TTC 40 plus!! Lets share the ups and downs!

Maxi - :hugs: Sorry to hear it's not going well and that you are getting disheartened. Could you get a different treatment protocol at a different clinic? I understand completely the urgency to get this right ASAP. Be strong xx :hugs::hugs:

Maddy - :wave: I know! Sammy was late to roll over but is making up for it now! Cruising etc. She took notice of the stairs for the very first time yesterday ... looked up at them for a moment ... and then climbed straight to the top in about 3 mins flat! (with me right behind her) :dohh: Cue Jim hurridly putting up the last baby gate at the bottom. When they start bridging the the gaps between furniture it's heart stopping isn't it? Sammy has begun just letting go off what she's holding on to and just standing there. Swaying gently and grinning while everyone holds their breath, lol. I'm not ready for this!!!!!!! :dohh::haha:

Pippi - yes especially after paying privately you would expect a bit more attention to those important details. Have you got the print out yet? Has your harmony test been sent off to the states yet do you know? Fingers crossed it'll be quick. I think i got my repeat test results a couple of days early. Depends how busy they are perhaps? When i did mine i was lucky enough to catch the £100 offer thing they were doing. You had to apply by week 10 or something. Anyway - very definitely all the hand holding you need here :friends: I remember how each day seemed to take forever while waiting. It's such life changing stuff. Does your work know you are preg? I found it very hard keeping up normal appearances day to day with folk who didn't know while going through all this.

Sammy was good at the big get together, thanks for asking :) She coped fine with her older cousins roaring round the place. We just had to get them to watch out for little fingers on the floor! Jim was very protective of her and got a bit grumpy at the older ones. Bless him.

What are everyone's plans for xmas? It's not long is it. Done a bit of internet shopping for some prezzies yesterday. Loads more to do. Hubby bought a big blue neon reindeer for the front of the house at the weekend! Very classy :haha:

Its a pain waiting for af isn't it maxi. Lupron seems to be similar to prostrap which I got...both used to shut your hormones down. It didn't delay my af by much but I've heard some girls in my clinic having af delayed so try not to panic. It's not a bad sing...just I know you want to get going.

No print out yet misty ! I rang yesterday and no sign of it en route even....the secretary checked to see if it was dictated and waiting to be typed up but noting so shes going to print it out and get him to sign it. Not impressed. I asked her to get my numbers which was v difficult to do over phone as she said she has no medical background and all the ng/ IU/ etc meant noting. I said MoM which is what all sites quote and she said bingo that's at least I got those numbers. Bless her she was very helpful and patient.
My papp a (which is a growth hormone) is fine but free HCG is 3.4 times more than most people. I think anything above 2.5 times is a cause for concern. So my placenta is pumping out too much HCG (its good to have it high early in preg but then you want it to drop over when placenta starts producing it). Guess that could point to chromosomal issues...but there are times where there is no hope I am one of those.
It could also point to potential placenta/growth issue..not that Mr consultant said any of that to me. I think typical profile in downs is low papp a, high HCG and thicker nucal measurement. I only have one. Of those so hoping that's a good sign

No idea if bloods sent to states....have n't paid for test yet as no invoice received. Secretary said London clinic should send bloods to USA before receding payment...midwife said opposite !!! So who knows when the 14 working day countdown begins. Its almost better to have no idea as I can't do a countdown if you know what I mean.
I only have told my line manager about the pregnancy...he did ask me on Monday how things were and I told him about the anxiety I'm under...more just so he knows how stressed I am and hopefully will be mindful of that.
Will have to start telling other people soon as won't be able to hide it much longer...
But don't think I can bear to hear congrats etc while I feel so worried...the harmony test is all I can focus on and don't want to be blurting that out to everyone.
but then if news is bad...will even be worse to tell people until I get my head around idea...and by that stage people I'm afraid people will start to guess.

I know I sound so ungrateful especially after the trouble we had ttc...but its hard when you are worried to see anything else.

I have a work colleague who had a mc last march...who I will have to tell this week as she's over in our office and I think it'll be strange not to tell her as I work quite closely with her. I know how she will feel so at least I hope I can make it not quite so hard to hear.

Cute to see Jim so protective over her. Her first trip up the, must be so exciting for her. Good motivation for Jim to install last stair gate. We never had stair gates when we were small...not sure how my mother coped with 5 small kids..but then we all did have a few tumbles down the stairs !

Love the sound of the neon'll have to attach a pic when its lit up.
No Xmas shopping started yet....dh aunt was saying she has 43 people to buy for so don't envy her !
Lord pippi! :hugs: As if dealing with the worry is not enough you have to deal with sloppy admin. and totally conflicting info.! (fees for Harmony) Well done to the secretary who tried to help with the blood stats. Similar happened to me with the blood sugar results after glucose test last Nov. after waiting over a week. Receptionist at doc's finding the print out and asking me if it'd help to read out the numbers. Er ... no! It would be funny if it weren't so stressful.

