TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Hi Pippi

Wow five weeks :happydance: your rainbow is nearly here:happydance::happydance:

AFM - My cycles have been dreadfully long since the last mc - anyway last cycle it appeared to have got back to normal:happydance: so I have decided to have a test done for NK killer cells and an endo scratch whilst I am it - found somewhere in the UK that does this:happydance::happydance:

Of course the fly in the ointment was hubby - he said NO further testing, a waste of time etc I'm happy the way things are blah blah blah - so of course this caused a major row - but no matter what he says I can still remember the look on his face last Easter sunday when I hid a clear blue digital in his easter egg saying pregnant 1-2 weeks. So despite what he says I am going for it - my very last chance I feel, I was going to wait a few months see how my cycle behaved but s@@@ I don't have a few months so as soon as I get a positive OPK/ temp I'm off to the hospital 7 days later to get my field farrowed :haha: oh and to have an endometrial biopsy:cry:

Hope all you ladies are doing well (most with toddlers now) good luck Pippi - hope you are all packed and ready:winkwink:


Best of luck with the safe arrival of your parcel, not long now Pippi.
Garfie you sound focused and with a plan, Hope this provides help in your journey.
Good to hear from you pippi and so exciting that bubba is almost here. Yes at our age csection is often wisest course of action:hugs:

Great you have a plan Garfie :thumbup:
Hey ladies been a long time since I posted on here and a lot has happened, sadly still not pregnant. Garfie, it's worth getting the NK tests, I had it done and it came back with raised levels so treatment protocol has changed. Can I ask where you're having your endo scratch done? I need to get one this cycle prior to my next DE cycle in Czech Rep next month, but trying to avoid too many trips to CR and too much time off work. x
Ooooooh updates :happydance:

Pussycat - :hi: Sorry to hear still no luck, but getting different treatment protocol sounds encouraging and everything crossed for you in Czech Rep next month. Do let us know how you get on :thumbup:

Butterfly - :hi: Hows motherhood? :D xxx

Greens - :hi: Good to see you :D

Willi + Naiyrra - :hi: any news? :flower:

Garfie - :hi: lovely! It all sounds really positive, and i cant wait to hear about how you get on. Fingers, toes, eyes and (maybe) legs crossed here for you :winkwink::haha: xxx

Pippi!!!! :hi: O.M.G! Only 5 weeks to go?!?!?!? :happydance::happydance: Oh you must be so excited and nervous! It's so wonderful. I sympathise totally with the sideswipe of the late mention of CS. I had the same thing with the sudden late mention of induction on my due date or even just before it! I must be totally honest and say i hated my induction. I wouldn't have it done again. And yes, it is more common to end up with a CS if you are induced. A planned CS is probably the least stressful way to go to. Anyway - PLEASE keep us informed. Even all the 'boring' stuff like aches and pains, food cravings, baby equipment choices ... i'd love to hear about it all! You tried so hard for so long - treasure all of this. It's great stuff! :hugs::hugs::happydance::happydance::happydance:

As for me: Sammy is 14 months now. Walking and running about in the garden today in her sundress :D She has just fuzzy hair and is small for her age still, but my goodness she makes up for it in brightness and determination! She can say daddy, and sort of mummy, she calls all her teddys ''bo-bo'' and sleeps really well through the night. Jim is a fab and dotting dad. Couldn't ask for more really :happydance::happydance:

<3<3 Happy Easter to all xxxxx <3<3
Great to hear from you too Mistyy :happydance:

Loving motherhood. Adam is awesome and so cute and funny. I am totally blessed. No walking or crawling here yet but that's probably a good thing! Moving house on Friday to a place with a lovely garden for him to grow up in. Never thought I would have this chance :cloud9:
Hi everyone and thanks for the well wishes.
Great to see a bit of activity here again as we all seemed to go into hibernation.

Did you have a CS Butterfly with Adam ? I can't recall. Are you moving house again? Did you not buy a house just before Adam was born ? I think I can recall your renovation work when you were heavily pregnant. Good luck with the move and hope Adam enjoys the garden now that summer is on the way. I see on your ticker that he's now 13 months...can't belive he's past his first birthday.

