I dont know if I am coping with everything well or not. I dont really have anyone to compare myself to, or to relate with who has endured a similar experience. I feel like it depends from minute to minute and day to day. I do know that my waking thoughts are of my daughter and before I go to bed every night. Not sure if it is healthy, functional, or normal or not. But she consumes my thoughts off and on throughout the day everyday. I have avoided many people and interactions in the last two weeks, Im just not ready to talk about losing her with extended family and friends. I can't talk about her without losing emotional control and crying hysterically about what Adalynn has lost (wondering who she would be and what she would look like) and what we have lost (every first and all our dreams for her). I cant pull myself back together when that hits so I try not to go there. I have a support group that I am going to today with my mom. My husband cant stand the idea of going because he thinks it will be too depressing. Im in the U.S. So I get barely any maternity leave. I was going to be out until Dec 1st but I would get my checks deducted from until July to be out that long. If I go back October 27th then I dont loose money for the rest of the year. I am debating when to go back. Losing the money was worth to be home with Adalynn. To be home by myself is a different story. I just started my job in August so I dont really have a close realtionship with anyone at my work and I dread going back to see them again. Seeing the look on their faces as they tell me their sorry for our loss and try to hug me. Person after person after person. I just dont know how to deal with it. I could never go back there again and it would still be too soon. I dread the awkwardness and my emotional instability of breaking down crying everytime they say something.
I ve been reading some blogs (yours too Thumpette) and everyone writing them lost their son/daughter before we lost Adalynn. They seem to be so much further then us in the grieving process and I wonder if we will ever get there too. I remember feeling like that when I was pregnant with Adalynn. Yearning to be 20 weeks when I was 12, once I was 20 weeks I yearned to be 29 and so on. Just to have some sense of security that the further along I was, the safer my baby was. Boy, was I wrong. In my heart, Im know I am wrong now too. That being 3 years out from your child's death, 10 months out, or 10 days doesn't ever mean it gets easier. I just want to believe that it does because I cant imagine falling apart emotionally and feeling this broken inevitably. All I know is I love her, I miss her, I yearn to hold her, and Im so scared that everyone will forget her. I love her so much I want people to know that she was here and that she mattered and that she was beautiful. But we did not have an open casket viewing and only immediate family got to hold her and see her. So I feel like to everyone else, she was never real. Everyone has started to move on with life and I dont know how too. My husband went back to work and family doesnt come around to check on me daily anymore. Im not ready to answer questions from neighbors, colleagues, etc. I want to hide, probably not healthy or functional but that is how I feel right now.