I've sent you a private message xxx
If you are going to love and cherish this baby what ever the outcome focus on the now and loving being pregnant this is the moment you know, the rest will follow.
Just a quick post to say surprisingly got harmony blood results back today over phone from consultants secretary and its low risk. That was way less than 14 working days and have nt even got the invoice yet!
So so heart was in my mouth as I was at work at time. She told me results were in, then proceeded to ask me my dob before she would give them to me....don't know what dob I gave her ! as my mind was racing.
Two weeks of more unnecessary tests from now on for us apart from the usual scans.
all I can say is that we are emotional wrecks...but happy wrecks...I couldn't be rational and logical this last 2 weeks despite trying to talk myself around.
We could have found out the sex but decided not to...

Thanks for all the support here...
Just a quick post to say surprisingly got harmony blood results back today over phone from consultants secretary and its low risk. That was way less than 14 working days and have nt even got the invoice yet!
So so heart was in my mouth as I was at work at time. She told me results were in, then proceeded to ask me my dob before she would give them to me....don't know what dob I gave her ! as my mind was racing.
Two weeks of more unnecessary tests from now on for us apart from the usual scans.
all I can say is that we are emotional wrecks...but happy wrecks...I couldn't be rational and logical this last 2 weeks despite trying to talk myself around.
We could have found out the sex but decided not to...

Thanks for all the support here...

Maxi - :hugs: Sorry to hear it's not going well and that you are getting disheartened. Could you get a different treatment protocol at a different clinic? I understand completely the urgency to get this right ASAP. Be strong xx :hugs::hugs:

Maddy - :wave: I know! Sammy was late to roll over but is making up for it now! Cruising etc. She took notice of the stairs for the very first time yesterday ... looked up at them for a moment ... and then climbed straight to the top in about 3 mins flat! (with me right behind her) :dohh: Cue Jim hurridly putting up the last baby gate at the bottom. When they start bridging the the gaps between furniture it's heart stopping isn't it? Sammy has begun just letting go off what she's holding on to and just standing there. Swaying gently and grinning while everyone holds their breath, lol. I'm not ready for this!!!!!!! :dohh::haha:

Pippi - yes especially after paying privately you would expect a bit more attention to those important details. Have you got the print out yet? Has your harmony test been sent off to the states yet do you know? Fingers crossed it'll be quick. I think i got my repeat test results a couple of days early. Depends how busy they are perhaps? When i did mine i was lucky enough to catch the £100 offer thing they were doing. You had to apply by week 10 or something. Anyway - very definitely all the hand holding you need here :friends: I remember how each day seemed to take forever while waiting. It's such life changing stuff. Does your work know you are preg? I found it very hard keeping up normal appearances day to day with folk who didn't know while going through all this.

Sammy was good at the big get together, thanks for asking :) She coped fine with her older cousins roaring round the place. We just had to get them to watch out for little fingers on the floor! Jim was very protective of her and got a bit grumpy at the older ones. Bless him.

What are everyone's plans for xmas? It's not long is it. Done a bit of internet shopping for some prezzies yesterday. Loads more to do. Hubby bought a big blue neon reindeer for the front of the house at the weekend! Very classy :haha:

Not going to another dr. It's my age that's the problem not the dr :-(
Maxi I'm so sorry :hugs::hugs::hugs: What's happening now? Are you going to continue?

Butterfly :wave:

:happydance: Pippi! :happydance:

I hope you can relax a bit now too. (although i know it's pretty damn hard :dohh:) Brave of you not to find out the sex. We didn't get the option with our Harmony, but found out at the 20 week scan. It was quite funny actually - we both badly wanted to know baby was ok, of course, but also we were both gagging to know the sex of baby. After the 'all clear' the Sonographer was saying nothing much, just floating round baby going 'ahhhh - little feet, little hands'' etc. We didn't want to look too rabid about wanting to know if it was a boy or a girl so didn't mention anything. Then she says, after an eternity - ''so, err, do you want to find out the sex of baby?'' And Jim and i were both like 'Oh! Oh yes i suppose so, hmmmm. Darling, you too? Do you want to know the sex of baby?' 'Oh yes, why not?' etc. All laid back ...

BUT - in our heads we were both screaming OH FOR F*** SAKE WILL YOU TELL US THE SEX ALREADY WE CANT STAND THE SUSPENSE!? :haha::haha::haha:

Ha ha Misty, wonder did the sonographer have any idea how desperate you were to find out the sex ! I though they don't always tell you.
Noting brave about not finding out the sex - just thought it'd be harder to deal with knowing sex if something went wrong ...
Maybe we missed out on knowing, I think we'd both prefer a girl but really once they are healthy its ok.