Hi Greens!

Good luck with the scratch Garfie...I had it done one, hurts less than a smear but I took paracetmol before hand just in case....what will they be looking for with the endometrial biopsy?
Yea and you are right to proceed on ahead as deep down you know that's what you dh wants even if he can't see it clearly.

Yea Misty, more nervous than excited...I think I will opt for the that means it'd be in 3 weeks time. Having heard other older mums stories...I think CS is probably safest bet. I think if I had a baby before they may not be offering me a CS but there are so many unknowns that think they just want to err on the side of caution.
Since we don't have cot (have rented a bed nest that attaches to them side of the bed so you can do co-sleeping without the risks) or pram in the house almost doesn't feel real.
Great that Sammy is doing so well and that dh enjoys being a day so much. Once she is thriving and is quick and sharp what does it matter if she is a bit small for her age.
People ask me am I prepared? I don't going to try bf but better get a bottle or two just in case. Maybe I don't know what I am letting myself in for tryign to bf...especially with my chronic pain condition but all I can do is try. I am sure there are lots of things we will need to get but hopefully have the basics. Going to try find a cleaner locally for the first few weeks....know dh won't be able to take care of me, baby, himself and keep the place from falling to bits all at the same time.

Good luck for next treatment Pussycat, the clinic I went to in glasgow do endo scratch (I got it done at a satellite clinic they have in northern ireland) but that's probably not neer where you live.... I think it's pretty standard thing nowadays so maybe just start looking at the clinics near you. Definately no need to go abroad for a 5 min thing like that...

I had a bit of spotting during the's red when I get to see it in time. I had it last week and it was no more this time but dh persuaded me to go checked out. I was in the office so we had to drive home 45 min, pick up my notes and then drive back 30min to go to hospital. I think I should keep them in the car in future!

Thankfully all ok, again they can't see source of bleeding. All good on scan and baby is 2.9 kg so over 6lb in weight. It was n't moving at all when the did they CTG..and after 20 min mw told dh to go buy me a bar of chocolate and then it perked up.
It's hard to know whether to go back in if I get more spotting...but they said since not long left and you never know that maybe next spotting means something could be wrong.
Pretty much stopped spotting today thankfully.
Got to see its eyes and nose as prove was right above its amazing. I find most of these later scans you can't make out much as they are all focused on the diameter of head/stomach and fluid levels.
Hello ladies I hope all is going well with you. I did end up having the procedure and it wasnt as bad as what I thought. I also found out that there is nothing wrong with my tubes or uterus. But my dh had to redo his sperm count as it was a little low the doctor said. So he did another one and the count is still low so they referred him to a urologist to see what is going on with him. I did see my blood test results and it doesn't show anything low but one of the hormone levels don't show results on the computer so I have to wait till dh goes to urology and then we will meet with fertility doctor again. What a process.

Pippi- I have been thinking of you since I came on and saw your post about cs and that you thought you didn't want to do it so I wanted to give you some insight. When I had my last ds I had to have a cs. If the chances are greater that you are going to have one then you should just do it because you are going to have to go throught a lot of labor pain just to end up with cs and then have the pain afterwords. If the doctor would have told me that the chances were more that I would have a cs i would just do it. I hope this might have helped you in your decision.

also I wanted to comment on the bf. When i had my previous ds i did pump and bf however whatever they used on me for my cs i was not able to produce milk so i was not able to bf. The nurse told me alot of women who do cs don't produce milk so you might want to get prepared that you might not be able to. If you want to bf I hope this isnt the case for you and your cs. Hope all goes great for you.
Thanks will48 for the useful advice. I opted for a CS in the end as like you said risk of needing an emergency one would prob be quite high anyway.

I'm in in Wednesday for it....ek, ek...less than 48 hrs to go. Nervous about everytihng...the CS, hope the baby will be healthy and that I/we will be able to cope.
Yea heard that your milk may not come in so quick after CS so I have bought a few bottles and some prepared for formula milk.

