot of vials going over for collections. (secret vampire

My AMH was 2.91 if I hadn't said. It went down from 3.8 in the last 2 years. But I think I have PCOS so a highish reserve for my age doesn't really account for much. But I could be so wrong.

HAHAHA....Yes, Nix we got a kitten. Luckily we have an adult cat to take the brunt of the kitty energy and points claws hahahah. Have to give the guy a break every now and then by sending lil on to his room to nap it off. Has way too much energy. I had to wake early before work to clean up his room. Poop smears all over the floors from dragging his bum around. He loves his litterbox a bit too much.....kitty litter half way across the room. Smelled like a pig farm in there.

NO WAY...I only have one left too. The one I took is dark but having come off of clomid it is normal for lh to be high for a few days but no going to O. I just ordered more. I think I will O on Friday. And yes, blasted 26 day cycle. I am happy if I get that. My body loves 25. I miss 28 day cycles.

I am ready for Friday night and doing nothing. No coffee today either. Better go take my magnesium and melatonin so I can get plenty of sleep tonight. Might even suffer some benadryl. It hurts my tummy afterwards with the drying out of intestines but I sleep so hard.

Will catch you in a few hours...later
Good morning

I swear the nurses love our blood. Is AMH the ovarian reserve test? I'm interested to find out what mine will be. I'll be 37 this year so will be good to know.

A kitten :cat: you completely understand the mess then. Ah I do not miss cat litter, my old cat used to go out all day, then come in to pee and poop and chuck litter everywhere. I feel your pain.

Ha ha my opks arrive Friday too, I thought I had enough, but worth ovulation being 2 days later than norm, that 4 extra tests used, or maybe 6 :blush:. I may have to pop to the pharmacy and get some more. They aren't sensitive ones though. My body feels like its gearing up for it. I think it may happen tonight.

I miss a nice 28 day cycle. Mine have been getting shorter. I used to be a nice 28 for a year, then I went to 26 for a year, now I'm 24 days. Except this month of course, curve ball 26 thrown in.

I love a good doped up sleep, I sleep so heavy it's nice. I dosnt sleep well at all last night. Finished work at 10:30pm, went to bed at 11pm. Wide awake until gone 1am. Had to take my car to the garage for a service today at 8am. I need sleep. I think I need a nap before work tonight.

How are you feeling today?
Yay my OPKs just arrived early. Finally got a positive. Whoop whoop
I love it when the tests come in the mail early!! I will be mail watching today for mine. I feel ovulation coming in too.

What brand opk? Do you have pics? I bought old fashion clear blue easy sticks on Amazon. I used them all the time back in the day. They are hard to find anymore.

Yesterday was mega busy for me. I posted all my junk in IVF 2020 Chatter if you want to read my whole It was busy and long but I am very happy with not having been stuck in the house all day. And I got a new vehicle, its a mini van. A rather nice one almost top of the line but not that fancy lol. I can't wait to drive it again today. Need to get use to the heavy get up and go. I'm so use to the pull of my medium sedan being light.

I did my cd10 FSH and LH. I thought they were doing E2 as well but they didn't. AMH is just a test that lets you know around bout how many follicles or antra follicles you have left to make a baby with. My RE currently has me on a grow hormone to increase my antra count but they never did a base line ultrasound to see if I even needed the drug. I respond well to Clomid and okish to Femara but I have a good reserve. I feel like he is just experimenting but how are you going to know the drug is doing anything good if you don't do a baseline scan? I am going to try not to worry too much on it. Because I am still hoping to get pregnant on our own. Yet I am seriously thinking of scanning around for a different IVF clinic. I do have one in mind but the wait is long like August to October time frame? I'm 43 and then 44 in Feb. I don't want to wait till almost next year. I'm moving on after 44 because my old butt is tired...hahaha

Well, so for now, I'm waiting on bloods and genetic test results. Once we get those back my hubby and I will know if I am possibly making good eggs and if I have genetically sound eggs enough to where we should be getting pregnant. So I will keep with my supplements and see where they take me. I think at this point I've been on them for just about 3 months straight so should have some good ones in basket.

How is your hubby holding up with 'cuppin it' ? Its my hubby's fav thing to do....hahahahaha..... He loves his sleep and by the time we bd most nights the man's eyes look squinting...buhahahah

Ok, I hope you got a good nap in for the night. Will try to stay on top of my posting. Hugs

I can feel ovulation happening how, I've gone all bloated and twinges. I use the pro martis brand. I've found them to be really good. I've attached the opks from last night, this morning and the top one is just now. Should have done the AI today, bit we didn't for the past 2 days so hopefully that's enough.

Ooo a new car, I love getting a new car. I treated myself back in August to a car that was only a year old.... all my previous cars have been old bangers :haha: get out and go for a long drive.

That's a bit strange, not doing a baseline... what are they going to use for comparison. It baffles me sometimes. I hope you do get pregnant on you're own, that would be the vest thing ever. That's what pushed DH into doing AI. now that we've been offered treatment it made him realise that he wants to keep it between us.

I really hope your genetic tests come back good. So many things can stop pregnancy occurring cant it. It's amazing and scary at the same time.

Ah poor hubby, I think he feels like a cow being milked :haha:. Hes not over keen on it, but does it once and easily. I havent got the heart to ask him to do it 3 days in a row, he moaned a bit yesterday. But hes been sleeping like a baby so it must be making him feel peaceful.

I slept in the spare room last night because the late shifts are disturbing DH too much, all my tossing and turning. I got to sleep around 2am last night and had to be up at 6am to go to the hospital for blood tests today.... I got home from that then pups and I went to bed for 3 hours. Feel much better now. But will be wide awake later again. Back to the spare room for me tonight. It's a good job we aren't having sex this week, it would never happen.
No bding??? Girl you better toss onto him. Always good to get O day in and the day after Escpecially if your temps do not rise to indication ovulation. My temps ususally suck.

BUT you guys are much younger so you might be just mean him going this route may be just what you needed to get preggers.
Oh and would you believe they lost my opks in the mail????? Like seriouslly?? ugh. They sent them to a different state by much for Amazon 2 day delivery. They keep doing this whenever I order anything Clearblue easy related...hahahah...So now I'm left sitting about feeling for O to hit. The left side is paining but not O paining.

Wouldn't it be funny if you O on your right and I do the left. ...hehehehe

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