TTC 3 years - general chit chat

They what? How very dare they. Oh I'd be so angry right now.

Ha ha full ovulation between us, both sides covered.

I'm having such a frustrating night tonight. I'm sat here in england, on the phone to someone in Texas talking them through step by step of imaging a laptop.... its painful. Would have been quicker for me to fly there and do it myself teehee
OMG...I feel your pain ..Nix....I feel your pain. That's why I keep mum when people ask for help because while I love doing it....some things are better done in person YOURSELF when working with a nontech person. No insults intended just the truth.

HOORAY!! So you are 1dpo?????? YES!! I wish but then I do not because I have not gotten a good bd session in. We did the syringe method last night and I just got that stuff all over. I think I need a bigger syringe.
We need to keep at it the whole weekend but I have so much work to do. And with no opks I can't even tell if the surge is really strong or not. I do not want to spend 25 bucks at the pharmacy for a test either but don't want to go the big grocery store with all the people to get the cheap ones...hahah

I found my FSH levels to be sound after being on clomid as well 3.23 so good but I wonder why no pregnancy? I won't get genetic test results for 2 weeks it seem...bleh..

My husband just smirks at the whole IVF thing. If he waves it off, I have to submit and find a hobby. I just can't see myself playing with those life like dolls. They creep me out and I find it torturous personally to be holding a doll when your heart wants a baby. Just my beliefs, not knocking the creators or lovers of the dolls or anything.

UGH can't stop thinking about long work weekend. Need to get my head in the game and try not to focus too much on the fact I need to be bding.

Keep me posted on your symptoms!!!
Just realized I won't be ovulating for another 2days since I am on Clomid itn shifts things a bit. So I can relax finally.

Hope you get some good rest.
Morning, sorry I didnt reply yesterday, work was crazy last night and once I'd finished I made a bee line for my bed. Left DH asleep on the sofa because he refused to wake up, so had most of the bed to myself last night :happydance:.

Officially 2dpo today. I'm sat here like :coffee:. I'm stupidly excited about this cycle, because it feels like the first time I have a chance. Its draaaaaging.

Oh no you have to work the weekend? That's not cool. Did your OPKs turn up yet? Your poor hubby will feel like mine. He thought I was pestering him to do his business. We did one practice round, then 2 real ones. I wouldn't call 3 times 'pestering' would you? I made a right mess of it on attempt number 2, i was using a 5ml syringe with this tube attached, to aid getting right up there. It didnt all come out of the tube so I pulled it out and it started dripping everywhere. Managed to catch most of it in a soft cup. I feel like there should be a course you take to become proficient in this stuff :haha:.

Yay for FSH levels, that good. At least your gene results will come at the end of your two. Hopefully you'll get a BFP and good result, could you imagine.

My DH really doesnt want to do IVF, so I've told him that we have to try our hardest to do this outside the hospital, and if that means 'milking' him 3 times a month then so be it :haha:. Those dolls freak me out, I cant be near them.

Hope you catch the eggy this month, I'm rooting for you. I also hope work isnt too mean to you this weekend. I'm not sure what to do with my weekend. I dont have much motivation.
Ypu have a free weekend???? Hahah..I think I would sleep and sleep.

Im up at 4am to work already. Taking Maca because I noticed it calmes me down considerably yesterday.

3 times is not pestering when we you know how long we both been trying. So you would think he would be right on it.

I laughed so hard when you said it dripped everywhere. Thats what happened to me. I pulled the dinky syringe out and the ******* filled in with fluids from the back in. Guess I was leaking?? It was weird and I was like welp there goea that sample but maybe some made it.

Using the Conception + jelly to keep it neutral down there so my woman ph doesn't murder the sperm dudes.

But I was thinking there has to be a way to may cuppin it easier or more in inviting for him. Mine honestly doesn't have a problem with the action itself. He just doeant have much of a libido. So I could fall asleep waiting for he fell asleep the first night midway. I was watching a show and looked over. I laughed so hard and woke him up..buhahahah..seriously?? That much fun eh.heheh

How is your puppy doing? Boy or Girl? My kitty is a boy but we were told girl initially. Took to Vet and they were like, you know its a boy right? Like the lil nut sack and all? When I finished laughing I said no. I thought it was just a rather prominent vagina...hahahaha...

He is getting snipped anyway so he is still a girl to me 8-[

Well write when you feel like it. I. Off to research paying folks. Hugs
4am?! Thays the middle of the night for me :haha:

Ha ha that's what I said "you're lucky it's only 3 times". Should have done it the same day as O really, but I'll time it better next month.

I'm glad it's not just me that struggles with it. I was like "nooooo, I'll save you spermies" lol.

I suffer with PH problems as well, so I use a fertility jel called babystart. It's used by the NHS (national health service) so thought I'd give it a go.

DH used to have a crazy libido, but its dropped massively. He get so frustrated EVERY time we have sex so I think he secretly prefers this method. Oh I laughed at that.... he fell asleep?! :haha: bless him. Mine hasnt done that yet. He just tends to fall asleep on the sofa, then I cant wait him up because hes a log, so we miss the chance to BD.

