TTC 3 years - general chit chat

that has to be delightful. Is she fixed so no menses all over?

Yay for dtd...stress reliever I say.

Good thing you got in when you did. Covid is still kicking our tales state side. People just wont listen and properly quarantine. Now its a true pandemic. Needs to get inder control. Is it getting better where you live?

My hubby has been home two days in a row now because of Covid. Have to disinfect area of where he works due to someone coming down with it....sad. Nice to have him home though but geesh...

Meanwhile, I dont feel shame saying I really believe we caught the eggy just a matter of my lining. Not sure if clomid destroyed it or not. Been eating pineapple and drinking organic sugar free pomegranate juice..yuck.

You are 7dpo already???? Your tests look negative but I feel I cans see where the lines would show. 2 more days if you implanted early we will see otherewise with cheapies 11dpo is when faint stuff comes up.

Well outside burning up even though Im under a canopy...wearing cotton stockings and a heavy tshirt like a dork. Better get in house before I pass out

Nope she's not fixed yet, she's not making much mess at the moment.

The UK has just come out of a 13 week total lockdown. We were only allowed to leave our homes for food, 1 form of exercise per day or to go to work. If your work was closed because if lockdown, then the government paid 80% of your wages. Sadly we've had around 45,000 deaths in the uk, but I live in the south west, which was the least hit by it, thankfully. London had it bad. People here annoy me, some are just not trying to avoid this darn virus.

That would be so amazing, I really hope you caught the eggy. I'm really hopeful for me too, I feel different. Probably In my head. Yuk, pomegranate juice is just nasty.

There is lines on the tests, but they are grey, I cant see colour on them. Fingers crossed something pops up on them soon.

It's been lovely and warm here today as well... for a change
Nix..our a/c broke today. I couldn't get cool but at the time I didn't know why. Not until my friend texts me that hers is broke until next Thursdays fix. It promptes me to check my temp in house..85 degrees...insane! My husband ordered a new compacitor for it that wont get here till Saturday. So I plan to hide out downstairs in our basement tonight its fans for everyone as we sleep through the heat...
Oh no, there is nothing worse than hot sticky nights. It was only 21 degrees c here last night, which is 75 in f, and I found that warm :haha: hope you get it sorted soon.

8DPO today and still BFN... to be expected. My boobs have started kicking up a stink, a bit earlier in the tww than they normally do. I'm starting to think I'm out, AF due weds.
☹ no. Dont say you are out Nix. Only 8dpo. Those tests say 10 but I dont think they actually work that soon.

Give it a few more days. Bb tenderness can go either way.

It has crawled to 89° upstairs and have def stayed down in basement.

I feel awful. Progesterone Im swallowing and natural progesterone is not helping me in the heat.

Soooo glad the weekend is here again. Please keep me posted on if you test ahain.
I went out with the girls for a couple of drinks last night. I didn't go mad but omg I feel like death today.... I tested today and it BFN again, but its still way early.

The weather is really cool here today, it's more like autumn than summer... bring back summer. The weather in the UK is so hit and miss.

How many DPO are you now?

Here's today's test

Did you all have to sit 6 feet apart??? How are pubs handling groups? Wear masks? This whole COVID crises is troubling. Has to be especially hard on social folks. I am a hermit so I am doing well not seeing anyone though I do miss being able to jump in my car and drive to my bf house and stay for a spell. She lives 2 hours a way. But we both have weak immune systems. She is a diabetic and I am pre lupus (what does that even meeeaaa??? ugh stupid docs).

Well, hope you all had a messy time of it and no regrets. The thought of you out partying suddenly has me craving cheesy fries. (as I type this fan is drying my eyeballs out)

I will put a dpo counter in my sig so you can see where I am at.

Sorry I am not present much in the July board. I get so exhausted then I look at all the folks to respond to and I teeter out mentally. I want to respond to EVERYONE but its not possible with the speed of everyone's post. I think I am too ocd about it and just need to post like 'hey y'all' every now and then so they know I am still around :laugh2:

Time to crawl out of bed and then jump in car and drive around in a/c while hubby fixes our unit.

PRAYERS you see a line coming up on those sticks Nix.
I went out with the girls for a couple of drinks last night. I

How many DPO are you now?

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Hey, the ticker didn't say but I am 4dpo today. So a bit to go like 6 days if I want to test early or wait 8 and shouldn't be looking a squinter...but what's the fun in that? hahah
We didn't sit far apart but we did sit outside for the risk reduction. There's no cases where I live at the moment. Hopefully it stays that way. I really want to go and see my grandparents, but my nan is very high risk, so I darent go.

The July board moves so fast, I can't keep up. I couldn't reply to everyone, I'd be there all day.