Has their been any progress with the urologist and your dh? There probably is medication he can take but it would need 3 months to see an improvement. I'm sure even it it's a bit low there would still be enough for fertility treatment but might make it a bit more difficult to conceive naturally. Make sure he's not taking hot baths or cycling or wearing tight underwear.

Pussycat...hope all is gojng well there. Did you have your cycle? Did you get the scratch done?

Hello Garfie..I must pop over to your blog now..
Hope all well with Adam and butterfly....
And greens..and other readers/posters.

My bother and his wife did IVF and get results on Friday....hopefully it will be good news for them as they will have a hard week otherwise...having to hear about Kate Middeltons baby and then us with some new on wed. Not ideal situtation if it's negative.

Hope everyone is enjoying the May bank holiday...sun is streaming in through the patio doors here...

Hope Smamy is still enjoying the garden Misty....
I'm hoping for a little girl but I tihnk it will be a boy....but main thing is that they are healthy....but hope I don't feel disappointed when I hear that it's a boy.

I think we are prepared for Wednesday with equipment etc, picked up,the buggy etc on takes up so much boot space in our current car even though it's not a massive buggy. We have went yesterday and bought a's a 7 seater so might seem a bit overboard for one child !!!! but we will never use the last 2 seats but will just use it as a big boot as when we go visit my family for a few days we are already laden down with stuff before any baby arrived. It's been really hard to find something that matched our criteria, we've been looking since February so it's not like we rushed into anything! But glad to have finally picked something as I doubt we will feel like going around looking at cars for the next while....
It works with our car seat as well as seat belts with our current car are too short to go around baby seat. The baby shop were good enough to lend us an isofix base to get baby home from hospital (but I can't manage the isofix base as you need to lift the baby and car seat with one hand...and my hand is not strong enough so I didn't want to splash out on one).
Never spent so much money as we have done in the last few months...and I'm sure it will only get worse.
Pippi, good luck on Wed, you finally get to meet your little bundle face to face, so excited for you! I can imagine it must be a costly business getting all the baby stuff but it's one shopping trip I can't wait to do!
AFM, had my endo scratch last Saturday, ended up going to CR for it, can't believe how much the local clinics here charge if you're not cycling with them (even though I've already spent at least £20k with one). It was cheaper to fly, stay one night in hotel, park at airport etc than to have it here! Plus I got to buy progesterone in oil and other meds I need for a fraction of the cost here. Just waiting for AF (any day now) then start meds, scan c day 13, Intralipd infusion then back to CR for FET! Only big decision left is one or both of the FE.
How's everyone else doing?
oooh pippi! Just looked here and seen your last 2 posts. So you were in for CS yesterday???!!! :happydance: Oh my goodness how are you and baby? So excited for you!

You sound prepared. As prepared as you can be for no.1 :thumbup::baby::haha::hugs:

Yes - we spent carefully at first, got a good deal on the pram, car-seat, ect; but there is sooooo much else to buy, it just spirals away from you in the end in a blur, lol, i knew what i needed from experience, and we aren't gadgety people - i hate clutter and unnecessary stuff, but still it mounted up! Moses basket, and bedding, bottles and breast feeding bits, clothes, muslins, baths, toiletries for you and baby, nappy changing, warm outdoor cloths, cool indoor clothes, clothes in case the baby is big, clothes in case the baby is small .... Arrggghh.

Just wait till the toys start coming in and the 2nd hand donations from friends and family of all their stuff (that they've got no room for and wish they hadn't bought!) that they don't need any more. Bouncy chairs, walkers, ride on toys, baby bathing gadgets, special pillows, nursery decorations, slings, blankets, breast pumps, and a massive bag of rattly toys ... are just a few of the many many items we got given. You cant really say no can you :haha: 90% of it ended up at the charity shop a respectful amount of time later.

Rambling now. CANNOT WAIT to hear all about it :happydance:

Pussycat i have everything crossed for you. Let us know how it goes. So expensive!! :dohh: You (and everyone here of course) deserve success.

Willi - everything crossed for you here too. Sounds like things are progressing now. Keep us posted.

