TTC after taking Cerazette

hey welcome mrs p (love the name) hehe. I got pregnant around 6 weeks after coming off this pill. It was a shock!!! I tried for over a year for my last wee boy. There is hope....fingers crossed for you hun xxxx
i was on that pill for 2 years, and dont have any period with them. i cam off and had periods a month after. on the third month i concieved my little angel, but i have read that it can take 2 years to get out of your system so dont start to panic yet, the more you worry the harder it is - take my advice go out get drunk have fun and wait and see worked for me.

Good luck thinking of you
Hi! My period turned up after 3 weeks and I ovulated next cycle. I didn't catch this time, but I'm hopeful for a BFP soon! I know another gal has a BFP first time! Go cerazette girls :happydance:

i have come of cerezette a week ago and no sign of period just yet, me and my partner are now ttc. im not sure how long it will take but hopefully it wont be to long! were just having fun trying! xx
Here you are drakey Bumping! ^
:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:Hi every1,just joined up last week and your post caught my eye,iv'e just came off the pill 4 weeks ago(femodene)and still no sign of AF,they stopped about 2 months before I stopped BCP and im starting to get a little worried now!Ive had really bad back pain and stomach cramps for the last week but no sign of :witch:yet!Iv'e heard a lot of bad things about the pill,they dont mention all the cons when they put you on it!me and my OH starting ttc as soon as i came off and im just hoping it doesn't take too long,iv'e got 3 kids with my previous OH but none with my current partner,he is great with my 3 and i'd love to give him a :baby: of his own!is anyone else in a similar situation?

:dust: to all
Hi everyone, I'm a newby to this too!!

Me and my husband got married on 20th Sept this year and that was the day I stopped taking cerazette as I knew we were gonna try straight away. I still haven't had a proper period but I have had the odd spotting of blood but its never turned into a full on period.

I'm trying to stay positive after reading all the various forums on this pill. My logic is telling me that there must be hundreds of women out there who have conceived OK and hence never had to post entries on these forums.

Fingers crossed it happens quickly for us all. My sister-in-law had a bouncing baby boy last week so at least I can spoil him for the time being.

Keep the posts coming as its good to hear how others are getting on in their quest!

See ya soon - Nic xxxxxxxxxxxxx :thumbup:
well over 3 weeks now and still no sign, i wonder when it will come??? x
Hi everyone, this is my first post! Nice to finally come across some not so negative posts about TTC after cerazette - Mrs P, see you now have 'expecting' under your profile. I have been on cerazette for about 6 years now - never have periods on it but get one the instant I miss a pill and things appear to go back to clockwork if I have a break from it. Have just stopped taking it as my husband and I want to start trying but still waiting to try as got my period after first few days. Good luck everyone TTC! Please keep posting any positive news about conceiving after cerazette.
all positive feedback from me so far.... i came off cerazette on 10th dec. had a withdrawal bleed on 13 which lasted 6 days and now 28 days later had my af. Am hoping to conceive this cycle! anyone else had any good news?
Took last cerazette on 6th November (was hell!) and had to wait til 15th December for withdrawal bleed. Have just had a 31 day cycle (CD1 15th Jan) but no sign of OV during that time.

I hated Cerazette! I was on Cilest for 8 years then started to get really bad depressions symptoms which were linked. The doctor suggested I go on the Mini-pill as it's lower dose and leaves your body quickly....hmmmm not convinced.

Everyone reacts differently but I started on the POP and all I got were PG symptoms, huge mood swings, greasy hair and skin. It was a nightmare. I stuck it out for 3 months then my hubby said 'for god's sake give up!!' as I think he had called about divorce papers!!

I'm hoping that because I wasn't on it for long it wont have done too much damage to my system.........hoping for my Valentines BFP!!
I have been reading and researching all week.
I'm 35 stopped Cerazette after 6 years as we are trying for a baby. I had a bleed almost immediately but after 2 weeks of feeling fine I have severe period type pain, sore boobs, nausea, dizziness and cravings. I have tested negative and no bleeding either.
I wanted to chat with others having similar probs, its not the impatience of trying to conceive thats important to be right now but the potential damage my body has suffered as the pain has been very intense.
Please help!
Hi Soozy.

I came off Cerrazette in November. I was on it 7 years before but stopped in Feb then took it for the month of Oct and decided to come off then ttc.

I had a period Nov and Dec as normal but nothing since. Random.

Had lots of negative hpts and dr today said it could take up to 6 months to get regular again although she couldn't explain away my s+s.

Will have to keep on waiting i guess...
I was on Cerazette before i conceived my son - i'd been on another pill before (name of which slips my mind but that was the other sort with the 7 day break) and I just changed to cerazette but had only been taking it for a month or 2 before i stopped! I had a withdrawal bleed after as expected and then that was it as I fell pregnant straight away!
Hope this is of some help!
just reading this post and it worried me i was on cerazette and never reasearched.
it worried me now im ttc!
try not too worry hun, i keep thinking to my self its never gunna happen and its messed me up along the way - but all we can do is wait grrr xx
As you can see, I did catch the next cycle. Everything felt a bit more fertile, and presumably was. Good luck!
well after getting my af which lasted 6 days i had some spotting 3 days later. 3 days after that i started to feel really nauseous and dizzy. negative hpt but all i can do is wait! hoping that i am pregnant but cant get hopes up too much. Anyone else started feeling sick after spotting?
Hi All

I am new to the site and also new to TTC (hope that is the right way to put it)

I was on Cerazette for approx. 18 months and before that was on Microgynon. Had very minor bleeding whilst on Cerazette and only every 3 months or so. I came off pill on 13th December and first AF (again hope this is right) on 8th January which was very heavy. Just wondered if this was normal??

Also should of been due on 5th Feb if a normal cycle but still nothing... how long should it take to return??

Hope someone can give some advice as very nervous of he whole thing??!!


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