Lovely sig, I should sort one out really.

That's sounds far too hot for me. I'm really fair skinned and the heat does not like me.

I woke up a sweaty mess this morning, but thats most likely cider related :haha:

Ha ha my pup looks so funny. I bought her some 'period pants' as she's started making a mess everywhere, she's not happy with me.
...sweaty mess, eh? Serves you right. Hahaha...i wish I could toss one back but on too many meds. Bleh.

Love it. Doggy diapers. They hate them things but without them...dots of DISASTER everywhere. Clean up on

Make a ticker! Kills time. And is fun. Use to be more ticker site but now all i can find is lilly pie and ticker factory. Countdown to pregnancy use to have a good one but cant find it.

For the first time I let my hubby actually see my ticker and pick out the slider. He picked that couple out from other options...hilarious. But meant a lot to get him involved.

Well its evening and I'm feeling poorly. Then had to take my prometrium which didn't help.

And wouldn't you believe the mail didn't deliver the part to fix our ac?? We had to bring out the window unit it is tolerably cooler in the living area but not so fun in our bedroom and kitchen...dining area which is attached to kitchen is cool because the window units are there.

Waiting for dark so I can go to the bedroom. By then it should be 85ish..

Getting nervous....I get so excited when I think there is a real chance. I am usually slammed down with a bfn too. Not sure how I will cope if not preggy this cycle.. Hope I manage ok?

You test again today? I will probably start Tuesday then by Friday if no bfp will stop horrid prometrium.
She HATES the doggy diaper, but its working... so it's staying on. I took it off at night because she sleeps in the kitchen, I can easily mop the mess up in there in the morning.

Awww thats really sweet, getting him to pick a ticker.

Oh man, still no air con? I'd be setting up camp in the coolest room in the house :haha: and not budging.

I really hope this is your month, its sounds almost text book, it has to be.

Well I had a scare last night. Went to bathroom and had spotting. I was 9DPO. Then I thought... hmmmm this could be IB. Got up nice and early today to test and BFN. I did wake up feeling super hot and achy, like I'd had a drink the night before (I didn't drink last night). Will test again later tonight or tomorrow. Just glad I didn't wake up to AF this morning. I'm 10DPO now..... AF due in 2-3 days. Praying she stays well away

She HATES the doggy diaper, but its working... so it's staying on

Awww thats really sweet, getting him to pick a ticker.

Oh man, still no air con? I'd be setting up camp in the coolest room in the house :haha: and not budging.

I really hope this is your month, its sounds almost text book, it has to be.

Well I had a scare last night. Went to bathroom and had spotting. I was ..

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Ooooo, I hope so too! With IB really need a day or so for the beta to build.

We leave our doggy out in downstairs room if we will be gone all day. He will hold it forever like a champ in his cage but Id rather him run around a bit. Just a lil yorkie but his poop is gi normous

Girl we been trying forever. It will always be our month. Thats how we keep going. Hope :hug:

Ac has been fixed!!!! And I met with a doc and pharmacist today got blood test for allergy panel and progesterone!!!

Prometrium I learned gave me allergic reaction. So I got compounded biodentical progesterone from a pharmacist actually open on a Sunday:yipee:

I can destress now. Will be holding my breath for ur test in the morning...get so excite:wohoo:
11dpo today and still BFN. Could still be too early. May not have been IB, may have just been normal spotting. Huff. AF due on weds so not much longer to wait.

Our pup will pee and poop in the utility room when we lock her in the kitchen.... at least it somewhere we can mop! We had her trained to only pee and poop at certain times, but lockdown has ruined that routine. Its ruined all routine.

Whoop whoop for the air con.... no more boom sweat :haha:.

Oh my, allergic reaction doesn't sound like much at all.

DH had to do his SA same today. He decided to do it this morning then drive it straight to the hospital as its only 20 min away. Well he put it in his pocket and some of the sample leaked from the pot into the bag :dohh:. Typical
Wow....just lost a whooper of a post.

Not even sure what happened.

Anyhoo, sorry about the test being neg. Its not over.Hugs

Your pup has great parents because most would freak about it doing its business in the house. I found puppy pads only work so well because my dog only wants to use it once then he wants a fresh to go on..seriously? He is the size of a loaf of bread but needs room to squirt

And you are ao right all routines are squashed at this point. Work was weird for a bit now its better though.

Well when I get brave enough I will start testing. Will post fors you even if not ready for reality...

Did work late last night but still more to do. Better get to it as I could use the distraction.

Hugs my friend
Oh I hate it when that happens.

When she was a younger pup her puppy pad was always there, so if we don't catch her toilet time, she'll go there. Its better than the carpet. It our fault most of the time, so I don't tell her off. Ha ha you doggy sounds like the boss of the house... like mine.

