TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

First off Happy New Year to all you wonderful ladies on here.

I just a few more questions about OPK. I bought the one with the smiley face and read the insert and it says to start using on day 9 or 10 for me and it also says I can test anytime. However I have heard it isnt that good to test in the morning is this correct? I dont want to test at the wrong time of day.

Also If I start testing today and for some reason I actually should be getting a smiley face today would it know or does it have to be that I have used it at least a couple of days? I hope you understand this question.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I use CBFM OPK's. I actually use the Advanced ones but sounds like you have the basic, where you either get a blank circle or a smiley. A smiley means you're LH surge has been detected and you will most likely ovulate in the next 12 - 36 hours. You don't have to be using it to build up to a smiley. They say to BD the day you get your smiley and the day after (and possibly one more after than for "insurance").

Hope that helps.
Thank you dojenstein your response was very helpful and appreciative. If I could as one more question which is I would like to know can you take it first thing in the morning or is it supposed to be done like in afternoon time.
Willi i think with my OPKs (which were supermarket ones) the advice was to test just after mid-day. It may have it in the small print with yours. Is there a leaflet?

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL :wave::wave:

Pippi - hows it going? xxxxxxxx

Sammy is walking now. Really marching round the place! It's mad. She's so little! :haha: She is 1 in 16 days! Crazy how time flies.

Love to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I had alsost typed a complete message last week when my ipad battery died and I lost it here we go again.

Wijji, I think clearblue more expensive ovul kits don't specify any time of day to do the test but the internet cheapies all say to do it between 2pm and 8pm. I think its good to do the he test at roughly the same time everyday whatever time you choose

Thanks butterfly for the heads up about spd. It's settled down now that I don't walk much, working from home most days now so while I don't see many people much at least I'm not in too much pain. Just need to not overdo it hoovering and moping floors as I find that hard to do.
I managed to pack the living room and sitting room contents (dh did the heavy lifting) over the chrismas holidays and move to a temporary house so while I had some bad days was surprised I was able to do so much. Hopefully it'll stay the same for the move back.

Wow, Misty, Sammy is walking...yes it all happens so fast. If she's marching about the place she must be quite confident in her walking...
Just need even more eyes to keep an watch her. Amazing that's she is now 1 year old. Hope she has a great little birthday party...

I'm doing well, thanks. The 20 wk scan was just before Cristmas and all was good. Everything is correct size, shape etc. I did n't get a great view of screen but don't care once everything is ok. Going for my 24 wk antenatal apt this week so we'll see if the they measure my size or weight as no one done that yet. Still can't believe that I'm pregnant as we had given up all hope..if that sounds strange to say 6 months after a BFP.
Sorry not been on here to post my progress but was so busy for the last few weeks. Out house is now a building site but we safely tucked away in a relatives cottage...lots of 70s decor but its warm and we have managed to make it as cosy as we can.
Hi Ladies

Just a quick pop in

Pippi - It's lovely to hear that everything is progressing for you - soon have your rainbow :happydance:

Misty - Wow one? - you are right time does fly my little boy is 14 this week gulp! - so are you having a party for her?:flower:

Hi to everyone else

AFM - I have just finished a 50 day cycle - Dr reckons I might be coming up to menopause (hmmm I was pregnant in September????) okay so I humoured him and had the bloods done - all hormones are good (for my age) and everything came back normal except B12 - they want me to repeat this in a weeks time:wacko:

So I have a plan of action - not taking OPKs - as I seem to go through a lot of them :haha: but I guess you could say I go through a lot of HPTs but well that's different! I am going to go to my Drs on CD21 and have a progesterone test done (or 7DPO if FF says this month possible ovulation) because without the eggy I can't have a rainbow:cry:


Well ladies I emailed my OBGYN from when I had my D&C and told her I havent gotten pregnant since which is almost 2 years so she is sending me to infertility Dr. so on the 6th of Fedruary is my first appt with them. I dont know what to expect but i will find out in a couple of weeks.

garfie I hope all turns out good for your blood work and you get your rainbow this year.
Willijj448 perhaps your partner is going for a sperm count as it is not all about the eggy :-)
Greens thank you for your comment. When I was contacted by the fertility clinic they said my dh and i had to both attend the first appt which will take about a hour and something about blood work. I don"t know exactly what it is they are going to do with either one of us. I have never been seen or taken anything for fertility. I am kind of nervous.
Hi Pippi - how did your 24w appt. go? How is the house coming along now? Sounds like a stressful time, but it will all be worth it when it's done and little one is there with his/her posh new home :D You must be getting a nice bump now, over half way! :happydance: How is the morning sickness/apatite? Have you bought any big stuff? Pram, cot? Nursery plans? Scary isn't it?