Butterfly - :wave:

Garfie - :wave:

Me: Yes Sammy is still enjoying the garden. We have bought some garden toys for her now. Little things like a pull along trolly with a few buckets and plastic rakes and little spades etc. She loves a big bowl of water when it's sunny, to splash with out there. (We do have a big inflatable paddling pool ready to go, but need the weather to warm up properly) She loves a dustpan and brush out there too! :dohh: 'helping' me sweep etc. Our garden is more or less a patio and then a mowed field - so she has loads of room to run and pick dandilions, etc. She can ask for her milk now and can point to different bits of herself if you say them - ear, hair, nose ect. They're really not little for long! My other 3 girls are lovely with her. She is so spoilt. Even the older 2's longterm boyfriends are big softies and are soppy about babies. We're so lucky i know.

Love to all xxxxxx (will be watching for pippi's update! :))
Sorry only getting on here now....Clara Mary Audrey born at 12.20 on Wednesday. 7lbs 13oz. Baby and I are both doing well. She's beautiful and we wonder how the two of us have produced such a lovely baby! She's very good and we are so in love.

When she was born, we think it was the medical student who announced that "it's a boy" , I was hoping for a girl but was expecting a boy so my first thought was...well that's what we expected. Then dh who was looking over the cover said, no it's a girl., it's a girl !!! We have a daughter ....So all very surreal !
Maybe she mistook the cord for a boys part...who knows!!!!

I stayed in hosptial for 2 nights and was really emotional going home in the car. I was glad to get home to some peace and quiet but it was all very overwhelming.

I am managing to bf so far....although it does hurt a bit still for the first few sucks. She is pretty demanding at night time and wants fed quite often so it's rather draining. Mw said I can take her into bed to feed if I'm in bed on my own and keep duvets that works as she falls asleep after a feed. I try and put her in the cot but if she doesn't settle as least I have that option.

I'll catch up later....need to get a few hours sleep before the night shift starts.
Pippi, huge congratulations! It all sounds very emotional and you have a beautiful baby girl. Tough though they are, enjoy these first days with your gorgeous girl. xx
Oh congratulations Pippi :happydance::happydance: Got a bit teary reading your post :flower:

Clara is a lovely name. What a mix up at the birth! Boy!? :haha:

(When my 3rd daughter was born i was on all fours and could hear her crying, but couldn't see her. MW was waiting for (ex) husband to do the 'it's a ...' announcement and he was waiting for the MW to do it so when i asked - what have we got? - no one said anything! A few beats of silence which i'll never forget! :wacko: Then everyone said 'it's a girl' at once! Funny how you remember these things.

These first weeks will pass in a happy and stressful roller-coaster Pippi. I am so pleased for you and hubby. Enjoy baby and give her a little hug from me and Sammy :hug:
Congrats Pipi on the safe arrival of Clara :happydance::happydance:
Now rest up mama:kiss:

AFM - my tests came back clear once again - so can't blame NK Killer Cells:haha: however the professor has got a protocol lined up for me - for the next four cycles I take progesterone between 4-7dpo and then if I get pregnant I have to have a scan at 6 weeks or earlier to check location and if in correct location I have to have injections of heparin and continue on progesterone:wacko:

If however the four months go by and I'm still not pregnant then I have to begin taking progesterone when I get a positive:happydance:

So I guess at the moment this is the most I can hope for? - I showed hubby my results and said if anything you don't understand I will try and explain - he said hmmmm so everything is okay? - Yep :happydance: his reposnse okay can we not talk about it anymore:wacko: - so as I will be needing his donations:haha: soon I agreed. I quietly put away the letter - not quite the response I was hoping for :growlmad: but at least he didn't say well that was a waste of money/time!!! why are you having treatment I thought we agreed no intervention - so I guess it could have been worse:haha:


Pippi massive congrats :happydance::happydance: So happy for you. Yes you will feel very emotional at the beginning. I think for the first two weeks at least I would cry at the drop of a hat :dohh:

Garfie good news the tests were clear, fingers crossed x
Hi guys,

I'm very late with this as I haven't popped on in a long time but just had to say HUGE congratulations Pippi xxx

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