Pups is a girl, she's a right madam, she totally owns us. Haha I had the same with a kitty once, only the other way around. I thought it was boy so called him Alfie. Vet confirmed he was a she, still called her alfie though. We are waiting for pup to have her first season, then we'll be getting her fixed. DH wants her to have puppies, but she's enough work, I couldnt handle 8 of her.

We have decided to visit a pub today. First time since March. It's going to strange with all of the social distancing. If it's too busy I'll be going back home though, not keen on catching this wretched virus.
Ah, no way!!!! You hubby has slowed down? I know he liked to rumble no matter what. Is he doing okay? Any new stresses? Change in diet? Hope is is alrightt.

No We were waiting for our Pepper to go in season then we were going to get her done. Well, now we don't have to do much just get the fella snipped in a week or so. He's past 10wks now.

Missing O day is debatable. I always feel comforted if I do get one last shot in. lYeah, I really feel like my ovary wants to release the eggy today and I don' t want to bd again. Got the last two nights in granted the syringe method was a hoot of a blunder. Last night was good enough. I will have him go at it then just finish inside me because I was not about to fight with the syringe again. I've found I really need that jelly anymore because it just feels raw anymore last too months. I bet its because I am not getting enough water.

Look at me..should be working but I'm eating oatmeal and drinking lemon water.

Have fun at the pub!!!
Yeah I know right, he used to pester me all the time, now it's me that does the pestering. It's been a week since we last BD. We didnt during O as we were AI. Now he has to abstain for SA.... huff.

Pepper, that's a cool name. Ours is called Floki.

It was nice to get out and feel normal again, doing normal activities. All the tables were distanced, you could order from an app so didnt need to go into the pub. Sun was shining, had a spot of lunch and a few pints. Took pups to the pub and she behaved herself, I had visions of her pulling tables over and spilling glasses, but she was ok.

Went to bed early as I had a massive headache, I was probably dehydrated. 3dpo and just waiting impatiently. How are you today?
We had to do the abstain stuff too right in the middle of fertile time. I think we got 3 episodes in of not even sure what to call it anymore. Really like milking a cow then running off to get the milk ready for girl, I'm so tired. I got a super positive line stealer opk around 4 this morning. Left ovary feels like it swelled up then did nothing. I am said but what will be will be. It might release later???But my left ovary is not my good one.
I will try and make haste with some sperm tomorrow but not today. I think poor hubby will be on empty.

Sorry for your headache but hmmmmmmmm....curious at the dpo it is happening. I hope it is a very good sign of rising progesterone for you. Will be so frickin awesome if you get bfp this cycle.

Oh and so happy your Floki was good at the pub.
Well fx I suffer horrible O pain in a few hours so I know this cycle isn't a bust.

Back to work...:roll:
Hello lady, well DH doesnt have to do his sample until monday, it's his birthday tomorrow, so we can have some fun then he can dry out lol. 4am!! Lady you are crazy, you work too hard.

I hope mrs ovary is playing the game and releasing a good egg for you.

I went to bed early with a headache last night as well. The headaches were on 2 and 3 DPO. I'm 4DPO today, just a couple of tiny twinges every now and then and a touch a very mild heartburn after I ate lunch. Ugh... I learnt to ignore all 'symptoms', but this month I'm like "ooo what's this, ooo what's that" I'm all tuned in again, and I know I'll most likely be disappointed, it's silly. I just want friday to arrive. I'll be 8DPO and have 50 10miu HCG sticks to pee on :haha:

I hope we are both lucky this month, after all the time could you imagine If we both fell the same cycle might get your wish. ovaries are feeling awful. can't wait to turn down for the night in a second.

hahaha.....hope you got to dtd. He will have plenty of time to recoop the boys.

Your signs are so good. What tests do you have? brand?

night my friend.....tummy is racking
Yay sounds like you're having a good ovulation. Mine felt like a rocket going off.

Ugh we were going to DTD last night but puppy was being a stubborn cow and won him over so ended sleeping on the bed. No chance.

I have the martis brand and one step. So dead cheap, can pee until my hearts content. I did one yesterday... at 4DPO.... negative of course :haha:.

I had lots of little cramps last night, could still be in my head of course.

Hope you feel better tomorrow.
Well that's fun. I'm sorry. I would have burned puppy's eyes because some times you just gotta dtd...rofl....

I will look the Martis brand up might not be state side. One step? Its just called One step? I have I think two or three osoms some where, plenty of wondfo cheapies crusting away and hmm....oh gosh, pregmates and femometer. And another stick that is generic.....hahah digital....buhhahahahah. I think I'm covered.

Ovulation. Where do we start. Firstly, I am happy to be alive. For the past few hours namely since 1130pm last night till 730 in the morning I was at deaths door. Tylenol did not help, melatonin didn't 6am I too 800mg of chewable motrin. I couldn't do it any longer. I figure the egg or eggs by the pain of it had already released. I was taking it for the damage all the free fluid was doing to my organs. Hurt so bad. My belly looked 3 months preg.