It is v.strange, i know, sat thinking ''i am pregnant'' when you've tried and tried for so long. Even at 9 months i was still wondering if i was dreaming (apart from when i was in pain an discomfort from the 101 symptoms). It must be more so for you with this being your first. At least i could say 'yep, this IS just what the last 3 times were like, and i produced a baby those times! :haha:'

I'll tell you something - even though Sammy is 1 now, after the 4 years of ttc and watching my cycle so carefully i am STILL in the habit of noticing EWM and length of cycle. I know when i'm ov'ing, and if DH is ill or tired around that time (and so no bed action) i STILL start to get that stab of a little sinking feeling that i did when we couldn't DTD at the right time. Then i remember i don't have to any more :dohh: We're not ttc and i'm perfectly happy with that, it's crazy! Just old habitual feelings.

Garfie - hey lovey :flower: Your 'baby' is 14! God it flies doesn't it? My oldest was 22 (!!!!!!!!!! :wacko:) a couple of weeks ago. And there's me doing a 1st birthday party at the weekend. Life's full of surprises. Docs think you may be Peri M? Well, i think that stage can go on for years. I think i probably was when i fell for Sammy. No biggy. Hang on in there. You're doing your very best and no one can ask more than that. It's what kept me sane ! (ish :haha:) Praying for your sticky bean xxxxxx

Willi - let us know how you and your husband get on. It must be nerve wracking. I never had any official fertility treatment/advice either. Just a bit of targeted accupuncture. Fingers crossed for you.

Greens :wave:

Butterfly :wave: Hows bubba? x

Maddy :wave: And how are you two in all that heat? x

Any other 'oldies' reading - how are you all doing? xxxx

So, yes, we had a party for Sammy at home :happydance: She wore fairy wings and ran about loving it all. Bless her. Her big sisters dote on her. I swear it's so much easier this time around! Lots of help. She's in to everything at the mo. She's still a little dot. I think she'll be a little smaller than 'average' until school age, and gets away with murder being so CUTE! Lol. Oh and she finally has a tooth! We thought they would never appear. DHs sister is a dentist and kept telling me 'it's fine - some kids dont produce a tooth till they are 2', But you still worry.

Anyway - she's squeeking to get up! Must go, love to all xxxxx
Misty thank you for your comments and I was wondering what is targeted acupuncture? Dud it work quickly for you and your dh?
Willi - it is acupuncture targeted specifically to improve fertility, regulate cycles, relieve stress around ov. time etc.

I looked online for a local practitioner who specialised in this type of treatment and he was very good. (At one point during my fertility treatment i hurt my neck - the pain had gone on for 3 weeks, and i could hardly turn my head to the right at all. I finally asked him to have a 'go' at it during a session and he cured it within half an hour with one wiggly needle! True story!)

Anyway - with regards to fertility: The treatment shortened my cycles closer to 28 days form 32 or 35. This took about 4/5 months of weekly treatments. I had to go at specific times during my cycle. Also he managed to change the style of my bleed. Before treatment i would 'spot' dark blood for 3 or 4 days at the beginning and end of my period. With clots during the bleed. He said this was bad, and it was 'slow blood' or something. Anyway after a few months he had my period coming on and off like a tap. Always bright red and no clots. Weird! God knows how it works. My stress levels fell massively during the treatment. The changes to my cycle

I stopped the treatment to go on honey moon, and never got round to going back. I got pregnant a year after stopping the treatment, :coffee: so no instant miracles. But there was a definite change in my cycle that was permanent.

I would recommend giving it a go. Even if it's just to learn a bit about your cycles.

Good Morning. I am new to all things baby and the like. I am 44 and TTC for the first time...EVER! In actuality, I have spent the last 3 to 4 years researching, connecting with ART, and learning what is required to achieve this goal. Next month will be the first time in my life that I will be working toward conception. My husband of 23 years had his 25 year vasectomy reversal operation at the beginning of January. I didn't anticipate ever wanting to become a mother of my own biological children. Then one day, about 3 or 4 years ago, out of the blue, I had this overwhelming need to become a mother of my own children. When I meet my husband, he had children from his previous marriage. I was very eager to help him raise these precious children. They are now 28 and 30 years old with children of their own now. I fear sharing my dream of conceiving with others due to the negative comments that quickly follow. This includes the medical professionals, and my own family. Because of the research I have done thus far, I feel I have educated myself well enough to be informed of the risks involved due to my age, however, I also feel optimistic about this entire process. The last 3 to 4 years have been very lonesome and isolating because I have not a single soul to communicate my fears, concerns, excitement and elation. I took the risk of joining this forum in hopes that I would find individuals who may be able to relate to my current situation. Thank you for listening, and I look forward to meeting other optimistic and supportive and mothers and mothers to be. 💖
Hi welcome along
You are obviously looking after your head space but are you also caring for your body?
Exercise and quiting the cigs (if smoking) cuting the booze back and plentiful fresh fruit, vegetables, legumes, grains, seeds, nuts and more home made for both of you.
Learning your cycle might help, I don't mean peeing on ovulation sticks that can become a negative obsession but rather recognising when your cervical mucus changes indicating greater fertility.
Try to stay relaxed and enjoy your husband, have fun laugh and enjoy each other.