So sorry to hear you feel your body is letting you down Max, what stage are you at. Hoping this cycle does not have to be abandoned.

Wave, butterfly...hope you getting all geared up for Santa coming !
Well hello ladies I haven't been on here for sometime now but I did scan through to see what has been going on. Boy have I missed a lot. I will be on more. I hope nothing but positive stuff for all.
So my update is that I got my period a few days after stopping the Lupron and went in for a sono but cyst was still there at 3.4 cm so they told me to rest this cycle. I'm ovulated this past week so about a week late and will call in with day 1 of my period and start again. I'm ok with it now. The break is good.
Good afternoon ladies. I was wondering if someone can tell me how a OPK test works and did it work good for you. I have never used one before but bought one that has a smiley face on it when you are supposed to be ready. But I want to know when the smiley face comes up does that mean I am already ovulating and it is to late or does it mean I am getting ready to ovulate. Any help would be appreciated
Hi Willlj I haven't used the smiley face ones but just used the cheapy ones that worked fine for me. I think they detect the LH surge that happens 12-36 hours before you ovulate so it gives you time to :sex: :thumbup:
Max, can they do Anytihng for the cyst or is it just let it go away by itself ? I know noting about cysts so maybe stupid questions.
Well glad you are happy about the start back again then in January ?

Willij, when it's a smily face then you need to bd. sounds like you got a well know brand so the instructions that came with it will explain it all.

How's everyone else ? All ready for Xmas ? Santa clause coming Misty and Butterfly ?

I'm only half ok...really sore in pelvis for last 2 weeks to extend that its sore to walk. Just feel I ve been kicked in groin really hard or had lots of bd and I have had none! Thankfully can work from home most days but its really fustrating as so much stuff I want to do. We are moving out in January for a month as builders in so leaving dh to do most packing and boxing up.
Have 20 wk scan on Friday...the soreness has sorta taken the focus off it so really hoping we get good news. Not sure I could cope with bad/worrying news at he the same time as the pain, and the house upheaval.
I think that sounds like SPD Pippi, you may be able to get referred for physio by your midwife :thumbup: Hope it eases up though x
well I would like to thank you for the responses from butterfly67 and Pippi_elk. I was wondering did you both use OPK and did they work good for you? How long did it take you to conceive once you started using them?

I missed out this month to use the OPK so I will have to start trying to use them next month. If anyone would like to give me any adivce or comments on the OPK please feel free to tell me about your experience with them.

thank you once again ladies
Butterfly :wave:

Barnie :wave:

Maxi :wave: Glad you are ok with the break x

Willi i used opks to pin point ov. I used our local store ones, Tesco. I found they were pretty acurate. I found i would start to get a positive the day before official ov day and i would still be getting a pos 4 or 5 days later :wacko: It took me 2 years to conceive. I don't know if you use it already, but the website 'Fertility Friend' was great for mapping your cycle. You can have the free version or pay a small sum and have extra diagnostic tools. You can map temp., cervical mucus, BDing, meds, etc. and see a pattern emerging eventually.

Pippi - :hugs: that sounds painful. I echo butterflys suggestion to ask your MW about phisio. This Friday your scan? :happydance: Come back and let us know what you saw! :) Any kicks felt yet?

Xmas in the Mistyy household is well in hand. (We have in fact already eaten a large tub of chocs which were meant to be saved for the big day :dohh: We wanted to quality test them and ... well ... one choc led to another :haha:)

Prezies are wrapped and under the tree, cards are written but not posted, food is half bought (perishables will be bought next week) and i cannot wait! We were on tenterhooks this time last year a bit too much to have fun. Plus i was big and round and couldn't bend, walk or stand for long. This year is much better. We have a final number for xmas dinner at last! Eldest daughters boyfriend has been humming and harring about where to spend xmas day. (Daughter with us for the day) He has decided to stay at his mums. Much as i like him i'm glad really, as his mum is separated from her husband and her other child is none to sociable, he is all she has. So it's 6 adults and Sammy :D

Rambling now - :haha:

Love to all :xmas9: :xmas6:
First off Happy New Year to all you wonderful ladies on here.

I just a few more questions about OPK. I bought the one with the smiley face and read the insert and it says to start using on day 9 or 10 for me and it also says I can test anytime. However I have heard it isnt that good to test in the morning is this correct? I dont want to test at the wrong time of day.

Also If I start testing today and for some reason I actually should be getting a smiley face today would it know or does it have to be that I have used it at least a couple of days? I hope you understand this question.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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