Pippi - how did your 24w appt. go? How is the house coming along now? Sounds like a stressful time, but it will all be worth it when it's done and little one is there with his/her posh new home

You must be getting a nice bump now, over half way!

How is the morning sickness/apatite? Have you bought any big stuff? Pram, cot? Nursery plans? Scary isn't it?
It is v.strange, i know, sat thinking ''i am pregnant'' when you've tried and tried for so long. Even at 9 months i was still wondering if i was dreaming (apart from when i was in pain an discomfort from the 101 symptoms). It must be more so for you with this being your first. At least i could say 'yep, this IS just what the last 3 times were like, and i produced a baby those times!

I'll tell you something - even though Sammy is 1 now, after the 4 years of ttc and watching my cycle so carefully i am STILL in the habit of noticing EWM and length of cycle. I know when i'm ov'ing, and if DH is ill or tired around that time (and so no bed action) i STILL start to get that stab of a little sinking feeling that i did when we couldn't DTD at the right time. Then i remember i don't have to any more

We're not ttc and i'm perfectly happy with that, it's crazy! Just old habitual feelings.
Garfie - hey lovey

Your 'baby' is 14! God it flies doesn't it? My oldest was 22 (!!!!!!!!!!

) a couple of weeks ago. And there's me doing a 1st birthday party at the weekend. Life's full of surprises. Docs think you may be Peri M? Well, i think that stage can go on for years. I think i probably was when i fell for Sammy. No biggy. Hang on in there. You're doing your very best and no one can ask more than that. It's what kept me sane ! (ish

) Praying for your sticky bean xxxxxx
Willi - let us know how you and your husband get on. It must be nerve wracking. I never had any official fertility treatment/advice either. Just a bit of targeted accupuncture. Fingers crossed for you.
Greens :wave:
Butterfly :wave: Hows bubba? x
Maddy :wave: And how are you two in all that heat? x
Any other 'oldies' reading - how are you all doing? xxxx
So, yes, we had a party for Sammy at home

She wore fairy wings and ran about loving it all. Bless her. Her big sisters dote on her. I swear it's so much easier this time around! Lots of help. She's in to everything at the mo. She's still a little dot. I think she'll be a little smaller than 'average' until school age, and gets away with murder being so CUTE! Lol. Oh and she finally has a tooth! We thought they would never appear. DHs sister is a dentist and kept telling me 'it's fine - some kids dont produce a tooth till they are 2', But you still worry.
Anyway - she's squeeking to get up! Must go, love to all xxxxx