[edit I realise I did not address what you were after, I have been fortunate and not had the negativity you have experienced but people generally mean well and are trying to set epectations that it might not be a breeze but that if you are prepared for possible ups and downs then it is your decision to go forward and the best of luck to you, nothing ventured and all that]
Thank you for your kind words. I have been preparing for this for 4 years now. I took off 150 lbs, I'm eating mostly organic, drinking lots of water, cut out processed foods and soda almost all the way. I exercise daily, and am taking vitamins and suppliments. I have also been tracking using my calendar , opk, and observing changes in bbt, and mucus. I am concerned about vitamins. I don't know which to stay away from, which I need more of, and which to take before and stop after conception. I learned that calcium, magnesium, and zink, are very important, along with folic, B vitamins, iron co q 10. That's what I have learned thus far. I am also racing against time....I'm aware this may not happen for me, but I won't ever find out if I don't try. I want the best possible opportunity to conceive, and carry to full term even if it is with my very last and absolute final egg. Thank you again for your kindness and warm welcome. ��
The real important one is Folic.
If you are packing in eating plenty vegatables and greens your iron should be fine.
My partner is vegan and has been for years and is a regular blood donor. It is important to not over supplement with iron as it can be toxic in the body if the level gets too high, perhaps you could have a blood test to just check where you are at say for iron and folic so that you can plan what to do (though if you are planning/trying to get pregnant then folic is generally taken anyway for it's neuto protective properties for the fetus).
Oh and vegetables/fruit is not 5 cups a day but really should be more like 9, they say only 5 as most people can't even manage that but really it should be more.
If you are eating a diverse mix of whole foods, vegetables all colours, fruit, grains, nuts and seeds then you should not be vitamin deficient. There are packaged vitamins for pre and post conception for pregnancy that make it easier to ensure to get the right ones.
The race against time, it is not only that you run out of eggs but at any time the egg might still catch but develop with challenges. Re fears you mention, fears of what ifs, they do raise their head and should perhaps be thought about but you can't control everything but fears are there because there are no certainties.
My thought is what are you now waiting for you have done so much preparation with food, exercise, weight and head space (well done), if you want to conceive it wont happen unless you get started with your husband, if you are not starting there is something still to be addressed perhaps.
It's been a month today since my husband had his vasectomy reversal operation. He got cleared by his doctor to start working to concieve. Next week we will begin to try. Will send an update sometime shortly after that time. Thank you to all for your contribution and words of wisdom.
yey :-) that's great for you that you will off to a flying start soon
I wouldn't call it wisdom only sharing what I thought.
Hi Ladies

Just quickly popping in to say hi and still stalking you all.

I'm halfway through my loading injections (and boy do I feel s@@@!) we have also got our house on the market - so this is not helping with stress :haha:

I am now 19DPO no BFN/BFP - so no idea what is happening so for now I guess I just :coffee::coffee::coffee:


garfie I hope all works out to your advantage.

Well ladies I went for my appt with the fertility dr and they are going to do a 3 day blood test and some kind of dye test on my tubes and as far as dh they are going to do a sperm and kruger test. Have anyone of you done these test befores?
Hi girls,

After a flurry of activity things have got quite here...

Hope all are doing well...hello to the long terms Misty, Garfie, butterfly, greens, Max and anyone else I have forgotten and welcome new comers.

Hope your wee bundles of joy are all doing well misty and butterfly...
Garfie hope things are going ok for you...I must pop on and see your journal. Hope all going well with investigations wijji and hope you are enjoying starting to TTC Nairyr.

All ok with me thankfully, 5 weeks to go on this Sunday. Scan yday looked good and baby measuring 5lb 9oz. I had a small amount of spotting this week but they can't find cause but consultant said that since this is a high risk pregnancy (that was news to have had a smooth pregnancy...must be due to my age and the fact it's first baby and its ivf) she has asked us to think about cs. She says that way there is no risk to baby and I take on a bit more risk...
Totally threw me but chances are I will be induced otherwise and that leads to its own issues and could end up with CS in end anyway.
So some decison making to be done in the next 2 weeks.

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