Dont do what I did and tests at ridiculous DPOs, I started at 6 DPO :haha:.

I know there is still time, I'm just impatient. I almost went out at lunch to buy a better more expensive test but managed to stop myself. I may throw the rest of the ICs away of this cycle doesn't work, I have NO self control :rofl:
rofl...just realized I am 6dpo.......must teeessstttt...haahh just kidding.

I only have two very sensitive tests and I don't see anyone getting bfps on those at 6dpo or 7dpo. 8 dpo is plausible though.

I got my progesterone back and it was 75.2 after 3 days of p support and using clomid this cycle. That was awesome, Nix, because I can never seem to get my p levels up even when on medication. I'm praying that we caught one of the eggies and that the new p pill I am on is strong enough to support a pregnancy until the placenta takes over.

Well, my dog rules my dd world. He has turned his loyalties away from me and spends the majority of his time with her. Sleeps in bed with her goes to the bathroom with really? Whatever little I make her feed and poop him too but I have to remind her. He is so desperate to hang out with her he won't say anything for hours to indicate he is hungry or has to pee/poop.

I am doing data clean up on accounts for work to keep me distracted from wanting to test. I have a lot of clean up I put off for years hehehehe....

Now to wait on Allergy panel to see what foods I am allergic to so I can get on track with stopping the torture of my guts.

Alright, off to work....possibly nap...hahahaha hugs
Oh my days, how did you not realise. Be strong lady, be strong.

Wow that's a good high progesterone level. I don't believe mine has ever been recorded at that high. That's amazing. I'm so hopeful for you this month.

Nawwww your pooch sounds lovely. The way he follows your DD. that's what I want in a dog, a sweet and soft protector. Mine follows me everywhere, she's like little shadow.

I've never done one of those allergy panels. I'd be really interested to know mine. DH thinks I'm strange because I only poop twice a week. I think its a food allergy that does it to me but I don't know what. It doesn't matter what I eat, I'm the same. Even worse when progesterone is slowing things down and making it worse.

Do you have any thoughts about anything that may come back on your results?

Last day of LP tomorrow. I'll test in the morning but that will be it. Got everything crossed, but my excitement is disappearing. Boooooo
Nix.. got my allergy results back. After years of being treated like a hypochondriac by my old doc..all he had to do was run an allergy panel.

But first YOU sound like me. I might poop twice a week. And I watch everyone else go daily. And I suffer from explosive pain in my intestines on the left side but never noticed what I did to cause was the food.

I danced for joy as I read thru all the allergies I have to foods. Kinda crazy to be excited over it all but it explains so much.

Drum roll, your girl is allergic to Peanuts. Yep, my hubby saved my life. Cause I was going to take one pill a day being too chicken to ask for a dif type. My husband said I think you are allergic hun and shouldn't be taken those

I am in pain right now because I was chomping on walnut, sesame seed and something else..allergic to them all Nix

I should be ok by the morning but I will be changing my diet up major.

I have other allergies but shrimp being the deadliest and I figured that one out for myself after eating some years ago and exploding with hives, losing all control of my bowels...yeah not pretty.

Sigh..feels like I can breathe again having proof Im not a liar. I have food allergies.

Gonna finish making dinner but wanted to let you know!! Hugs
Oh wow, good spot by hubby. They came back nice and quick. Now you can wave it in your docs face and prove you were right all along. How was that test done? Was it blood test? I'm seriously thinking about doing it.

Well today is 12DPO, sore boobs, feeling hungover (im not), and another BFN. Keep thinking I can see a shadow, but its not really there :haha:. AF due tomorrow.

Oh I forgot to tell you yesterday, DH had to drop off his sample for SA at the hospital, he put it in his pocket to keep it warm and it leaked, it went all inside the bag it was in :rofl:. They haven't called him yet but I'm sure he's gonna have to do another one .

ROFL...I thought you did and I forgot to mention it HAHAHAHAH.....The ladies at the office are so use to this and I would they would have him redo that way they can get a more accurate measure..hhehehh...poor guy.

Well So sorry to see you tested bfn Nix. But Wine sounds supurb and I think I might get my husband to what the kiddo while I just in the mini van and find a nice bottle for myself. I can probably only have a swig even if not preg because I am on one medication that it might interact with but nothing to kill me just wont be as effective that day in making my growth hormone stronger...meh.

So I tested and I know the cheapies and the dreaded frer are bfn but the osom is playing with my heart strings a lil. It does not have a blantant line but my whichful thinking says "maybe"

Here is the pic of my tests on hand (so sad) All these tests for one baby!!! hehehe

HPT July 2020 Rainbow Baby.jpg cheapie 7 or 8 dpo july.jpg

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