I do not want to do that again ever. Even for IVF I'm like, totally traumatized. I hurt when I ovulate but that was overkill. And we didn't dtd last night so there is a great chance we might miss all them eggs I squeezed out like a whiny champ...hahaha

Well, I am back to work which is chiming down. Needed to be able to sit up at my desk so ther earlier meds were a must. Feel worlds better.

Tomorrow ...I will be 1dpo..\\:D/

Can't wait for you to test pics so I can watch too.
Hey hun, I'll do a proper response tonight or tomorrow. We have DHs family here at the mo.

Yay for ovulation.... you go girl :happydance:
Teehee I'll burn her eyes out next time, she'll love me for that. She tries to get involved :haha:.

I'll take some pics of the packaging tomorrow and post them on here for you. I'm well covered, if I get any lines I'll test with cheapies until its strong enough for a digital. DH would not believe it unless it's in words.

Oh your ovulation sounded awful. That's what mine were like last year, I ended up asking for a scan. They found a single tiny cyst but they weren't concerned about it.

Yay to being 1dpo, now to kick back and relax..... I'm not relaxed, far from it. I'm still stupidly excited. I tested again.... of course BFN as I'm only 5dpo, but I was imagining a line for a while. I'm sure it's just line eye, its FAR too early for any form of BFP. Roll on friday :haha:
We got one more bd in!! It was a shot in the dark since it took place about 14 hours after the pain. Hoping older :spermy: were still lingering but having sent fresh ones in to the party was a relief.

HAHAHA....5dpo, yup sounds like me testing all these years. No patience what so ever and a santa bag full of cheap tests to use. I don' t blame you or find you insane for testing so early. I usually start at 6dpo. Just got to make it to 8dpo this cycle though I would love to just find out by missing AF but testing early so I can skip my next RE appt with a bfp ;) ....praying we can both finally do it. If not, I have to order more cups and bigger syringes...:rolleyes:
One BD for luck, I like it. We went for a meal last night for DH's birthday, had a lovely night planned, got home, we'd ate so much that neither of us wanted to BD. We havent had sex for 2 weeks!!! Hopefully we can tonight before his abstinence for SA otherwise it'll be next cycle.... what?!

Ha ha I've resisted the urge today, the one I did yesterday has this horrible grey indent line on it.... I'm not a fan of the martis tests. I have 10 of those arrive with the opks I bought. Wont be using them again. The opks are good, but HCG are sneaky things.

We have our next appt on 3rd aug, would love to phone up and cancel the appt because we are pregnant. Fingers crossed for us both
Blasted test. Never want to bd so bad until we are told 'wait for a bit' then its all we can think of.

Happy bday to your hubby!! Any meal that knocks you flat is a winner in my book. I'm sitting here are full of multigrain waffles, eggs and some type of yogurt...bleh...only good part was the syrup on my waffles. Still feeling bloated after the ovulation.

And my temp shot up high for the first time ever after ovulation. I was so happy. To top it off my doc is calling in progesterone of me to take post ovulation. Waiting on the prescription to go through so I can pick it up. I was so worried I'd have to use a cream. I still will if I need to but I prefer not to worry about all the alternate rub sites...rofl.

Sorry those tests stink. The closer you get to 10dpo the more prominent a line will be. FX two lines are in our futures!!!

I need a full. HUGS
Well I got my genetic tests back and out of 274 common diseases I was cleared. None in my genes. There could still be some freak happenings about but for now....your girl got the all clear on her old genes for making a baby.

And boooy do my nips hurt. I hope it doesn't get worse when I start the progesterone. Ok, back to sleeping. I thinking by progesterone is high this time around.

Where's my pee stick pics? You posting any? lol

We finally DTD last night, feels like forever since we last did lol.

Had a lovely day yesterday, took the afternoon off work and went to the hairdressers. The hairdressers in the uk have been closed for 4 months because of covid, my hair looked awful. I ended up chopping my lovely long hair off to my shoulders. Looks strange. And the greys are finally gone :happydance:.

I also visited my friend, she had a baby in april and I finally got to meet her, social distanced of course. Got home and pups has gone into season. Poor DH, 2 hormonal females in the house :rofl:.

Yay for for temp shooting up, sounds like you had a good and real ovulation :happydance:. Is the progesterone cream for internal use? I think I'd rather take tablets.

I'm glad your Gene's came back good, that's really good news. All you need to do now is make that baby. I really hope it happens for you soon :flow:.

I've had a lot of mild cramping this cycle, but I also been super gassy and stinky gas :blush:. So I'm wondering if the cramping is gas cramps. They havent bee painful, just noticable.

Well here you go. 2 ics from the morning. The skinny one is a one step and the other one is martis. Both claim to be 10miu. BFN of course, I'm only 7DPO :rofl:


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